Say Uncle

By Al 2000

Published on Jul 19, 2006



Say Uncle (Part 1) - 10/30/04 by Tom Wisdom

Things are different now. Last week, I was a normal 17-year old kid, hormones raging, living in a classic WASP middle class American family. No problems, no scandals, no worries.

Well, except for one. My folks got along okay, but my dad always got on my mom's case about my Uncle Glenn. It used to be hushed whispers, but as I got older I learned that Glenn was queer. At the time it didn't mean much to me. He was always nice to me at family gatherings, didn't act wierd or anything. But the more I listened to my Dad, the easier it was to assert an ignorant prejudice. I never said anything to my Uncle's face, but I would joke with my friends and my dad about the "family fag". My mom was always quiet -- looking back I wonder why she never tried to intervene.

Still, I didn't exactly avoid my uncle. Although he lived by himself across town, he would occasionally come for dinner and other family events. And of course we were always cool about it when he was in the room.

A few weeks ago Mom told me that Glenn was coming over for dinner that Saturday and bringing a friend. I actually didn't think anything of it until my dad reacted to the news.

"No way! It's one thing to put up with him, but I'm not going to encourage it by letting him bring some "fag boyfriend" into MY house!"

This time my mom put her foot down and insisted that my dad be reasonable, but he refused. "I'll be busy that night," he said. "Have a blast without me -- I'm going to the ballgame!"

Well that got my attention. "Can I go with you, Dad?"

Before he could respond, my mom jumped in, "Oh no you don't, Alex -- you're going to have dinner with your uncle and act like a gentleman!" Now that pissed me off. What right did these queers have to spoil my fun? I tried to protest again, but you know how moms are when they've made up their mind.

So I stewed for awhile, but soon I got over it. Until I found out that Saturday that my dad had scored front row seats for the game that evening. I implored my mom one more time to let me go, but of course to no avail.

"Them's the breaks, kid!" laughed my dad. "Have a good time -- I know I will!"

Boy did that steam me. I went up to my room, put my headphones on, and set the stereo as loud as it would go. I was still sullen later when my mom came into my room. "Come downstairs and spend time with your uncle." I didn't say a word, but I followed her down the stairs into the living room. Glenn was sitting on the couch, next to him was a large muscular man that appeared tough, almost angry.

"Hey, kid!", said Glenn -- he always called me "kid" ever since I can remember. Glenn is tall, about 40 or so, and has a moustache and beard. He is lanky but not effeminate -- in fact he works out regularly at the gym. "I'd like you to meet my friend Paul."

"Hi," I mumbled, not thrilled at all to be there. Paul glared at me for a second, then smiled and offered his hand. I shook it quickly then looked away, avoiding eye contact.

"Don't be rude Alex!" said my mom. I sighed then rolled my eyes.

"It's okay, I'm sure Alex has better places to be." Paul was still smiling. He had understated the situation considerably. I remained silent, sulking while the two of them talked about god knows what, as my mom finished making dinner. I didn't say another word.

Dinner was about the same. I tried not to pay attention to any of their conversation, but a couple of times I noticed Paul and Glenn's hands brushing against each other. All the while I was getting angrier and angrier about missing the game. But the last straw came when Glenn started openly holding hands with Paul. My mom asked me a question which I wasn't listening to. All I could do was blurt out what was on my mind. "Why do I have to sit here with a couple of queers??!!!"

The room fell silent. Glenn looked hurt, mom's face was pale, but Paul seemed unaffected, maybe even smirking? All I cared about was me and my anger. Slowly my mom said, "I... think you'd better go to your room."

"Glad to!" I yelled as I jumped up and ran upstairs.

On my way up I could hear my mom apologizing. "It's his father talking. I don't know what to do....." Again I slammed my door and took to myself.

After maybe an hour my anger subsided and I realized how out of line I had been. I went downstairs to find out they had just left. "Good!" I thought, then I saw my mom glaring at me. "But mom..." I started before she cut me off.

"No buts. You know what you have to do."

I knew. "Do I have to?"

"Yes -- and mean it!" Ah, I had her there -- I just had to apologize -- who'd know how sincere I was? But to be truthful I did feel badly about it.

The next day I took the bus to my uncle's house across town. I knocked on the door. When he opened it, he still looked hurt, or maybe I was just feeling guilty. Either way, I stammered, "Look, ummm... what I said last night, I..." I was hoping he'd stop me, tell me not to worry, but he didn't say anything. I continued, "Anyway, I shouldn't have said it, and I didn't mean to make you feel bad, and I'm sorry, okay?"

He looked thoughtful. "Depends. Did you mean it at the time?"

