
By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Jul 20, 2001


Disclaimer: Not true. Don't know their sexuality. Don't know them...PERIOD! This here is a work of fiction. Except for Dr. Aaron McMillan. Idea of BA (a.k.a. Yoko the Battle Angel) belongs to Yukito Kishiro. Very close to Alternate Universe but not quite.

Sue me? Shakes head "Nothin but pennies in my pocket/Nothin but a fire to keep me warm/C'mon, I'm broke do not doubt it/So don't even sue." (um, only first line belong Mandy Moore)

McLean, I doubt they let you read this sh*t at the ward. But if they do and if you're reading this, I have a suggestion to make (no, it's not to sleep with me or any of my friends. Sheesh, people!)

Depressed? Try listening to:

  1. Dido- Thank You 2. Suzanna Vegaz- Tom's Diner (Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, etc) 3. Enya- Only If

--On repeat. Hey, it may sound stupid but it might work. Either that or you could watch Girl, Interrupted. It might help it might not, how the hell am I supposed to know? I only had depression not that and alcoholic problems.

Readers: want the lyrics to the above to see why I suggested them? Email me.

"Scared" A (pathetic attempt at a) novel by Nimm

Chapter 4

"Yeah, hold on. Zhang, phone!" he screamed to his twin.

"Man, you've been screaming at me since day one!" she muttered as she took the phone. "JayJay? What's wrong?" she yawned.

"Something really weird happened. Listen, just get over here, ok?"

"I'll be there in ten."

"Ten?!" he quieted. "Ten? Why ten? You live right above me by two floors." AJ replied.

"Well, JayJay, it's close to 5 in the morning and I have training at 8. Ten by the latest, ok?" she hung up. AJ sat on a stool at the Island. He stared at the shot of whisky. What had happened?

A soft knock broke through his reverie. "Come in." he robotically replied.

"What's up, Jay?" asked the woman who had stepped in. "What did you need me for?" she asked.

"The weirdest thing happened this morning." Zhang sat down across from him. "This morning, I found Brian convulsing on the kitchen floor. There was a voice calling to me. It was Brian's voice. But Brian's lips weren't moving."

The older woman sat; urging the tears to go away. "Jay, there's something I need to tell you before I help you with this."

AJ didn't reply.

"It's about Kit."

"Kitty Kat? Is there something wrong with her? Is she ok?" AJ looked at her with wide eyes. His eyes widened even more when he saw Zhang's outer hologram disappear.

"She's ok. She just wants to know why you didn't call her first." Kit looked at the ground dismissively. "I'll check onto my databases and see what I can get. Try nothing funny, McLean." She glared at him before putting her guise up once again. "It might be that his original soul is trying to speak to you. Or his memory."

"What do I do?" AJ asked. "I don't want to lose Rok. Not now not ever." AJ replied. "I just want the man I fell in love with back."

"What did you say?"

AJ blushed slightly and turned. "N-never mind. I just want Rok back."

"But you're--"


"In love with him!" The other man fell silent. "You ARE, aren't you?"

A few moments passed. "Yes."

"Tell me the whole story, JayJay."

"It kinda started from the beginning. He just about had me from 'How y'all doin'?' He sounded so cute with his accent. S the years passed, I've found more reasons to love him. Like how sweet it is how he tries to cheer everyone up." AJ smiled dreamily.

"JayJay, I have a feeling that I should tell you something." He looked at her. "But I don't think I'm supposed to." They heard screams from Brian's room again. "Go take care of him, I'll do the research." With that, she left and AJ went to comfort Brian. The older man was convulsing on the bed. He shook violently and screamed.

"W-what's going on?! What's happening to me?"

"H-help! I can't see!" screamed Brian's voice. "Hello?"

"Why-what? Huh?"

"HELP!" AJ could only stare in amazement as the two beings tried to talk. "AJ, I need to tell you--" the voice faded just like last time. The convulsions stopped. The shaking subsided. AJ's mentality became confused.

Email me:

Next: Chapter 5

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