Scent Pig

By eric

Published on Feb 13, 2000


This story is unfortunately a work of fiction, no real people or events are depicted. IF YOU ARE OFFENDED BY EXPLICIT MALE TO MALE, INCESTUOUS, NASTY SEX, YOU WON'T FIND THIS INTERESTING.

Scent Pig Part 3 - A Day in the Woods

The cabin was pitch black and silent when I woke up. Dad snored softly in front of me; I was lying on my side facing him. His arms were thrown up over his head, and, as I scanned lower, I could see that he had kicked off the sheet in his sleep; the day's heat hadn't ebbed much. Dad's sweaty torso gleamed in the moonlight streaming through the window. The mat of thick hair was damp and I could smell his aroma. My face was perfectly aligned with his armpit and I moved my face forward the inch that separated us, breathing the sharp tang of my Dad.

My dick, rock hard in my jock, pushed the flimsy fabric aside, seeking more room to grow. I noticed that Dad must have been having a good dream; his big prick was hard and pushed the pouch of his jock out at a weird angle.

Suddenly, I realized that I was coming. Without really being aware of it, my hand had been slowly stroking the full length of my boy dick, and the sight of my Dad's hard cock was all the encouragement I needed. I jerked as the first shot flew out of my dick and landed in the hair on Dad's gut, just below his belly button. Soon, a trail of cum led from him to my still hard rod. I gritted my teeth, trying not to move or make any noise.

"Now I thought I told you not to do that, boy. Get some sleep, you're going to need it!" Coach whispered harshly in my ear. He had witnessed the entire scene.

Damn! I knew that I would regret disobeying him, but a part of me was excited.

I heard voices. Slowly waking up, I opened my eyes to a bright morning light flooding the cabin. Alone in the big bed, I realized that Dad and Coach we talking outside.

"He's a good kid. I worried about him when his Mom left; I work so much that I don't spend the time I should with him. I'm glad he's had you to give him a routine this summer." Dad said.

"No problem. We seem to share some of the same interests" Coach replied. I wondered if Dad heard the same sarcastic under tone I did.

"Well, I know he was serious about finishing out his week of training with you. Don't let me stand in the way. There's quite a set of weights in the shed, I think you'll be able to get in a good workout while I get some rest!" Dad said, laughing.

"Leave it to me" Coach replied, adding his own deep chuckle to Dad's.

I got out of bed, stretched and went to the bathroom to pee. Finished, I grabbed a pair of filmy shorts, meant for running and cut high on the leg. I grabbed a glass of milk and walked out onto the deck. My jaw dropped. Neither Dad nor Coach had bothered to dress. Dad was in his briefs, and Coach in his jock; nothing else.

"Mornin' son" said Dad, smiling up at me.

"Mornin'" I mumbled back. With the only two chairs occupied, I sat down on the deck with my back against one of the support poles, facing them.

"Hope you got some rest" Coach said staring at me with a knowing grin.

"Yep" I said, my eyes glancing down to his packed jock. He moved forward slightly, rearranging himself in the chair. The effect was to give me a view of the two straps of his jock nestled against the hair under his balls. A darker, more inviting site lurked just below, teasing but not revealing itself.

"Why don't you get those weights out and set up" Dad said.

I hurried to move the old benches and weights to a level spot next to the shed, behind the cabin. The early morning promised another day of heat, and by the time I was done I was sweating pretty well.

I went back inside. Coach was in the can, the door shut only halfway so I could see that he was sitting down, reading a magazine. Dad was busy in the kitchen, frying bacon and eggs, making toast and refilling the coffee maker. Coach joined us at the big table. After breakfast, with Dad in the john, I was at the sink doing the dishes. Coach came up behind me, grinding his crotch into my butt. The fabric of my shorts was forced into the sweaty crevice of my ass.

"Ready to play, or should I say 'pay', boy?" he growled.

"Yes sir!" was my immediate reply.

"What are you guys conspiring about?" asked Dad. Neither of us had heard him come back into the room.

"Just finishing up Dad!" I said, a little to loudly and a little to fast.

"Well, I'm headed for the hammock. Don't disturb me unless there's beer or pussy involved" Dad said. "God knows I could use either!"

"Well, the chances of pussy up here may be remote, but a beer after we do some reps sounds like a plan" said Coach. "Let's do it!" he said, slapping my ass hard.

