Say You Love Me

By Cronos

Published on Nov 2, 2005


Say You Love MeSay You Love Me Chapter 13 "Are you Fucking Crazy?!?"



Jon: "Dude are you fucking crazy?!? Jessca came back, practically crawling back, to you, and you didn't get it together with her?"

They stared at me in disbelief. Poor guys, all they still lived for was the cheap fuck. Sigh...I'd had enough of those myself. A lot of them thanks to Jessica herself. I learned from them though. I needed more than sex, and Jessica wasn't the one to give it to me. Hmm...maybe being with her for a while had it's advantages after all. It opened my eyes.

"No, I didn't get back together with her."

Chad: "Why? Why didn't you, don't you have eyes man?"

"She's a lot less desirable when you get to know her, believe me."

They didn't look like they believed me. I could understand it a little though. I was a new man. The old me, the sex crazed idiot(kinda like they still were) would have probably gotten back together with Jessica in two two's. I probably would have taken her up on the offer of lots and lots of hot make up sex right then and there, in the nearest janitor's closet too. I guess I had changed more than I myself had realised. Then Devon asked me what I knew would be the inevitable question.

Devon: "Are you ever going to patch things up with her?"

"Hell no! I mean, I don't think so."

Okay, maybe I said that a little too vehemently.

Devon: "Well, if yo aren't going to get back together with her, then you won't mind if-"

They started eyeing each other. I got what they were saying. They knew Jessica's reputation. Hell, ninety-nine point nine percent of the school populace knew her reputation. All I could say was either they were very brave, very horny, very confident, or very very stupid.

"It's your lookout, if you want to get with a lut like her. Just make sure you don't catch anything. She's probably got the most overused pussy in the school too. God know's who hasn't been in there."

The thought made me a little queasy. It must have showed on my face too. I wonder just how many guys fucked Jessica. I once asked how many boyfriends, I excluded casual fucks, she'd had. Girl started counting them off her fingers, she lost count. She didn't have enough fingers. The thought of it sickened me. Could I hae really been into someone like that? Was I really like that. I seemed like a strnger to myself looking back on it now.

Jon: "Man, are you okay? You look like you had one too many of the cafeteria's meatloafs."

"I-I'm fine. I just-I'm fine, just a little queasy."

Chad: "Well, you better pull through. We got a pratice session later and we gotta grill those newcomers too. Make sure they're the right material."

I got an idea then. I knew Jessie would thank me for it. He'd been at me trying to sweeten me up to do it. He wanted me to put in a good word for Josh. I never saw him play, but he sure had the physique for it. Hell, all he had to do was stay in possession of the football, knock off whoever tried o get it from him, make a few passes and score a few touchdowns. With a little training, he'd probably be scoring with the best of them. Sure, he and I weren't exacly friends, but we'd called off our mutual hostility. He was the one who apologised first too, so I could definitely do this, if only for Jessie.

"Guys, there's a Joshua Mckenzie who'll be trying out today. Take it a little easy on him, okay? I mean, don't make it look like it to coach-but don't try to hand him his ass either. Just give him a fair shot. I think he's got some real talent, okay?" Jon: "Yeah, I'll take it easy on him, just to see how he plays."

The others agreed too. Well, that's that. I'd relay the news to Jessie later on. I just might even get a little something for my trouble too, lol.



"You're sure you didin't tell him anything Stace?"

Stacy: "No, I didn't say anything about-THAT-to him. You know me better than that."

Well, that was at least one relief. Still, the downside was that now, the guy os my dreams thinks I'm into some girl. A mutual friend too no less. What was worse, he thought, that I thought that he was a security threat. Meaning that I thought that he was after Stacy too. Sigh...a straight...Do I really have a chance with him? Am I just beating myself up for nothing? I mean, falling in love with a straight guy, who could never love you back the way you love him, seemed like breaking the ultimate gay guy taboo.

Stacy: "Josh, is something wrong?"

"Everything's wrong Stace."

Stacy: "Care to elaborate?"

