Savannah Slave Market

By Michael Arno

Published on Jan 20, 2023


This story is pure fiction, and the contents should remain fiction. It contains sex acts between adults, young adults and boys. The author condemns the disparagement of blacks and the unwilling abuse of children in every form. Do not read this if this subject matter upsets you. Just stop and go somewhere else. Comments at


Savannah Slave Market Part 6

As Dinko drove the carriage back to the plantation Josh reprimanded him. "I told you to always drive with your ass cleavage showing, Dinko. I like looking at your brown ass."

"I sorry, Master. I forgot." He untied the string, let his pants fall onto the leather covered seat and spread his brown bubble ass.

"That's better. And you, Maso, take off your britches.

"Do I have to, Master? I ain't never had nothing like them. They be so nice."

"They are, but they're for special occasions, and this isn't one."

"Yes, Master Josh."    The slave had never had pants with buttons before and undid them carefully, then he slid them down and sat naked on the leather seat again. He grinned his winning smile when Josh admired his huge cock. "You like looking at my big boy, don't you, Master."

"I love it. That's why I bought you, Maso. Put the chain back on your ring."

"Yes, Master." The slave hooked the silver chain back onto his cock ring and handed the end to his master with a proud grin. "You gonna be pulling on me, ain't you, Master?"

"Is that what big boy wants?" Josh gently yanked the chain rhythmically.

"I just shot off, so I don't know what you gonna get, but I like you doing me like that. It's like we got a bond between us, like brothers, one like milk, one like coffee.    You mix them up and you get light niggers. I know white men mess around with nigger girls. See plenty of light ones around."

"And I know a couple of white men who want big boy to seed their wives and daughters to give them babies they can sell off for a good price."

"That seem strange, but I do as the master say. I ain't never fucked a white woman." The twelve inch organ began to thicken, and the slave looked at his satisfied master. "I ain't never loved nobody like I love you, not even back where    come from." He reached over and stroked Josh's pants leg where his shaft hung. "I know it be Kinto you love best, but anytime you want my ass I be happy to give it to you."

"You are a sweet man, Maso." Josh looked into the dark, loving eyes. He didn't have to lean down very far to take the swelling purple prick head into his mouth. "Ashton's right. You do taste sweet. I've never sucked you when you're leaking your juju."

Maso stroked the silken blond hair, then pulled Josh's head up. His cock hung down like an elephant trunk. "We be passing the last houses in town. You don't want folks to see you do that out in the open, do you? Even though I be loving you more than anything in all the world."

"I suppose you're right." Josh opened his pants and grinned at his slave. Maso's lips opened and covered the white prick head. Josh leaned back. "That's my big hung nigger. I bet you can do yourself."

"I done it once to show other boys I could, but I like being done better."

As the carriage rolled out of town two men rode up from the other direction. A white man on a palomino led another old nag with a slave on it, his hands tied behind him. They stopped when they saw the carriage. Josh told Dinko to stop next to them, and held Maso's mouth on his half hard cock.

The white man dismounted. looked into the open landau and saw Maso suck his master. "Looks like you got your boy trained real good, Mister."

"All my boys are versatile in the ways of pleasure. It keeps them happy." Josh bobbed his slave's head over his shaft then pushed him off. "Sit up, Maso."

When he did the slaver saw the chain around Maso's genitals he laughed. "Damn. You really got that one by the balls. Is he a runner like this one I caught?" He leaned in close next to Maso's thigh and saw his horse cock hanging nearly to his ankle. "Goddam." He let out a sigh of admiration.

"Not at all." Josh tipped his hat. The trader who sold him to me thought he might be so he tamed him down for me. I'm Josh Longbone."

"I ain't running nowhere, Mister. I be happy with my master. He good to me." Maso interrupted. "And the chain, it get me going when the master pull on it the right way."

Josh laughed and rhythmically pulled the chain toward the slaver whose eyes widen in a delicious way. The cock ring slid along the huge organ until the scrotum stretched to its limit, and the luscious big plum testicles glistened in their hairless sac.

"Goddam, I ain't never seen a nigger so hung before. I'm Becket." The slaver touched the brim of his hat.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Becket." Josh took hold of Maso's huge cock and stroked the smooth beauty. "This is Maso, one of my big boys."

