Scandal in Port Charles

By Haven Tesla

Published on Mar 1, 2014


Disclaimer: General Hospital, Port Charles, and its characters are the property of ABC Daytime. The events of this story are entirely fictitious, the product of my overactive imagination and not in any fashion meant to reflect the private lives or sexual orientations of the actors featured. And lastly, this story is intended for readers of legal age in their respective territories, who are not offended by gay themes. Fans can let me know their thoughts by emailing me at the address above. Thanks!


"Nathan West? The police detective?"

Rafe nodded defiantly at his father, hoping Stephen couldn't sense his nervousness. "Why, is that too much a challenge?"

Stephen smiled. He knew exactly why his son had suggested a police detective as the proof of his claim. "Oh, I love a good challenge. Detective West it is then."

Rafe swallowed. He really hoped he wasn't making a huge mistake. If he was right, and Stephen's claim of being able to seduce any man was indeed bogus, he would alert Detective West to the presumed-dead serial killer and see him thrown into a cell before the night was over.

On the other hand, if he was wrong ... Rafe shuddered. He had to trust that Det. West would be able to overpower Stephen. The dude looked strong (and extremely hunky, as Rafe couldn't help but notice, guiltily, while he was arresting his uncle). And if all else failed, the detective would have a gun - although Rafe hoped it wouldn't come to that. Stephen Clay was a murderous creep, and Rafe wanted him to pay for robbing him of his beloved mom, but not with his life. It was bad enough his mom had given hers to keep him safe; he didn't want to end up with his other parent's blood on his hands as well.

"So what are we waiting for?" Rafe asked, mustering as much courage as he could in the company of a demented serial killer. "Let's go to the cop shop and find Det. West and then you can prove your claim."

"Not so fast, kid," countered Stephen. "We're not doing this down at the precinct. You're going to get Det. West somewhere more private."

Rafe's eyes narrowed. "Why? Don't tell me your powers don't work when there's more than one police officer present?"

Stephen brushed aside his son's taunt. "Not at all. I'm just concerned how Det. West's colleagues might react to him making out with a teenage schoolboy in the middle of the precinct."

Rafe nearly dropped his jaw. This freak genuinely believed he could turn Det. West gay just like that! No one would be gladder than Rafe if that was possible, because Nathan West was very easy on the eyes, but it was inconceivable that he could switch someone's sexuality at will, to the extent that they'd lose control and start kissing boys in public.

Ultimately they agreed that Rafe would summon Det. West to his uncle's empty apartment, claiming to have a new lead on the cold case of his aunt's coma which Nathan was so doggedly pursuing.

Nathan was not having a good day at work; Commissioner Devane had chewed him out for acting impetuously and potentially jeopardizing the state's case against Silas Clay. Naturally, he'd perked up when Rafe called in about his alleged lead and hotfooted it over to Silas's apartment without even bothering to inform his partner until he was already at Clay's apartment building. He didn't wait for Dante to turn up; he was impatient to close this case once and for all, plus he was pretty sure he was in no danger from Clay's teenage nephew. He strode up to the right apartment door and rapped smartly on it.

"Well, looks like the test subject is here," observed Stephen. Rafe was seated on the couch, fidgeting anxiously with his beanie. He looked up at the knock on the door but didn't make any move to answer it.

"Aren't you going to get the door?" asked Stephen.

Rafe felt positively ill. Every `worst case scenario' was running through his head. What if his father hurt Det. West? The psycho was a known killer, after all. Rafe knew he couldn't let that happen. He would tell the detective exactly what was going on without beating round the bush and hope that Nathan would apprehend Stephen speedily without any bloodshed.

He stood up and walked over to the door. "Detective?"

"Master Kovich?" asked Nathan. Without waiting for an answer he pushed past Rafe eagerly and entered the apartment. Rafe wasn't sure if he was feeling weak-kneed due to the panic or due to Nathan's deep, manly voice.

In a panic, he glanced back to where Stephen had been standing just moments ago, but the villain was nowhere to be seen. Where had he disappeared to? The front door was the only exit.

"Detective, there's something really important," Rafe began.

"I know, about your uncle," Nathan interjected peevishly. "What's this new lead you wanted to talk to me about?"

"It's not my uncle, it's my father," said Rafe urgently.

Nathan raised an eyebrow. "Your father? You don't mean Dr. Clay's brother, the serial killer?"

"Yes, that's the one." Rafe kept shooting looks around the apartment nervously. Where could Stephen have gone?

"I don't see what a dead serial killer has to do with the Nina Clay case," snapped Nathan. "I hope you're not about to spin a yarn about Dr. Clay's brother being responsible for putting her in that coma."

