Saving Me

By moc.oohay@rekihcant

Published on Dec 13, 2006


Chapter 8 - Journeys of the Heart

Rian's laptop sat open on his desk, displaying both his and Dylen's workout logs. He bent over and quickly typed the latest measurement -- 11 1/4 inches - into the spot for Dylen's forearms. "OK, we've got everything except biceps," he said. He turned around to hand the tape measure back to Dylen, and, as he did, he couldn't help but smile. It had been a great Saturday morning. But every morning, every second, that he spent with Dylen meant more to him than any words could express. Ever since the two of them confessed their love for each other and spent their first night together, both Dylen and Rian felt like they were on a continual high. The very thought of Dylen - seeing his face in a picture, hearing his voice on the phone -- lightened Rian's soul. Actually being in Dylen's presence, especially alone as they were now, was as addicting to him as a drug. 'Yes, Brock,' he thought, 'I really have found the one I can soar above everything with.'

As intense as the past month was for Rian, it was even more of a roller coaster ride for Dylen. For the first time in his life, Dylen found someone he could unabashedly devote himself to, someone he yearned to care for, someone every cell in his body ached to be with. But, as good as his relationship with Rian had become, his relationship with his family had sunk into a dangerous pattern. Dylen rationalized it by saying that most of what he was telling his parents was true . . . at least in some sense. Two days after the first night, Dylen told them he was scared of all the changes he could see in his life. That's why he had been so depressed. That's why his graduation speech was what it was. A year from now, everything he had ever known would essentially be gone. He said he couldn't totally deal with both the pressure from the outside and the pressure he was putting on himself. He said that he really enjoyed being with Rian. Rian had a way of helping him take his mind off of things. He was getting the chance to meet new people and see new places. In addition to working out, Dylen said that Rian had started to invite him over more often for social events with his college friends in Boulder. Dylen told the older Mason's he was going to start accepting the offers.

Dylen knew that his parents trusted him, and for the first time in his life he was taking advantage of that trust. Even so, he was surprised when the older Mason's only real concern was that the story he related was a sign he was having second thoughts about a mission. Dylen flatly lied about it, denying any doubts in what had always been his future plans. In truth, he knew could never bear to leave Rian for two years, especially to go into a place that would never accept him. Dylen believed that would now be little more than a self-imposed prison sentence. But, believing the lie, Dylen's parents were nothing but supportive. But the die was cast. Dylen was now leading a double life of his own choice. There was the Dylen everyone knew -- loving, honorable, salt-of-the-earth - but, there was also the Dylen who would stop at nothing to hide his relationship with Rian from his parents and anyone else he saw as a threat.

The new Dylen was a person the young man grew to hate very quickly. But -- as a tangle of lies often results in -- Dylen quickly found himself trapped. As the individual lies hiding his secret with Rian mounted, the more frightened he became of telling his parents the truth and the more uncomfortable he became in his home. Brick by brick, a wall was growing between Dylen and his family. And the higher the wall grew, the more the lies compounded, the more he sought the relative freedom of Rian and the May home. It was for these reasons -- his hated of hiding from everyone, his fear of his parents, and his new found closeness to Kevin and Lacy May -- that Dylen finally decided to ask Rian to take a huge step.

That Saturday morning, July 24th, found the two lovers alone at the May farm. Kevin and Lacy needed to take care of some shopping in Fort Collins and would not return until late in the day. Dylen drove to the May's early, and the two began their day with a back and biceps workout. Dylen's workouts had improved dramatically. Though he found any exercise he did with Rian still challenging -- even grueling -- he performed set after set in near perfect form. Rian was continually commenting on how intense Dylen was for only having been in the gym 2 1/2 months. The encouragement from Rian drove Dylen harder; he worked just that much more, to justify Rian's pride in him.

After the workout, soaked in sweat and in the middle of the "adrenaline high" gym rats often experience, they climbed the stairs to Rian's bedroom to record their weekly measurements. It was Rian's turn to have his biceps measured, and he flexed his right arm, allowing a veritable mountain to emerge. Every time he saw Rian on display like this, Dylen always stopped to marvel at his boyfriend's beauty. As he started stretching the tape around the peak, Dylen felt that familiar churning in his gut. He never dreamed that Rian's body could turn him on the way they did. But, it was understandable. Rian was amazing. What Dylen couldn't understand was why Rian was as enthralled with him physically as he was with Rian. But every time they were in the gym, every time they were alone, he knew that it was true. 'He's so perfect,' Dylen thought for the millionth time.

