Saving Samuel

By David Young

Published on May 22, 2022


Copyright: All rights to the story belong to the a5789uthor and must not be republished for use without the author's permission.

This story involves sex among consenting adults, if it is not legal to read this type of material where you are located then proceed at your own risk.

My goal is to provide you with some sort of sexual contact in every chapter, some will be masturbation but mostly it will involve two people who either love each other very much or are on their way to falling in love, or just need to relieve themselves.

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I wanted so badly to return the favor and provide Gerald with the same pleasure he was giving me. For some reason, Gerald was keeping that from happening. I made a mental note to try and talk with him about it later.

For now, I just wanted to revel in the fact that I enjoyed having my virgin hole played with, and when Gerald grazed my prostate it sent me on an orgasmic overload.

I spent that day doing some much-needed housework. My apartment was not messy, but my laundry had been piling up and I needed to get it taken care of.

After getting my housework done I folded and hung up my clothes and just hung out at the house the rest of the morning.

At noon Gerald called and asked if I would be interested in having lunch with him and a friend. I quickly agreed before hanging up the phone and hoping in the shower.

I showered quickly because the lunch date was a pretty quick notice and I was to meet them down the street in thirty minutes.

After getting cleaned up and dressed I locked up my apartment and took a quick walk to the diner down the street. I live in a fairly metropolitan area so there are lots of swanky eating places within walking distance.

The diner that I was meeting them at was called Sarah's. Saraha's was famous around the city for their pies. They had dozens of pies available each day and hundreds of people would come in daily just for a slice of pie. We were actually going to have lunch and then probably a piece of pie as well.

Gerald and I both ordered the club sandwich. I remember my mother would take me to a diner in my home town and they had the best Turkey Club in the world. Sarah's was definitely a close second.

Geralds's friends that were meeting us there were John and Robert. Gerald had known John and Robert for years and even commented they were one of his first customers when he opened his own firm. As it would turn out most of Gerald's clients were either gay couples or old single women who found him hot.

John and Robert were a cute couple. John was a little older than Robert but looked great for his age. John just turned fifty-four and sported a lean body with short salt and pepper hair that he spiked upfront. Robert the younger of the two was forty-four years old and had a stocky build. Not really fat, but not really muscular either. Robert was just a normal build I guess. Robert had brown hair and blue eyes and was a fairly attractive man himself.

Over lunch, we talked about their relationship and I found out they have been together for the past ten years. I also learned that John is a Doctor and practices family medicine and Robert is a florist with his own flower shop just down the street from Sarah's, where we were currently eating lunch.

After lunch, Robert asked if we wanted to walk to his flower shop. He stated he needed to pick something up and stated he would show us around if we wanted.

I thought it sounded fun and so did Gerald, even though Gerald has seen the place before.

We walked the few blocks to the flower shop and got the grand tour of the place. It was a pretty standard flower store with a refrigerated area for flower arrangements and a few different arrangements sitting around on display. The front of the building was all windows which allowed passers by from the street to see in. There was also a room in the back where the arrangements were put together as well as a greenhouse out back where some of the flowers are grown.

John stated most of the flowers he gets from suppliers because he does not have enough room for that many greenhouses.

After leaving John's store Gerald and I continued to walk around the many streets down by my apartment and talk as well as a bit of window shopping. John and Robert headed back to their home.

I live fairly close to the gay area, where all the gay clubs are. We walked by a few of the clubs and spotted an underwear store. It was one of those places that sell expensive underwear brands as well as make custom underwear for a premium price.

Gerald and I decided to go in and check the place out. The walls were lined with display racks full of men's underwear. Along the top of the was a shelf that went around the entirety of the room with displays of custom underwear that had been made at the shop. One pair was made out of suede. Most were made with just several different color combinations and a variety of styles of underwear. We spoke to the owner of the shop whose name was Alvin.

Alvin was an attractive middle-aged man with dyed blonde hair that had a hint of blue highlights and blue eyes. Alvin had several face piercings, one in his nose and the other in his eyelid. Alvin was really nice and down to earth and was very proud of his work.