Becket pointed behind him. "Caught that one in the woods a few day's ride away near the state border, heading north. He's pretty hung too. Gonna sell him at the slave market. Says he ran away before he got sold, so he's mine."

"My boys don't run, although I thought this one might have." Josh let go of the long elephant trunk of a cock.

"Oh, goddam." Becket licked his lips, stood close and rubbed Maso's inner thigh. "Ain't you a fine nigger. And all those scars on your chest. Makes you look wild. I bet you can really fuck with that thing. I bet --. Oh goddam, how much bigger you get?"

"I can do. My dick does what the master want." Maso moved his testicles around to the side of the shaft so Becket could get a better look at them. "Ain't many who can take it all the way, but I sure do like to fuck." He knew Becket was interested.

Josh looked at the boy on horseback. "He's yours, is he? The boy up there." He slid over the seat and pushed Maso's leg open as he got out of the carriage. "My nigger here's got the smoothest skin you'll ever feel. Cock and balls like silk." Josh pulled the silver chain that pulled Maso's genitals right into Becket's face, then handed him the chain. "His balls are wonderful. Not a hair on them."

"Goddam, you're    one hung nigger." Becket stroked the immense organ. "What you gonna do with him?"

"Me? Whatever I want, but it's the paying guests who keep him busy." Josh walked toward the two horses and the slave sitting on the last.

Becket looked up into Maso's soft, happy eyes, then back down at the horse cock again. His fingers didn't go around the shaft. "You got the biggest nigger dick I ever saw, or felt, and I've had me a few." He forgot he held the chain and stroked the long wonder. "How much bigger this thing get? It's a beauty all right."

"I guess you like them big?" Maso pulled the chain Becket held and the man came closer. "There's lots of ways you can find out how big it gets."

"I used to play with horses when I was a boy." Becket's hand slid from the cock root to the shining purple head. "You cut too. Mighty fine job someone done. I like how it feels. And you got a colour on that head that makes it look like a ripe fruit. Sweet, dark plum. I bet you taste good."

"I do, taste real good. Everyone say that. I can suck myself so I know I do." Maso was learning the type of man his cock excited, and this was one.

"I ain't never seen a man do himself. I bet that's something." He watched Maso curl his torso down. He didn't have to go far to get his pick head and an inch of meat into his mouth. "Damn, nigger. I bet that feels good."

"It's better when others do me." When Becket wouldn't let go of the chain Maso pulled the white man between his knees. "I like you feeling me like that, Mr. Becket. You got the touch."

"Well, goddam, nigger. I like it too." Becket examined the horse shaft from every angle then looked up into the dark eyes again. They had something boyish and gleeful about them. "You just waiting for me, ain't you, nigger?"

"I'm just sitting here waiting for the master looking at that nigger boy you got, but I know what you want if that's what you mean."

"You don't know nothing about me." Becket watched Maso squeeze up the entire length of his shaft, fourteen inches and still growing. A small fountain of pre cum flowed out of the half inch cum slit and dripped down the shaft. The head still glistened with Maso's spit. "You gonna suck that up, nigger?"

Josh grinned at the two. "Go on. Lick it, Becket. He's a sweet tasting one."

Becket licked up half the shaft where the drool had dribbled down, then covered the cum slit with his mouth. He closed his eyes like he was savouring a rare whiskey, then squeezed up the shaft for more before letting the head out of his mouth. "Damn if you ain't a sweet taster."

`I collect black stallions, Becket." Josh grinned at Maso's big boy that swelled in the white man's hand. "And this one's a favourite, but you can see that for yourself. Have yourself a good time while I check out your boy, but be careful with that chain. I don't want my boy getting hurt."

"I heard something about the Longbone plantation. I guess you for real, then." He pulled the chain and watched the silver ring slide down Maso's cock stretching the testicles down along the brown shaft.

"You can see my boys are for real. Had some paying customers already."

Becket sniffed between Maso's legs. "Now ain't that something beautiful. All that meat and those big fine, shining billiard balls. I got a thing for long hanging balls like those."

He pushed the silver ring back to the root and let seven inch of full scrotum swing off the seat. The balls moved up and down as they swayed in the heat. "Oh goddam, nigger. You got a bag full." Becket fondled the slave's balls with loving care. "I am partial to big black plums like yous I bet they're plenty juicy too."