Dylen centered the tape on the highest part of the arm -- a bit too deliberately just so he could feel a little more - and closed the loop. Rian didn't exactly mind what Dylen was doing. What amounted to body worship from both of them had become as much a part of this time as the actual measuring. It pulled a harder flex out of Rian, his tired muscles screaming in effort to achieve maximum size. Dylen eyed the tape closely. He looked up at Rian and said, "17 and 3/4 inches." Dylen's face lit warmly as Rian's started its own surprised, but proud, beam. Dylen took as much pleasure -- perhaps even more -- from seeing Rian's relentless development as seeing his own. Over the summer, without really trying, Rian had made gains on his already huge arms.. Dylen again worshipfully caressed the flexed arm before he released the tape and pulled away.

Rian's demeanor changed as he took the handed off tape measure and straightened it. "That's enough fun for you. I want my turn," he said happily. Even though Dylen was a hard gainer - he'd managed only 5 pounds of weight gain despite working hard and eating every morsel Rian asked him to -- every gram of gain he managed was lean muscle. More than anyone he had ever seen, Rian found every inch of Dylen so alluring he could barely control himself most of the time. Dylen, who was still shy doing this in front of the much larger man, turned his right arm up and flexed. From what at first looked like a thin untrained upper arm, a round ball of rigid muscle appeared. Rian was honestly a little envious of Dylen's insane ability to make muscle appear -- as if by magic -- when he flexed. He definitely hadn't been wrong about Dylen's "hidden muscle" genetics. The whole thing made Rian excited. It always had that effect on him. He did some touching of his own as he stretched the tape around the smaller arm. "Looks like . . . 13 flat."

Rian and Dylen were both ecstatic at the measurement, with Rian congratulating Dylen as if he'd just benched 500 pounds. Dylen's growing arms were not the only results that were on display for Rian. He let his eyes take in Dylen's body again. His abs were almost always visible now, six small bricks that would disappear only on Dylen's slow inhales. Two small rounded thickening pecs protruded out over them. Rian's own muscle mass could have covered Dylen's three or four times over, but that didn't matter to him. Rian inhaled Dylen's scent. He could finally resist no more. There had been too much touching . . . sweating . . . smelling . . . for them to hold out any longer.

Rian dropped his hand from Dylen's biceps and brought both of them up onto Dylen's torso. He explored for a moment before they both fell into each other's arms kissing. Rian reached around Dylen and lifted his feet a few inches from the floor. He carried Dylen to his bed and stretched him out on it. (This had become something of a fun running joke between them. No matter what they started out trying to do, all that seemed to happen in the end was making out.) Their mutual appetite for sex had become so great in the last month they could never really resist the chance for contact. So it began again here. The sweat forged by iron began mixing with sweat forged by love. They abandoned themselves to their passion, sank into each other, and let it happen again.

Rian lay with his head on his pillow, and Dylen curled up tightly under him, his head resting on Rian's chest. They basked in the glow of another tremendous round of orgasms. They couldn't believe that any couple on earth could feel like they did when they were together. The feelings were so intense that they were certain, if everyone felt this way, the whole world would stop. Everyone would always be in bed.

Rian was lightly stroking Dylen's hair thinking. Rian only told Dylen no only once that first night, and now that no was going to evaporate. In his own closet romantic way, Rian was planning the perfect night, the night he'd surrender himself ultimately to Dylen and vice versa. It was only a couple of weeks away, now. He wanted to do it Dylen's first night after moving to Boulder. Rian's was sure that Dylen's was totally unsuspecting.

He was lost in thought when Dylen asked, "Rian, I need to ask you if it's OK if we do something?"

Short of that no, there was nothing that either of them dreamed up that they hadn't tried, so that seemed like an easy question to answer. Rian pulled Dylen even closer, beleving Dylen was going to propose a new round of sex. "You know the answer to that."

"I want to tell your parents about us."

Dylen felt a sudden tenseness, like an electric surge, course through Rian's intertwined form. After the shock seemed to radiate out of him, Rian slid himself away from Dylen and turned, allowing him to Dylen's face clearly. They hadn't broached the topic of coming out to anyone ever. Rian was determined to keep his promise not to pressure Dylen the way he did Brock.

"Are you sure?" Rian asked with all the sincerity he could muster.

