Scared By Richie

By JD wky

Published on Mar 21, 2001



I returned to College in January 1989. It was a completely new world to me.

I could not believe things had changed so much. I guess something about me might help explain my surprise. I began college in the fall after graduating High School but by the spring break I realized that this wasn't for me. I had taken some courses through the years and was now about half way through with my Bachelor's degree. At 29 years old, I returned to college full time and to a very different world. I had realized from about 14 years old that I was attracted to other guys. That was a big problem in the Bible Belt of Western KY. I had been involved in the usual adolescent play. When I was a senior in High School, I tasted my first cock. A friend was passed out from a night of drinking and I took the opportunity I had dreamed about for many years. He has brought up that night a few times. All he remembers is being so drunk that he passed out until about noon the next day. Of course, I have different memories of that night. My first real experience was with my girlfriend's cousin. Yes, I am Bi if you want a label. It started out with him coming to visit me on his way home at night. I was 20 and he was 18. I always slept nude and after a long day I would strip off and lay on the couch with a blanket and watch TV before going to bed. I had always thought he might be gay but was scared to push the issue. One night the phone rang with him sitting in my living room. I got up with the blanket around me and went to answer the telephone.

He wanted to know why I took the blanket with me so I told him. The next time he was at the house he wanted to know if I was naked. After I said yes, he claimed to not believe me and wanted to see. Things progressed from there. We began to jerk each other off and that lead to mutual suck cessions. Of course, this is another story. That ended after about a year when we both got married. After 7 years of marriage, we decided to end it. It was a mutual decision and we are still friends today. Thank God, we never had children. After the divorce, I decided to return to College and finish my Bachelor's Degree.

I knew that things were a lot more open than when I had first started college but this new openness was a big surprise. I had noticed several guys and girls that gawked at me. I had always considered my self rather attractive but not that great. I was 5' 9" tall, 155 pounds, medium-length dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and a very short full beard. I must admit that I loved the attention I was getting. In March of 1990, things changed. I was sitting in the Library working on a research paper. This area was at the bottom of the stairs and near the pay phone and restrooms. The area was divided into two sections. Both had a table and four chairs with three couches in a "U" shape around each table and chairs. I was on the couch nearest the stairway working away on the paper. I suddenly had a feeling that someone was watching me. I hate that feeling. I began to look up and to my left where the vibes were coming from. I noticed this guy sitting near the pay phone waiting for others to finish their calls. He quickly looked away. I pulled out my cigarettes and lit one. I took this opportunity to switch positions on the couch. I turned and faced the pay phone and the guy I thought was looking me over. I would glance up and sure enough he would be looking at me. Each time he would quickly look away. Since he seemed rather shy, I did not stare back. After about fifteen minutes, he was able to use the telephone. After he finished, he returned to the seat and stayed there. I thought this could get interesting. Soon things changed and my hopes were dashed. A rather nice looking girl walked up to him and gave him a kiss. He took her books and started toward the stairs. As they ascended I watched them. To my surprise, he turned and looked at me about half way up the stairs. They left and I thought oh well he was cute and it could have been good. About thirty minutes later, I got another surprise. I heard someone coming down the stairs and when I looked it was the same cute guy without the girlfriend. There were only about four people in the sitting area. With all those empty chairs and couches, he chose the chair directly across the table from where I was sitting on the couch. He sat there and pretended to be reading a book. Of course, every time I looked up he was looking at me. He would quickly look down at his book each time. I decided to light up again and sat up and watched him. He would take quick looks at me and then back to his book. After a little while he looked up and asked if he could bum a cigarette. I willing got up and handed him the pack and the lighter. When I did this, I was able to see him better and what I saw was better than I could have imagined. Let me describe him. He was about 5' 10", 160 pounds, medium length dark hair, and gorgeous blue eyes. I am a sucker (no pun intended) for dark hair and blue eyes. I did notice a scar on his cheek but those eyes were drop dead blue. We spoke briefly and then went back to our books. I really had to take a piss but was afraid that he might leave while I was gone. I thought I would really like to get to know this guy. Of course, I had suppressed these feeling for almost eight years and was not sure what to do. I decided that I had better go to the restroom or embarrass my self in front of him. As I entered the restroom, it was standing room only. A couple of minutes later I stepped up to the urinal pulled out my cock and began to piss. I quickly noticed that everyone that vacated the room. I looked around and no one was around. The door opened and I could hear someone walking up behind me. The guy walked up beside me, unzipped his jeans, pulled out his cock and stood there. He leaned his head up against the wall turned and looked down at my hardening cock. I was scared shitless. I had never been approached in such a direct way. I froze and could not move. The guy leaned back, put his cock back in his jeans, zipped up, and out the door he went. I was so scared that I was shaking. Within a minute, I was walking out the door and found that the blue eyed dream was gone. The next Monday, I had a meeting with my adviser in the Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work Office. I was a Sociology major and needed to discuss some things with my adviser. As I sat in the reception area, I looked up when the door opened. It was the blue eyed guy from the Library. He walked by looking at me and said hi. I returned the look and said hi. Before I went into my meeting, he was walking out and the professor called him Richie. Now, the cute guy had a name. Later that week, I was again at the Library working on that damn research paper. I was pissed at how much time it was taking. Then things began to look much better. I looked up and saw Richie coming down the stairs. He had not shaved for about a week and was now growing a beard. There were only a few people in the sitting area. I was sitting on the couch against the wall and he sat down on the one next to it. We greeted each other and after a while began talking about the research papers and the normal school shit. I was able to get several looks at his package. It looked nice and full through his jeans. As we talked, I was thinking about how much I would like to reach over, unzip his jeans and get his cock in my mouth. After about 45 minutes, he said he had to leave. I figured he had to meet his girlfriend. A few minutes later, I decided that it was time for a break. I left the Library and headed toward the SUB to get a drink. After exiting the building, I look back in the window and noticed Richie coming out. I continued toward the SUB and glanced back to see him coming behind me. Things were very quite at the SUB and I headed to the restroom before going getting a drink. I had only been there a minute when the door opened.