"He talked to me in the Chemistry lab today. He thought that you and I were together and that I thought he was a security risk and was trying to get with you too. He thinks I'm a straight, same old there, but he's a straight Stace. Am I just wasting my time here? What's the use of falling for a straight guy?"

Stacy: "I wish I could help you there Josh, but I jus don't know what to say. Sigh, just give it time, okay. Just wait a while and see how things shape up. I wish I could be of real help, but I just don't know how to deal with something like this."

"I guess you wouldn't, you're a girl." Stacy: "Hey, love problems are love problems. It doesn't matter who it's with. It's love we're talking about here. What I mean was that I never really felt like this before so I can't say anything much."

She had a point. I knew that as much as I tried to tell myself that it was all futile and pointless, it was simply and inescapable fact. I LOVED Jess. No denying it for long. I might be able to tell myself that he was just my buddy when I was alone. But the minute he came into viewing distance, it changed. Five minutes with him was enough to completely erase two to three hours of attempted brainwashing on my part. Sigh...We'd done so much together...I rememebered back a few years ago. He was 14, I was just 15. He had come over unexpectedly to my house. My mom just let him upstairs without even bothering to call up to me. We were that close. Both our houses were considered mutual property. He walked on upstairs and just barged into my room without even knocking. Just as I was in the end phase of a particularly gruelling jackoff session. Man, was I embarassed! The fact that I was jacking off thinking off him added to it! The real killer was that he thought I was in pain and that something was wrong. He was 14 and hadn't even learnt to jackoff yet! Tuns out I was the the one to expound certain facts of life to him.

Jessie: "Does it hurt?"

"Well, in the good way. Feels great."

Jessie: "You sure? I mean the way your face was all red and the way you screamed out like that?"

I had been the one to teach him to jackoff. We jacked off once or twice after that, and I have to say, those were the best damn jackoff's I've ever had in my life! But we stopped, he stopped soon after. Lol. When we were younger and Stacy made her appearance, new girl on the block, we had been skeptical to let her play with us. I was all,

"Girls. Ugh, watch out Jess, or she'll try and kiss you."

It pleased me to no end when he said,

Jessie: "Kiss me! Ewwwwww...I'd never let a girl kiss me!"

Yup, just us guys. But eventually we capitulated and let her play hide and seek with us. Most of the time I made sure she was the one doing the seeking and Jessie and I would be doing the hiding. That [lace by the fountain was a very good place to hide. A couple of times I admit, I got real jealous at Stacy had come and in one month had taken my place. So I was a little mean to her a couple of times. Hey, I was still only single digits, I didn't know any better. A couple of times I told him that Stacy said she couldn't play today and that she had to stay home. Poor Stacy had been waiting on us for hours. Jessie never bothered to ask her about it and Stacy would be too pissed to say anything about it. Now we were one big happy family. Sigh...Stacy broke me out of my bittersweet trip down memory lane.

Stacy: "Well, I got to go to class. Good luck at the tryouts, you know I'll be there, and you know Jessie won't miss it either. Break a leg."

"Thanks, see you later."



"You did?!"

Brad: "Yup, I did. Told `em to take it easy on Josh.. I think he'll make the team. No sweat."

"God! I could just-"

Brad: "Just what?"

"Kiss you!"

Brad: "Well, why don't you?"

"Well, we're in-"

Brad: "The little boy's room...just a quickie, you know you wanna..."

"Okay, okay, just a quickie."

We were getting braver and braver. That was for sure. In school too. Okay, so we were both free and there was not much chance of anyone coming into the bathroom, but there was still a window of misfortune that could do us in. Horniness won out however. Hey we were horny teenaged boys-wait that was a bit redundant there, we were teenaged boys after all. We could only take a quick peck. No real spit swapping or battling with our tongues like swords or anything, but it was enough to stave off the continous craving we seemed to have for each other whenvever we were together. He walked out of the bathroom with a conspicuos smile on his face. Someone would probably think he went inside here to jackoff or something. Haha, that's the second time I'd been kissed in a bathroom. Maybe my life wasn't as dull as I thought it was after all. But I couldn't help but wonder how long it would be before Brad ceased to be satified with just making out. I mean, I was no fool. Sure I was disgusted whenever I thought about it. But he was used to sex, lots and lots of sex, judging by the long list of ex-girlfriends he'd had. I didn't know if I was ready for anything like that yet and we hadn't talked about it yet, but I knew we'd have to soon, soon...

