Saving Samuel

By David Young

Published on May 16, 2022


Copyright: All rights to the story belong to the author and must not be republished for use without the author's permission.

This story involves sex among consenting adults, if it is not legal to read this type of material where you are located then proceed at your own risk.

My goal is to provide you with some sort of sexual contact in every chapter, some will be masturbation but mostly it will involve two people who either love each other very much or are on their way to falling in love, or just need to relieve themselves.

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(Brinnngggggg, Brinnngggggg, Brinnngggggg)

I answered the phone on my desk like I always do only this time it was my boss screaming a number of expletives at me so loud I was not able to make much else out.

Finally, he yelled, "get in here." And then slammed the phone down on the receiver with enough force it hurt my ears.

I stood up and slowly walked to his office trying to think of what I could have done that he could be so angry about. Nothing came to mind, but this guy can be a real ass at times, so who knows what the issue could be.

The conversation between me and James, who is my boss, only lasted a few minutes as he told me at the beginning "I want no excuses, this is unacceptable behavior."

However, the conversation ended with me being escorted back to my desk by security and then walking out the front door with a small cardboard box of my belongings.

You guessed it, I was canned. Crazy thing was that even with the few minutes in James' office. I still had no clue as to what was going on.

Apparently one of my clients Denise had told James that I had hit on her and made some pretty inappropriate comments to her. I have no clue as to what she could be talking about. I offered her a glass of water and that was it. If memory serves me right she was the one flirting with me.

I wouldn't know what to do with a woman if I had one, or wanted one for that matter. I consider myself to be asexual and therefore not really interested in anyone, whether it be same-sex, opposite sex, or whatever else there might be out there these days.

At twenty-five years old I am still a virgin and I am intimidated by the thought of sexual activity with another person. I only even masturbate when my balls start to hurt from the build-up of unused energy. I am able to find others attractive but sex just seems so messy, both physically and emotionally.

What would make this woman want to say something like this and why would James not even want to hear my side of any story, even when there is nothing to tell.

Anyhow after being escorted from the building I made my way to my car and loaded my belongings in the trunk.

I was planning on driving straight to my apartment but when I was almost there I decided I need a drink.

I stopped at Walley's. Walley's is a nice little bar that is never overcrowded and has really stiff drinks. After today I need a stiff drink.

The place was bare, which was to be expected at 3:00 pm on a Tuesday.

I ordered a Gin and Tonic and took a seat at the far end of the bar so that if anyone came in they would have plenty of room to sit without being close to me. I was not in the mood for chit chat.

I drank and drank and then drank more. By 5:00 I was so drunk that I couldn't even stand up. The bartender let me keep going, I guess it was evident that I had a bad day.

Even after 5:00 the place never got real busy. A couple of people would come, have one drink and then head out.

I continued to sit at the bar in the hopes that I would sober up a little and be able to make it to my apartment.

Around 7:00 pm a large group of people came into the bar. The group was not getting out of hand or anything but was being louder than I wanted them to be. I decided it was time to head out.

I walked out of the bar and down the street for a few blocks still hoping to sober up a bit more before trying to make the drive home.

I was somewhat familiar with the area so I was not worried too much about being out walking around.

I was just thinking about the situation with my job, or lack thereof apparently. I was also thinking about the woman who made the allegations to my boss.

That's when it finally came to me. Denise the client who told my boss that I was being inappropriate with her. She was very drunk at an event I was at a few weeks ago.

I gave her a ride to her home because she was not in any shape to drive herself. I helped her into her front door and was about to close the door when she invited me in. I told her I didn't think it was a good idea.

That is when she grabbed me and started pulling on my shirt and wanting me to come in. She was so out of it she ripped my shirt, I got a little upset with her and then turned and walked away.

This must have been the night I made her mad enough to make up lies about me to my boss.

That's when I felt a terrible pain on the back of my head. I fell down and was out cold for a few seconds. When I came to I was dazed but could feel someone going through my pockets. I felt them pull my wallet out, then my car keys, and then a small wade of cash in my front pocket.

I was still laying face down on the asphalt and felt helpless before I passed out again.

I came to some time later because someone was shaking my shoulder and asking me if I was okay.

The next thing I knew I was surrounded by two policemen and an ambulance crew and was being checked out.

Because of the blow to my head, the crew thought it good for me to be checked out for a concussion and placed under observation for a little while.

I protested and was informed that I could not afford to go to the hospital because I was fired from my job today.

The person who found me in the alley then introduced himself as Gerald Pearson and stated he would look after me for a few hours and make sure I was fine.

