Say You Love Me

By Cronos

Published on Nov 2, 2005


"Say You Love Me" Chapter Fifteen


I wanted to try a little third person perspective here with some first person perspectives, just to see how it plays out. Just wanted to clarify that to the readers first. As always feel free to comment either by group postings or by emailing to

To my Never fear dear, your very own story is about to unfold, VERY soon. At least I'll try to make it soon. First thing's first, a nice title, mwahahahaha! Who knows you just might enjoy it. This is pay back time for all the times you kept trying to tell me to Yuck! And all the times you used the information I gave you in confidence to ridicule me, and for calling me a poodle a couple of months ago, and for generally being such a bitch when the mood suits you. This is going to be my first ever story of this type and I just KNOW you'll like it. Who knows, maybe when I'm done, you'll want to try some FISH yourself. (Grinning as Evilly as I Know How To!). I can just imagine you coming up to me with a rolled up is getting his revenge!!! WOOF...I'm not all bite after

To can't say I left you out of the credits THIS time around. Be nice to this guy...the time may soon come around when you'll be in his debt!

To Calistroke...I'm glad you fnally responded. I was getting a bit worried about you. Vanishing and worrying your boy like that. I thought Katrina could have carried you off or something. Glad that you're not "On-Call" any more. The only people I know about who are on call for such extended time periods are hookers. Lol....hmmm....I wonder, have you been holding out on me. Eh hem...HOLLA!

To adsherill-Thank you for the email you sent (If you're the Aaron Sherill I think you are).

To Mitsaso-It's been a while and thank you for reading all my stuff and being so nice with the remarks. I hope everything's okay on your side of the Atlantic, really. I read that you had a coming out spree, and had some drama to deal with. Hope things are fine with you. So, when can we get another chapter of Slutty Xmen, hmmm?

To Alex N---(I left out your last name). Thank you for trying to cheer me up. I hope everything works out and hope to hear from you in January!

"Say You Love Me" Chapter 15- "It's All Your Fault!"


Stacy was walking down the main shopping street. It had been a tiring but fulfilling afternoon. She was a material girl after all. She couldn't remember when last she had time to herself to relax like this. All the drama in her life. She was greatful she really didn't have any of her own to deal with. She had enough trouble dealing with Jessie's and Josh's issues. She sighed. Well, at least after this evening, Josh wouldn't be in the dark any more. And, if Josh wasn't a coward, neither would Jessie. Everything would be out and in the open, and there would be time to clear the air. And the road to recovery would begin. Jessie was scared, that much she knew. But she also knew something he didn't. Josh simply loved him too much to hate him. Yup, everything would be A-okay, after the healing. She stopped at the coffee house to relax and read a bit. It was about time she treated herself. Hmpf! Always going out with Josh or had been too long. They avoided the place like the plague. Oh well, she was here now. She made her way to her favorite back, secluded table. Only problem was, when she got there, it was already taken. Some girl had stolen her favorite table! Sure it was a big one, but the whole reason she liked it was because it was usually empty. She turned to go find another when,

Girl: "Stacy, girl, it's been too long!"

A very familiar voice. She turned to confirm her suspicions. It was,

Victoria: "Where the hell have you been? I've been looking all over for you!"

Stacy: "Where the hell have I been?! What are you doing back here?"

Victoria Carpenter was Stacy's best girlfriend at Calvary. A least until she had to move away several years ago. Now she's back, and at their usual favorite table to boot, just as Stacy had been reminiscing about how long it had been since she had been here? Was this Christmas? She rushed over and took a seat.

Stacy: "What do you mean, you've been looking all over for me, and since when did you get back?"

Victoria: "Oh, we all flew in last night, and I've been looking at your house and all around school and I didn't want to call at such an ungodly hour and when I went to your house today, it was locked an-"

Stacy: "Okay, so hold up, why did you come back?"

Victoria: "We all just sorta got homesick and the weather in Canada isn't exactly something we could take year after year, with Nana and all, and well-we missed home. So what have you been doing with yourself?"

Before Stacy could fully articulate a response.

Victoria: "So, you got a man yet?"

Yup, same old Victoria. She didn't let up though.

Victoria: "Judging from those rather extensive hickeys on your neck, I'd say...Yes!"

Stacy: "Wrong...and they are not hickeys!"