As he watched Dylen for his answer, Rian could see steel, a courageous resolve, enter his angel's face. Rian knew it well, as he'd seen it every time Dylen struggled with something and reached difficult decision. When it was there, he knew Dylen could not be dissuaded from doing what he was planning. "I'm sure. The last month with you has been . . . well . . ." Dylen dropped a small peck on the closest part of Rian he could reach, his extended left arm. "The most wonderful time of my life. You've been so patient, so loving, and I'm so happy because of you. I think I'll burst if I can't tell someone. I want it to be your parents. I think your mom knows anyway."

Rian wanted to make sure this wasn't something Dylen dreamed up just because it would make him happy. "Do you want to do this for you or for me? I told you I'll wait forever if you want."

Dylen paused for a second. "Well, yes, I want to do it for you, but I want to do it for me too. I want to tell somebody."

Hearing that, and knowing it was what Dylen really felt, Rian answered, "If you really want to do this then . . . OK, we'll tell them. When do you want to do it?"

"How about tomorrow?" Dylen asked.

"Tomorrow!?" Rian snapped quickly. The next day was his family's annual summer barbecue. The May's invited Dylen two weeks ago, and Dylen gratefully accepted. Everyone in Rian's family would be there, most having absolutely no idea that Rian was gay, much less that there was ever been anything romantic between he and Brock Lassiter and now Dylen Mason. Rian had a split second vision of seeing his lover, who had been scared of saying anything a few short days ago, stand up in front of dozens of strangers and profess his love for another man, and outing them to the old fashioned part of the family in the process.

Dylen knew what Rian was thinking and couldn't resist saying, "Sure. We'll both be here . . ." Dylen let it hang for a second before he continued, "I was thinking after the cookout when everyone's gone except the four of us."

Rian relaxed and let out an anxious breath. "That's better. I thought somebody hit you over the head with a pipe or something." Rian became serious again. "But if we're gonna do this, I want you to let me take the lead. I've done this before; it'll be easier on both of us." Dylen was about to object when Rian continued, "You can do the same thing when we tell your parents."

Rian saw and felt a reverse electric shutter slide through Dylen. That meant only one thing. "You're not going to tell them?"

"No," Dylen sighed, "Not yet at least." A quiver of fear entered Dylen's tone. "I have to start my mission papers in October, so I have to tell them by then. But, maybe if I build up to it with them . . ." Dylen paused. They both knew that wasn't what was holding him back. "I want to be somewhere else, away from them before I say anything. In college, with you, I don't care. I just can't tell them and try to sleep in my room that night. After what I've done, I don't know if they'll even let me --"

Rian felt that massive protective instinct for Dylen rear itself again. "OK. I told you, we'll do this the way you want. 'Cause in the end, I'm never gonna let go of you." Rian turned Dylen's chin toward his own and they kissed hungrily. The fears in Dylen's mind vanished as he felt Rian's confidence and strength flow into him. But, they shared something new in their touch - the feeling, the knowledge, that someone beyond themselves would soon know of their love.

Several hours after his parents departed for the usual Sunday meetings, Dylen dressed in a pair of shorts and a polo shirt and drove to the May's. His sleep had been fitful the night before for so many reasons. Yes, he found it somewhat difficult to even sleep without Rian. True, they had spent but a precious few nights together, but Dylen felt like half of him was missing when he slept alone. But, that was manageable. No, he knew the reason he has slept so badly. Despite his resolve, he was very nervous. Today was the day.

By the time Dylen arrived at 11:30, the May's farm driveway was packed with cars. Dylen found a place to park and made his way toward loud, cheerful sounds coming from the pool area. As soon as Dylen rounded the house, Rian spotted him and began introducing him to the members of his extended family -- grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. Dylen seemed to hit it off with all of them.

Thereafter followed the most pleasurable family gathering Dylen ever attended. When his own family got together, Dylen always felt out of place, like the gathering was a religious duty rather than something to be enjoyed. The May's were different. Everyone seemed happy to be together. There were fifty different conversations going on, but somehow, everyone seemed to follow all of them. Just after noon, everyone sat down to a massive meal. Everything imaginable was available to eat - hamburgers, hot dogs, ribs and all the trimmings. Dylen stuffed himself silly, with most of the family commenting on how much he could pack away and still be thin. But, when Rian spoke up and said that Dylen was working out with him, everyone just laughed with understanding. Even Grandmother May said, "Oh well. If he's the one making you eat, Dylen, you'd better get another plate." After lunch, everyone sat around talking and making Dylen feel totally accepted in the process.