An hour later I was straining under the weight of my last set of bench presses. Coach hadn't said a word about last night. I was starting to think he was just bluffing, trying to keep me scared. I mean, he wouldn't do anything with Dad right around the corner, would he?

Although he still wore only the jock, he had pulled on a filthy pair of socks and his boots. It made a hot combination, and I knew that he had been staring at my hard dick pulsing through the workout.

Suddenly, he came around the bench and straddled it. His big hand grabbed the back of my head and forced it up, smashing my nose in to the filthy pouch of his jock. I breathed in, the rich, dark scent filling my lungs. He continued to grind my face around, rubbing my cheeks, eyes, chin and lips with the pouch. The sweat from my face wet the fabric slightly and I could smell his odors being transferred onto my face. His dick was getting hard, the tip trying to escape the side of the jock. My lips brushed the angry red head, and a slicker wetness was added; he was leaking precum and lubing my face with it.

"You know, I told you not to cum, and I saw you cum, so what does that mean?" he demanded.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!" I cried. He was angry, horny and way bigger then me; I was scared.

"You little shit! You jack off on your old man, and then say you're sorry! I'll make you so damn sorry you'll wish you didn't have a prick!" he hissed. I realized that Dad could probably hear us, the exchange had grown in volume and he was right around the corner.

"Please sir! I don't want my Dad to know!" I begged.

Looking down on me with disgust, he spit in my face.

"Don't you think he wondered where that dried cum came from? You weren't even smart enough to clean it up!" he replied.

He reached down and pulled the jock aside, suddenly and violently shoving his hard dick down my throat. I gagged but didn't pull away. I felt my newly discovered hunger returning, blood throbbed in my dick sending jolts up from my balls. He pulled back, then slammed it back in.

"Don't you ever disobey me again, do you understand?" he asked in a low, threatening voice. "I'll tell you when to cum, if I decide to let you. Now, you're going to get up, strip off those shorts, turn around and straddle the bench, pig"

I nodded my head as best I could with his cock wedged down my throat.

"Now get going" he said, ripping his hard man meat from my mouth. It bobbed in the light, gleaming with spit. I jumped up to do his bidding.

I straddled the bench face down, my ass in the air. I heard Coach move behind me, and I felt me asshole tense. His breath on my butt was soft and then I felt a wet, slimy feeling against my tight hole. Coach buried his face in my crack, digging with his tongue to invade my ass. His big hands pulled my cheeks apart, and his rough beard scratched my flesh as he jammed his hard, pointed tongue in me again and again.

"Damn boy, you got a hot ass, sweaty and ripe. Bet you didn't know that your ass was made for a tongue, did you?" he asked, slapping my ass hard.

"No sir!" I said, groaning at the pain/pleasure from my hole.

"Want my big dick in your ass boy?" he asked.

"Yes sir!" I replied somewhat less then confidant that his huge pole would fit.

He walked in front of me, pulling me into a sitting position by my hair. He threw his huge leg over the bench, straddling it facing me. He moved his thighs under mine, pushing his body under me, then pulled me snugly into his lap. Reaching down, he grabbed my thighs, pulling them up and out, spreading me open. His rough hands ran down my asscheeks, grabbing the muscle, snapping the straps of my jock against the sweaty flesh.

"Look at me boy" he said.

I looked into his eyes, the fire evident. I felt his big finger tracing circles around my hole. Then, the same finger was under my nose, the deep sweet scent of my ass filling my head. The same finger, back on my hole, slowly but without stopping, pushing its way into me. The knuckles of his hand sharp against my ass. My dick had never been harder; I wanted him to fuck me. I wanted his huge cock, now throbbing against my balls, deep in my ass. I knew that was the ultimate, the only thing that I needed to feel.

"Fuck me Daddy!" I whispered urgently.

"Daddy? You want your Daddy to fuck you huh? That would be appropriate, let him pop that cherry ass of yours!" he snarled.

"No! I.... not my Dad! That's not what I meant. I..." my voice trailed off as I realized that he knew me too well. Yes, I wanted him to fuck me, but I wanted my Dad too.

"You guys about done? I'm ready for a brew!" Dad called through the open window in the bathroom. Looking over, I could see him standing to piss. I struggled to disengage myself from Coach.

"Ah, just when the fun started" Coach whispered in a tone that told me the fun hadn't even started. "Let's join Daddy, shall we boy?"

"Yes sir" I said. I was worried and horny at the same time. I felt his long finger slid from my ass. He rubbed it under my nose, leaving a trail of sweaty funk for me to inhale with every breath.