Rafe was struck by a sudden thought. The pharmacist had positively identified Uncle Silas as the man who'd bought the drugs Nina Clay had overdosed on, but Stephen and Silas were nearly identical brothers. What if Stephen was indeed responsible for Nina's attempted murder, just like he was responsible for a number of murders?

"Detective," he said excitedly, "Uncle Silas and my dad are practically identical. Maybe the pharmacist identified the wrong brother!"

"Very convenient," said Nathan sarcastically, "placing the blame on a dead man who can't defend himself."

"But that's just it! My dad isn't dead! He's right here in this apartment!"

"Really?" asked Nathan disbelievingly. "Dr. Clay should be ashamed of himself for putting you up to this. Maybe you're too young to realize that wasting police time is a serious offense -"

"Stephen's alive!" bellowed Rafe frantically. "And he's the one who made me lure you here. If you don't listen to me he's probably going to KILL YOU!"

Nathan was dumbstruck by the sudden vehemence in the typically placid teen. For the first time it occurred to him that Rafe might not be lying on his uncle's behalf.

Unfortunately the realization came too late. Both Nathan and Rafe were startled when the front door slammed shut and Stephen Clay emerged from behind it to pounce on Nathan. He was baring his teeth and, to his onlookers' shock, he appeared to have two pointed fangs.

Rafe screamed but Nathan was too stunned even to reach for his weapon. Stephen sank his fangs into Nathan's neck, quite firmly too, as the detective was utterly unable to dislodge him. The fight seemed to ebb out of him and seconds later, Nathan dropped to the floor in a dead faint.

Rafe snapped out of his terror and turned to run for the door, to alert a neighbor, a passerby, anybody that could help him and Det. West. His father, however, had anticipated this and managed to catch him before he reached the door.

"Where are you going, son? I thought you wanted a demonstration of my abilities."

Rafe struggled to get out of Stephen's grip but the older man was surprisingly strong. "You just killed him! You killed a police officer!"

"Nonsense, Rafe - Det. West isn't dead, just unconscious. When he comes around he'll be a brand new man. A true man's man, if you will." Stephen chuckled to himself.

"This is twisted! Let me go, you freak!"

"Now, Rafe, that's no way to talk to your father."

"For the last time, YOU'RE NOT MY FATHER!" yelled Rafe. "You're a creep who belongs in an asylum for the criminally insane!"

Stephen sighed. "I'd hoped it wouldn't come to this."

Rafe stopped struggling. "Wouldn't come to what?" he asked suspiciously.

Stephen bared his fangs in response, and Rafe screamed in terror.

"You can't bite me with those! I'm your own son! I'm your flesh and blood! Nooooooooo!"

He felt a sharp, brief prick on his neck. Unlike Nathan, he didn't lose consciousness. Stephen must not have bitten him as deeply as he had the detective. Rafe reached up to his neck and felt a tiny puncture wound. It didn't seem to be bleeding, but his head was swimming. All thoughts of alerting someone to Stephen's presence were forgotten. He staggered over to the couch and collapsed.

He watched as if through fuzzy lenses while Stephen crouched over Det. West's prone body and started to undress him. He wasn't careful - the buttons of Nathan's shirt went flying as Stephen ripped it off him. Jesus, thought Rafe upon seeing Nathan's bare chest for the first time. The hunky detective had an even better body than Rafe had ever pictured. He'd not thought such cut abs were possible without the aid of Photoshop.

Stephen unbuckled Nathan's belt and tugged his trousers down, revealing Nathan's delicious choice of underwear: a pair of pristine white boxer-briefs. They contrasted beautifully with his all-over tan and were so skimpy and tight that they left almost nothing to Rafe's imagination.

As Stephen pulled the trousers off Nathan, Rafe noted that, although Nathan's thighs were liberally sprinkled with hair (like his forearms), his torso was unnaturally smooth, without even a treasure trail. Even school-going Rafe had a treasure trail! He suspected that the detective shaved his chest. An image flashed in his mind of a naked Nathan running a razor over his pubes and he felt his cock plump up.

He licked his lips subconsciously. Nathan was so obscenely hot lying there in just his skivvies. He wanted so badly to touch him, to feel up his ripped body.

"Like what you see?" asked Stephen. The fog seemed to clear from Rafe's head when he heard his voice. The semi-nude hunk on the floor was forgotten.

"You!" Rafe managed to spit out. "You bastard!" He struggled to his feet, intending to charge at his father and pummel him.

"Calm down, Rafe. Calm down."

Bizarrely, Rafe found himself compelled to stay put.

