
By Frank Staples

Published on May 5, 2004



This is the first post I have put on the archive, encouraged by friends and I would welcome any comments you may have.


From the age of 9-18 I was in an all-boys boarding school in England. In the junior boarding houses nudity, comparison of prick size and sexual experimentation were quite normal, provided that the masters did not catch you.

Sexual contact started with putting you hand up someone's shorts and masturbating them. This was often combined with a ball-grabbing game in which you had to stand still for a count of ten once you were caught. Those who counted slowly were then taken on one side on other occasions for further explorations.

Once engaged in such a relationship, you found that there were others and your circle expanded quite quickly. This was followed by oral sex, with a more restricted number as not everyone was up for that and then anal sex, with an even smaller number.

The system for anal sex was that the boy who fancied you arranged to get you alone with plenty of time and then got you to do it to him. By tradition, it was then expected that you would return the favour. Between the ages of 9 and 12 most boys were on their way to a full- sized prick and therefore it was more than likely that your seducer would not be too huge. Nevertheless, it required a certain degree of determination to practice enough to begin to enjoy it. I was seduced at the age of 10 by a boy with a semi-adult prick.

Once seduced, and when you were able to take your partner reasonably easily, he would introduce the idea of doing it with a friend of his with whom he also did it. I think that once someone had got to the stage of penetration not being painful they would agree to this; I did without hesitation.

I my case, the friend was another 12-year old who was known to have one of the biggest pricks in the House. It took quite a long time to get him in the first few times and it hurt but eventually I started to enjoy him too. I enjoyed fucking them as the "top" but I did not start having real orgasms until I was 12, and not "wet ones" until I was 14. Anyway, once we got to the stage where our threesomes could work in any combination of tops and bottoms, they asked if I wanted to join "the circle".

If this sounds odd you have to realise that small boys are all into joining cliques so that they have secrets which others do not and when you are living on top of each other 24 hours a day for up to 13 weeks at a time the situation is, what one study of such schools called, "a hothouse society". Besides which, if you were caught having anal sex you were kicked out of the school, hence the need for precautions in starting this kind of relationship!!

Of course, given the situation, I could hardly refuse the invitation. So at the appointed hour I went to one of the drying rooms under the House and was blindfolded. The rule was, to join you had to let all the other members fuck you and if you managed that then you were in and you could take off the blindfold. In I went, off came my shorts and kneeling on elbows and knees I was fucked by the 11 members.

Most of them were small but there were two with adult pricks plus the "friend" who turned out to have the biggest (hence his role as the second opinion). I felt excited by the anonymity of it all, it was exciting to feel them get there and to have the bigger pricks fill me up. At that age it did not give me any kind of orgasm but there was a general feeling of wanting to share with the others.

I passed the induction test and was then able to see who they were. This gave me some surprises, given what I knew of the boys from school life up until then. At that age erections return fast and so the group engaged in general sex until everyone had had enough. It was my first experience of a sex-on-demand situation and it was exciting to watch boys being fucked or sucked while I was doing it with someone else. Nevertheless, that first time I had to sit carefully for several hours afterwards,

From then on small groups of us would meet often and I soon got used to "quickies", as well as being targeted by several boys at once. Let me hasten to say that I was far from being one of the classically "pretty" boys around whom such desires focused, especially in the upper school. Maybe it was because I genuinely enjoyed being the "bottom".

Once I had developed a full-sized prick by the age of 11, I was put in the role of second opinion and when my orgasms started I really enjoyed doing the fucking. In that last year in the junior house I must have fucked about 10 different boys before they joined the circle and when I moved up to the Senior school the circle was 16 in number. By tradition all leavers were given one gangbang before they left and mine remains one of my fondest memories.

Despite the frequency and enjoyment of the sex, at that age I did not get desperately passionate while I was having sex; it was as if it was a more pleasant variation on masturbation. This changed in the senior school.

The senior school (on the same site) was a big shock, not least because of the puritan attitude to nudity and sex. Anyone who was suspected of having a relationship with another boy was teased unmercifully. Anyone who undressed completely when getting changed was told once that they should not and then hounded if ever they forgot. In this atmosphere I had to re-evaluate my behaviour drastically.