"Not just a heavy, Becket. He comes like a geyser too. He is one of my special boys." Josh grinned again as Maso sat spread legs having his genitals admired.

"Is that right?" Becket licked off another flow of pre cum. "The one I caught is pretty hung too. You ought to have a good look? You could buy him off me. Don't really relish going to the market. Someone might claim him from me. Then alls I get is finder's money."

"Let's have a look at him then." Josh walked to the horse and noticed the young, handsome slave study his cock hanging loose in his trousers. "We might be able to work something out." He ran his hand up the boy's naked leg, then slid it under the loose pants and into the crotch. When their eyes met the negro grinned.

"Get down here, nigger." Becket commanded. The slave slid off the unsaddled horse with his hands tied. "Now, get your pants off." He didn't see the slave struggle with his hand behind his back because he had both his hands on Maso swelling brown organ. "I ain't had a nigger as nice as you in a long time. Maybe never." He held the hanging testicles like the jewels they were.

"I'm going to untie him, Becket." Josh rubbed the slave's nipples, then untied the pants and let them fall.

"If you untie him, he run, Mr. Longbone, and it took me a day to catch him once I got the scent." Becket pulled the chain hard and Maso's horse cock swelled with excitement. "Goddam, you're the biggest nigger I ever seen. And I said I'm partial to big niggers."

Maso's grin melted into Becket's pants. "I'm partial to white men who want my big boy."

Josh looked at the young slave boy. Like the others he'd just purchased this one had an exquisite body and a large meat tube hanging between his legs. When Josh fondled his genitals the slave spread his legs.

"I ain't as big as that one up on the coach, maybe not as big as you either, but I do my best, Master." He pulled his ass cheeks apart.

Josh weighed the heavy testicles. "You are a handsome young thing." He ran his other hand over the ass cheeks.

"You liker that, Master?" The young boy stood still, wondering what to do. "You feel nice and soft on me."

"You have a nice ass, round and hard."    When he stroked the immense organ it twitched. Josh ran his finger around the anal ring that was wet with sweat. "What's your name, boy?"


Josh laughed. "Sambo?" Then he looked at Backet who stretched Maso's balls until they shone in the tight scrotum. "Be careful with him, Becket. He's mine, and I treat my boys good."

"It's Sabi." The boy stood proud of his genitals. "But nobody like that so they call me Sambo."

"I ain't gonna hurt him." Becket pulled Maso's chain again. "Ooo, nigger likes that." Like so many white men Becket liked humiliating negroes, especially when they got excited, and this organ swelled with delight. "You like that, nigger? I like that. Goddam, I like that."

"You like making my big boy happy. Lots of white folks do."

That piece of information thrilled Becket. "I bet they do. You getting me wobbly." He let go of the chain and fondled the testicles and cock.

"The master, he train me to like the white man being happy with my big boy." He held his shaft in Becket's face. "And you making big boy real happy. The honey is starting to run out of him."

Becket licked his lips. "Is that what you call him? Big boy." He pulled the chain and jacked the magnificent organ. "You sure do shine, nigger. I never seen such a prick drip so much and shine so sweet." He held the shaft straight up and watched the pre cum dribble down over the testicles.

"Big boy's waiting for you to lick it up again." Maso eased his cock to the pink lips. "You know it taste good like the master's says."

Now Becket knew Josh had sucked his slave. "He said that?" That encouraged him. He sucked on the smooth testicles, sticky with cock juice. "Oh, nigger. You are a tasty piece." His tongue slid up the thick shaft licking up all the pre cum. The wide prick slit oozed its juice like hiney off warm toast. "Damn if you ain't like syrup."

The white man pumped up the growing shaft, now coming up to fourteen inches and still growing. He wanted more juice, and when it flowed and dripped down the shaft Becket's tongue was there to lick it up. He opened his pants and stroked his cock. "You like me playing on you, don't you, nigger."

"The Master, he taught me how white folks like big boy." He smeared his purple glans over the soft pink lips. "And big boy like you. He know you got the special need."