"You're not really angry at me, Rafe." His father's voice was strangely soothing. "I'm only helping you."

Rafe felt confused. That was true. Stephen was helping him with his gay desires. But Stephen was a killer. He'd killed Rafe's mom.

"You killed my mom!"

Stephen looked reproachfully at him. "I told you, that was an accident. It was self-defense. Your mother attacked me with that silver arrow and I had no choice but to defend myself."

Rafe believed him. Why hadn't he believed him from the outset? He'd been too upset from watching his mom die right in front of his eyes. Stephen's explanation made sense.

"It wasn't your fault," agreed Rafe. "Mom attacked you and you were only defending yourself."

Stephen smiled. "Good boy. Now, you need to keep my presence a secret, okay? I have a lot of enemies out there who aren't as sensible as you, and they truly believe I'm a cold-blooded killer."

Rafe nodded readily. "I won't tell anyone that you're still alive."

Stephen's smile widened. "And this works out for you, too, Rafe. I can only help you achieve your true potential if I stay free."

"You mean ... to seduce any man I wanted?"

Stephen nodded.

Rafe looked back at Nathan, who was beginning to stir. "Including him?"

"Starting with him," corrected Stephen. "I was serious when I said you could have any man in this town. Knowing the Morley blood in you, you'll probably want to have that literally!"

Rafe's cock was harder than it had ever been in his life. All his misgivings about his father and his ludicrous claim seemed insignificant now. Port Charles was full of hot men, and if he could really have any one he wanted, even those who identified as straight ...

A groan came from the floor and both father and son glanced down at Nathan.

"Ow, my head ..." moaned the detective.

"I gave him a much deeper bite," explained Stephen. "I suspect it'll take him a while to get back to his full form."

Nathan must have heard him because his eyes immediately locked on Stephen. His brain was still trying to piece together what had transpired right before he fainted, but he knew a threat when he saw one. He reached for his gun holster only to discover, of course, that he'd been stripped down to his underwear.

"What the-!"

"Calm yourself, Detective - do you mind if I call you Nathan? Detective seems so formal, and you're in no position to insist on formalities."

Nathan blinked. Clay's words made sense.

"Now, Nathan," continued Stephen, "remember why you came here. You wanted to take advantage of Rafe being alone in this apartment, because you think he's cute and want to make love to him."

Nathan wrinkled his forehead. That wasn't right at all. He'd never been attracted to the same sex, and he'd never jeopardize his career by having sex with a high school kid. But Clay wasn't far off the mark with his comment about Rafe's cuteness. The boy did look incredibly appealing. Why hadn't he noticed it before? He wondered what sort of body Rafe had underneath his clothes. He really wanted to find out.

Stephen detected the hunger in Nathan's eyes as he appraised Rafe's clothed physique and knew the detective was hopelessly ensnared. "Nathan, why don't you help Rafe off with his clothes? The sooner you get him naked, the sooner you can have his cock up your hole. That's what you really want more than anything, after all."

Nathan nodded in agreement. Never mind that he'd never had so much as a finger up his virginal ass ... now all he wanted was teen-boy cock! He leapt up and rushed at Rafe, eager to tear his clothes off.

"No, no, no," admonished Stephen. "That's not how you seduce a boy. You want to make love to him, not rape him."

Nathan recognized the truth in Clay's words. He tenderly kissed Rafe on the lips. Rafe got over his surprise quickly and opened his mouth, letting the older man explore it with his tongue. Nathan was a passionate kisser, practically mauling Rafe's face with his mouth. His hands slipped under the bottom hem of Rafe's t-shirt and felt up the boy's firm, toned stomach.

Emboldened by Nathan's molestation of his body, Rafe grabbed the detective's ass in both hands, kneading the muscular globes through their thin cotton covering.

"You like that, huh?" asked Nathan, grinning sexily at Rafe. "You wanna stick your cock in there?"

Rafe couldn't believe his ears. Detective West was asking him to fuck him! "Hell yeah!"

"Then let's get you out of these clothes," growled Nathan. He lifted Rafe's t-shirt up and off his lithe teenage body. He was nowhere as ripped as Nathan, but he had firm pecs and a taut stomach. Nathan found his intensely pink nipples, standing out against his alabaster skin, particularly enticing. He couldn't help himself from nibbling and sucking on them, much to Rafe's delight. He ran his tongue down Rafe's torso, following the surprisingly thick treasure trail to the waistband of Rafe's blue boxers which were peeking out above his jeans.