Victoria: "What are they then? Wait, you been playing with the vacuum cleaner again? Hehehe-ow! Hey, that hurts."

Apparently Victoria still remembered the time she had actually vacuumed herself to decieve people into thinking she had done something with a guy. Sigh...

Stacy: "Good. No, I got into a catfight, with Jessica no less."

Victoria: "Jessica...Warden? Wait, over a guy?"

Stacy eyed her.

Victoria: "What? If it's the same Jessica, what the hell else is a girl to think?"

Stacy: "Hehehe...yeah, I guess you could kinda say that. See, she thought that-"

Victoria: "Wait, don't tell me it was over Josh or Jessie? What are those two up to anyway? You know, I've always had the hugest crush on them, hmmmmm...maybe I'll end up marrying on of them, that's a thought."

Stacy: "I don't think so...anyhow, you gonna let me finish? Don't you even want to know WHY I fought it out with Jessica?"

Victoria: "Oh-yeah, uh, sorry. I just get sidetracked whenever I think of men. Do go on."

Stacy: "It was at these football tryouts. You remember Brad right, Summers?"

Victoria's eyes went dreamy.

Victoria: " could I forget?"

Stacy rolled her eyes.

Stacy: "Well, Jessica and him were a couple for like, well a year. But then he broke up with her. She actually went and joined the cheeleaders to try and get his attention and get him back. He doesn't want the bitch, and when he went looking in the club for...someone else, she thought it was me and well-catfight...thankfully not in front of the entire school. It was a more or less private thing. kicked her ass good though!"

Victoria: "So you mean, you're not with Brad and you're single?"

Stacy: "Yeah."

Victoria: "Well, you're in luck girlfriend. I'm going to hook you up."

Stacy: "What? I'm not really looking for a relationship...right now. I mean I want to keep foccussed on my studies and everything and-"

Victoria: "Nonsense. You can be a success just the same with or without a man. Wait...that didn't come out right."

Stacy: "I just don't want all of the drama. You know...people make up and breakup all the time. And someone always gets hurt."

Victoria: " hurts...hahaha. Oh Jeez...but if you don't try you'll miss out on a lot in life. Oooh, here comes just the guy for you."

Stacy: "What? No, I don't-"

Victoria: "Won't you even look at him?"

Stacy turned her head in the direction Victoria was looking in.

Victoria: "Close your mouth dear."

Stacy: "Huh? Oh...who is he? And why is he coming over here...oh no...he saw me gawking at him!"

Victoria: "Hahaha...He's Gabriel...Carpenter. "

Stacy: "You mean, you're related?"

Victoria: "Cousins...he tagged along for the ride when we came back. He's going to spend the year here, at Calvary High, with me."

Stacy: "'re both going to come to Calvary?"

Victoria: "Yeah...I can see you're just so happy about that!"

Stacy: "Shut up."

Gabriel had by this time walked up to the table and taken a seat. He wasted no time in introductions.

Gabriel: "Hey there. I'm Gabriel...and who are you?"

Stacy: "I-I...I'm mean, I mean, I'm Stacy...Alexis. Stacy Alexis."

Gabriel: "Okay...well since we're sharing last names...I'm Gabriel Carpenter. But friends just call me Gabe."

Stacy: "Oh...okay."

Gabriel: " old are you?"

Victoria: "She's seventeen."

Gabriel: "I was asking her."

Victoria smiled in a knowing way, then turned her face. This was just too easy. Stacy tried to make conversation, but for the first time in her life, she was at a loss for words. She kept thinking to herself,

"Is this the warm tingly feeling they always talk about?"

Stacy: "So, uh-how old are you?"

Gabriel: "Seventeen, same as you."

A long awkward silence followed.

Say something you fool, don't just sit and stare at him!

He'll think that you're such a ditz!

Gosh, why, why...why am I bitching like this?!

Gabriel: "Something wrong?"

Stacy: "No. Nothing's wrong."

Gabriel: "You were just staring into midair."

Stacy: "Uh-I just remembered something I have to do. I-got to go...home."

Gabriel: "Oh...well. I guess I'll see you around, right?"

Was that a note of disappointment in his voice? No time to analyze! Just get out of there before you make more a fool of yourself.

Stacy: "Vickie, I'll see you around in school."