I went inside, and noticed that the door to the john was half closed. Going to the frig, I grabbed two beers and a soda for myself.

"Beer break Dad!" I said.

"Be right out son!" he said.

I started back out, but stopped, hearing something familiar. The unmistakable sound of a palm sliding up and down a dick came from the bathroom. Slowly, I crept to the door. I could see Dad standing with his back to me, his right arm moving rhythmically up and down. I couldn't see his dick, but his neck muscles were tight, and his breathing heavy. I assumed that he was approaching the point of no return. And so was I. Was I really going to watch my Dad jack off?

"What's the hold up with that beer?" Coach yelled from the doorway. I dropped one of the cans and scurried to pick it up. Frantic activity could be heard from the bathroom also, as Dad jumped turning the water on in the sink. I turned to Coach and handed him one of the cans.

"Thanks, boy" he said, and I was sure that Dad had heard. I blushed, partly from embarrassment, partly from a case of serious hornies.

Coach sat at the table, the chair pulled out at an angle, his legs spread wide.

"Come get these boots off, my feet are sweating like crazy" he said. I responded immediately, crossing the room to his chair. I knelt down in front of him and reached for his foot. He pressed the sole of the boot hard against my dick.

"So, watching Daddy again, huh? I thought we just talked about that!" Coach said, grinding his foot down hard on my dick and balls.

"Sorry Sir!" I begged.

"Start with the boots" he said, relieving the pressure enough for me to remove the boot and sweaty, smelly sock beneath. I turned to the other foot just as Dad came out of the bathroom.

"I'm next!" he said, plopping down in another chair and waving his big foot in front of me. He didn't seem shocked to see me on my knees in front of Coach, or that I had left my shorts outside.

Quickly, I removed Coach's other boot and sock, then turned to Dad. My eyes found the bulge in his briefs, a large wet spot marked the tip of his inflated dick. He wasn't hard, but it still looked huge. Piss stains dotted the pouch, and the band around his muscular thigh was dirty with swat and grim. He spread his legs to give me his booted foot; I could see another stain lower on the shorts. A perfect circle of dried cum was visible as he slouched in the chair. I fumbled with his boots and socks.

"Whew! Too hot for anything today. How was the workout? Dad asked.

"I think we got a few things worked out" Coach said, reaching down and absently grabbing his crotch to readjust it. From my seat on the floor, I noticed that Dad followed his hand, stopping on his crotch before looking back at Coach's face.

"Great. I almost got a nap!" Dad said; his face seemed flushed. He reached for his beer to open it.

The beer sprayed from the can. It was the one that I had dropped. Aimed almost directly at me, I was drenched with white foam from the nipples down.

"Shit! Sorry about that kid!" Dad said, reaching down to wipe off my chest. His hand slid down my torso, heat from the work weathered palm burning my skin. He snapped the band of my jock.

"It'll dry. It's not like you just got out of the shower!" Dad said. I stood went to the sink to rinse to get a towel.

"What do you do for excitement around here?' Coach asked Dad.

"Well, I used to fuck the wife in the woods, but now....who knows?" Dad replied. I turned around in time to catch the look that past between them. "There's a bar in town, that's about it. What'd you have in mind?"

"I dunno, too bad the wife's not here, we could pass her around!" Coach laughed.

"No way, man, that's too well used! My hand is a better friend!" Dad replied, his hand settling in his lap. Coach noticed too.

"Nothing better then a good, long jerk." Coach agreed. I stood at the sink trying not to get hard again. I could smell my butt sweat on my lip, added to the general funk that comes off an 18-year-old who hasn't showered for three days. Too late, my hard dick failed to obey, and I threw another rod.

"How about some tube? Can't guarantee what we'll get, no cable up here." Dad said, indicating the TV and VCR across the room.

As I turned to join them, Dad got up and went to retrieve the remote. He bent over, the seat of his briefs showing a swath of sweat running down the crack of his ass, the fabric wet. Directly centered over where I imagined his hole to be, the perfect circle of come that I had left the day before. Holy Shit! He was wearing the briefs that I jacked off on! I moved quickly to the floor in front of the TV as Coach dropped his heavy frame on the couch across from me. Dad joined him.

The reception sucked. We could see about half the show, the other side of the screen garbled snow.

"Fuck this!" Dad said. He rose, opening the doors beneath the TV stand and searching through the videos. "What's your poison men, violence or sex?"

