
By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Aug 1, 2001


Disclaimer: Not true. Don't know their sexuality. Don't know them...PERIOD! This here is a work of fiction. Except for Dr. Aaron McMillan. Idea of BA (a.k.a. Yoko the Battle Angel) belongs to Yukito Kishiro. Very close to Alternate Universe but not quite.

Sue me? Shakes head "Nothin but pennies in my pocket/Nothin but a fire to keep me warm/C'mon, I'm broke do not doubt it/So don't even sue." (um, only first line belong Mandy Moore)

Um, sorry if I post these chapters a li'l late. It's because I'm working on a different project that acquires a lot outta me.

I like email. I like knowing how I'm doing so far. I like to interact with fans and readers. If you're confused with something, anything at all, please email me at:

"Silent One" (in chapter 5) belongs to me. It's mine.

"Scared" Not a novel. Just a story by Nimm

Chapter 6

"Alex? You looked like you've seen a ghost. Or something. What happened? The dye finally seeped through to your brain?" asked Brian.

AJ's tears ran down his face as he hugged Brian. "Only the original B- rock-ster would say that!" he smiled through his tears. "I was so afraid I'd lost you." he whispered.

"You could never lose me, Alex. I'm always here." he whispered. AJ pulled back slightly so they were face to face. "Alex," he sighed as his lips gently touched AJ's. AJ gasped as he felt an electric bolt course through him. He was left tingling from the after effects as Brian pulled away. "I love you too."

"Brian..." AJ sniffled. "Why...Why did you cut yourself?" he asked.

Brian shirked away just a bit. "It was because...because I was afraid."

"Afraid of what, Bear?" he asked gently while trailing his fingers down Brian's pale face.

"Afraid that you'd hate me." Brian turned away. "Maybe I should start from the beginning. The reason why I divorced Leigh was because I was in love with you. I found out when Kit kinda pointed out that I was staring at you a lot and that you would make a better father than Leigh as a mother. I love spending time with you, Alex. I love who you are, what you do, everything about you." Tears welled up within the pools of blue. "I was just scared you'd turn me down."

"Bear...I'd never EVER turn you down. YOU had ME from howdy y'all." AJ laughed. Brian laughed too through his tears. "Oh Brian, I can't even LIST all the things that I'm feeling right now."

"You saved me, Alex. When no one would take me in, you openly welcomed me. When I was in pain, I saw you there. I didn't know how many times I tried to reach you but I was too far."

"I know, I know. I heard you. God, Brian, I was so confused. I didn't know what to do. I was so used to YOU taking care of me instead of the other way around."

Brian stared into AJ's eyes. The younger man saw nothing but honesty and pure ecstasy in the shimmering sapphire orbs. "Alexander James McLean, you saved me from my own hell. Your love was that net that caught me. You lifted me up through the darkness of my own soul. I don't know how to thank you."

AJ leaned in close to Brian's ear. "How about dinner and a movie?"

"You got a deal, honey." Brian drawled.

AJ kissed him. "Every time you talk with that accent, it just makes me want to kiss you. And, I never want to loose you ever again."

Brian growled in AJ's ear. "You'll never loose me again, tiger." Brian purred. He smiled as AJ groaned. "But let's not get too hasty, ok?"

"Fine. But what are we going to tell to everyone?" Brian smirked and kissed him again.

~2 hours later~ "WHAT?!" screamed Harold Littrell Sr.

"That's right, dad, I just finished fucking AJ and he just finished fucking me." Brian smirked. He felt AJ's tattooed arms surround him.

"You are one bad, bad boy. Lying to your parents to freak them out? I think you hang around me too much." AJ whispered.

Brian covered the receiver. "Not enough." He grinned and proceeded to hang up and dial Nick's number. "Hey Frack, Frick here." He heard a dial tone then a constant ring of the doorbell. The two lovers walked over and opened the door.

There stood two blonde, panting brothers; leaning on each other due to exhaustion. "You...called gasp Frick?" He took a deep breath. "Look, I'm sorry, man for bailing out on you like that. I was scared. Not about the gay factor. I mean, I hang around AJ for Chris sakes." AJ laughed at Nick's attempt. "I was just scared about losing you as my buddy."

"Water..." gasped the other blonde. " live too far from Nick's house." Aaron gasped.

"Of course, I can't be near Kaos or else my house would look like a tornado victim too." AJ grinned.

"Upsy-daisy, AC." Aaron was suddenly lifted from the ground and thrown over a shoulder. "Let's go, people. Or are all y'all gonna stand here like idiots?"

"Hey Kit." Brian smiled.

"Dad?" she gasped as she dropped her friend. "DAD!" she ran towards both AJ and Brian and hugged them both. "How did--when did---oh, to hell with everything, I'm staying home from now on."

"There's no need for that, young lady, Alex knows." Brian smiled. "You don't know how happy I am right now."

"Betcha 5 bucks JJ can tell." Kit smiled. Brian blushed and moved out of the way so he whole family could come in and celebrate.

~A few months later~ AJ McLean-Littrell sighed in content. He looked at the person whose arms were wrapped around him. He smiled into the smiling face of Brian Thomas McLean-Littrell. He watched as the calm blue waves crashed into the white sands of the Bahamas. The gentle breeze made the wind chimes of their honeymoon suite chime sweetly in the background.

"Bear, can we move here?" he asked wistfully. He felt Brian moved as he laughed.

"Maybe when we retire. But we're out of here in a few weeks, so let's enjoy it in that time, ok?" whispered Brian.

"I--I had a dream about this. It was so beautiful. But now it's just ethereal with you around." AJ replied. "Finally, we're happy."

Ah...the power of a crappy/cheesy ending to a twisting story. Thank you those who had emailed me. It meant a lot. Hugs and kisses all around. Man, it's like I can't thank all of you people enough! ^_^

Anytime you want to talk, anything at all, I'm right here:

I reply to ALL of my fanmail ASAP.

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