Vickie: "Yeah, see you tomorrow!"

Gabriel: "You, mean we'll be going to the same school? Cool..."

Stacy regarded him a second or two. He'd said cool..oh my God! He said cool...that we'd be going to the same school!

Then she headed for the door. She turned back once and their eyes met. She broke the connection and rushed out into the street. Why was she so out of breath...hell why was she sweating so profusely. Why was she feeling like she had a fever going on.

"Get a grip on yourself", she thought.

Then she turned and began walking down the street, homeward bound. Damn....


I was staring at the phone for an hour. I had been calling and calling at Stacy's house every five minutes, trying to get her alone to talk to her. For some reason, no one was answering. I didn't know why she wasn't at home by then. So the minute the phone rang, I sprang for it. I had left her a dozen messages. I was worried sick. I had been trying to call Josh's house too. Everytime I asked for him, his mom told me that he wasn't feeling too good and to call back. I knew better, and tried his cell phone. I got through once, but he hung up. I later guessed he must have turned it off after that. I was glad that he didn't try and take off like the time before. I picked up the phone and pushed the answer button.

Stacy: "Hey Jessie, what's up? Why did you call here so much?"

"Everything's fucked up! Why the hell did I listen to you and your stupid advice?!"

Stacy: "What? Wait, calm down. Tell me exactly what happened."

"I tried to tell him Stace. And when I told him that I was gay, he-he kissed me! Stacy, Josh is gay! He told me so himself. And that's not the worse part. He said he loves me."

Stacy: "What did you do?"

"I can't believe I didn't notice. I told him to stop, I couldn't tell him about Brad, so I told him that I was seeing someone."

Stacy: " did he take it?"

"Not good. He got mad at me. He wanted me to tell him who I was with. I didn't and he took off. I've been calling his house over and over, but his mom says he's sick and resting. I tried his cell too, but he turned it off."

Stacy: "Give him some time to sort it through Jess. He's had these feelings for you for a while and it can't be easy for him to-"

" just said he's had these feelings for a, you knew?!?! You fucking knew and didn't tell me!"

Stacy: "Cool your jets and listen for once! He confessed to me, like you did. How'd you feel if I went and told him what you told me in confidence?"

She had a point.

"Why, why didn't I see it?"

Stacy: "I don't know. People just miss the things that are right under their noses sometimes."

"But if you knew about both of us, and you knew I was with Brad, and you knew how Josh felt, why did you keep pushing me to do this?"

Stacy: "To keep things from getting worse. You plan on being with Brad secretly forever?"

"Well, I'd like to be open about it some day."

Stacy: "Right. Now if you were to wait ten years and THEN Josh found's better he finds out that he's been in the dark a short time than for a much longer time period."

"I guess. I wish I knew about him before though. If I wasn't so shocked when he kissed me, I might have dealt with it better."

Stacy: "Just give it some time. We'll see him tomorrow at school. Maybe he'll settle down a little better by then."


Stacy: "Let's change the topic for a while. Give you some room to breathe. Guess who I crashed into today?"


Stacy: "Vickie's back!"

"No joke?"

Stacy: "Nuh uh. They couldn't take the weather up in Canada, well, with her grandmother and all. She's going to come back to our school too and...she's not alone...Sigh."

"Huh? She brought someone?"

Stacy: "Her cousin...Gabriel...oh gosh, what a nice name."

"Am I detecting some hint of attraction there?"

Stacy: "I acted like a fool. I could barely get three words out of my mouth."


Stacy: "I know. I didn't know who he was at first. Vickie just said that Here Comes The Guy For Me. I looked in the direction she pointed and I couldn't take my eyes off him. I-I think I was drooling...damn, he caught me looking at him! I know that Vickie wants me to hook up with him, and you know how much I like to prove her wrong,'s like she can't be wrong ALL the time. I don't know but-I think she could be right this time. So what do you think?"

"Go for it. I'm the youngest and I'm getting more action than you! But, make sure you get to know this guy good first. I don't think you should just rush into this."

Stacy: "You're starting to sound like me. Don't worry, you'll meet him soon enough. He and Vickie signed in at our school."

"Oh...well, good luck. So is he cute?"

Stacy: "And then some!"

"Then you better waste no time girlfriend! You know what happens to cute guys at Calvary, especially with girls like Jessica around!"