In the meantime Josh gently fondled the heavy testicles, as big as Kinto's and his own. The cock would grow to a thick eight inches, he guessed. Maybe more. "You're a handsome boy, Sabi. You won't run, will you?"

"Not if it get you in trouble, Master Longbone." The hung teen watched Maso grin as Becket stroked him longer and thicker. Then Sabi's mouth fell open.

"I think Mr. Becket got the need." Maso slowly pulled Becket's mouth to his apple huge meat head as he whispered. "I usually know what the white man want. Women too."

"Is that right?" Becket stared at the drool that oozed from the half inch cum slit.

"You want to suck on big boy. I bet you want the juju out of my nuts too." He waved his magic wand in front of the white man's face. "Uh-huh. Suck on big boy. He make you strong."

"You fucking hung niggers are all the same. Get a white man all worked up until he can't control his self." Becket sucked on the cum slit, then filled his mouth with the entire prick head and squeezed up the shaft to milk out more drool like a honey bee on a flower.

"I ain't doing nothing but watching you drool, just like the big boy is drooling for you." He pulled his cock out of Becket's sucking mouth and washed the lips with the sticky ooze.

Becket pulled the cum slit open. "That's the biggest piss slit I ever seen, and you got more juice coming out than I ever tasted." He used both hands to squeeze up the long shaft. "I bet you come a lot too. Huh? Not all hung fucking nigger do."

"I sure do." Maso stroked the long fine hair of the cock struck man. "You got the need for sure."

"What need?" With the cock head in his mouth the slaver jacked the huge organ.

"Everybody say big boy is good for easing the need." Maso spread his legs wider and pulled the slavers face to his long testicles. "Suck on my nuts now, white boy." He pushed his balls into Becket's mouth and slung his cock over his shoulder.

The hairless scrotum felt almost buttery, and he licked the shining chocolate balls. "You ain't my fist nigger." Becket's jacked his own cock as he licked the testicles.

"Just the biggest." He watched the slaver smear the hairless scrotum over his cheeks.

"Yeah, you are the biggest. Your balls seem small compared to the size of your cock, but they pretty damn big too." Becket sucked in the two huge chocolate apricots. As he tried to swallow them Maso held his head tight to his cock base.

"That's it, nigger lover. Swallow them nuts, and I might feed you some nigger juice right out of them."

The slaver eased the long scrotum out of his mouth and licked his way up the now fourteen, fifteen inch shaft to the great meat head. "You got by far the biggest nigger meat I ever took my pleasure on, and you ain't even all the way hard yet." He used both hands on the shaft and push the meat head to the back of his mouth.

"That's it, white boy. Next time before I get too hard I'll push it all the way down your throat. You gonna like that."

"You ever done that? Got all the way down someone's throat?" The idea made Becket love the prick head even more, thinking of it in his belly. "Goddam look at you, big boy, shining like a huge black onyx on the tip of a big bigger meat post. My daddy would whip my ass if he saw me loving you so much." He smeared the head all over his face.

"Yeah, you getting big boy hard enough for even the tightest ass."

"Big boy likes me I know he does."

"Yeah, it take big boy a while to come up full hard, but once he get there there he stay that way a long time. He can fuck ass for hours. Go from one ass to another until folks can't take no more." Maso leaned over the hungry man and slid his finger through the sweat slicked ass crack.

"You ain't putting that thing up my ass, nigger." Becket licked all around the head and used both hands to measure the whole, wondrous organ as Maso worked his finger into the pulpy anus. "Oh goddam, I never took anything that big before." Then he kissed and spoke to the purple prick head some more. "Look at you. You want my ass, don't you, big boy? Biggest thing I ever saw. Prettiest too." He licked the cum slit. "You want to be leaking up my ass, I know you do. Just like I do."

"Big boy do what the master say." Maso pumped the pink ass hole. "But I know you gonna be thinking about big boy until you get him right where you want him." He double fingered the loose anus.

"I can't. He's too big." Becket kissed the prick head. "You're too much for me, big boy."

"No he ain't, baby." Maso pulled the ass cheeks apart and felt the anal ring spread. "Big boy go slow, deep, make you happy assed. He can fill your ass with so much love you gonna beg for him to stay in there a long time. I know you love ass, every which way."