As the afternoon wore on, cars drifted away one by one until only Dylen's was left in the May's driveway. Rian suggested that they hop into the pool for a swim since it was so warm. The older May's, refusing to give up their relaxation day totally, excused themselves from Dylen and Rian and went inside the house. The two younger men took advantage and slipped into the pool. At first, they dove under the water, totally dousing themselves to cool off. Then, they floated over to the side of the pool. Within a second of arriving, Dylen grabbed Rian as best he could and kissed him ravenously. Dylen was usually the more passive one in their relationship. In fact, Rian had only seen this side of Dylen a couple of times, but he never complained when it came out.

As their tongues met, Dylen felt the pent up anxieties and nervousness melting. Both of them relaxed, enjoying the sensations. After Dylen broke away he looked at Rian and said, "You don't know how much I needed that."

"Oh yes I do." Rian replied, feeling his arousal grow. They both laughed, knowing where this would go if they let it. They floated together silently for a few moments, heads just above the water with free hands under the surface touching each other. Looking into his eyes, Rian could see why Dylen needed that kiss so much. "You know, we don't have to do this yet." Rian said.

Dylen took a deep breath and released it slowly. "I know . . . but I want to."


Dylen thought for a moment. "After dinner?" he finally asked more than said.

Rian slid closer, encircling Dylen's back with his arm. He used the arm holding him to the side of the pool to pull himself out of the water a bit. It gave him the illusion of greater height and he looked down into Dylen's eyes. "Ok. Just remember, no matter what happens I'll always love you."

Rian bounced out of his bedroom, dried, groomed, and dressed in fresh clothes after the swim. Dylen wasn't far behind him. They hugged each for luck at the top of the stairs; then, they descended. They found Kevin engrossed in a baseball game on ESPN in the family room while Lacy was putting away the last of the lunch dishes from the dish washer.

They made their way into the kitchen first. Dylen and Rian were both hungry after their swim. "Hey mom when's dinner?' Rian asked smiling and glancing at Dylen. They were both trying to control their expressions, with only limited success. Rian knew exactly what was going to happen.

Lacy didn't disappoint. "When's dinner? What dinner? You just ate a few hours ago."

"But were growing boys," Rian said, barely able to bury a snicker.

"If you growing boys want food, you're just going to have to make due with leftovers. And you'd better clean up after yourselves. I'm your mother, not your personal maid." Lacy replied half-seriously.

Rian and Dylen looked to each other again and became more serious. The time to do this was now. "Ah, Mom. Before we eat, can Dylen and I talk with you and dad for a few minutes?"

At the request, Lacy began to pay much closer attention to her two favorite college men. She could tell from Dylen's changed manner that he was very nervous, almost as much as that night she gave him Rian's address. She could only think of one reason why that could be. 'So, they've finally decided to tell,' she thought. "Sure," Lacy replied out loud. She put away the dish in her hands and followed the two young men into the family room. Lacy sat down next to her husband while Rian and Dylen sat together on the adjacent love seat.

When the whole household intruded on his game, Kevin looked up curiously from the television. Rian asked, "Dad, can we talk to you for a minute?"

Kevin grabbed the remote and pressed the off button. The television winked out. "Sure, son," he replied. "What's on your mind?"

Rian took a deep breath. "Dad. Mom. I know this isn't the most comfortable subject for me to talk about with you, but . . . both of us wanted you to know that ah . . ."

'Just get it out' Rian thought to himself.

"We've started seeing each other."

Kevin's head snapped from focusing on his son to focusing on Dylen. "Dylen," he said, blowing out a pausing draw of air, "I take it this means more than just working out and sight seeing."

"Yes, sir" was Dylen's muted reply.

"Well, what exactly does it mean?" Kevin asked.

"It means that . . . ahhh . . . you are the first people other than Rian to know that I'm . . . gay, just like he is and that we've started seeing each other." Kevin was quiet for a second, taking in the answer. Dylen suddenly felt that open book feeling he always experienced around Kevin May. In fact, at that moment, he thought he could feel the eyes of all six billion people on earth staring at him. Despite trying very hard to stay in control, Dylen's nerves were at such a fever pitch that he started trying to explain. Almost apologetically he continued, "It just sort of happened."

"So your parents don't know anything about this?" Kevin said, almost harshly. The changing, hostile tone of Kevin's voice was surprising to both Rian and Lacy. They both knew this wasn't a complete surprise, and Rian believed that his father had come to some terms about his homosexuality. Even when he'd come out, his father had never acted like this. Lacy felt the need to restrain her husband a bit and moved her hand onto his. Kevin felt it and seemed to calm a little as he waited for his answer.