I was taking a much needed piss and was almost done. I heard the person come around the corner. I looked up and it was Richie. He walked up beside me and said hi. I spoke but could not concentrate on those blue eyes when he reached in and pulled out his semi hard cock. It was hard to tell how big it was the coat in the way but it was definitely a nice one. I began to get hard and stroked my cock a few times. As I looked up his eyes were fixed on my cock. I wanted to reach over and take his hard cock in my hand. I looked up again and our eye meet. He was so damn sexy with those blue eyes. We both smiled at each other. All of a sudden we heard the door open. He quickly zipped up, turned and was heading out. The guy who entered went straight to the cubical. I waited a minute and then left. As I came out of the restroom, I looked around for Richie. He was not there. I checked out the Big Screen TV and then decided to go back to the Library. As I exited the building, it had started to rain. I quickly made my way to the Library. I returned to the couch and pick up my books and things. I had decided that Richie was gone and there was no way to concentrate on my research paper. I went out the door and turned toward the parking lot. Richie was standing under the canopy watching the rain. I walked up and made small talk about the damn rain. After a little while, I asked him if he needed a ride to his place. He looked me in the eyes and said that would be great. We quickly made our way to the parking lot and my Chevy Pickup. Hey, it was for work. I am not a damn Redneck. We got in the truck and I started toward the dorms. Richie told me that he was a Social Work major with a Business minor. As we neared the dorm area, I asked him where I needed to take him. He looked at me with those piercing blue eyes and said that he did not know where to go and I should just drive.

I turned away from the campus and headed toward the country. When we had gotten away from the lights, Richie slowly reached over and began to rub my cock through my jeans. He rubbed me a few times and then hesitated. I reached over and grab for the prize in his jeans. He breathed a sigh of relief and approval. Then he began to rub me much harder than before. After a few minutes of us rubbing each other's cocks, he began to unbutton my jeans. Before long, he had freed my cock from the confinement of my jeans and was jerking my cock. I could not believe this. His touch was electrifying, gentle and yet strong. I reached for his button and began to unbutton his jeans. In just a few seconds, I had his jeans opened and was stroking his cock. His was the first cock, besides my own, that I had gotten my hands on for eight years. It was rock hard and smooth. I was thinking how much I would like to take his cock in my mouth and give it a good bathing. The next thing I know Richie is moving away and I became a little confused. Then with one quick movement, Richie had his face in my lap and my cock in his mouth. I almost lost control of the truck. I slowed down and tried to stay on my side of the road as he licked and sucked on my raging cock. I knew that I could not continue driving with him sucking me. I turned down the next road and within a mile I saw a gravel road on the right. I turned down the gravel road and drove about one half mile while he continued to give me the best blow job I had ever gotten. I pulled the truck to the side of the road and stopped. Once I got the truck in park, Richie sat up and looked around to see where we were. This gave me the opportunity that I had wanted. I reached over and began to pull his jeans down. He raised his ass off the seat and helped me lower his jeans. In the moonlight I could see the object of my desire. His rock hard cock was standing straight up and seemed to just beckon me. I went down on his beautiful cock. His cock was covered with an ample amount of precum and tasted so good. I began to lick the head to get every drop of his sweet juice. Then I tried taking him deep within my throat. I began to gag and pulled up some. I was out of practice so I decided to take it a little slower. I place one arm between his legs and began to play with his hairy balls with one hand. With the other hand, I reached up under his shirt and began to rub his hairy belly. His hair was like silk. Richie began to run his fingers through my hair and rub my back. As I continued to lick and suck his wonderful cock, I reached up with one hand and began to play with his nipples. I noticed that his balls began to pull up tight against his body and knew that he would cum soon. Richie gently took my head in his hands and raised my head up as he said I about to cum. As I pulled off his cock and sat up, we both began to stroke our cocks. It did not take long for me to begin shooting a big load. I knew I did not want to mess up the dash. I placed my hand over the top of my cock and shot six big loads into my hand. I looked over at Richie and he was beginning to shot his big load into his hand as he groaned. I reached for the napkins in the door pocket and handed some to him. We cleaned up and began to make our way back to campus. Making our way back, Richie and I told each other that we were not open about being Bi and wanted to keep it that way. I then had to ask if he was the one who came into the Library restroom and leaned against the wall looking at me. He admitted that it was him. We both had a good laugh remembering how scared I was. As we neared the campus, I asked him where he lived. To my surprise, he told me that he lived in a house beside the Library Parking Lot. I smiled as I heard these words. I did get him home. It just took longer than normal. This was the beginning of several rides we took together. I enjoyed each one. I graduated in May of 1991 and we lost contact. I have often wondered about my blued eyed friend.

This is mostly true story. If you enjoyed it, let me know.

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