
By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Jul 4, 2001


Disclaimer: Not true. Don't know their sexuality. Don't know them...PERIOD! This here is a work of fiction. Except for Dr. Aaron McMillan. Idea of BA (a.k.a. Kit the Battle Angel) belongs to Yukito Kishiro. Very close to Alternate Universe but not quite.

"Scared" A novel by Nimm

Chapter 1

Brian's eyes opened. He met a chocolate brown gaze. They seemed relived that he was alive. "OH MY GOD, B-ROK!" they screamed as they enveloped him in a crushing hug. He knew his face was blank. He couldn't feel anything.

"Please, Mr. McLean, he's out of a coma but right now wouldn't be a good time to disturb his catatonic state. You could kill him."

"Sorry, Dr. McMillan." He let go and stared at his still friend. "Can you release him?"

"Might need to give him a week or so to collect himself before we let him go. Besides," the doctor took off his glasses, "We need someone to look after him when he's out in the real world."

"I'll call up his family." AJ suggested.

"You do that. But if his family, you need to keep trying to find someone who will watch over him." Dr. McMillan smiled. He sighed and shook his head. "It's like he's shut himself in and refuses to come out. Yet, he answers a bit when YOU talk to him."

AJ smiled. "What can I say? I'm a natural." He pulled out his cell phone and dialed Jackie Littrell's number.


"Hi, Jackie?" All he heard was a click. He hit redial. "Jackie?"

"Leave us alone!" she screamed.

"No, wait, it's me, Alex."

"Alex, we want NOTHING to do with Brian. He is NOT our son." Jackie seethed. "As of today, he does not belong to the Littrell Family anymore. He can keep the name but we will NOT have anything to do with him."


"GOODBYE!" she hung up.

"Ok, let's move onto cousin Kev." He dialed the number for Kevin.

"What do you want, AJ?" asked a grumpy Kevin.

"Is it just me or is your entire family in a bad mood today?" he asked.

"No, AJ, I told management that we're taking a break for a while. I need time to think about this too. To see if Brian will actually recover." Kevin sighed.

"Fine, be that way." AJ hung up and dialed Nick. He was Brian's best friend; he should be able to keep him for a while.

"Hello?" asked an unfamiliar voice.

"Um, hi. Is Nick available?"

"Oh hey, J. It's Aaron. Nick's kinda busy."

"Let me guess. He wants NOTHING to do with Brian?"

"You called Jackie and the others, huh?" he chuckled. "Alright, see ya, man." He hung up as well.

"Well, Mr. McLean? Have you found someone to baby-sit him?" asked Dr. McMillan.

"Yeah, I'm taking him home with me."

"Are you sure?" he asked as they walked back in the room.

"Positive." He walked over to Brian and sat in front of him. "Brian? Do you want to stay with me?"

"Where's mama?" he asked, like a lost little boy.

"Mama's on vacation. I'm Cousin Alex. I'll take care of you." AJ replied.

"Cousin Alex?" he asked. He blinked and seemed to snap back to earth. He collapsed into AJ's arms. "Alex, it was so scary." He cried. "People at soccer were mean. They kicked me hard and I passed out. I didn't see anyone. Mama and daddy were yellin'." His accent showed through as heavily as AJ first met him. "They said that they didn't want a son who'd take his own life AND be faggot."

"It was all a bad dream, Brian. Don't worry, I'm here." AJ hugged Brian. The ring of AJ's cell phone broke the peaceful scene.

"Who's that?" asked Brian quietly.

"Um, hold on." AJ pulled out his cell phone. "Hello?"

"J, where are ya? How's dad?" asked a female voice.

"Slight amnesia. Blank. Need I say more? Kit, I think you should pretend to be a niece or something."


"You have your training as one. Look, come over to my place whenever and I'll explain, k?" he heard a pause on the other end. "You gonna be ok, Kit?" Pause. "Sweetie?"

"Yeah." Kit finally responded. "I'll finish things up here at Base and I'll catch up with you guys, ok?"

"I still don't get it how B-rok would let someone as young as you join the Battle Angels." AJ laughed. She laughed dryly and disconnected her com-link.

"Who was that?" asked Brian.

"That was your niece, Kit."


"Uh yeah, I'll explain once we get home."


AJ signed the papers outside as they got Brian into a wheelchair. When AJ saw him, he felt like his heart was being ripped apart. Brian was pale, weak, and had bandages over his wrists. What pushed him to do this, he wondered.

"Mr. McLean?" a voice broke through his thoughts.

"Yes, Dr. McMillan?" he asked.

"It seems that he does have his memories but don't be surprised if he doesn't respond. But try to talk to him as much as possible. We don't want him to go into regression."

"Regression?" AJ echoed weakly.

"Yes, we want him in touch with the real world as much as possible."

"Thank you, Doctor." He wheeled Brian out to where the expedition was parked.

"And I want you to check in every 3 or so weeks!" the doc shouted after him.

"Will do!" he shouted back. When they got to the parking space, the Expy, as AJ fondly called it, was gone. "My Truck!"

"Hey boys," called a voice from a black Ferrari. A teen pulled up next to them. Everything that was around her was black. Black leather interior, black cat suit, black sunglasses, black hair, and of course black dice hanging on the mirror. "Need a ride?" she asked.

"Yo, Kit."

"J, my main man!" she smiled. "Need a ride, fellas?" she asked.

"Sure." He wheeled Brian up to the car. "C'mon, Brian, into the car."

So the trio drove back to AJ's home. Questions forming each passing mile. Answers disappearing each passing minute.


How was it?

"There are two types of people: Mortal Angels, which roam the earth; and Chaotic/Battle Angels, who roam the galaxy."

Next: Chapter 2

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