Dylen felt like he just wanted to get up and run away again, but that option was long since gone. He drew on courage he barely knew he possessed to see this through and to stand up to the much larger man. His unsteady voice grew stronger. "No, sir. They don't know anything about this."

Kevin looked at his wife and a flurry of silent communication flew. Lacy looked over to her son, "Rian, do you mind if we talk to Dylen alone for a moment." The request was more of a command than asking permission. Dylen looked panic stricken, and Rian wasn't far behind in the emotion. He was stunned by the order to leave. It hadn't happened like this before, when he and Brock were on this very same couch. But, Rian wasn't exactly in a position to say no. He reached out and squeezed Dylen's hand, trying to pass on what he could to his lover.

Rian stood and began to leave the room, but before he went, Kevin called out, "Rian." He turned around to face his father. "Does Dylen know about before?"

"Dylen knows everything about Brock, dad." A look from his father signaled it was time for him to go. Rian silently strode from the room. For one of the few times in his life, he found himself praying fervently that everything would be OK.

As soon as they were certain Rian was out of earshot, Kevin and Lacy turned back to Dylen. Not knowing what to expect, Dylen tried his best to channel Rian. For the briefest moment, he relived all the times in the gym when he'd wanted to give up, when Rian had been there to pull that little bit of extra strength out of him. Dylen grabbed onto that feeling as Kevin began, "Dylen, you know that I respect you both as my son's friend -- I guess more than that now -- and as a man in your own right. I'll tell you the same thing I told Rian and Brock when they came out to us. You're both old enough to make your own choices. I won't interfere in that, so long as I know you've thought them through. Every choice you make has consequences now, especially the big ones like this." Kevin could see that Dylen was about to protest being gay as a choice; so he cut that thought off. "I know that being gay isn't a choice. You are or you aren't and there's nothing you can do about it, anymore than there is nothing I can do about finding women attractive. That's not what I mean. You've chosen to tell us first, and while that's fine, you OWE it to your parent to tell them."

Dylen's eyes began to glint with moisture. The weight of what he did with his parents grew on him. "I know . . . It's just so hard. I'm destroying everything they believe in."

Now Lacy interjected into the conversation, "Dylen, I think you've known from the night I gave you Rian's address that I suspected you were seeing him in an . . . intimate way. Since you've just come out to Kevin and me, there's no harm in telling that. But, to tell the truth, we'd both guessed that something more than friendship was going on between you two for a while now.

"One of my sorority sisters was LDS. She told me a lot about your beliefs, and I understand part of what you are facing with your parents and family. I know it's hard, but you need to tell them. We don't want what happened to Brock to happen to you. Understand that we care about you very much. If we didn't, we wouldn't be sitting here telling you this. But -- I guess it's kind of selfish and protective of us -- but we will not let our son go through what happened when Brock died. Not again." She took a breath before continuing. "Now, I'm willing to give you the time you need to get ready to tell your parents. That's fine. It's not our place to tell them anyway. But, I will support you when you do. If you need someone to talk to, we'll be here for you."

Now, Kevin began again, "I'm not going to pretend that I understand what you feel as a gay man. I guess, being straight, there are some things I'll never understand. But, I want you to know that as long as you love and respect Rian and yourself, we'll stand with you both. Now. . ." The great man's low voice cracked a little as he said, "Do you really love my son?"

Dylen's voice was choking as he tried to put into words what he truly felt toward Rian. "I love him even more than you can know. I wouldn't, couldn't, do anything to hurt him. He's the most wonderful person I've ever known."

In response, Lacy said, "He hasn't told us in so many words, but, I know from the way he speaks of you that Rian feels the same way." Both of the May's arose from their seats. Dylen repeated the action close behind. Rian's parents stood in front of the teen. Kevin extended his hand and Dylen took it. "You love our son and he loves you. And you've just shown me again that you are a man that both of us can respect. Welcome to our family." Kevin released his grip and Lacy reached around and hugged Dylen tightly. When they parted, Dylen looked at both of them and found comfort at last. He had truly found a second home.

"Thank you."

"No. Thank you for being brave enough to tell us. I know that's not easy," Kevin replied. His tone and manner changed, becoming the same gentle giant Dylen had come to know. "And as long as you're in the family now, I expect you to workout with me occasionally." Kevin began to smile. "Just remember I don't use those pussy foot weights my son does."