Stacy: "Oh God! You're right. I gotta go!"

"What! Why?"

Stacy: "He'll be in school tomorrow. I've got to go pick out something to wear! Any ideas?"

"What, why are you asking me?"

Stacy: "You're the Gay Guy!"

"I don't have a clue...maybe you could call Josh. He seems to be sharing a lot with you..."

Stacy: "You're not mad at me...are you Jessie."

"No...just-why the hell do things have to be this way?"

Stacy: "It'll all iron'll see. We'll I've got to go. You know I don't know anything about fashion. I'm going to have to call Vickie and get some pointers. It'll mean confessing to her but hey, I think I'm in Love! See you."


And she was gone. Yay for her. At least her life is shaping up. I went upstairs and deicided to turn in early. What a day...

He was alone in his room, contemplating. Why in the Hell had he told Jessie how he felt about him? He sighed in frustration. He hadn't in his wildest imaginings thought that Jessie was going to drop such a bombshell on him. Where the hell had that come from? Why the fuck didn't he see it all along? He would have acted sooner. He could have avoided missing out on the opportunity. When Jessie told him he was Gay, his brain didn't know how to register it. Was it some kind of joke? He took his time in considering. Jessie took the silence to mean something bad. He started to cry. If it was one thing Josh couldn't stand was to see his Jess cry. He made his way over to him and started to wipe his tears. It wasn't long before he couldn't resist any longer. He just had to kiss him. He always wanted to, God alone knows how many times he had to fight the urge. Now that he knew that Jessie was Gay like him, it seemed perfect to tell him about the way he felt too.

Jessie pulled away when he kissed him. Josh was a little flustered at first, then he remebered that Jessie still didn't know about him. All he could say was,


Obviously the boy was so glad, that he was speechless. Or so he thought. It all spiralled down to hell so fast. He said he didn't like him like that. That he was more of a big brother to him. Those words just stabbed right then and there. He felt something clutch painfully in his chest. If he didn't know anybetter, he would of thought he was going through a heart attack. He tired to reason with him. Tried to see if he would ever be able to like him like that. He thought that he reason that Jessie couldn't see him in that light was because he didn't know anything about him, and that in time, he might be able to see him as something other than a friend. He was wrong. It became apparent that that wasn't the reason at all. Far from it. He was already with someone. Someone who he didn't want Josh knowing about...because this someone wasn't very comfortable with the idea of being Gay. Why is Jessie setting himself up for heartbreak? Getting involved with a confused person was the perfect way to get your heart broken.

Josh had his suspicions about who this "Someone" could be, but he needed to be sure first. All the time he was watching Brad. Now he'd have to watch how Jessie reacted. And then he'd have his answer. He didn't feel like going to school the next day, but now he guessed he would. He was not just going to sit back and let some wanna be take the guy of his dreams away from him. No way in Hell! He'd have to have a talk with Jessie too. He couldn't stay mad at him forever and more importantly, he couldn't have Jessie thinking he was mad at him for long. He do it tomorrow. He'd make things right. He would do whatever needed to be done, that was a given...come tomorrow.


To say that I was nervous about going to school that day, would have been a gross understatement. Even my parents seemed to sense that something was off with me. I don't know if it was so obvious. Mom cornered me in the living room.

Mom: "Jess, honey, is everything alright?"

"Y-yeah. Great."

She was eyeing me.

Mom: "Then why are you wearing that look on your face and burning tracks, pacing up and down the hall?"

"I-I just have a lot on my mind."

Dad walked in and overheard us talking.

Dad: "Everything alright between you and Brad? He hasn't tried anything has he?"

"No! Why do you have to think that whenever something's wrong it has something to do wih Brad?"

Mom: "So something's wrong?"

"I didn't mean it like that."

Dad: "Then what did you mean it like? If something's wrong, we want to know about it."

"It's nothing I can't handle. Really...I just need some time to sort things out."

Dad: "It's nothing...serious or anything."

"I don't know yet, but it has nothing to do with Brad...believe me. Please, just drop it...please."

Mom: "Consider it dropped for now, only because you're running late for school."

"I'll see you guys later."