"How do you know that?" Becket looked into the soft, dark eyes. How could this slave know so much, the secrets in his heart, make him do what he always thought about but never had. Wasn't sure he wanted to lick a nigger back there. "You don't know."

"I do know, baby. The way you hold up my balls and rub your chin under there. It's where you want to go next. You want my nigger ass, white boy. I know you do." Maso slid to the edge of the leather bench, put a foot on the other seat and stretched up his testicles, exposing his anal pucker. "If your daddy could see what you gonna do now."

"I never done that." Becket leaned closer to study the slave's anus. The scent of man sex filled his nostrils. The centre was pink, then became beige and then chocolate, and not a hair anywhere. "Oh goddam. I ain't never seen anything so --. So... I don't know what. If my daddy knew what I was thinking..."

"But he don't." When Maso felt the breath on him he let his heavy testicles fall onto the slaver's nose and pulled the mouth to his ass pucker. "Oh yeah. Don't that just make us both happy."

Becket grabbed him by the hips and pulled him closer, slid his tongue through the salty crack and then tongued the negro's hole. "If my daddy could see me now." He whispered to the ass hole as his nose wiggled the testicles from side to side.

Sabi watched the white slaver suck on Maso's ass. Josh felt the boy's erection grow. "You're going to stay put, aren't you, Sabi?" He held the youth's testicles as insurance.

"I do what you say, Master Longbone." The young negro stood naked and proud of his firm arousal, just how Josh liked his slaves. He spread his feet wider. "Anything the master wants, I be happy with you."

Josh spat into his hand and massaged it between the bubble ass cheeks. "You are a beauty, Sabi. I like my boys young and muscular." The slave stood still as his ass was pumped first with one finger, and then two. "Oh yes. I like my boys young and hung and ass ready."

"You treat all your niggers as good as that one up there? I mean, I ain't got a dick like that one." He rolled his ass over the probing fingers. "But I do my best. Especially back there. You making me feel good."

Josh spat into his other hand and stroked the stiff shaft as he continued to finger the boy. "You have a beautiful cock, big too, and you like ass play. I like boys like that."

"Where I come from the young boys take care of the older men who got no woman. I been taking care of men all my life. When I got to like it even the men who had women come to me. I took all the loving they needed, and then went looking for it too."

"That's wonderful." Josh pushed another finger gently into the anus and held the chocolate brown penis. When he pumped the ass hole the organ swelled stiffer and stiffer. "Ah-huh. That's a good boy. You're growing nice and hard for me, real big, and pretty too."

"No one ever tell me that, Master Longbone." Sabi pulled his cheeks open for the loving fingers. "I ain't had it feel this good in a long time. You buy me off that man, I do anything for you. I promise."

Josh enjoyed exciting his negroes. "You certainly have a beautiful ass, Sabi." He caressed the round melon cheeks and then pumped the loose anus again. "I try to keep all my slaves happy. Do you want me in there, Sabi?

The slave rolled his hips over the exploring fingers. "My mam and pappy say it ain't right when I old enough to do the younger boys in the village, but I couldn't stop."

"And you're not in the village anymore." Josh stroked the beautiful thick shaft, larger than the eight inches he'd anticipated. "You're standing in a road in a new world with two of my fingers up your ass and a cock that's as hard than wood."

"Because you done put the need on me." He looked into soft blue eyes. He felt his cock throb. "I get that way, Master, when it feel right. I can't help that part." He shivered when his foreskin was slid back and forth over his glans and his anus was rhythmically pumped.

"I think I might want your ass, Sabi."

"Please buy me off that man, Master. If I go to the market and they find I run away they do something bad to me. I just know it."

Josh coddled the huge testicles. "They might just take these off."

"Then I kill myself, Master. Please buy me. I do anything for you."

"Well, I am holding a fine hard cock." He jacked the foreskin over nine inches of meat as thick as his own. "Has Becket been fucking you?"

"He did that every day, but it was on the boat. For a month the captain and his mates took me out of the chains below deck and done my ass every day too."

`Because they knew you liked it."

"Not after a while, Master. It was too many and    too hard. They just like fucking a boy with a big cock." Sabi actively rolled his anus over the pumping fingers as he watched Becket lick up from the crack to Maso's giant prick head. "Damn, look what he's doing to that nigger of yours." Sabi slid the back of his hand over the front of Josh's pants.