But for now, I had to get ready for my next class.


Jessie's Point of View-The Tryouts

The stands were jam-packed with spectators, all here to cheer on the prospective footballers for the school's team. I never was much of an athletics person, so this was all pretty much new to me. The loud, continous screams of the fans (they seemed to scream at everything done on the field) was making it a bit difficult for someone like myself, but I was determined to stick it out. Josh was expecting to see me and Stacy there in the stands rooting for him. Stacy seemed to be only a little more comfortable than I was, I could tell it would probably be trying for her too. We took a seat right up front to make sure that Josh would be able to see us. That and I wanted to see my boy in action, up close and personal.

Just then the guys in the crowd started hooting and I saw some of the girls looking a bit mad. I didn't know what it was about until I looked on the field. A dozen skimipily clad girls began waltzing onto the field. Yup, the cheerleaders. No wonder the stands were so packed...most of the guys here probably came to get an eyeful of this, rather than the footballers. I saw that I was the only guy in the front row not hooting. I got up and started to hoot along with the other guys. And I mean really HOOT! When I sat back down, I saw Stacy looking at me with an amused expression on her face. I had to talk to her in a whisper. Sure everyone was yelling, but I wasn't taking any chances.


Stacy: "So you're hooting for the cheerleaders now huh? Hmmm, louder than most of the other guys here."

"Well, I have to keep up appearances."

That was true. It stabbed me everytime I had to pretend I was something I wasn't, and I usually tried to avoid situations that made me do it. Couldn't do that this time though so I had to go with the flow.

Stacy: "Haha, hmmmm, I wonder if all in the closet guys do like you and try to be so straight to the public that they out macho the straight guys."

She began scoping out the rest of the crowd, looking for any guy she thought was hooting a little too loudly for the cheerleaders.


Stacy: "Shut up, or I'll kick your ass."

"Haha. You should try out for cheerleading. You're a natural."

She looked at me flabbergasted.

Stacy: "Me-cheerleading?! Ugh...never."

"What have you got against the cheerleaders?"

Stacy: "They are a bunch of under-dressed bimbos, dumb as a door knob, couldn't think their way out of a basic Algebra problem and-"

"They've got the guys going wild over them."

Stacy: "Oh so you like cheerleaders now huh? Well then what do you think about that one?"

She pointed out one of the cheerleaders to me. She was wearing the tight, flaming red uniform, but something seemed a little different about it. I squinted. There was some extra lettering on her top. Hmmmmmmm....


"Go Bra? So she likes Bras."

Stacy: "Look closer."

G-O-B-R-A-D...GO BRAD?!?!

"Wait a minute! That's-"

Stacy: "Jessica Warden, Brad's ex-well one of `em anyway. Still like cheerleaders?"

"Stupid slutty, under-dressed bimbos..."

Stacy: "I knew you'd agree with me. Hmmm...I wonder. Don't think that she might actually be trying to get back with him, do you?"

"But she's not a cheerleader."

Stacy: "She's obviously trying out, and not doing a shabby job either."

"Yeah, well, she dumped Brad."

Stacy: "And it looks like she wants him back."

"She can't have him. I'll cut her."

Stacy: "Now whose gay little gangster do we have here sweetie? Haha..."

"Shut up...look they're coming out! There's Brad."

Stacy: "You know, we're really here to support Josh you know."

"Yeah, well, I don't see-oh there he is."

Stacy: "Hmmmmmmm.....Josh is looking hot. Don't you think?"


Stacy: "Come on...don't tell me you never thought of him that way before."

And they keep telling me that they aren't into each other....

"Well, I guess, if he wasn't-oh shut up, look Brad has the ball!"


(Author's Note-I want to try a third person perspective here.)