And I headed out into the street. I was just going to walk, but then a familiar Civic pulled up at the side of the road. Brad...he rolled down the windows and regarded me with his killer smile. Normally when I saw him smile like that, I just couldn't resist smiling like that. This morning was different though. I just couldn't smile back. His look changed into one of concern as I got in. He, as usual, wasted no time in trying to find out what was wrong. He hit the nail on the head too. It didn't take much brains to figure out why I was so out of color this morning.

Brad: "So how did it go?"

I didn't know exactly how to tell him. I couldn't reveal what I'd learned about Josh. That was for sure. It's up to you when and if you come out, and no one else. I took a breath. I couldn't tell him everything went fine. Judging by the look on my face and my blue mood, it was obvious everything had not gone fine. If I told him that he was having trouble accepting the fact that I was Gay, he'd think that Josh was a Homophobic idiot and they would probably be going at it again. No way I wanted that...not after they were finally getting a little close. And I couldn't tell him about what had happened, and about the kiss. I didn't know how he'd react to it. I just didn't know what to say.

Brad: "'s obvious something is wrong with you. Come on, open up a little..."

"I...don't want to talk about it...just not right now."

Brad: "Not even with me?"

Especially not with you...

"N-no. Not with anyone...not yet. Please drop it."

He looked at me a little oddly but said nothing. He just drove on. I busied myself by looking out of the window. As luck would have it, we were passing Josh's house. I looked up and saw Josh walking down the path from the house to the street. I quickly avoided his gaze. I hoped to Heaven that Brad hadn't seen him. No such luck. The car was slowing to a halt. It was obvious that Brad has seen him and was going to give him a lift. I sighed. I glanced over to Brad and saw that he was staring at me. When he saw I was looking, he turned away. My only hope was that Josh would just not ride with us. Again, no such luck. The back door opened and Josh took a seat.

Brad: "Hey!"

Josh: "S'up."

I kept silent. I saw Brad looking at me again. I guess it was my silence that was confusing him. I couldn't bring myself to say anything. We drove on. And pretty soon we pulled up in the school parking lot. I got out of the car as quickly as possible and headed into the building. I didn't care how it looked. I just wanted to be as far away from him as possible. I wish Stacy were here, then I wouldn't be so alone in dealing with it. As if she had heard my wish, she walked into the corridor, but damn! What a change! The girl looked like some of Jessica had rubbed off on her when she tried to strangle her to death! Was it legal for a seventeen year old girl to dress so...skimpy at school?! Well, it wasn't the skimpiest thing around, but comparing it to Stacy's usual attire, it was downright skanky. I couldn't get my eyes off of her, and I was Gay! And those boots...damn! I could hear some hooting coming out of the hall she had just walked out of. I was stupefied...she walked up to me smiling. No doubt enjoying all the attention she was getting.

Stacy: ""

"What the Hell?! Stace, where did you get that outfit?! Do your parents know you're dressing like the neighborhood corner Bitch?!"

Stacy: "Victoria's Secret...hahahahaha!"

"Oh, right. I forgot about Vickie. She here yet?"

Stacy: "Nuh uh. You know she likes to be fashionably late."

"Oh. So you really are putting yourself out on the radar aren't you?"

Stacy: "Because a girl pays a little attention to herself for once, does it mean I'm putting out?!"

"Well, you've never done anything like this before."

Stacy: "First time for everything. So, have you seen Josh yet?"

"Yeah...he took a ride with me and Brad this morning."

Stacy: "How is he?"

"I wouldn't know...he didn't say a word to me."

Stacy: "Oh, look. Here they come!"

"Josh! I got to go-"

Stacy: "No...Gabriel...and Vickie!"


I turned and saw a more or less unchanged Vickie and a darkhaired boy walking down the corridor.

"Well, you certainly got good taste."

Stacy: "Sigh...I know."

"Oh, oh...haha. Look at that bitch pushing herself up on him. Hahaha. Told you cute guys don't last long here if they're not careful..."

It was cute how worried she started looking.

"Well, DO something!"

Stacy: "Right. I can't just yell his name out but um-Vickie, girl, where have you been?!"

Vickie: "Oh, there you are! Come on Gabe...she'll show us around."

They started walking up to us. I saw the girl who was formerly trying to attract this Gabriel turn purple with anger. Girls... They were right next to us by now. Stacy and Vickie were doing the girly hug thing. The guy shook my hand and introduced himself.