"Sex!" we both answered, then laughed at the instantaneous reaction.

"Sex it is" Dad said. "Son, I think you're old enough for this now"

The video sprung to life on the screen. A big, muscular hairy stud was plowing a long-legged, big boobed blonde. The close up of his cock slamming in and out of her was intense. Both Dad and Coach were shifting on the couch, hands firmly in laps. The hulk came all over the girl and the next scene started.

The set was a gym. Two big guys worked at various machines, pumping their muscles up and creating a sheen of sweat across their bodies. Obviously buddies, they were talking about pussy, the lack of it and such. Their dicks started showing signs of life as they grabbed at their crotches. The next scene was the locker room, both in jocks. Still talking pussy, but playing with themselves more aggressively.

"What do you think son? Or are you an old hand at porn?" said Dad, laughing at the pun.

"This is the first I've seen. It's great!" I said, moving uncomfortably on the floor, trying to make room for my growing dick.

"Hey Coach, help me out" Dad said, rising from the couch. They went to the big bed, grabbing either side of the mattress and lifting it over the headboard.

"Here's a trick your Mom and I used!" Dad said, winking at me. I stood to get out of the way as they dropped the mattress in front of the TV. Dad went to the frig, this time bringing back three beers.

We settled on the mattress, Coach and Dad propped up against the sofa, me crosswise at their feet. The tape played on; the guys were now naked, jacking off in front of each other while they talked about the best sex they'd ever had. One was talking about getting his ass licked; I heard a low moan from Coach. Glancing over, I saw Dad staring at the lump in Coach's jock. It looked about half-hard, but well on its way. I turned back to the video. Several minutes later, the guys came, spraying the lockers with come. They had never touched, but the erotic energy between them was amazing. The tape went blank as it came to the end.

"Not bad. It's hard to find good stuff. I prefer amateur myself" said Coach.

"Really?" Dad said, turning to him. "I like it too. Shit, I shouldn't be doin this....oh what the hell. Son, grab some more beers and get back here."

When I returned, Dad had changed tapes.

"This is something that you might find interesting. I haven't looked at it in years" Dad said, pushing the play button.

A man appeared. Lying on a bed, naked, stroking a big cock. His balls and dick filled the whole frame. Slowly, the camera pulled back, revealing more of the man and the room. It took me a minute to realize that this was my Dad. Probably about 10 years ago. And it was at this cabin! He was really into it, slowly sliding his hairy hand up and down his hard slick cock.

"Dad! When did you do this?" I asked, astonished.

"Aw, don't act so surprised, you know what a sex hound I am!" he replied.

Astonishment turned to excitement as I watched the video. My Dad was obviously enjoying himself, not just jacking off but really stoking his dick, pleasuring himself. Catching movement out of the corner of my eye, I turned slightly. Dad and Coach were openly rubbing themselves now, glancing from the video to each other's crotches. My dick was at attention, and I knew that they could both see it. Reaching down, I grabbed my dick, then heard Coach clear his throat; my hand flew away from my crotch. Dad caught this interaction, but said nothing.

The video now showed Dad outside, on the same weight bench that I'd been pinned to earlier. He looked at the camera, saying something that didn't come through on the old tape.

"Oh shit, now I remember this tape!" said Dad, reaching for the remote. "A little to hot for you son!" he said, pressing stop.

"What else you got?" Coach asked, obviously not ready to drop his dick yet.

The next video was straight sex, but all the guys were perfect: muscled, hairy, sweaty, not a pretty boy in sight. The girls they fucked and were sucked by were not the attraction, this film was made to highlight the men. Glancing over again, I was startled to see both Dad and Coach stroking their hard dicks, Dad's sticking out the fly of the briefs, Coach's pulled out the side of the pouch. I stared, mesmerized by the sight.

"You look like you never seen another guy beat meat" Dad said.


"It's okay. What say fellas, shall we get more comfortable?" Coach asked. He pulled his jock off as he said it, the answer a foregone conclusion. Dad and I followed, and now three naked bodies lay on the mattress. While Dad and Coach jerked off, I concentrated on the screen.

"Come on son, don't be bashful!" Dad encouraged.

I looked at him helplessly. Coach grinned at both of us, then reached up and put his hand under Dad's nose.

"Breath in, tell me what you think it is." Coach said.

Dad breathed; his dick hardened as he pressed his nose closer to the smelly source. A stream of precum was flowing from his dick.

"Damn! What the hell is that hot scent?" Dad asked.