Jessica knew that to get Brad to notice her, she'd have to put herself out on the radar. She'd never liked how much his football games took him away from her. And she wasn't the cheerleader type. The girls on the cheerleading squad were extremely attractive, that was true. But she considered herself above all that. They threw themselves at guys. If anything was going to happen, she wanted it to be the other way around. Guys should be throwing themselves on her. But now that she was trying it, she was actually enjoying it. What better way to get a footballer to notice you than to position yourself up prominently as a cheerleader. Far more conspicuous than some face in the crowd.

She had actually thought about sitting in the stands and cheering him on. But had cancelled for two reasons. First, sitting amongst all of the other, lower class students so did not have much appeal to her. Half of them looked like they got their clothes out of the Salvation Army, ickie...and second, it was a whole lot better to be on the field and not have to scream her delicate lungs out continuosly. Besides, she was an action girl, actions spoke louder than words. She held her breath when she saw Brad run onto the field, and then began to show off, gyrating her hips and yelling out all the cheers that she could think of on the spur of the moment, trying to get him to notice her. She was practically dancing to music only she could hear for him. All the guys in the stands were screaming stuff at her.

"Yeah baby, work it!"

She knew she was doing a GREAT why was Brad not noticing her? And why was he always looking into the stands. Did he think she was there or something? Was he willing to change, and regretted his decision earlier that day, and was pining for her? Her heart raced as she grasped at a feeble glimmer of hope. Resurrecting her will she did what she thought would be the last damned thing. She was going to throw herself at a guy, publicly!

"Brad baby, I'm right over here!"

He was turning in her direction. Oh God yes! He wanted her, he was looking for her. They'd be okay, she knew it. Right after the match she'd have a talk with him. She'd pour out everything to him. He was The One, she could feel it. It all crumbled though when she saw the expression on his face. It was a cross between disgust, anger and classic "Leave Me Alone." Her spirits cooled. The Cheerleading Squad Leader spoke to her.

Candice: "Jessica are you okay? You look tired...take a rest, one minute you're dancing up a storm, Hurrican Jessica, and the next you're all pooped out."

"I-I'm fine Candice, just fine."

She made her way to a seat on the cheerleading bench and sat down. Just what would it take, why was he-why the hell was he contsantly glancing at the stands?! She followed his gaze and could not believe what she saw. Brad-HER BRAD was looking at a-That was it, oh God...



After the fields was cleared, Stacy and I waited in the stands for Brad and Josh to come out of the changing room. The cheerleaders were long gone. It was like six-thirty and the place was already darkening. I wanted to get home quickly but we thought it best to wait until Brad and Josh came out and we'd all hitch a ride in his car. Sure we all lived close but walking home alone in the dark did not seem like a smart thing to do. We talked to pass the time while we waited, and waited and waited...

Stacy: "Just what is taking them so long?"

"They're showering."

Stacy: "Only girls take that long in the shower."

"So what do you think they're doing, hmmmm....?", I asked with a suggestive tone in my voice.

Stacy: "You are becoming too much of a pervert."

"And just what is wrong with that?"

We jumped at the sound of an unexpected voice. We turned around and saw that it was Jessica, the girl who was setting the field on fire and...Brad's Ex-(One of anyway.).

"Never you mind her cutie, it's a plus in my book."

Stacy: "Oh...really. And what book would that be Jessica?"

She ignored the question.

Jessica: "So what are you two doing out here at this time when the vampires roam?"

Stacy: "Vampires huh? Is that what you-"

"We're waiting on someone."

Jessica: "All alone, by yourself. It's dangerous to be here after dark, don't you know?"

Stacy: "Well, we're not here by ourselves anymore are we? We've got you to keep us company...oh joy."

Okay, they so did not like each other. I hoped I wouldn't have to stand much more of their mutual, passive aggressive antics, and thankfully I was spared. Brad and Josh came walking up towards us. I nudged Stacy, and she began walking up with me towards them, eyeing Jessica all the time.

"Great job guys!"

Brad: "Hey, I was already on the team."

"Oh, right, ha-way to go Josh!"

Josh: "Thanks, glad to see you made it!"

"But did you really have to slam Chad that hard?"

Josh: "What? It looked worse than it was, believe me.