"Do you like what you feel, boy? Do you want to suck me like that? I know in your village it's done. Do you want me in your ass? Tell me the truth."

`I do, Master. It was too many on the boat and too often." He rubbed the front of Josh's pants and felt the swelling meat post. "If you want me, Master, I put you in there, but you better stop stroking me, or I'll come."

"So you were gang fucked for thirty days and still a finger up your ass excites you."

"I guess so, Master Longbone. You want me to come?"

"No, not just yet." Josh pulled his fingers out of the soft anus and pushed them into Sabi's mouth.

The negro sucked them immediately and stroked Josh's pants. "I do everything the master say, just like that nigger in the wagon."

"Then get on your knees and open my pants."

"Yes, Master." Sabi undid Josh's trousers and pulled out his beautiful cock. "Lordy, Master. You the biggest white man I ever did see." He pulled out the giant testicles too. "Yes, Sir. I ain't never seen such a fine white man." And he sucked the white cock with all the love in him.

When Josh was just hard enough he pulled the boy's nose to his pubic hair. Sabi gagged and gagged but held his master's hips. He knew he must submit. Finally Josh slid him off. "You're not used to that."

"No, Master." Sabi licked the slobber off the wet shaft.

"It just takes practice. Now keep sucking."

"Yes, Master." Sabi sucked until he held the grand eleven inch beauty.

Josh watched the boy worship his shaft, a true cock lover. "You are a fine cock sucker, Sabi. Now stand up and turn around." When he stood Josh looked into the soft, loving eyes. If he were white he'd be considered a chid at eleven, a child with a big thick cock and a usable ass. He stroked back the foreskin.

"You like my cock, Master?" He took hold of Josh's even bigger erection. "I hope so. I like yours. You got no skin over it."

"Yes. Very much, but some of that skin's got to go. I like my boys cut, like I am. And Maso up there."

"You ain't gonna hurt me, are you?"

"No." He turned the boy around. "Ask Maso. It doesn't hurt much. And I"ll have someone else do it for me." He watch the pre teen take hold of his shaft and slime the head over his fuck hole. "Does that feels good, Sabi?"

"Yes, Master. I be fine if I go slow, Master. I gonna put that up my ass, Master. You got a nice big one."

"Take your time, boy. I want to see how much you like it." He stood still and watched the youth work his prick head in and out his hole. "You do like that."

"I got the call from the healing man when I was a boy and still got the need, Master." He popped the prick head in and out. "You like that, Master Josh?" Once the head stayed in he rolled his hips in all directions feeling the steel meat under the soft head. "Oh yeah. The master gonna feel good in there. You a big man, Master Josh."

"The way you're watching Becket work on my prize stallion I'd say you like them big."

"I ain't never met a boy who wanted a man and didn't like him big."

"And I've never met a nigger boy whose ass I didn't like throbbing on my cock." Josh reached around and stroked the boy's dripping hard on.

"Give me another minute, Master, and I get you all in there." Sabi worked past the fire until he had the whole eleven inches up his throbbing hole.

Josh held the trembling boy who pulled his cheeks apart and pushed back onto the hot monster. He felt every heart beat as the anal ring throbbed with fire "No sense rushing things, Sabi."

Sabi reached behind and held Josh in him. "I don't want to go to the slave market, Master. You buy me and I be good ass. I promise."

Josh reached around and held his stiff, dripping cock. "I'm sure you will, Sabi. Now get your ass off my cock and lick me good and clean."

"Yes, Master." Sabi knelt before the alter of manhood, and Josh watched him start with his prick head and work his tongue down the shaft. Then he turned them so both could see the carriage as Becket mouth worshipped the hard fifteen inch meat post. The purple head shone like a mirror.

Josh ran his fingers through the young negro's coarse hair as his balls were licked and his cock was stroked. "If I buy you, Sabi, you have to do all the men I put on you like Becket's doing Maso. Can you do that?"

With a huge testicle in his mouth Sabi grinned up at Josh, the blue eyed beauty with his huge cock. Then he slipped the ball out of his mouth and kissed the cum slit. "I do everything the master want. I give all the loving I got, Master." He stood and stared up at the man who seemed like an angel to him.