This seemed to appease the others as far as the medical situation goes.

That is when the police started drilling me about my attacker. I stated I hadn't seen anyone since I was attacked from behind.

I gave a description of my wallet and my car since apparently it was stolen as well.

After the many questions, I was left alone with Gerald and he led me to his apartment. Geralds's apartment was on the second story of the building I was standing outside of when I was attacked.

Geralds's apartment was decorated with very modern and trendy art on the walls as well as a leather sofa and a recliner over in the corner. The place was really swanky and had push-button light switches that also had motion detection.

Gerald and I sat around and talked for a while and I told him about my day. He was very nice and even told me a story about a woman accusing him of the same type of behavior one time.

I didn't see the need for secrets since the whole world knows I am gay. I continue to use this as my defense for the reason I could not possibly come on to this woman. I laughed and informed Gerald she was under-equipped for my liking. Gerald laughed and stated, "I know the feeling."

Gerald smiled and then told me he and I were cut from the same cloth, which I took to mean he was gay as well.

I couldn't bear to tell Gerald that I enjoyed the company of men, but was not really that interested in sex or a relationship.

Gerald gave me some Tylenol since my head was still hurting a bit. After about an hour I was feeling better and decided I should head home and get out of Gerald's hair.

We exchanged numbers so that he could give me a ring and check on me later and make sure I was still doing good.

I took a taxi to my apartment and got there around 10:00 pm to find the same empty apartment I had left that morning. The only thing that had changed is I was not sure how I would pay the rent after my savings ran out. I say savings but I don't have that much.

I woke up several times throughout the night, drenched in sweat and shaking from nightmares. To say I was traumatized by the incident was an understatement. Every time I closed my eyes I just wanted to break down and cry.

I texted Gerald to see if he was still awake and thankfully he was. After a few text messages back and forth we decided a phone call would be better.

I talked to Gerald on the phone for the next hour until my body had given out and sleep finally overtook me.

When I woke up the next morning the thoughts running through my head were terrible. I was having trouble seeing my worth to the world. I was fired, accused of inappropriate sexual behavior, and mugged all in the same twenty-four-hour time frame.

It would be a lie to say I never contemplated suicide at this point. It was an all-time low for me. I needed to find a way to stop my brain from overthinking. I had been without a job before and had the needed skills to find another one.

Being robbed and having my false sense of security taken away was new for me. How would I ever feel safe again?

Over the next few weeks, Gerald and I became really good friends. He would call several times a day to check on me. It made me feel really good that with all the bad shit happening to me that someone still cared.

Gerald and I talked about people we knew and how some were bad and others were really good guys but things just didn't work out. Gerald talked about his past boyfriends and a few girls he tried to date at one point or another. I just played along. I was embarrassed to tell Gerald that I was a virgin.

I still was not having any luck getting a new job, but I did have some pretty solid leads. With some good prospects of future employment and my new friend Gerald, I was glad that things appeared to be looking up a little. I was still scared out of my wits most of the time after being robbed, but I am sure that will lessen with time.

As luck would have it, the next day was Monday and I received a call from an agency that I had applied for. Walker, Williams, and Whitman or WWW Advertising was a small agency that did advertising for local businesses. It was a much smaller firm than I was used to but with allegations of sexual misconduct, even when false, don't look good on a person.

WWW called to offer me a position to start immediately at a whopping $10,000 less a year than my previous job. I would have to make some minor cuts in spending but I would no longer risk being homeless and becoming a panhandler by the end of the week. Yes, money was getting pretty tight at this point.

After getting off the phone I immediately called Gerald and told him the good news. His first response was "let's celebrate." Yes, this called for a celebration.

Gerald and I agreed that he would pick me up at 7:00 pm and we would have Red Lobster for dinner. I love the Cheddar Bay Biscuits and they have the most amazing potato soup.

Dinner was amazing and Gerald treated me to a fancy bottle of wine with dinner. Gerald insisted he pay as this was to celebrate my new job and the fact I would not be homeless.

After dinner, Gerald drove me back to my apartment and I asked if he wanted to come upstairs and hang out for a minute. Gerald stated he would love to and we parked and went upstairs.

When Gerald walked into my apartment he commented several times on how tidy I kept the place and how he really enjoyed the layout. My apartment was a studio apartment with a sofa and TV in a small living space and then off to one wall was my bed and dresser. On another wall was a small kitchen that had all the necessities for a guy who lived alone.

