Say You Love Me

By Cronos

Published on Apr 30, 2005


Hi, Phoenix here again. Hope you like. Once again thanx to all the new faces here on my group. In addition to those from before I'd like to thank:

Chellebelle(calistroke23)-girl yur kinda scaring me.."Love, peace and Hair grease..." Lol.

Trammelle- thanx a lot..keep up the search! Yu never know...

sst22400-glad you like. And thanx so much for joing my group

A special shout out goes to ashley_young86. My favorite Canadian home girl, who I was priveledged to talk to yesterday. Girl, thanx for the kind words. You've really made me feel special..not "Special Olympics Special" either, but Special. I hope you recover from yur head cold in time for work on Monday. Just in the "Nick" of time. Hey with God's "Grace" anything's possible right? Seriously I hope everything turns out for the best. Luv ya!

Chapter 8- "The Talk"


Something was definitely up. After all the weirdness that went down today at Joe's, I was certain. It was so perplexing, so much so that here I was contemplating...again. It seemed like that was all I was doing ever since Brad Summers slammed into our lives. And today was no exception.

Last night I was worried sick about Josh. He'd mysteriously vanished off the radar...and didn't even bother to call either me or Jessie. I had absolutely no idea why. Well, maybe that wasn't entirely true. I mean things had really gotten' heavy with him and Jessie on Friday afternoon, but surely there had to be more to it than that. I was so relieved when Jess had called last night to tell me he'd found Josh. I wonder how he knew where to look? Then, again he and Josh had always been real close...almost closer than I was to either of them. Then it hit me. Had to be it...

Jessie and Josh had grew up together. They'd known each other way before I'd known them. They were practically brothers...even more than best buds. Jessie was an only child and so quiet. He didn't have many friends...Josh was the only real guy friend that Jessie had. Until...Brad. Josh must be feeling a little jealous, that's all. Hmm...boys.Lol. And they always tried to act sooo tough. I'd probably feel the same way too, if one of my girls started standin' me up to hang with someone else they'd only known for a week.

Much to my surprise, this morning Jessie called, saying how he'd promised Josh to hang at Joe's and if I wanted to come. Well at least everything was back to normal. I knew Josh would get over it. I mean I may have known that Jessie was gay and probably lusting his heart over Brad, and that for some reason Brad was eyeing him...but Josh didn't know that. All he thought was that Brad was being a little too friendly with Jessie. Of course, Jessie turning him down yesterday ( after he'd stood us up last week ) didn't help things. Anyhow I was more than happy to chill with them...just glad that the damage was repaired.

We went into Joe's and me and Jessie began the ritual of securing our favorite table while Josh ordered. He came back with my latte, his expresso and Jessie's Triple Fudge Sundae. He handed me my order, rested his on the table but playfully presented Jessie's,

Josh: "I humbly present this token of appreciation to his Majesty, for honouring us with his presence."

Yeah...things were looking up. Sometimes, I was a little jealous myself at how close those two were, but hey they were practically brothers. Josh then went about explaining what had happened when he went home last night. How he'd conned his parents into begging HIM for forgiveness. I admit it was funny, but I didn't like how he was toying with his parents' feelings. Told him so too. He looked a bit sadder at that. Didn't speak again right away. When he spoke, it was in a soft voice,

Josh: "Had to...or I doubt I'd be able to come down here this morning. I'd be grounded till I was 25 for sure."

Just then...then the weirdness started. Jessie started to get all fidgety. He was so restless, and constantly looking around. For what I had no clue. I then found out it wasn't "what", but "who"....Brad. He was making his way to our table. Jessie then spoke up,

Jessie: "Uh, guys can we go now?"

Uh oh, Josh didn't look too happy about it,

Josh: "Why, we just got here. You haven't even eaten your Sundae yet."

Truth be told, I wasn't happy about it either. I mean Jessie had made wait for four hours last week. I told him so too. Jessie then practically began to plead,

Jessie: "Yeah, but we could still hang out at my place. Just not here. Not now."