Dylen returned the smile. "You bet. Just don't maim me, huh?"

"Rian would never forgive me if I went too hard on you. Now, to the business at hand. How do you feel about going out to dinner?"

"What?" Dylen replied. "I thought you guys weren't hungry."

"We just got a new member of the family. This is a special occasion." Lacy said smiling. The three shared a moment of joy before going together to retrieve Rian.

A scorching sun blazed over Boulder. Even though it was still early morning, anyone who knew Colorado weather knew this was a day to run for the coolness of the mountains. But, the heat would have no effect on today's events. It was move-in day at the University of Colorado. Every street corner and sidewalk around the campus dorm areas was crammed with parked cars and trucks. Hoards of fresh faces, mostly shadowed with a mix of fear and anticipation, milled around tending to hundreds of different tasks.

Among those waiting were Paul and Kathi Mason. It took a quite a while to find a place to park near their son's dorm. Now, they sat and waited while Dylen checked in and retrieved his room key. Occasionally, some Good Samaritan would pass by and ask if they needed help. But Paul would always thank them for their offer and decline. Paul looked over to his wife. Kathi was on the verge of silent tears thinking about returning to an empty home. Paul wasn't as open about his feelings, but he felt the dread of the empty nest too. But, this was the way of things. Children eventually left home as assuredly as they came in. That knowledge didn't make it any easier though. Tonight would be one of tears and old memories in his home.

Paul's thoughts were broken by a voice, "So, you folks need some help?" The voice sounded familiar, but Paul was too detached to recognize it. He turned upward, about to refuse for the tenth time, when he saw the large frame of Rian May standing in his truck window. Paul smiled and extended his hand through the open window. Rian took it and shook it warmly. "From you, sure." Paul said.

"Hi, Mr. Mason. Mrs. Mason." Rian said. Kathi looked up and half-heartedly smiled a greeting, but never said a word. Rian thought it best not to try to talk with her; so, he directed his comments to Paul. "I would have been here sooner, but move-in is always a zoo. I decided it'd be easier if I just jogged here from my apartment. Didn't have to find a parking spot that way."

"It's OK. Dylen's still inside checking in. You'd think that with all the computers here, they could find a faster way to do this." Paul welcomed the distraction a conversation with his son's best friend could bring. At least he didn't have to think about leaving Dylen here. "So, how are your folks?" Paul asked. The two men started to talk like old friends, laughing and trading stories. Kathi would even join in sometimes, trying to at least seem sociable.

They had been talking for a few minutes when Rian spotted Dylen's deeply tanned body coming toward them, grinning like the Cheshire cat. Rian sensed discomfort from the Mason's, seeing their son's apparent joy at leaving them. Before Dylen got close enough to hear, Rian leaned over to Paul. "He won't be happy in a week. Trust me. There won't be a day that goes by when he won't wish for some of your wife's good food." Dylen bounced up, a fist full of papers and keys in hand. Upon seeing Rian's sweat glistened form, they exchanged the silent, veiled "I Love You" which they had become so practiced at around Dylen's parents and the public.

Dylen spoke up to the group. "My room's on the third floor. Let's get moving."

Paul looked at his son as he opened the car door. "Third floor! Don't they know that some of us are old?! I don't have the energy I used to."

Rian's sense of humor couldn't resist a wise crack, "I can see it now. A collapsed pile of boxes and in the middle of them Paul Mason saying 'I've fallen and I can't get up.'" The very bad joke caused the feeling the tension to break for a moment, and all four laughed despite themselves. Although most of it was quite heavy, the three men made quick work of the contents of the Mason's large farm truck. As they worked, Dylen noticed that both he and Rian were garnering more than a few passing glances from the new freshman females.

When they were alone for a second, Dylen asked, "Is it always like this for you?"

"What?" Rian replied.

"The girls staring at you?"

"And why shouldn't they? They know a hot guy when they see one. And they are staring at you, not me." Rian said. Then he lowered his voice. "You'll get used to it, and you might even get to enjoy it. Just remember, though, they can look all they want . . ."

Dylen smiled at Rian, making Rian's heart leap. "You're the only one who'll ever touch me."