Brad: "Yeah, he made it alright. Got some real potential, coach thinks so. I better watch my back, or he'll be trying to take me over as captain when the football season starts up, huh Josh?"

Stacy: "What took you guys so long?"

Josh: "We had a little celebrating thing, ah-the cheerleader, kinda-"

Brad: "Welcomed, the new guys."

Stacy: "In...the showers?"

Josh went red. It took a while before we registered what we were implying. We were broken out of our train of thought by Jessica.

Jessica: "Brad, I want to talk to you. Alone..."

"Uh, Brad, can we catch a ride in your car?"

Brad: "Yeah, no prob. You coming too Josh?"

Josh: "Yeah, if it's no hassle."

Brad: "It's not."

Jessica: "Did you hear what I just said? I want to talk to you NOW!"

Stacy: "Haha. Did you guys hear an echo in here?"

None of us saw it coming. Before any of us could react Jessica had flashed forward and grabbed Stacy in a chokehold, then slammed her against the wall.

Jessica: "What the Hell are you laughing at Bitch!?"

I ran forward and ripped her off of Stacy. She shoved me aside and turned to Brad, in a rage. He and Josh had recovered from their shock by now. None of us expected Jessica to do that. She was always the cool cucumber, the sure of herself one. Stacy was gasping for breath. Josh ran up to us. I bent down over her.

"Stace you okay?"

Stacy: "Let me go! I'm going to kick that Bitch's ass from here to next week Friday, she's going to have a bootprint on her booty for life!"

Josh: "That's the Adrenaline talking girl. Calm down..."

Brad: "What the fuck has gotten into you Jessica?! Are you fucking crazy?!"

Jessica: "That's right Brad, defend your girlfriend..."


Jessica: "Don't play games with me, go on, go to her! Go to the Red Head Hussy!"

Unbelievable! So she thought...and just who was SHE to call STACY a-a HUSSY?! Pot is calling the kettle black...

Stacy: "Oh no she didn't-I'm going to cut that whore's behind...let me go!"

Brad: "She isn't my-"

Jessica: "No, don't tell me a damned thing! Just let me make a fool of myself in front of the entire school."

Brad: "You never cared for what I said before, so you think it would have stopped YOU from making a fool out of YOURSELF?! Just get a damned grip on yourself...gyrating like a goddamned stripper out just stay the hell away from me-and, my-(he looked at us, then spoke with certainty)-my friends! Got it?"

We left her standing there, crying. Stacy had red bands around her neck, courtesy of Jessica. Must have been a real tight grip. Her voice was weak too.

Stacy: "I swear, if she tries anything like that on me again I'll-I don't know what I'll do-but it'll be painful though, and leave a nice permanent scar for her to remember me by."

Josh: "For someone who just got her ass kicked, you really are a bit over confident, you know that?"

Stacy: "She surprised me, that's all. It would have been less bad if you'd come sooner like Jessie, standing around doing nothing while Psycho girl tries to strangle me to death!"

Brad: "You two sound like an old, married-"

They silenced him with a stare. I laughed.

"I've been telling them that since this morning."

Stacy: "We are not an old married couple!"

"Oh, of course not...yet. Haha!"

Brad: "So, when's the wedding?"

"Hey Josh, you look hot in a football uniform! My, don't you agree Stace?"

Brad: "Hahaha!"

Josh: "What?! I don't understand-"

"Well we were waiting in the stands for you guys and Stacy decided to tell me how hot she thought you looked in a football uniform."

Josh frowned. Brad patted him on the back in the way of congratulations. Stacy looked at us like a real mean bitch. Me and Brad laughed. We went into the carpark and got in his car.


With that we were off home. A tiring, but fun evening-Jessica aside. Girl has got some control issues, lol, When Bitches Bite! And she thought Brad was going around with Stacy...hahaha I wonder...if she only


Okay, that's chapter 13. Hope you guys like, and sorry for the slow updates. Issues, that are mostly resolved, should be faster now.I neglected the Nifty updates even more...forgive me? Don't bash on the Bi-guy! As always, feel free to post, email at

If you have any ideas, and be nice and keep me inspired, I'm a sucker for empty praise.

Next: Chapter 15

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