However, after a while I began to realise that all was not as it was officially cracked up to be. There were boys who I could see had a relationship which they were trying to hide. Some of the older boys were openly associated with younger boys, in particular those who had that androgynous look at about 13-14 where they make you think of a girl. Such relationships were known as "big boy/small boy" relationships and, depending on the status of the older boy, they were tolerated or were the source of much uncomfortable teasing.

Nothing happened, therefore, for two years. I found myself caught between an increasing desire to benefit from some of the older boys, whose bodies were very attractive and being terrified of becoming the butt of a campaign (to coin a phrase!). As it happened, for completely different reasons, which to this day I still do not understand, I was ostracised for the best part of six months and as a result I found that I really did not care what people thought.

At around this time I realised that one of the older boys was interested in me (again, I was not one of the "girl substitutes", being very tall and skinny). I was getting out of my bath and because I was using the senior dormitory facilities, when he came up early, he found me there. I was more discrete about how I dried myself but in those situations if you want to see you have only to look. I suddenly saw that he was getting very hard and trying to look at me only when I was not watching. So, to test the theory I dried my hair almost facing him and sure enough he started staring and his pyjamas looked like a tent.

Cutting a long story short, that evening we tossed each other off and then over a few weeks progressed through oral to anal sex. He only ever tossed me off but he was urgently keen to be blown or to fuck me whenever possible. He was big and above all he was driven. Once inside and I had said that I was ready, he would really get into it: his eyes would close, he stroked me and played with my prick, he changed his rhythm, he made suppressed noises, he thrust shallow and then deep, towards the front into my prostrate and bladder, to the rear to go right up, slow to start with and then faster and faster and finally so hard that he had to hold me to him in whatever position we were in.

The sensations for me were also different. Physically he stretched me until my anus was a tight ring which slowly relaxed enough to let him thrust hard. I was close to the time when I also had full orgasms and the effect of his thrusting was to give me a semi-hard on and to make the end of my prick tingle with every movement. Over time I found that I was getting closer and closer to an orgasm from the sensations he gave me with his thrusting.

I also found that I was more and more enjoying the feeling that I was being used. I could feel him getting more and more excited and I started to enjoy the knowledge that he was getting this from fucking me. As I needed to relax as much as possible, until I was so turned on that I had to thrust back onto him, I could rest and watch him. This stage of the fuck became a great moment for me as I could see him building up his desire and feel the impact with every movement he made.

Our relationship lasted just over a year and no one ever suspected. Then he was moved to another house in a general reorganisation in the school. After that it was not possible to find one of those hidden corners together because we lived about half a mile apart in totally different Houses.

I was now 15 and at the age when I had had my first full orgasm: that tightening in the body, the melting in your gut, the desire to FUCK something as hard as you can before you die, the dreadful suspension between the moment of no return and the burning rush as the load bursts its way up you prick and is pumped out in great jets. The only problem was that it was always by myself now and led to no end of clearing up! My parents had explained and so had the books which they had given me, that all this was normal but I was not going to let my mother see the results of such activity!! She must have laughed herself silly at the antics I got up to.

Worse, at school everyone could see everyone else's sheets every day, because we had to strip and air the beds during breakfast. Again it was a standing joke that the night before clean sheets were issued (every two weeks) the dormitory would be filled with furtive noises and the next day everyone would sheepishly fold up their sheets into a small bundle. Once every two weeks was not possible, I needed something at least twice a day. Somehow I managed but I was also looking at the younger boys and wondering if I could risk approaching one.

Then it happened, without any planning and in a fit of lust which made me throw caution to the winds. I had gone up early and to my surprise there was a boy from the junior dormitory about to have his bath in our facilities. He was with his back to me and bent over the bath. Although 14, he was only just into puberty and so he was hairless, his buttocks and hips looked just like a girl and his legs were perfect: and I had never noticed him before. He looked back over his shoulder and then, quite unconcerned, turned back to stirring his bath. As I stared I got hard, I really wanted to fuck him, the end of my prick was soaking wet and I wanted to grab him.

