
By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Jul 12, 2001


Disclaimer: Not true. Don't know their sexuality. Don't know them...PERIOD! This here is a work of fiction. Except for Dr. Aaron McMillan. Idea of BA (a.k.a. Yoko the Battle Angel) belongs to Yukito Kishiro. Very close to Alternate Universe but not quite.

Sue me? Shakes head "Nothin but pennies in my pocket/Nothin but a fire to keep me warm/C'mon, I'm broke do not doubt it/So don't even sue." (um, only first line belong Mandy Moore)

McLean, I doubt they let you read this sh*t at the ward. But if they do and if you're reading this, I have a suggestion to make (no, it's not to sleep with me or any of my friends. Sheesh, people!)

Depressed? Try listening to:

  1. Dido- Thank You 2. Suzanna Vegaz- Tom's Diner (Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, etc) 3. Enya- Only If

--On repeat. Hey, it may sound stupid but it might work. Either that or you could watch Girl, Interrupted. It might help it might not, how the hell am I supposed to know? I only had depression not that and alcoholic problems.

Readers: want the lyrics to the above to see why I suggested them? Email me.

"Scared" A (pathetic attempt at a) novel by Nimm

Chapter 3

AJ stirred as the morning's light broke through. He felt content with the person in his arms. Like they were meant to be together. He felt like he could protect whomever in his arms from everything. He looked down to see the messy hair of Brian Littrell. It was then when he heard a quiet moan of, "Mmmm...Alex." AJ was stunned.

Could he be remembering, he thought. It was at that moment that a pair of blue eyes stared into his. "Morning, Brian." AJ greeted hesitantly.

"Morning." Brian smiled sleepily then yawned. "What are we going to do today?" he asked.

"Um well, trying to get you back on your feet for one." AJ laughed. Brian smiled weakly. "What's wrong?"

"I had the weirdest dream last night." Brian sighed.

"Oh? What was it about?"

"I was in a room; crying. Like, I was another person watching me, you know?" AJ nodded as he continued. "I was sitting on the bed, crying over something. I was holding a picture. There was a great pain in my heart."

"Yeah...that's pretty weird, B." AJ replied. "Ok, so how do I start to explain how you came to be? Let's start Jackie and Harold Sr. Littrell. It was a nice April and they decided for a roll in the hay--" He was cut off by Brian's giggles.

"I know where babies come from, Alex. I may have amnesia but I remember the fundamentals." Brian grinned. He snuggled closer to AJ. "Tell me like where I come from, who my family is, all that. And maybe," he paused, "Maybe after that, you can fill me in on how I met you?"

"Ok, that's about simple enough." AJ smiled. "You were born in a box in a dark alley." AJ said with a straight face. He laughed when he saw the look of sheer terror on Brian's face. "Just kiddin' ya, B! Seriously, you were born in Lexington, KY. February 25, 1975. That's where you come from. Your family consists of a lot of people but I'll just stick to basics. Your mom's name is Jackie and your dad's name is Harold Sr. I'm kinda fuzzy on what they do and stuff. You have one older brother named Harold Jr." he started as he began to retell Brian's life story.

By the end, Brian had stared off into space. "Wow...that's one hell of a life." AJ chuckled. "Now tell me how I met you."

"Well, you were 18 and I was 15. Kevin, your cousin, called you in from Kentucky. So we all met at Lou's place to wait for you two. Anyways, I was bored and Howie was busy trying to calm Nicky down. You walked in. You were chewing gum and kinda stalking behind Kevin. Then you were all friendly and stuff. Like: 'How y'all doin'? Y'all doin' all right?" Brian giggled at AJ's impression of his once thick accent. "And for more Backstreet information, just log on the Internet and search for BSB information."

"I think I'll do that after breakfast. Speaking of which, I am gonna make." Brian smiled as he got up. AJ was about to protest when Brian cut him off. "You did a good job of taking care of me yesterday and I want to repay by making you breakfast." He toddled out the door and into the kitchen. Brian smiled as he slipped some Eggo Waffles into the toaster. He's so nice, he thought.

~Flash~ "Mmmm…Alex." he moaned as his fingers danced lightly over his sensitive, overheated skin. "I want you so bad…but how can I tell you that I love you so much it hurts inside?" The pounding sped up as his mind became muddled with erotic thoughts. "H-how can I tell you t-that I've found my purpose in life a-and it's w-with you?!" he screamed as he let go into oblivion.

~Back~ Brian grabbed his head and crouched into the fetal position. He began to gasp for breath. What WAS that?

"Brian, you ok? Do you need me to help?" asked AJ's voice. He walked in.

"A-Alex? Can you hear me?" screamed Brian's voice.

That's funny, AJ thought, it's so far away.

"Please! Show me some sign that you hear me!" shouted Brian's voice again.

"Ugh…Ugh…w-what's happening t-to m-me?" gasped the Brian on the floor.

"Brian! I'm right here!" shouted AJ. "What's going on, Rok?" he demanded.

"ALEXANDER!" came the pitiful cry of the voice before it died. Brian was out cold on the floor. AJ robotically picked up Brian and placed him in his bed before walking back out to hit speed dial.

"Ugh, hello?" asked a groggy voice.

"Hey Chang, can I talk to Zhang?" he asked.

Ha! Who is Zhang? (not Zhiyi, I guarantee that.) While I'm on it, who's Chang? Why's AJ calling them? Sorry for cutting it short, guys. I know, I make you wait this long and this is what you get.

I'm really glad that people are starting to get their butts in gear and posting BSB fics. Readers, THANK YOU! And I promise that the next chapter will be out soon enough, k?

Best wishes for AJ (JayJay! muah) with the rehab thing. Buddy, imitates the Ladybug from a Bug's Life (eh, so I watched Disney films with my niece, so sue me) you are gonna: KNOCK. THEM. DEAD! Babe, you can ALWAYS talk to me, k? (maybe get one of the cute nurses to email me? ;)

Best wishes for Nicky (Nick-ay! Ghetto Boot-ay! All the way!) with his hand. Lord knows he's gonna need it for the lonely nights in a quiet hotel room. ^_~*

Email: (bitch at me, praise me, or just raise hell. I won't care)

Next: Chapter 4

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