
By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Jul 7, 2001


Disclaimer: Not true. Don't know their sexuality. Don't know them...PERIOD! This here is a work of fiction. Except for Dr. Aaron McMillan. Idea of BA (a.k.a. Yoko the Battle Angel) belongs to Yukito Kishiro. Very close to Alternate Universe but not quite. Song in story: Love You 'Till the End of Time': MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! Ask before use!

Sue me? Shakes head "Nothin but pennies in my pocket/Nothin but a fire to keep me warm/C'mon, I'm broke do not doubt it/So don't even sue." (um, only first line belong Mandy Moore)

"Lost" A (pathetic attempt at a) novel by Nimm

Chapter 2

They arrived at AJ's apartment and flipped on the lights. Kit tossed her pack onto the couch. "So, McLean, what's the story?"

"Let's get B into bed, first, ok?" He carried Brian over the threshold and into the bedroom where he gently placed the fragile man. "Tired?" he asked softly.

"Yes," he yawned. AJ smiled and pulled the covers around him. "Thank you, Alex." He smiled and turned off the lights before walking out.

"Tell me what in the 7 hells happened?" demanded the young warrior.

"Well...I was on my way to visit your old man a few days ago. The front door was open so I let myself in. the whole place was a mess. The destruction was a path to the upstairs bedroom. Then it went into the bathroom. I saw him there. I screamed, 'Brian, what the hell are you doing?' He just looked at me with these really lost eyes then cut. I got him to the hospital as soon as I could. Then, he slipped into that coma which lasted like a couple of days."

"So that's the whole story?" asked Kit as she leaned against a wall. "I knew this was going to happen." She punched the wall. "Brian, you crazy bastard, why didn't you tell someone about it instead of killing yourself?" she muttered to herself.

AJ stared at the ground. Silence befuddled the room.

"Well. I'm off." she announced. She slung her pack over her shoulder.

"Where are you going?"

"Back to Base. Seems like you should handle this on your own, McLean. You know how to reach my com-link, right?"


"And J?"


"Take care of my father. I already lost one. I don't need to loose another." She smiled sadly and turned to leave. AJ watched as her dark shadow disappeared.

AJ yawned as his eyes drooped. "So tired." He plopped down on the couch and sailed into blissful sleep.

~AJ's Dream~ "Alex..." a soft voice called to him.

"Yes, honey?" he replied.

"I'm so happy. I wish you could really be here." the voice paused. "But I cannot transport you to the future."

"It's ok. This is as close to heaven as I can be." He looked out onto he clear blue waters. The soft feel of the off-white sand felt like a thousand caresses against his skin. He felt the other man's warmth around him. AJ sighed contently.

An anguished cry broke through his thoughts.

~Reality~ "Uh? Wha?"

Sounds of pain and whimpers emanated from Brian's room. AJ jumped up and ran in, gently shaking Brian to wake him up. "Make it stop. Make it all go away." Brian mumbled.

"Shhh...shhh...calm down, I'm here." he whispered as they rocked back and forth.

"Make them all stop screaming at me." Brian whispered as he buried his face in AJ's chest. "Please." AJ was about to say something when Brian let out a loud cry. "They're coming. My parents are coming to kill me." Tears cascaded down his face. "My own parents are going to kill me." He looked at AJ with blue eyes, glassed with tears. "It wasn't a dream. Nobody likes me. Everybody hates me."

"Shh...shhh...that's not true. I like you." AJ replied.

"C-can you sing a song for me?" he whispered.

"Um...sure." AJ cleared his throat for a bit. "I warn ya, B, I have a froggy voice tonight." "I watch you from afar I want nothing more Than to hold you in my arms

And yet I have to keep it in But then one day I know I'll win

Just give me your heart And baby we will start from the start And I will give you my love Something I want you to have of

I will love you 'till the end of time I will never leave your side I'm gonna stay with you through the ups and downs I'll be there to wipe your frown

Someday you'll know Someday you'll find out Someday I hope will come Maybe you will Maybe we'll be together Maybe we can make it somehow

Cause I know What fate has in store And I hope That we will be together

I will love you 'till the end of time I will never leave your side I'm gonna stay with you Through the ups and downs I'll be there to wipe your frown."

"Alex. That was beautiful." Brian smiled sleepily. "Where did you learn to sing like that?"

"Oh, I picked it up here and there." AJ smiled. "Now you go to sleep."

"Ok." Brian seemed sad that he was leaving. "Could...could you stay with me?"

"Sure." AJ situated himself so that Brian was lying in his arms. "Comfy?"

He nodded sleepily. "Goodnight, Alex."

"Good night, Brian." AJ replied. What pushed him to slit his own wrists, AJ wondered. Note to self: find out tomorrow. He committed the last thought to memory as the cooing arms of sleep cradled him into a dream world.

Email me. Please? Pretty please with cherry on top? There's a MAJOR lack of BSB fans. What the hells going on?! Hello out dere! Can anyone hear me?!

Authors! Keep writing!

Readers! Read and review! How good the author writes depends on what the feedback they receive!

I have absolutely NOTHING (well, Justin doesn't count, right? He does? Oh then, I do have something) against them. I think Lance is cute in his own way. I admit, I like their music (does one song really count?)

I mean, WHY do fans have to choose ONE in the first place? You don't see them fighting, do you? You didn't see them dog fight at the Grammy's. No one saw a look of pure hatred in either of their eyes! Dude, Nick and Justin didn't "duel it out" at the Billboards. SO WHY THE HELL IS THERE A BATTLE OF THE BOYBANDS?! WHY THE HELL DO THE FANS HAVE TO CHOOSE ONE?! AND MOST OF ALL: WHY THE HELL AM I RANTING ABOUT THIS NOW?!

Well, I can answer the last one. Because I've had it up to here with Boyband rivalry! Come on! You don't see them fight at all! You only see the teenyboppers claw each other to death because of a stupid comment!

sighs I feel better.

Still paying attention? Good.

Email: (bitch at me, praise me, or just raise hell. I won't care)

Next: Chapter 3

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