He turned round and asked me if I wanted a bath too and could I wait. He was totally uninhibited; he did not seem to mind that I was looking at his body. In fact he asked me, "Is there anything the matter?". Oh was there ever! "No," I said, " I was just surprised that you were so hairless." His reaction was amazing, he pointed to his small pubic bush and said, aggressively, "No I'm not!" so I had to look, and then he said "And what about you?" Trapped! So I took down my trousers and out popped one of the biggest erections I have ever had. "Why are you so stiff," he asked accusingly. "Because you are looking at it. Do you want to feel it?" And he did, by which time he was hard too. Three minutes, start to finish!

By very careful steps over the next few weeks I gradually led him to the full range of sex as I knew it and we were established, but not as a known pair. No one realised; but it took a great deal of work, not least because once he got the hang of things he found that he liked being the bottom and was happy to have sex anytime, anywhere (what we would now call a Martini boy!) The closest call we had was after a late shower when I was drying behind the wash basins and he insisted on giving me a blow job. He was out of sight but I wasn't from the waist up. Sure enough just as I was about to finish, in walks another junior, fortunately very innocent but unfortunately wanting to chat. My partner would not stop and he could not suddenly appear, so I stood trying to finish the conversation as quickly as possible and not to reveal that I was on the edge of an orgasm. Perversely, the danger of being discovered made the whole experience overwhelmingly erotic. When finally the chatterer wandered off, I came so hard that there was lots of choking, even though by that time my "small boy" was more than used to it.

Having set up one relationship and kept it secret I was ready to do it again. If you think this excessive you don't know how the 15-year old libido works. You think about it all the time, your prick is up and down all day. At around 15-16 boys can get hard at the drop of a hat and repeatedly. From what I have read later, women who have tried sex with boys of this age all say that they are touchingly sweet and naive but that they never stop. Endurance is not measured per fuck but fucks per session.

One of the boys of my age had a sister and micro skirts were just in. She was a cracker, she knew it and when she came down on a visit she wore the latest thing. We estimated that anything more than 10u from the vertical and we would be able to see the brand name of her knickers: she was, however, a very upright girl and a total tease! The experience made me look at her brother's legs more carefully the next time we went swimming, they were just as good. So, with a suitable strategy I seduced him too. The difference was that his prick was almost as big as mine, so once again I was feeling it properly when he thrust it into me.

Eventually I set up a threesome and this lasted for the last two years at the school. All our pricks were adult and we had copious orgasms. As our relationship developed we learnt what each one liked best and we became more and more committed to helping each other enjoy sex. ( It may seem odd, but there was no romance or affection such as would lead to kissing for example, it was a case of satisfying a need.)

I found that I really enjoyed giving them blow jobs: the hard warm shafts, the pressure at the back of my mouth as deep thrusts threatened to go into my throat, all that ejaculate filling my mouth with its actually quite subtle flavours and the beautiful aftertaste which I would try to keep as long as possible. I became the choice when they wanted something quick.

We also set up "gangbangs", in the sense that one of us would volunteer to be the bottom. The others could then take it in turns to concentrate on enjoying as long a fuck as possible. Over time, we all increased our delay and so, the time spent inside the "bottom". I found that I enjoyed this more and more and that the sensation of giving myself to them and feeling them really concentrating on making the fuck last so that they could build up to a big climax was capable of giving me a very hard prick and on occasion tipping me over into an orgasm.

During our last year, the boy who had been my "big boy" earlier on was moved back as a monitor. Nothing happened for a while and then one day he called me into his room and without too much beating about the bush, asked if I wanted to restart our relationship. It was true, he still turned me on but this time I wanted things to be more even-handed and I told him so. He wasn't happy but in the end he agreed and when he tried it from the other side he was surprised to find that it was not so terrible. He never really became a volunteer to be the one who had his anus fucked but he enjoyed giving blow jobs. Pretty soon he was added to our threesome.