Rafe got the message and shucked both his jeans and boxers in one swoop. His dribbling, 8-inch boner sprung out and struck Nathan in the face. Rafe felt his cock twitch again when he noticed that it had marked Nathan's gorgeous features with his pre-cum.

"Tell Nathan what you want him to do, son," Stephen egged him on. "Law enforcement personnel are trained to follow orders."

"Suck my cock," breathed Rafe. "Get it nice and wet before I stick it in your other hole."

Nathan obediently took Rafe's pecker into his mouth and took a stab at orally servicing it. From Rafe's frequent wincing, he wasn't very good at it - but what more could honestly be expected of a man who'd been perfectly heterosexual up until a few minutes ago?

Tiring of the lackluster blowjob, Rafe contemplated how he should fuck Nathan. The steamiest porn always had the bottom `ride' the top, cowboy-style. He figured this position would also showcase Nathan's remarkable physique to full effect. But first, there was something else he'd seen in porn that he wanted to try out.

"Sit on the couch, and lift your legs up," he ordered Nathan. Rafe tugged his briefs down over his hairy legs. In this position he could see Nathan's equipment - a nicely sized cock with massive low-hanging balls (neatly shaved) as well as a tiny, tight rosebud in the crease between his legs.

Rafe didn't waste any time. He dived in between Nathan's legs and attacked his hole with his tongue. Nathan's eyes fairly popped out as he was vigorously rimmed by the teenager. Evidently, he'd never had a woman do that to him, and he was finding the sensation incredibly arousing.

"Oh yeah," he moaned. "Stick your tongue right up my ass. Eat out my hole!"

Rafe didn't actually need the encouragement, but he was certainly thrilled by the hunk's obvious pleasure in his rim-job. He made a note to himself to have Nathan return the favor soon.

Of course, teenagers aren't exactly known for their patience and Rafe swiftly decided that Nathan was wet enough to be taken up the ass. He lay down on the carpet, and commanded Nathan to sit himself on his cock.

Gazing at the erect eight-incher he was supposed to impale himself on, the detective appeared to be having second thoughts, so Stephen helpfully reminded him of how badly he'd wanted to lose his virginity to the teenage cutie.

"Yeah," Nathan concurred. "That big dick would really hit the spot."

"Go on then," urged Stephen. "Let Rafe take your cherry. Fuck yourself on him."

Nathan stood over Rafe and squatted down slowly. He winced as he felt Rafe's dickhead breach his rear portal, but he forced himself to go on. Inch by inch, Rafe's dick disappeared into Det. West's virginal hole, until he had the entire length buried inside him.

He took a moment to adjust to the intrusion; it felt like someone had shoved a red-hot poker up his butt. But the pain gradually evaporated and Nathan began to ride Rafe with a slow, steady rhythm. Each time he was fully impaled, his cock twitched, and he started to crave that sensation. The pace of their fucking picked up, with Rafe thrusting his hips upwards to meet Nathan's descending butt, until they were rutting like animals in heat. Rafe was mesmerized by the flexing of Nathan's abs and the straining of his thighs. T.J. seemed a distant crush in the face of this sex god.

It was at this inopportune moment that Nathan's partner, Det. Dante Falconeri, barged in on the amorous pair. As we have already seen, Stephen Clay rapidly incapacitated him with the same method he had already used on Nathan and Rafe.

He smiled down at the unconscious detective. "Another pet for the stables," he murmured. "At this rate we will have the entire PCPD at our disposal!"

When Dante came to, he also found himself stripped to his underwear (in his case, a pair of tight, black boxer-briefs). He had much the same reaction as his colleague.

"What the fuck!?"

He scrambled to his feet but Stephen merely smiled. A few choice words from him and Dante was soon putty in his hands.

"Why don't you join in the party, Dante?" asked Stephen. Dante glanced over at Nathan and Rafe, who were still going at it, albeit having moved the action to the couch. Nathan was happily bouncing on Rafe's dick, his butt slapping audibly against Rafe's thighs every time he was impaled.

"I'm not gay," said Dante firmly. "I've a wife, and a son."

"Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Who needs labels? Besides, I'm sure your wife won't mind if you step out on her occasionally, as long as it's not with another woman."

Dante knit his eyebrows in confusion. That did make sense, in a weird fashion.

"Besides, you can't have not noticed how incredibly good-looking Nathan is," stated Stephen. "In fact, you've wanted his ass ever since you laid eyes on it."

Almost automatically, Dante found his gaze drawn to Nathan's butt. It WAS a very attractive butt. Round and firm ... luscious even. He didn't realize he was licking his lips in anticipation, but Stephen did.

"I bet your wife doesn't let you take her up the ass, does she, Dante?"

