Say You Love Me

By Cronos

Published on Apr 30, 2005


Chapter 1 - " The Beginning...or is it the End?"

"This can't be happening, man, what is that bitch thinking. Making me sit next to Brad Summers for the rest of the semester, like I'd last that long."

Maybe I better explain the chicken wuss thoughts filling my head.

My name's Jessie and I'm a 16 year old boi, yep that's right, I'm gay, BIG SURPRISE there huh? Anyway it was in the middle of my English Lit. class and once again my hyperactive mouth got me into trouble, one too many times it would seem.

Things were seemingly slow, so I was catching up with best friends Stacy and Josh(seatmates) when out of the blue-

"Jessie Lawrence, just what do think you're doing!?!"

Talking duh...this class is dedicated to language right

"Umm...nothing Mrs. Jameson."

"This is the last straw young man, it's too early in the semester for this. I'm not going to have a repeat of last semester. I won't have you disrupt my class."

Oh come on! Get off your high horse. I'm not disrupting your class, no one ever pays attention here anyway.

" Are you listening to me Lawrence!?!"

" Uh yes ma'am", I replied. Okay, okay so I only act tough in my mind, I'm not exactly the bravest of people, so sue me.

Bitchy Jameson continued, " Since you only seem to be sooo eloquent when you're near Mackenzie(Josh) and Alexis(Stacy)....blah blah blah blah blah'll be spending the rest of your classes here next to Mr. Summers."

"This can't be happening", I thought, as the reality of the situation began to set in.

Brad Summers....the one person I wanted to have nothing to do with. His name said it all.....confused. Lemme give you a hint:

Brad(B) + Summers(S) = B.S.(You figure it out). Brad had a reputation that was just as bad. Real punk ass jerk.

I thought I saw a light at the end of the tunnel. Maybe if I pretended to want to move up front (where she'd have an eye on me) , then she'd move me there instead. I know it sounds lame and DESPERATE....but the fact is ...I WAS. Anything to be anywhere but next to, hell, near to Brad.

"Uh Mrs. Jameson", I ventured putting on my best pleading puppy dog face (hey can't help it if I'm cute) " can I sit up front, maybe where Jenny or Rick-"

The Bitch counterstriked-" No you may not. Do you think the entire Universe centers around you?"

No....but it should

The Bitch continued, " I will not move Rick or Jenny. They are up front because, unlike you they are actually interested in participating in the activities of this class"

Oh, they're interested all right. They're interested in sucking up to you so they'll get A's and make the rest of us look stupid.

A howl snapped me out of my thoughts. Oh yeah...the Bitch-"Keeping you quiet is my main concern. So you'll be sitting next to Summers. Please move now."

I gathered my stuff and crossed the room amidst loud laughter Well at least my public humiliation was doing something positive for the class.


After what seemed like an eternity I took my seat next to Brad. No sooner had I sat down did Brad lay down the ground rules.

"Okay lets get something straight", he began, " Don't mess with me and I won't mess with you. Mess with me and you aint gonna like the results." Enough said.(He didn't really have to say it).

Fortunately I wouldn't have to stay long. An electric "RINNNNNNNG" sounded.

So Cliche..but... SAVED BY THE BELL!!

"Wait a minute", Mrs. Jameson howled. "Since dealing with Lawrence took up so much precious teaching time you all will have to read chapters 17,18,19 and 20 of "To Kill A Mockingbird" for the test on Monday. That's all, see you then."

Brad smirked at me, " Way to go Dickhead."

Maybe it was because it was Friday (Which meant I wouldn't have to see him until Monday, by which time he'd hopefully forget) that gave me the courage/overconfidence( you be the judge).

I countered, " Well I may be a Dickhead but it's a hell of a lot better that what you've got on your shoulders."

He probably wasn't expecting that. He just stood there with a weird look plastered onto his face. I took the opportunity and bolted to the door, glad to be free again at last.

I waited outside in the quad for Josh and Stacy. I usually met up with them after school to (what the hyperactive mouth again) before I walked home (I live only a block away).

After about five minutes they showed up.

Josh called out, "Tough break man"

"Yeah, I know", I replied.

"Its not so bad. You'll be fine." The ever optimistic Stacy. "Well, not much I can do about it now can I. Did you see the way the bitch- "Jessie!!! Don't say that-" , Stacy retorted.

"Okay", I continued, " Mrs. Jameson blamed me for wasting the class's time. Everyone's probably mad at me for all the extra home-work and the test on Monday."

"Dude, Jameson seriously has it in for you", Josh chipped in. " Anyway I gotta roll. You comin' Stacy."

"Yeah, bye Jessie", she replied.

"Bye guys" , I said. And they were off. I was about to leave too when I suddenly remembered something. Talking about Jameson and her test reminded me of my copy of "To Kill A Mockingbird" I left on my desk.

I began walking back to class. That was when it hit me. An overpowering sense of dread. Brad was probably still in class. He usually stayed back to chill with his jock friends after school. I HAD to get my book however. The test was on Monday. I strengthened my resolve.

I had only made it halfway there when I saw Brad on the other end of the corridor. Maybe he didn't see me. NO SUCH LUCK. DAMN!!!

He looked angry. God he was probably mad at the comment I'd foolishly given him when the bell rang. HE was comin' over my way pretty fast. Whatever resolve I'd built up crumbled. I turned around and briskly walked out of the building and began home. I'd rather fail the Bitch's test on Monday than risk a confrontation with Brad.

On the way home I had the weirdest feeling I was being followed. I looked around. Sure enough Brad Summers was trailing me.

I broke into a run. I heard swift footsteps behind me do the same.

My neighbourhood was currently secluded. It wouldn't be a good idea to confront Brad here (or anywhere else for that matter).

Just when I thought I'd lost him, I felt strong hands grab my shoulders from behind, spin me around and stop me dead in my tracks.

"Where the fuck are you going so fast?!" , Brad demanded.

"H-Home", I stammered. " I live R-right around the bend", I added, hoping that would discourage whatever vile thoughts about me that were in his head.

I was currently pinned motionless against a fence. No escape.

"Just get it over with", I finally mumbled.

"What?", Brad asked.

He sounded confused and clueless. Not like Brad. He was probably toying with me. Making me lower my defence so when the fight started I'd be at a disadvantage.

"Aren't you gonna beat me up?", I asked in a weak voice, "for dissing you in class."

What happened next was totally unexpected.

He...get this..LAUGHED!!

Oh great not only is the sick fuck gonna pulverise me, he was probably deriving some sick pleasure from it as well!!

"Dude", he began in between smirks, " I have to give you something. With that he swung his backpack off his shoulder and began rummaging inside.

Oh God!! He probably had some sort of weapon he was getting, a gun or knife maybe. God this can't be happening!!

In sheer terror I cringed and closed my eyes waiting for it to end...

Author's Note: Okay this is my first attempt at writng anything of this nature. So take it easy on me! Lol. I'll try my best. After reading stuff from MaddyA, JoJo and VI I've been dying to get in on the action. So sue Seriously hope you enjoy it. holler at me 'kay. Uh that's an underscore between Phoenix and 587.

Next: Chapter 2

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