"That's your son's ass!" Coach said.

As the implications of the statement hit him, Dad's face changed, but he kept on jerking his now rock hard dick.

"The reason he's not beating off is I told him not to. You see, I've been working on some special training with the boy here. There's quite a list of rules, but we can get to all of those later." Coach continued. "We had an 'interesting' workout at my place. Trouble is, his minds not on me, he can't concentrate."

"What's wrong son? What's bothering you?" Dad asked, still stroking.

"Nothing...I'm just a little...ah..." I couldn't look at him. Coach seemed to enjoy my discomfort. My dick had started to go soft. I was terrified, embarrassed, humiliated in front of my Dad. I knew he would kick my ass, he didn't want a fag for a son.

"Truth is, he's got a thing for his old man. I caught him coming on you last night. Seems he admires the male form. Course, he a kid, so anything will make him horny!" Coach said. The joke lightened the mood.

"Well," said Dad. "if he wasn't supposed to cum, how do you explain this?" He lifted his briefs, showing Coach the cum stain on the seat. They both turned to me.

"I...." I couldn't speak. Busted, about to be kicked out of my family or worse, I was scared shitless.

"What else have you taught him?" Dad asked Coach.

"He sucks dick pretty good, but I haven't had his ass yet. I think he's been saving it for you!" Coach replied.

Hot tears rolled down my face as I stared at the floor, waiting for Dad to explode. Nothing happened. He must be really mad; I wish he's say something! I heard him rise, changing the tape in the VCR again. He sat back down, this time with his legs spread further apart, his cock heavy against his thigh. I noticed that his foot was touching Coach's.

"Look at this boy!" Dad said. "Maybe it's not too hot for you!"

The video showed the tape he had stopped before. Dad jacking off on the workout bench. Then, another figure entered from the side. I recognized him as my Uncle Mike, Dad's brother. He, too, was jacking a fat cock. They stared at each other, drinking in the other with their eyes.

I glanced at Dad. He had his hand on his nipple, and looking down I saw Coach's large hand slowly beating his now hard rod.

"Come here son!" Dad said. I crawled up between his legs. He took my face in his hands, stroking my cheek before pressing his dick head against my lips. I opened my mouth and swallowed my Dad's dick. The steamy fragrance that rose from his crotch overwhelmed me. I sucked greedily on his shaft, taking long strokes from the tip to the base. Dad groaned, then lifted my head out of his lap. He looked in my eyes, then told me to turn around.

I spun around, my ass facing my Dad. He slapped it hard. The video now showed my Dad fucking my Uncle, hard, across the bench. His hairy ass clenching with effort, he pounded the upturned ass.

Hands around my waist pulled me back. I felt the tip of his dick touch my ass. Slowly, he forced me to sit on his cock. It hurt like hell, but he didn't show any mercy. Not until he was full buried in my butt did he stop. I could feel his dick throbbing in my ass, the pain was starting to ebb. I was on my knees, and suddenly my face was yanked up. Coach stood with his back to me, his hairy, sweaty ass in front of my nose. I could smell the stink, the odor making my dick hard and forcing me to clamp down on Dad's cock. Dad's hand on the back of my neck forced my face into the deep trench in front of me. I inhaled and felt Dad start a slow rocking motion with his hips. My tongue darted out, tasting the forbidden area, sucking up the juices and pushing for the moist hole. By the time I found Coach's hole with my tongue, Dad was deep dicking me, sliding all the way out, then slamming it back in. I knew I wouldn't last long.

"I'm going to cum!" I screamed.

"Don't you dare, boy!" said Coach. He pressed my face further into his ass.

"Sir, PLEASE! I'VE GOT TO CUM!" I said, desperately trying to make him understand that I didn't have a choice.

He pulled his ass from my face, squatted down and pointed my dick at the dark valley.

"Cum boy! DO IT NOW!!" he ordered.

The first shot flew into his crack, the powerful surge burying the cum deep in his trench. The following spasms coated his ass, mixing with the spit, sweat and other juices already there.

Dad bellowed and I felt his hot load fill my hole. He kept cumming, shooting like he was the virgin, not me. He pulled me back against him; his chest slick with sweat and my back sticking together. Finally, I could feel him relaxing. I couldn't catch my breath; my DAD had just fucked me!

Cuming soon....Scent Pig Part 4 - Video Star

Comments welcomed and appreciated. Suggestions and other hot scent pigs and daddies encouraged write.

Next: Chapter 4

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