
By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Jul 27, 2001


Disclaimer: Not true. Don't know their sexuality. Don't know them...PERIOD! This here is a work of fiction. Except for Dr. Aaron McMillan. Idea of BA (a.k.a. Yoko the Battle Angel) belongs to Yukito Kishiro. Very close to Alternate Universe but not quite.

Sue me? Shakes head "Nothin but pennies in my pocket/Nothin but a fire to keep me warm/C'mon, I'm broke do not doubt it/So don't even sue." (um, only first line belong Mandy Moore)

Um, sorry if I post these chapters a li'l late. It's because I'm working on a different project that acquires a lot outta me.

I like email. I like knowing how I'm doing so far. I like to interact with fans and readers. Please email me at:

"Scared" A (pathetic attempt at a) novel by Nimm

Chapter 5 Brian tossed and turned in his bed. Nightmares attacked him from all angles. Sweat formed, as he whined and whimpered through the night. AJ could do nothing but sit it out.

~Dream~ "Faggot!" someone screamed as they punched him. Brian cried out in pain. "That's it! Cry! Cry like a freakin' faerie!"

I can't endure anymore! Why can't I fight back? Brian thought to himself. His mom and dad appeared in the darkness. "Mama! Daddy!" he cried out.

"Brian, your heart problem was enough. But this?" his mother asked coldly. "You know it is wrong according to the Book. You are a Sinner. You'll burn in Hell for what you've done." His father said nothing but glared at him.


"I have only one son." his father replied. Brian gasped, as the world around him became a dark void. He could feel himself falling as he heard insults and derogatory comments. Memories caught up with him.

"Look at him: Mr. Church Boy."

"He's weak."

"Ignore him. You might become gay too."

"He's just in the way."

"He's stealing all the attention. We should kick him out."




"Betcha he cross-dresses too."

"Yeah, a regular Drag Queen."

"Betcha he has wild orgies with other FAGGOTS like him."

The cruel faces of his supposed friends and family swirled around his head. He whined and curled into the fetal position. No one loved him.

~Real Life~ "Brian! Brian wake up!" screamed AJ as he shook the comatose shoulders of his friend. "Brian, you HAVE to wake up from this nightmare!"

~DREAM~ Falling.


More downwards.

Am I going to hell for what I've done, he thought to himself as tears stung his eyes. All he could do was cry with his mouth hanging open as he slowly floated down an endless tunnel of darkness.


In a strange way, he felt calm. Maybe if I die, everything will be better, he thought.

He was alone.

He was always alone.

They all left him.

They never cared.

They only cared about themselves.

They never cared about him.

They left him alone.

"YOU LEFT ME ALONE!" he screamed into the darkness as he fell deeper and deeper into the deep abyss.

~Real Life~ "Brian! WAKE UP!" he sobbed. "Please!"

Brian's body began shaking violently as if a continuous bolt of lightning was striking it. His eyes were wide open and AJ could see the pure anguish written in the lost sea of blue. Tears streamed down AJ's face.

"Please, Brian!" he begged. "PLEASE COME BACK TO ME!"

The body continued to jolt. AJ draped himself across Brian and hugged him with all his might.

"Please BRIAN!"

~Dream~ "Huh?" asked Brian as he saw a ray of light burst out through a wall of the tunnel. "What was that?" Another ray burst through. "Uh." He struggled towards the light but the darkness held him down. "Alex," he felt the darkness give out. "HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLP!"

~Real Life~ Brian's body stopped shaking. "BRIAN!" AJ screamed.

He sniveled as he held Brian's cooling hand.

"Brian, don't leave me. I love you." A single tear rolled off his face and landed on Brian's heart.

~Dream~ "AAH!" he screamed as he waited for impact. None came. He opened his eyes and looked around. He was being supported by a safety net made of that light he saw earlier. He smiled. The net turned into a cocoon around him. Brian cooed at the warmness and strong ness of the wrap.

"I love you."

Brian opened his eyes and looked up where there was a hole. Someone LOVES me?, he asked himself. Familiar notes rang through the darkness.

"Little love notes Stuck in your locker Who put them there you'd ask When you ask all your guy pals They'd say 'I dunno' but one Sits quietly as you wonder

Who's this secret love? Why won't he reveal himself? Who's this secret admirer? Maybe it's the silent one

Silent one Cannot profess his love Silent one Cannot say a word Silent one Wishes he can tell the world Yet only silent one Quietly watching over his dream girl

Little presents Here and there Where'd they come from you'd ask When you ask all your best pals They'd say I dunno but one Sits quietly as you wonder

Who's this secret love? Will he reveal himself? Who's this secret love? Maybe it is the silent one

Silent one Cannot profess his love Silent one Cannot say a word Silent one Wishes he can tell the world Yet as only silent one Quietly watching over his dream girl

Finally I'll meet my secret love And maybe We'll be together forever There he is It's Silent one

So he's the secret love? So, he reveal himself? He's the secret love? Truly it is the silent one."


~Flash~ "C'mon, Rok! It'll be fun! Freaking everybody out!" AJ laughed. It was a release party from their record company. Everybody had been dancing to music and AJ was just trying to be silly.

"K!" he replied as they danced out in the middle of the floor.

"You make such-a cute couple!" laughed Kit. Brian's step slightly faltered as well as AJ's.

It was then they mutually thought: 'This is our song.' ~Flash~

I'm going home, he thought, someone loves me! With that, his cocoon swam through the dark like a bullet.

~Real Life~ AJ sobbed. His friend was dead. "Brian..." he sobbed. The only person he had ever loved was dead.

He jolted in surprise when he felt Brian's heart begin a slow and steady beat. Color began to return to the older man's pallid face.

"B-Brian?" he asked nervously.

Blue eyes fluttered open as Brian's pure voice rang. "Alex?"

Ok, I know all y'all are busy with life but would it kill ya to email me once in a while? No subject? How about Dead Rivalry? What's up with that? I had everything! Someone kindly tell me what the hell was I missing?!

sighs I don't want to do this again. People, if I do not receive AT LEAST TWO email(s) about Scared, I'm afraid that I'll ask David to take it off of Nifty.

I hate threatening. I know all y'all hate threatening too. But COME ON, PEOPLE! I'd really appreciate it if I get an email or two once in a while about the story.

What do I have to do? Scream, yell, and shout for your attention? Do I have to rant about the boy band issue just to get SOME feedback?! What do I have to do?! Tell me what DO I HAVE TO DO?!


Next: Chapter 6

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