We talked to Alvin for a few minutes and he told us about his late husband who had recently died of Cancer. I could tell he was still grieving quite a bit as a tear ran down his cheeks when he mentioned him. Alvin told us they had been together for fifteen years and were the best of friends.

After leaving the underwear shop we continued walking around for another thirty minutes before returning to my apartment.

We sat on my couch and talked about random stuff and finally I got up the nerve to ask Gerald why he never let me taste his cum, or why he had not even come either of the times we were intimate.

Gerald's face took on a serious look as he turned to face me and grabbed my hands. Gerald held my hands for a minute or so while he composed himself and assured me that it was not me, it was him.

Oh wow, I had never had this line used on me, but I had seen in movies that when someone uses that line it never ends well. I ask him to elaborate on that a little.

I saw a tear fall from Gerald's eye as he then told me he was HIV positive and he wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting into before exposing myself to his ejaculate.

I was hurt, it was like my world had been stripped away in one tiny little conversation after having such a beautiful day with a man I was falling in love with. How could he have not said something before now?

To be honest I had heard about HIV and seen TV commercials and even had the talk when I was in high school. I had never met anyone who had or in any way was affected by HIV. I guess you could say I was ignorant of the topic in most ways.

At this point, I did not want to upset Gerald, but on one hand, I felt betrayed that he had never mentioned it before and on the other hand I was scared and almost relieved he had not came when we were getting sexual. Of Course, other things scare me too, they say you can't get it from saliva, but how exactly can they know that? What about the fact Gerald has used my bathroom and slept in my bed. There were so many thoughts coursing through my mind at this point.

Gerald looked at me and stood up and said he needed to go. I tried to stop him because this man I cared for and was falling in love with was about to leave and who knows what will happen next. At the same time, I needed to do some thinking and some educating myself about the situation.

I had been so scared of being sexual for so many other reasons that HIV never really even crossed my mind. I was afraid of getting hurt as well as I was afraid of hurting someone else.

I was in shock and as much as I should have stopped Gerald from leaving my apartment I didn't. I allowed him to leave and I never tried to stop him.

After the door closed and Gerald was gone I cried. I lay my head on the arm of the couch and cried. I even cried myself to sleep. I woke up several times during the night and found myself sobbing again. I really don't know if I was crying because I missed him or because I felt like I had lost him.

At one point I looked toward the ceiling of my apartment and asked "how could this happen to someone like Gerald? How could this happen to someone like me?" I think I was asking these questions of God. The crazy thing is I really don't believe in God.

Seems like if there was a God there wouldn't be so much hate in the world. How can God love everyone, except fags, lesbians, or anyone else that his followers don't agree with?

Again I was overcome by the need to sleep and from there I slept the rest of the night and woke up around 7:00 am.

Some part of me knew I should reach out to Gerald and tell him it's okay and nothing we can't work through. I also thought it was his responsibility to reach out to me since he had also hurt me.

Sometimes the problem with us humans is that each of us is too proud to admit we overreacted or are wrong. I have to admit I am one of the worst.

Gerald and I texted over the next few days, but we didn't hang out. I kept making up excuses as to why I couldn't hang out. At this point, I was not mad at Gerald. I had come to the realization that none of this is his fault. I was actually fairly embarrassed and that is why I kept putting him off.

It has to be very hard for Gerald as well. How do you fall in love and then say "Oh, yea I have a virus that there is no cure for, you can live mostly a normal life, but who knows."

Even though I kept minimal contact with Gerald I did find myself spending lots of time on the internet researching HIV. I was able to learn that HIV is not a death sentence and that if Gerald is undetectable then the likelihood of his transmitting it to me is slim. I also learned about a preventative medicine called PREP or Pre-exposure prophylaxis.

In addition, I learned you don't contract HIV from kissing or hanging out with each other. Most of the information I had heard before but my fear response was quick and unrealistic.

The Friday after I had found out I called Gerald and invited him over to my house. Gerald arrived around 7:00 and I did my usual thing and offered him something to drink.