Gabe: "Gabriel..."


Vickie: "Jessie...damn! You grew up right after all..."

She started to appraise me.

Vickie: "Miss me?"

"Like a hole in the head!"

Vickie: "Awww..."

I let her hug me though. We weren't inseperably close, but we were friends after all. She always struck me to be a little too slutty though. Not Jessica Warden Slutty, but no nun either.

Vickie: "So what have you been doing with yourself Jess?"

"Do you really wanna know that?"

She slapped me on the shoulder, just like she used to. Same old Victoria.

Vickie: "You little pervert..."

"Ain't so little anymore."

Vickie: "Ooohh...I can certainly see that. You been working out?"


She started batting her eyes at me.

Vickie: "So, you got a girlfriend?"

", not yet."

Vickie: "Would you like one?"

I was thankfully spared from answering.

Vickie: "Josh! Over here sweetie!"

Oh, no...I turned and saw him and Brad coming down the hall. I went and stood a little behind Stacy. Unfortunately, she pushed me away. I wonder what was her deal. I looked at her face trying to see what was the problem and why she didn't want me standing near to her. She started doing all kinds of eye talk. I got the gist of it though. She didn't want me to be in the way of her and Gabriel. That and he might think we were into each other or something. I got the message and went down the hallway. I'd just be a little early for...oh no...Chemistry class. Which me and Josh seatmates. Why is everything shaping up so badly? I decided that staying away from Josh for as long as possible would probably be a good idea.

Vickie: "Jessie, where the hell are you going?"

"I-have a class...soon."

Vickie: "We have like...uh-fifteen minutes."

"I want to be early. I...have some-notes to catch up on."

They regarded me a little oddly. I didn't care. I just left. I'd be safe, alone. Or so I thought.

Josh: "I gotta go catch up on some notes too. I'll catch you guys later. Nice seeing you Vickie."

Vickie: "Same here...believe me!"

I just walked down the corridor as quickly as I go go without looking like I was running. I heard him call out. I didn't answer.

Josh: "Jessie, wait up!"

I stopped, but didn't turn.

"What do you want?"

Josh: "I just want to talk to you a little. Why are you avoiding me like this?"

"Me...avoiding you? I called you like fifty times yesterday...but you were so on your deathbed "Sick". What an amazing recovery! I was a bit surprised you could maintain the pace just now. One for the record books, what's your secret?"

Josh: "Please...stop being so sarcastic. This isn't easy for me, okay. You don't just don't. When I found out that you were Gay, I just didn't think that you could be with someone. I just thought that maybe you might be single and give me a chance."

"So without thinking how I felt, you try and kiss me. And then after I pushed you off, you try to again. And when I didn't want to tell you who I'm with, you lose your temper and storm off."

Josh: "I'm sorry. This can't be easy for you either, finding out about me. I shouldn't have tried to make you tell me who you're with..."

"That's right. You shouldn't have. Me telling you that I was with someone should have been enough."

Josh: "I...know. So...this guy, is it a serious thing or just...casual?"

His tone and facial expression changed and I just couldn't maintain the anger anymore.

"It's serious. We really love each other. He just can't handle the drama of anyone knowing right now. That's all.."

Josh: "Oh..."

"You are my best friend and that won't ever change Josh. Ever...even if you're has nothing to do with-with him. I just can't see you any other way. But the way I do see you, I like you that way. A lot...and I don't want that to change."

Josh: "I just can't stop seeing you that way..."

"You will...eventually. And you'll find someone great. Someone who deserves you, a whole lot more than I do."

Josh: "I-don't know how to look."

"Believe me...when it'll know it."

Josh: "Yeah...I guess you're right. It won't be easy for me to just let go, so just bear with me a little, okay?"

"Yeah, okay."

The bell went then.

Josh: "So, we cool?"

"Yeah, we're cool."

We went into class. That went a whole lot better than I thought it would.

***************************************************************************** I have to apologise to the people at Nifty's...I have been neglecting to update quickly. I'm sorry, but it can't be avoided. I'm not going to just drop this story...promise. Thanks to everyone who's emailed so far. Thanks for the feedback! It's what keeps me writing...By the way, my group's at:

If yur interested. Feel free to send comments to or the previous email addy.

Next: Chapter 17

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