"I...I don't know. My dad keeps saying..."

Glenn broke in. "But what do YOU think?" I didn't know what to say. He went on: "Look, I've heard it all before -- listen, if you'd rather not hang out around me, I'd understand." I realized right then that I did not want that, and to my surprise, I broke out into tears.

"Hey kid, it's okay. You just need to figure out where you stand." He hugged me, and it did not feel at all strange or threatening.

"I am so sorry Uncle Glenn!" I sniffed. "Please tell Paul I am sorry."

"Maybe you can tell him yourself one day -- but now I gotta get to the gym. See ya later kid!"

"Bye" I said, then turned and left for home. I felt better, but a little confused. I was torn between what my dad taught me, and my own observations. I got home and told my mom what had happened.

"Time for you to grow up a little" she said, then didn't say anything more.

That week my dad went to Chicago on business. It was actually kind of nice to be away from him. Early Friday morning the phone rang while I was still snoozing, but I was able to fall back asleep. The next I knew, my mom was waking me up. It was still dark outside.

"I have to go to Chicago. Your dad was in a car accident. He's going to be okay but they're keeping him in the hospital under observation over the weekend. After school, I want you to go to Glenn's for the weekend. I'll take your clothes over there before I go. Now you be on your best behavior understand?" I nodded and was about to say that she had nothing to worry about in that regard, but she was already bustling and was preoccupied with the journey she was about to make.

When I finaly woke up I realized that I hoped Glenn was really okay with me.

I wouldn't blame him if he wasn't. I packed my backpack with my "teenager essentials" (walkman, videogames, and unfortunately there was enough room for my textbooks too) and headed for school.

After school, I took the bus across town. When I got to Glenn's I knocked on the door. Hearing no response, I turned the knob and it opened. Walking inside, I saw on the kitchen table my overnight bag and a note which said "Kid, make yourself comfortable -- I'll be home from work about 6:30."

I played my videogames for awhile then got bored. The clock said 5:30 so I decided to watch TV. I turned on the TV and somehow switched the VCR on as well, and was shocked by what I saw.

It was showing a dungeon with three guys mostly naked except for leather harnesses. Their cocks were all hard and huge, and one of the men was standing blindfolded, with his hands tied high above his head toward the ceiling, and there was a bar between his ankles, forcing them wide apart. One of the other men was spanking his ass, while the other was forcing a fake cock into the victims mouth.

This was weird, but also intriguing. I didn't know what to make of it. I'd be lying if I said I was turned off by it, yet I didn't want to be caught watching. But curiosity got the better of me, and I continued watching, even though the music in the background was really cheesy. After awhile, the victim was brought to the floor, forced on his hands and knees, and then the other two started fucking him at both ends, one in his mouth, the other in his ass.

An odd thing happened then. While I was thinking that this must be hurting the guy, at the same time my cock started throbbing and getting hard. I couldn't believe I was so turned on by this! Eventually the two guys pulled out, then one by one shot their loads into the vicitm's mouth which was being forced open.

I had to stop watching. I turned the VCR off, and not two minutes later I heard the door open. I was cool, had changed back to TV just in time.

"Hey kid -- what are ya watchin'?"

"Oh, I'm just surfing," I said

"Lifetime for Women? Not really your style is it?" He grinned. I hadn't been paying attention and wondered if he suspected anything. I changed the subject.

"Hey I'm sorry for putting you out tonight," I said.

"Putting out's not always bad. You wanna order a pizza?" he asked. What sane teenager would refuse? I nodded.

He said, "Go ahead and put your stuff in the back bedroom. I'll call Dominoes." I took my backpack and overnight bag into the other room and changed into a t-shirt and shorts. I came back out just in time to see Glenn putting a videotape into a cabinet, and I noticed the VCR was now empty.

We watched some sitcoms eating pizza and drinking soda, and chatted about my dad's accident and school, and other small talk. Then he dropped a bomb on me. "Want something a little stronger to drink?"

"You mean like beer?" I asked, hoping.

"Or wine. Or we can do shots. We're not driving anywhere so it's safe."

"Hell yeah!" I said. Glenn was a lot cooler than I thought.

"Well, that's a small glass", I said as Glenn brought in the shotglasses and a bottle that said "Absolut Vodka" on the label.

"He asked, "Do you think you can hold your liquor?"

"Of course," I lied -- what did I know? I'd never had more than a taste of beer at a summer picnic.

"Well, we'll start with half shots and see how you like it. All right -- the secret is to throw it all back at once -- when it hits the back of your throat it's easier to swallow" he said smiling at me. "Okay on the count of three. One, two, three, go!" We both emptied our glasses at once, and to my credit I hardly coughed at all. The burn I felt in my throat quickly changed into a warm buzz -- it felt really good.