It makes sense that Gerald was appreciative of the good use of space in my small apartment. He is an interior decorator with his own firm. Of Course, he had a few suggestions for wall art and some curtains. I just appeased him and told him we could get together on that someday.

Even though my mind rarely if ever drifted off into sexual fantasies for some reason I was drawn to Gerald. I am not sure if this was some kind of knight in shining armor thing or what, but I couldn't stop checking him out when he was not watching.

The funny thing was that we were both apparently feeling the same thing because I caught him checking me out a few times as well.

After getting us both a glass of sweet tea we took a seat on the couch and started chatting.

Gerald caught me off guard when he placed his hand on my thigh and asked "so tell me Samuel, you never talk about previous relationships." I dreaded this conversation but we all know it will someday come.

I told him that I had never been in a relationship with anyone. Then I spilled my guts to him and told him I considered myself to be asexual. I could tell it caught him off guard because he covered his mouth and said "Are you telling me you're a virgin?" I nodded and braced myself for whatever he would say next.

He caught me off guard by saying "that is so awesome, but how do you do it? I went on to tell him that I was attracted to guys, but just never felt comfortable enough to take that step.

Gerald continued to rub my thigh softly and for the first time in my life the touch of another person was actually turning me on. I don't know what it was about Gerald. He was nice, cute and so understanding about everything.

At this point, I had a raging boner and I was praying he didn't notice. That was settled when he nodded toward my crotch and laughed and said "I guess I have that effect on people."

I was mortified but Gerald told me not to worry and he slowly slid his hand to my crotch and rubbed his hand over the outside of my jeans. The feel of him rubbing my cock felt amazing and then he looked into my eyes and said "we can go as slow or as fast as you want to."

I smiled as our faces moved toward each other and we locked into a long kiss that one could tell we were both desperate for.

As we continued to kiss Gerald weaseled his hand into the fly of my jeans and was now groping me over just my underwear. The sensation of him touching me was so amazing.

He pulled away for a brief minute and asked if I wanted to move to the bed. I agreed and we both moved over toward the bed. We didn't actually make it to the bed before locking in another passionate kiss.

While we were kissing Gerald slowly undid the button of my jeans and then unzipped them and they slowly fell to the floor in a heap around my ankles.

As comfortable as I felt kissing him I was also feeling very vulnerable standing there with my pants around my ankles. I opted to go with the flow because everything felt so good.

Next, Gerald started lowering my boxer briefs and in no time I was standing there with my jeans and underwear around my ankles and Gerald softly stroking my seven and a half inch cock.

I stepped out of my clothing and Gerald began to pull my shirt up to my chest and then over my head until I was standing next to my bed with nothing on but my socks. A white pair of ankle socks nonetheless.

After one more peck on the lips and a few more gentle strokes, Gerald stepped back a few feet and moaned. Gerald said, "Your body is amazing, and you look really hot in just your socks."

Gerald motioned for me to lay on the bed and I complied. In an instant, he was kissing up my legs. He moved from my calves up to my knees, then to my thighs. Gerald completely skipped my midsection and worked his way up to my stomach, my chest, and then back to my mouth.

My cock was so hard I thought it might explode while Gerald lie beside me kissing me and stroking me softly.

The kissing lasted a few minutes before Gerald started working his way back down my body. When he made it to my cock I was leaking so much precum. Gerald licked the head of my dick and then in one swift motion, he engulfed my entire cock.

Gerald stayed true to his promise and was going really slow with me and I was enjoying every part of it. Every single sensation was rushing through my body.

I knew I would never last long because the feeling was too intense. Gerald was a master cock sucker and he loved every inch of my cock.

What I think amazed me the most was he never even thought about his own pleasure. It was all about me and this very moment where he was sucking my dick.

After just a few minutes I couldn't stand it any longer and I told Gerald I was going to cum. I thought he would pull me out of his mouth and stroke me to completion. No, it made him suck faster and harder until I came in his mouth. It felt like I had cum gallons and Gerald drank every ounce of my seed.

Gerald stood and walked over to the bathroom and grabbed a towel from the linen closet and slowly and sensually cleaned me up. The clean-up was almost as good as the blowjob itself.

After I was all cleaned up I reached for the button on Gerald's jeans and he stopped me.

Gerald said, "tonight was all about you, we have lots more time for me."

We cuddled and talked for a few more minutes before Gerald announced he had better get going since I had to start my new job in the morning.

Thank you for reading my story, please provide feedback. I do not mind people being critical of my work. I would prefer someone to be honest with me about my work. I am working on a few other stories and would love some insight into my character development and the general flow of my stories.

Next: Chapter 2

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