Twenty minutes later, Rian carried the last box into Dylen's room. The small space was much like any other dorm room on any college campus anywhere. Other than a wall totally covered by windows that overlooked a courtyard, the walls were white and bare. A long, narrow bed, a dresser, a closet, and a desk with shelves were crushed together on one side. An exact mirror image was placed on the other for a roommate. The floor was covered with the simple, cheap tile that lined most commercial buildings. Ugly, but easy to clean.

With the moving completed, the time came for the Mason's to part one last time. Rian stood quietly out of the way and allowed the family to have this moment together. Seeing it brought back a vivid sense of d‚j... vu. Rian saw his own mom crying and his dad trying not to. He remembered himself trying, but not really succeeding, to hide his excitement from them. But, to Rian, there was more than the normal twinge of pain to the memory. Yes, he loved Dylen with all that he was, but he met Brock on move-in weekend. It was only a year ago, but it seemed like a lifetime had passed. 'Perhaps,' Rian thought, 'it really had.' For a fleeting moment, he wanted to drown the pain of those memories of Brock in Dylen's embrace. It wouldn't be the first time he'd done it. Finally, everything having been said and done, the older Mason's left Dylen's room, closing the door behind them.

Dylen moved over to his desk, pulled out the chair, and sank into it. He seemed to be both excited and weighed down. He looked up at Rian and said almost inaudibly. "I can't believe I'm finally here. I'm in college."

Rian moved toward the door and twisted the dead bolt lock closed. He came over to where Dylen was sitting. "I'm just glad that I get to see you everyday now." Rian leaned over the desk chair, draping his arms on the back of it. Dylen was trapped in the seat. Rian leaned down and kissed Dylen slowly, passionately, getting excited for the night ahead. After the kiss, Rian stood up and pulled Dylen to his feet. "You know, I'm the luckiest guy on earth. I've found the greatest guy ever born, and he loves me."

"No," Dylen replied softly, "I'm the lucky one. The man of my dreams found me."

They stood for a moment, hands draped over the other's shoulders. Rian drew a pained breath. "Well, you've got some unpacking to do. I'd stay and help you, but it's probably not good if I'm here when your roommate shows up. I'm gonna go home. But, I'll be here to pick you up about seven."

Dylen looked quizzically, "Pick me up for what?"

"You really think I'm gonna let tonight pass without a celebration?" Rian asked. Then grinned a mischievous smile graced his lips, "I'm not about to pass up a chance at a date with a hunk like you." Dylen blushed, speechless. He could tell from the look in Rian's eyes that this was something he'd been planning for a while. The last time he's seen this was at Bryce Canyon, and it resulted in a time that changed his life forever. There was no way Dylen was going to miss it. Dylen and Rian shared a parting hug and kiss, neither wanting to separate from each other's presence. But, finally, Rian reached for the door knob. "Bye. I love you."

"I love you." Dylen said. Rian opened the door and stepped out.

A couple of hours later, Dylen was busy putting clothes in his closet when he heard something twist the door knob. Dylen relocked the door after Rian left so that he'd have a few seconds warning when his roommate came up. After a moment's pause, the door lock clicked as someone put in a key.

Dylen was somewhat apprehensive about who his roommate was going to be. Back in the spring, he thought it best to put in his housing application without one of his friends as a roommate. It would avoid any questions about his sexuality and he'd get to meet someone new. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Of course, that was before Rian re- entered his life. Ever since getting a card in the mail with the name of his expected roommate on it, he'd wondered who this person was and what he'd be like. How would this guy react to a Mormon? To a gay guy? Would he be an unlivable asshole or a good friend?

The door opened but only a few inches. It lurched again and again as if the person pushing it wasn't strong enough to open it. Dylen could hear something large being pushed against it, but with the heavy fire door, things were not going well. Dylen made his way carefully around to the back of the door and opened it wide. What he saw was not a person, but a cart staked almost higher than the door frame with boxes and bags. Dylen's first reaction was one of envy. This guy was lucky enough to lay claim to one of the few luggage carriers in the dorm. With no obstacles now, the cart pushed its way fully into the room. Then, Dylen stepped from behind the door to finally see his roommate.

To say the man pushing the cart was an imposing figure was an understatement. The guy was several inches taller than Dylen, at least 6' 3". He had brown hair, bluish green eyes, and was wearing an overly stretched t-shirt and shorts from Abercrombie. The guy was heavily muscled, but he was not sculpted in the same way Rian was. This fellow had more of a football lineman's body. Whatever he'd done in high school, the guy had obviously lifted long and hard for strength. He had a small but deep scar on his cheek and a slight crook in his nose from a well healed break. The mix of size and scars conveyed one word -- intimidation. Dylen didn't quite know what to make of him.