He said, "we'll give it a few minutes before the next one to make sure you're okay" I felt great actually. After a bit he said, "So you wanna try another? If so better take some headache medicine or you'll feel the hangover, and you don't want that!" He returned with a glass of water and a small blue pill. "This'll help" he said as he handed it to me. I downed it, then we did two more half-shots in short order. I was feeling really good, and very relaxed. The room felt warm.

"So tell me something," Glenn said as he looked at me. "Are you truly sorry for what you said, and are you okay with me?"

I nodded "Yesssss.." and giggled at myself.

After he offered another shot which I downed quickly, I felt very uninhibited but was still taken aback slightly when he told me to take off my shirt. It was already half off before I thought to ask "How come?"

"Cause it's too warm in here." It made sense to me in that state. Glenn gave me another shot and I didn't even wait for him to drink his. I was floating and feeling no pain. "Hey you wanna try something that's really cool?" he asked.

"Sshhhurrre..." I slurred.

"Okay, let me put this on you" He placed a blindfold over my eyes. I giggled again. "All right. Sit down and face the TV"

"YESSS SIR" I laughed at my slurred speech. I heard him pour another shot, then felt the glass in my hand.

"Bottoms up!" he said. I obeyed.

I felt his hands on my shoulders and instinctively tensed up. "Dont' try any of that queer shit on me!" I tried to sound angry, but ended up laughing and almost falling over, but his hands caught me and righted me.

"Don't you trust me?" he asked.

"Of course I do." I started giggling again.

"No you don't. Maybe you should just go to bed."

"No, no, I really do trust you!" I was having too good a time to quit now.

"Really? Then put your hands behind your back." Instantly I did so. And before I knew it, they were bound there.

I said, "See I told you I trust you. Now you can let me go."

"Ohhh... not yet. I have a few more things to show you" I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Well, don't do any fag stuff to me!" Again I tried to sound serious, but my giggling betrayed me.

Then he slapped my face. Not hard, but enough to grab my attention. And to my horror, my cock responded as well. I hoped he wouldn't notice. He did. "Well, well, well. I can tell by your cock's reaction that you liked that, didn't you?"

"Um, no, not really," I lied.

"I see. Then let's just see what else you don't really like." I felt my nipples being pinched gently, then roughly. But my moaning grew louded as my dick throbbed harder against my shorts. And damn it felt good.

"Stand up," he ordered. I obeyed again before I thought about it. "Don't move." I felt my shorts pulled down and my cock sprang to attention. "Why do you think you're turned on?" Glenn asked calmly. I said nothing. He continued, "I think you want me to teach you to be a gayboy slut, don't you?"

"No Uncle Glenn, please..."

"Shut up. Tonight you become both a man and a 'boy'."

"But I'm not a queer!"

"I'll be the judge of that. I'm going to have you listen to somthing. If your cock gets soft, I'll let you go and leave you alone. But if you stay hard, I'll teach you things you never experienced and will never forget!"

Uncle Glenn left the room giving me time to think about how I was going to get out of this. In my foggy thinking was that I didn't know if I wanted to! But still it gave my cock a chance to soften. When I heard him return, I said, "See, it's soft, now let me go!"

Glenn laughed and placed earphones on my head. But what started playing wasn't music. I began to listen to what was obviously the audio of a gay porn flick. I kept hearing the sound of one guy's voice verbally humiliating another, calling him a "cumslut", "whore", "fuck fag". I heard the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh, and distinctively male moaning. As hard as I tried, I couldn't help but to start imagining these things happening to me, and of course my cock sprang to attention once again, now aching to be stroked.

I jumped when I felt his hand on my cock, but instead of stroking, I felt a thick lace looping around my balls and being tightened, then around the base of my cock and balls and tightened once more to the point of minor discomfort. Yet I was aroused more than I had ever been. Then I felt a leash attached to the laces.

"Stand up and follow my voice," he commanded. "Faster!" I started walking in what seemed like circles -- I was totally disoriented, but I followed to where that voice was, and with the leash pulling me, I hoped I wouldn't trip over anything.

Finally I entered what must have been his bedroom. The scent of candles and incense was strong in the air. Glenn pulled off the earphones, and now I could hear the porn movie that was obviously playing in his VCR.

"Stop there. Don't move," he ordered when I was in the right place. "Spread you legs. Wider!" As I did so I felt straps around my ankles which were attached to a spreader bar which forced my feet apart. "You're going to be MY queer boy tonight!"

"But I'm not queer!"