As the year progressed I became increasingly willing to be the bottom. I liked to announce that before we got undressed because I found that stripping in front of them, knowing that they were waiting to fuck me was exhilarating. Without making a big scene out of it I would get down to my pants and then slide them down so that they would see my buttocks and then my anus. On the right day I would feel deliciously submissive and available and want to provoke them into desiring me.

Once we were naked I would suck them up until they were hard and oozing pre-cum. During this stage they would all cluster around me and stroke me, play with my prick and lubricate my anus with their fingers.

When I sensed that one of them was ready to fuck, or I was ready and didn't want to wait any more, I would pull the first to me and ask him how he wanted to do it. Once in position I encouraged him to get inside and during the term-time I was always easy to penetrate, after the holidays and no action it was tighter. He would get into place and then press steadily until my anus popped over the head of his prick. From then on I would relax as much as possible so that he could start thrusting.

I got a real buzz out of being watched. Letting someone push his prick into my anus was a commitment to him because once in, he would instinctively fuck me. I had to trust him to do it without hurting me and it was a very personal gift to him. With the others waiting their turn and watching every millimetre as it slid in and out of me it was no longer a private thing, I felt that I was saying, "I want you all to know that I love being fucked. Watch me take this prick and how he can fuck me as hard as he likes." It was almost as if I wanted to swallow them into me completely, starting with their pricks.

Above all, I wanted to be used. I never told them this, the thought frightened me but it was so strong. At the start of each "gangbang" the first one into me opened me up for the rest. I felt my whole anus being pulled and pushed with his thrusts. My gut had to adjust to being fucked and sometimes his prick would hit sensitive parts deep inside me which made me really jump. Soon my body would get used to being fucked again and I could focus on my partner. When we were in a group I liked them to kneel up so that everything was visible, that way I got the maximum sensation that I was "on offer" and that they should all know that and plan what they were going to do to me.

As I became more excited, with the pre-cum pouring out of my prick, I would tell him to fuck me properly and from then on he would and it was an electric feeling for me: he was hard, he wanted me, he was deep inside me, he had stopped being careful and I was so ready that my anus was loose on him, he slid in and out filling me right up into my gut and then his thrusting became slower, quivering deep, deep thrusts and then with hard, fast thrusts he would come, buried inside me with his prick jerking with every spasm so that I could feel it throughout my body.

Then he would recover and when he was ready he slid out. As the next got into position I could see his rock hard prick swaying between his legs; oh the anticipation. Then it was in place and with one sharp thrust it would be filling up the empty feeling I always had when a prick was withdrawn. All the others were able to start hard and fast because I was lubricated, wide open and wanting them. With three it was possible for them all to go twice without a break and after about the second or third fuck I lost any sense of restraint. I was totally open and they could thrust in as hard as they liked. They knew that aiming forward gave me sharp sensations in my prick and my bladder. When I had forgotten to pee before we started this was the moment when I usually lost it but if I was hot it didn't matter and somehow felt natural and positive. In cold blood I was horrified.

Once I was hot anything went. They could do what they liked. They would put me on my back and shove a prick into my mouth while the one fucking me changed over in quick succession. They even tried to get two pricks into my anus at once but that really was too painful. They made me talk about how it felt and what I wanted next. They would set up a series of quick fucks without orgasm so that I felt as though I was being taken by many more pricks than just the three of them.

This last scene usually made me lose it completely, I often did not remember what I said or did. In all kinds of positions I was fucked again and again. As soon as the prick was out I was empty, I needed another, I needed it now and then there it was banging its way into me, filling me so full and then fucking me hard and deep. Gone again, empty, then fucked full and oh so used! I would suck any prick in reach. My prick throbbing, the end aching. If I came the tension would go but I knew that I would still beg to be fucked. In some ways that made it easier to concentrate on them and, again, they would angle forward to get me going again.

Then they would all fuck themselves to a huge orgasm, one after the other, noisily, sweatily and as far into me as possible, grinding against me. When the last one had finished I could lie down and get the kinks out of my joints. Then I would ask one of them to mount me, put my prick in his anus and fuck me while I lay totally relaxed. My orgasm was always enormous after these repeated fuck sessions and left me floating away, totally drained.

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