Just what the hell was going on? I mean, I knew he had been scared of Brad before, but for the last couple of days, they seemed to be getting along fine. Like they had known each other, and been friends all their life. Now Jessie was beginning to act like he was scared silly of Brad again. I was worried. Something had happened yesterday, to cause things to revert to how they used to be with Brad and Jessie. It was the only explaination. They were fine yesterday afternoon, so it had to have happened when Brad was over at Jessie's house( when they were alone). God, had Brad done something to him...forced him into... Just then Brad walked up. Josh saw him too. Instantly he was packing up. Huh? Hadn't he practically begged Jessie to come yesterday afternoon?

Josh: "Yeah, man. Anything you want. We can chill at your place. It's kinda hot in here anyway. Stacy, come on let's go." Was I just their tag along? I wanted to stay. Hmph!

"What are you talking about. We haven't even been here for ten minutes yet.", I argued.

Josh: "Jessie wants to hang out at home, what's it matter as long as were all hanging out."

Brad then cut in,

Brad: "Jess", I saw Josh give him the meanest glare yet, "I need to talk to you, it's important, real important."

Jessie: " Brad uh I was just gonna leave actually..I really just hav to go home."

Brad: "It won't take long just a couple of minutes..that's all"

Josh: "He said he has to go-"

Why couldn't just keep his mouth out of other people's conversations? Did he have to make it his life's mission to annoy Brad? All this time I was watching the exchange, I was looking for some sign, anything to tell me what could have happened to cause Jessie to act like this.

Brad: "When I'm talking to you, you'll know it Mckenzie"

Jessie: "Okay, Brad, what's so important?"

At least Jessie was willing to talk to Brad...whatever happened hadn't changed that.

Brad: "I kinda need to tell you alone. Um...",

He was looking around nervously.... Hey wait a sec! That was the sign I was looking for. Why couldn't I see it before? Brad was acting all nervous...blushing ( Like Justin Parker when he tried to put the moves on me,lol ). Jessie and Josh didn't seem to notice this. Men, were they all blind? Brad obviously had it bad for Jessie. What else could change a guy like him so fast? I smothered the urge to giggle. But wait! Something had happened between them...did they...?

"Uh the bathroom's empty", Jessie said, "I'll be right back guys"

They made their way over to the bathroom, leaving me and Josh to wait. Josh was visibly fuming. Honestly...I did think he was being a little childish. No one was trying to steal his friend away from him. I on the other hand was having mixed feelings. I was relieved that Brad wasn't using Jessie, or coercing him into anything, I was happy that Jessie might actually have a chance with Brad, especially after he confessed that he had a crush on him. I wasn't going to tell him what I'd learned about Brad, that was Brad's job. But I didn't want to believe they'd done anything, I made him promise he'd tell me. But obviously he hadn't. I would have to "convince" him to share it with me.

Damn...they were taking long. Oh no...what were they doing in there? Jessie wouldn't be so stupid wouldn't he? Not in a public bathroom....would he? I was snapped out of my thoughts when Brad emerged from the restroom...smiling ( oh no! ) and wiping his lips. That got me even more worried. But when I saw Jessie come out a minute later, wiping HIS lips...I realized just what had happened in there. Smooch, smooch!! He was wearing this stupid smirk that he was no doubt trying to get off of his face...which he so wasn't able to do. He was walking over to us.

"Please don't laugh, please don't laugh", I kept telling myself.

Josh: "Aren't we going over to your house?"

Jessie: "Nah...why waste a good Triple Fudge Sundae"

"heheh", Damn! Couldn't help it!

Well, I guess my boy was growin' up. I was sure whatever had happened between them yesterday wasn't at all bad. If it was, Jessie wouldn't have come out of the restroom with that grin. Hmm..he looked like he was high or tipsy or something. Lol. I was so gonna grill him until he cracked.