"You will be when I'm done with you." he whispered into my ear. He got in front of me then started to pinch my nipples again, causing me to moan louder. I then felt his mouth and teeth chewing gently on my nipple, which made me squirm considerably. "Still think you're not queer?"

I shook my head.

"We'll change that." I felt something at my nostril. He said "Breathe slowly and deeply, then hold it." I obeyed. "These are called poppers. Now exhale."

What a fucking rush it was! "Oh my god", I cried just as I felt his enormous cock rubbing against my ass cheeks, and his hand reached around to stroke my cock, and his other hand began tweaking my nipple again. I was in heaven but didn't want to admit it.

Then he started whispering in my ear. "You love it slut. You want to be owned, and fucked every way possible. You're gonna be a great fag slut for me to play with all weekend."

God, I was turned on. Whatever I had sniffed was fucking great -- I honestly didn't want any of this to stop. I flet some lubricant applied to my ass as Uncle Glenn continued the sweet teasing of my ass, stroking of my cock, and nipple pinching.

As the poppers wore off, he released my wrists from behind my back and reattached them in front of me. "Get on your knees," he commanded. It was awkward with my ankles forced apart but I managed it with my bound wrists holding me steady. He got in front of me, grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. I felt the head of his cock rubbing against my lips. "Open your mouth!" he said. I hesitated because I was scared of what he would do.

Once again I detected the poppers under my nostril. "This will open you up. Now take a deep breath." I did so, and my head rush began like before. This time my mouth eagerly took in his hard cock, and I could taste his pre-cum on my tongue.

He took hold of the back of my head and started to thrust his cock in and out of my mouth, not deeply for starters, but I could tell he was getting more and more excited. "Oh yeah you cocksucking slut! You're gonna make your uncle happy tonight!" I was very turned on by now, the combination of alcohol. poppers and a forceful man. My cock yearned to be satisfied as well, but I could only moan as he continued to thrust into my mouth for a while, talking dirty to me as he held my head in place.

Again, the poppers wore off, and he took a short break and went to the front of the house. I thought I heard the front door open and two sets of footsteps heading back toward the bedroom, but it may have been the alcohol doing the thinking. Anyway, when he came back, he placed a collar around my neck then untied my wrists and reattatched them to the collar. I felt my nipples pinched again, then realized they were now clamped, with a chain hanging between them.

"Inhale again and hold, like last time" I knew what to do with the poppers.

As the rush began to rise, he began to tug simultaneously on my clamps and the leash connected to my tied cock and balls, and also somehow managed to penetrate my ass with his fingers, first one and then more. I was beside myself with arousal, and was thrusting my rigid cock against the empty air.

"What do you want, you slut?" Glenn whispered.

"I..I want to cum!"

"What else?"

"An--Anything you want to do to me!"

"And why?"

I broke down. "'Cause I'm a filthy slut and I need to be used and fucked and owned!" I couldn't believe how easily the words flowed out of my mouth.

"Now you'll get your wish, you fag boy!" Inhale deeper this time, and you're going to do it twice." I sensed the poppers again at my nostrils. by the time I exhaled the second time, I was already floating so high that I wanted to feel everything. And Glenn didn't disappoint me. I heard him sniffing as well, then he quickly positioned himself behind me again, this time thrusting his raging hardon between my ass cheeks.

Then to my surprise, he pulled me backwards, off balance falling back into him, causing his cock to enter my ass quite easily. He started thrusting deep into me while pulling my head straight back and stuffing a ball gag into my mouth and tugging at my nipple clamps.

Just then, I felt another tug on my balls -- it was the leash being yanked and i suddenly felt a hot mouth wetly wrapping itself around my cock, sucking so hard and fast I couldn't keep track of all that was happening to me.

The voice in my ear put me over the top "Take it, you slut. you're gonna be MY bitch now. Oh! OH! Take my cum in your ass!!" He thrusted deeper and deeper as he pounded his dick into my ass planting his seed deep inside. As I felt the hot torrents of cum pumping into me, I could only moan into my gag as my own cum was being simultaneously forced and nursed out of me with such intense pleasure that I continued to thrust over and over for much longer than I had ever been able to make myself come.

When I was spent, I collapsed with my uncle still inside me, still whispering that he owns me now, and I was realizing that it must have been Paul who stole my cum with his mouth.

When I came to, I was lying in Glenn's bed, between him and Paul, and no longer bound. They were both watching the TV, not saying a word to me. I turned toward the TV, and watched the evening replay itself in front of my eyes. When it ended Glenn turned if off and the two of the hugged me forcibly. As I drifted back off to sleep I thought I heard Paul say, "That was a good start...."

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