At first, the air in the room was so thick you could not cut through it with a knife. I quickly broke the ice and said "Gerald, I am sorry for my reaction the other night and don't want to lose you." I continued talking and told Gerald about the research I had done on the internet. I also informed Gerald I had made an appointment with my primary care physician to talk about getting on PREP, because despite his diagnosis I still wanted to be with him.

Gerald and I talked for a good hour or so and shed tears together and he told me about his Doctor visits and how the blood work and everything were going.

Gerald told me he has had the virus for the past five years and has been undetectable almost since the beginning since they caught it so early.

I asked Gerald how he contracted the virus. Gerald was hesitant at first but he finally admitted he was not really sure. Gerald stated, "a few years ago I would not have been considered a nice person." He went on to tell me he used Heroin and had sex with strangers, sometimes for his Heroin. Gerald told me he overdosed one night and was on the brink of death. He stated a friend had found him and got to the hospital just in time for them to keep him from dying.

Gerald stated he immediately got into rehab and got clean. He stated it was his second attempt at getting clean and it worked because he has not used it since. He was in an inpatient rehab for six months and that was followed by his ongoing outpatient stuff where he still sees a Doctor.

I asked Gerald if he overdosed on purpose or by accident? Gerald looked at the ground and with a tear in his eye he said, "I wanted to die." Gerald told me it was the same day he had been diagnosed with HIV and he didn't want to live with it.

At around 9:00 pm I excused myself and went to use the restroom. While in the bathroom I removed every stitch of clothing from my body before going back out into my apartment. I walked up behind Gerald as he sat on my couch and ran my fingers down the front of his body and into his shirt. I continued to run my fingers down until I hit his pubs. I didn't stop there and went on to wrap my hand around his cock. I whispered in his right ear "this night is about you getting off." Gerald laughed and kissed me hard.

I moved to the front and got on my knees and started by unbuttoning his jeans. After opening up his fly I took a whiff of his essence. There was the familiar scent of his musk mixed with cinnamon and a sweet hint of something I had not yet identified. Gerald stood up briefly and allowed me to pull his jeans and underwear down to his ankles. He attempted to take them off completely but I stopped him, citing it was hot and made it feel naughty if he was not fully naked. Almost like I was doing it in a forbidden location.

I started at his balls and lapped several times at his low-hanging nut sack. Gerald shaved his nuts so they were smooth and tasted kind of salty, but not gross. I placed my tongue at the underside of his cock, right at the base, and slowly ran my tongue up the full length of his rod. He moaned softly and ran his fingers through my hair. As I got to the tip I looked up and noticed Gerald's eyes were closed and he looked like he was in heaven.

With one quick movement, I took his entire cock into my mouth and began to suck him with slow and deliberate movements. I made sure to watch my teeth as well as moved my tongue from side to side in the hopes of increasing his pleasure. It must've been working because his moans got louder over the next few minutes. Gerald placed his hand on the back of my head and began to push my face up and down on his cock. As he got his rhythm sorter out he continued to make cute little noises that were somewhere between a moan and a grunt.

I could taste the sweet nectar that was Gerald's precum and it was amazing. I continued to suck his cock as well as play with his balls with my right hand. After ten minutes or so Gerald's breath began to sound more labored and he quickly pulled my head off of his cock right as the first stream of his ejaculate hit me in the face. I watched as he continued to explode on my fingers, my face, and his stomach. This may have been the hottest thing I had ever witnessed. Now both of us were covered in his cum.

We took a shower together to rinse off the remnants of the juicy load. After our shower, we hung out naked for a while kissing and cuddling in my bed. Somewhere around midnight, we both drifted off to sleep with Gerald laying behind me with his arm draped over my body. It felt so amazing to have him holding me so tight. Yes, I am definitely falling in love with this man and his every move tells me that he is falling in love with me as well.

Thank you for reading my story, please provide feedback. I do not mind people being critical of my work. I would prefer someone to be honest with me about my work. I am working on a few other stories and would love some insight into my character development and the general flow of my stories. From this point on my goal is to upload a new chapter once a week. If you would like to be notified when a new chapter is up, email me. I will put you on my mailing list.

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