I woke up, feeling on top of the world. Damn, Brad Summers, the guy of my dreams (Literally, lol) wanted! Strange thing though, I hadn't dreamt him last night. I had actually had a good night's sleep. For the first time since last week Saturday. I guess it was lusting after him so bad, and thinking I could never have him, that was the problem. Well all that had changed.

I had to admit that I loved Brad even more for being the one to make the move. It had to be even harder on him...he was the tough guy. If he'd left it up to me, I didn't think I would have been able to pull it off. I made my way downstairs and joined my parents at the breakfast table.

Mom smiled at me and went back to makin' pancakes.

Dad: "Mornin' kiddo, whatr'e you so happy about?"

Huh? Was I being so obvious?

Dad: "Some hot girl on your mind?"

Mom started to giggle.

Mom: "I think it's Stacy...hehe"

Not her too. What were they trying to do to me? They didn't know I was gay. I always thought about telling them, but didn't know exactly how to begin.

I decided to end this, "No, dad it's..", dad cut me off,

Dad: "A guy?"

Huh! Did he Know about?!? Had they seen something yesterday when Brad and me were kissing on the couch? Did we stop quickly enough? Dad started laughing hysterically. Good, they didn't know. I knew if I told them they would still love me, but I somehow doubt laughing about it would be the initial reaction. Mom was giggling too, until she smelt her pancakes burning. Just then, phone in my room rang. I ran to get it, thankful of any excuse to get away from the 'rents.

It was Stacy.

Stacy: "Okay Jessie, tell me exactly what's going on...and don't try pulling anything over on me."

The girl didn't waste any time I'd give her that. So I decided I wouldn't beat around the bush. I told her about what happened on Frday.

Stacy: "Damn! He sure moves fast. Real smoothe palyer too. Waited until you were all cryin' and weak to pull a fast one on you. So what exactly happened in the restroom? You sure took long."

I decided to have some fun with her,

"Oh well, we were just so horny..we couldn't stop. We found an empty stall and locked ourselves in. Good thing the room was empty. Didn't want anyone seeing. We just decided to get each other off then and there. I mean if a kiss felt so good....the next thing I knew, he was all moaning and groaning and I was on hands and knees and had my mouth around his 9 inc-"

Stacy: "JESSIE!!! You didn't!!!"

Damn, the girl could scream, my ears were ringing, I'd have an earache if she continued. Which she unfortunately did,

Stacy: "Jessie, that has to be the most irresponsible thing you've ever done!! In a public restroom, what were you thinking, you could have gotten caught!"

Okay this went on long enough, I filled her in on what REALLY happened.

Stacy: "Oh...still Jess, don't scare me like that. What is someone walked in while you two were liplocked?"

"Stacy, it was won't happen again."

Stacy: "It better not. Well since Brad's already told you, I guess I can say it...I was wrong"

"Huh, you said something Stace?", I heard her, just wanted to make her say it again. Lol.

Stacy: "I was wrong. I think Brad really does love you."

"I didn't know before yesterday, but I'm a believer now! God I still can't get over it."

Stacy: "Okay lover-boi listen up. I don't want you two doing anything beyond kissing and caressing for a least....without know what I'm talking about right?"

" mean butt fu- uh uh yeah."


Stacy: " Yeah ,sigh. I don't want you getting' hurt but it your life. And don't do anything your'e not ready for..even if Brad thinks your'e ready."

" You know I don't think Brad'll ever make me do anything. He was real nice and gentle and he's going real slow."

Stacy: "Call me crazy but..I think I believe you. Still, remember what I said about protection-"

"Yes MOM, is that all, I kinda hungry.."

Stacy: "Yeah that's all, well bye."

"Bye". She hung up.

I was starved. I made my way down to the breakfast table.

Dad: "Who was that sport?"


Dad: "Ohhhh...", wink.

Mom: heheh

Oh great, all over again...

Next: Chapter 9

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