Dante shook his head sadly. You wouldn't expect the daughter of Luke Spencer to be so unadventurous in the bedroom, but there you go.

"So why don't you go ahead and fuck Nathan up the butt?"

"His butt is already occupied," pointed out Dante.

Stephen rolled his eyes. "Haven't you ever heard of double-penetration?"

Two minutes later Nathan let out a howl of protest when his butt was pierced by Dante's dick alongside Rafe's. He felt like his rear end was being split in two.

"Stop that wailing," said Stephen sharply, and Nathan immediately shut up, although his eyes welled with tears.

"Come now, Nathan. You're better than that. You can take this," said Dante from behind. He gave Nathan a love bite, and the hunk shuddered in bliss.

"Yeah, a big strong guy like you should be able to take two cocks easily," echoed Rafe. He leaned forward and took one of Nathan's nipples into his mouth while his hand reached for Nathan's dick.

Nathan was buoyed by his lovers' confidence in him. Sure he could take two cocks. He resumed riding the twin schlongs, and his wilted dick quickly returned to full mast under Rafe's manipulations.

Two cocks in one recently-virginal hole was a snug fit. Rafe and Dante were in sexual heaven. Their members were rubbing up against each other inside Nathan's moist, hot man-pussy. They'd never experienced anything tighter.

Dante suddenly stiffed as he felt something prodding at his own backdoor. He looked back to discover Stephen had decided to join in the fun himself. The older man had stripped naked and lubed up his cock to fuck Dante.

"It's only fair that you get the same treatment as Nathan," noted Stephen. "After all, you guys are partners."

Dante couldn't dispute that logic. He steeled himself for his deflowering. Stephen carefully guided his cock into Dante's virginal orifice. Once he was all in, he started fucking him in earnest. Every thrust caused Dante to penetrate Nathan more deeply. The double-stuffed stud moaned.

The chain of fucking the four men had established couldn't last forever. Rafe and Dante cried out in unison as they reached orgasm simultaneously, pumping their loads deep within Nathan.

Having his insides creamed by both guys pushed the hunky detective over the edge for the second time that evening, and he spurted all over Rafe's stomach.

And lastly Stephen climaxed, flooding Dante's guts with his seed. All four men collapsed in a sweaty heap, exhausted by their exertions, but Stephen was not yet done with the two policemen.

"I bet those deflowered holes of yours could do with a good tonguing," he suggested. Dante and Nathan seemed to find the proposal highly enticing and quickly settled into a 69 position with Dante eating his own load as well as Rafe's from Nathan's hole, and Nathan sucking Stephen's semen out of Dante's ass.

"Hot damn," exhaled Rafe, stroking his cock frantically as he watched the detectives rim each other.

"Well, Rafe, now do you believe me?" asked Stephen.

"Do I believe you? Of course! How can I turn T.J.?"

"Not so quick, my boy," laughed Stephen. "Before I reveal Morley secrets to you, I need you to do something for me ..."

Over at General Hospital, Dr. Liesl Obrecht was making her rounds when she received a call on her private number. She ducked into an unoccupied room to take the call; only very few people had this number and none would dial it except in genuine need.

"Hallo?" She listened closely to the nervous man at the other end of the line, her face growing darker with every word.

"If the lab was broken into last week, why am I only now hearing about it?" she snapped.

The head of security at her secret laboratory in the Swiss Alps babbled an excuse that he knew would not satisfy the villainous doctor.

"What has been stolen?" demanded Obrecht. Her murderous scream when he told her made him glad she was a continent away.

"That serum's mind-altering properties would have made me millions! Every covert intelligence and terrorist organization in the world would have lined up to pay a handsome price for it, and you let someone walk away with it just like that! Imbecile!"

She flung the phone across the room furiously. It hit the wall and broke into a dozen parts, but she didn't give it a second glance. Her mind was preoccupied with the stolen serum. Finding the thief would be an uphill task. A great many parties, most of them shrouded in secrecy, would have had designs on such a potent weapon. Cursing the incompetence of her security manager, she decided there was little point in tracking down the culprit - he would probably be half a world away by now, selling the serum to the highest bidder.

Little did she know, the thief was actually much closer to home.

With Rafe away on his errand, and the two detectives being dispatched to Nathan's apartment where they would continue sodomizing each other with police batons, Stephen Clay finally had a moment to himself. He carefully removed his fake fangs and noted their reserves of serum were low. After all, he had administered three `bites' that evening. It was, he mused, time for a top-up ...

POSTSCRIPT: If you liked this story, and would like to see a third part, do drop me a line at Suggestions are always welcome!

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