The guy reached his hand out to Dylen, and Dylen's reflexively put out his own. They clasped hands firmly for a second before their fingers slipped from around the palm and locked in a hook-like maneuver. "I'm Keith," the guy said. "I guess I'm your roomie."

Dylen reached tightly in himself to control the urge to burst out laughing. This was not the voice he was expecting to hear. In many ways it did matched the body. It was rough and quite deep, almost as low as Kevin May's. But the accent was pure, uninhibited California surfer. Somehow hearing that from this guy's mouth just didn't match.

Dylen swallowed his surprise. "Hi, I'm Dylen."

"Good to meecha, dude. And thanks for the door. I was hopin' I wouldn't be the first here." As they exchanged the usual introductory questions and answers, Keith turned and started to move the boxes from the cart to his bed. Dylen wanted to help, but with all of the boxes and the cart in the room, he would have just gotten in the way. It didn't matter though. Keith seemed to be a guy that was used to heavy labor, and in moments the cart was emptied. Dylen wondered if Keith could match or beat Rian in the gym. Dylen honestly suspected the latter.

Keith pushed the now empty cart aside allowing his roommate more freedom of movement. He looked over at Dylen expectantly. "Whacha got goin' on for tonight?"

Dylen didn't want to give a hint what was really going to happen later, so he told a half truth. "Some friends and I are going out. Kind of a celebration of getting here."

"Cool. Doin' the same thing myself. So, have you got your books yet?"


"I wanna get all that stuff out of the way. Wanna come with me?"

Keith's question was laced with an expectation that Dylen would agree. Dylen had already gathered that Keith was used to getting what he wanted from the way he took charge. Something inborn told Dylen he'd made the right choice about not saying anything about Rian. He though it wise to just go along until he learned whether Keith used more than just his dominant personality and appearance to get his way.

"Sure," Dylen said. Keith opened the door and they both stepped out into the hall. The door closed and Keith locked it with his key. "What about the cart?" Dylen asked.

"Fuck, they can wait on it a few minutes." Keith casually replied. The new roommates started walking toward the elevator. "So, first things first. How are we gonna split up the beer?"

It didn't take long that night to find the right bar. Every college town has at least one, and as large as the University of Colorado is, Boulder has several. It was one that didn't look at ID's too closely, that winked at serving alcohol to the under-aged because that was where the money was. The threesome really didn't have that much to worry about even if they went to a more law abiding establishment. No one ever looked twice at their fake ID's. The pictures and descriptions were a spot on match to themselves. They made sure that the cards were out of state, giving the bouncer and bartender less of a chance to know the truth. It also helped that the three friends looked older than they really were thanks to their size.

The three chose to sit at a darkened, out-of-the-way table. They ordered a couple of Sam Adams beers each and spent their first few minutes together talking about their roommates.

"Yeah. Mine's pure frat boy, but at least that means he'll be gone most of the time and he won't care how much we keep in the room," said Clint.

"So, Keith how's yours?" Bruce asked.

Keith's face dropped a little and he took a long swallow of beer. "He's a Mormon."

"Oh fuck, dude. Sorry." Clint said immediately.

"I know. He's never had a drink in his life. And he's a virgin for fuck's sake. Seemed like a total loser at first, but we talked for a little bit. I think he'll be OK. Gonna take some time getting used to being with a Jesus freak though."

"Where is he now, back in the dorms praying or something?" Bruce said.

"Nah. He's actually gone with his friends, however much fun they might be. The one that came by to get him was totally stacked, though. Drove a seriously hot corvette," Keith replied.

At that, Clint perked up and stared intently at Keith. "Was it an old, classic kind of car? Red? The dude looked like an actor or something?"

Keith was surprised that Clint descried the guy exactly. "How did you know? You know that dude?"

"Nah, I've just heard of him. One of the guys on the baseball team told me about him. He's filthy rich, but you wouldn't know it if you saw him in a class or in the gym. They say he's way cool. Works out like a madman, too."

Keith's look appeared to brighten at that revelation. "Well, maybe this Dylen's not gonna be so bad after all. At least there's one good thing about him. With all those wives they're supposed to have, at least my Mormon boy's no queer. Being all God is one thing. Having some faggot staring at me and jackin' off to me in my own room . . . I'd have to do something about that."

The three large men slapped hands in agreement. "That's for fucking sure dude."

Next: Chapter 9

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