Josh kissed him on the lips, which made the boy shiver. He knelt and sucked in the huge white fuck organ again.

"I'll give you ten dollars for him, Becket." He knew this cock sucker was worth double that.

"I want twenty." Becket pulled back from his cock stupor.

"If someone claims him in Savannah you'll get five for catching him."


"Ten. And you're sucking on my nigger without paying for him."

He turned away from Maso. "If no one claims him I'll get twenty."

"Ten, and you can fuck his nigger ass after you're done sucking him. There's nothing like fucking a big dick nigger. And besides, I might have to give him up if someone claims him, with no bill of sale."

Becket looked back at Maso's cock, thinking. The huge elephant trunk drooled. He licked the slime off it again "Deal." And went back to sucking Maso's giant organ. `Damn, nigger. I might just fuck your ass."

"All right, Becket." Josh agreed. "But one word about this and I'll have the Sheriff and Judge on your ass. They're both friends of mine."

"Not a word, Mr. Longbone. Swear to god." He milked Maso's long shaft. "Now give me some more of that nigger juice, boy."

"Take ten dollars out of my billfold, Maso. It's in my jacket."

"Yes, Master." Maso gagged Becket and held the mouth over his cock, then he fumbled for Josh's billfold, folded a ten dollar bill and slid it along his cock to Becket's mouth. "Here you are, Becket. The master taking the boy now, and you get to suck me for free." He bobbed his head up and down until his cock sucker came off slobbering from nose and mouth.

"Goddam, nigger. You sure know how to use that thing." Becket licked his slobber off the smooth testicles as he pocketed the money, then slid his tongue back up fifteen inches of steely meat to the head, shining like a polished purple apple. "You are the finest cock I ever sucked on, I tell you, big boy."

Maso slid his dripping cum slit over the sticky lips. Becket smiled and tried to catch the meat head in his open mouth, but Maso slimed his prick over the cheeks, rubbed the nose with it before letting Becket suck it again. "I knew you was gonna like sucking on big boy. Some white folk go crazy over big nigger dick. And I like watching white folk mouth loving big boy."

"Of course you like it, nigger?" Becket slid his tongue all around the shining head and looked up into happy, sympathetic eyes. The slave knew he was lucky being born hung like a horse. "A white man getting you hard, and you letting him suck up all your cock juice, like white folks giving to charity."

"I like you, Becket. You one of the good ones. Sucking like you loving it always getting me hard."

"Hard ain't the word. You know I love your big boy."

"And I love watching you, Becket. But once the master open the house for business you got to pay to suck on me."

Becket started talking to the huge prick head again. He spread the half inch cum slit with both hands and tried to get his tongue in. "Look at you, big boy. Smiling at me again. You want a kiss?" He smeared the sticky slit over his lips. "Yeah, I'm gonna come and pay for you every time I got extra money. Gonna be loving you, you nice big nigger dick. Loving you already."

"Damn if big boy's ain't put the need in you." Maso leaned over his cock sucker, forcing his shaft deeper, and rubbed the dripping cock head in Becket's open pants. "Oh yeah. Mr. Becket got the need all right."

Becket grabbed Maso around the ass and pulled the cock deeper, trying to swallow it, but his throat wouldn't open wide enough. He slid it out and looked at the shining head covered in his spit. "I love looking at you, big boy, so smooth and perfect. I ain't never loved a nigger dick like I love you."

"Ain't that the sweetest thing." Maso slid his sticky hand down the white ass crack. "Big boy knows what you thinking." He gently rubbed over the anus and felt it respond to him. "Oh yeah. He knows what the white man want back here."

"No I don't." Fear and the anal stimulation made Becket shake. He pushed back against the fingers and sucked on just the head. "I wasn't thinking that, big boy." But he'd never felt his ass hole relax and open so easily. The negro's fingers rubbed him so gently. He moved to the side so Maso could reach his anus better. "You got a way about you, Maso. You got the touch."

"It ain't just that. It's big boy giving you the need." The slave's finger slid through the sweaty crack, each time lingering on the target that it rubbed. "Oh yeah." He whispered when the anus sucked on his finger. "Big boy knows what you thinking, all right."    He gently pumped the swelling pucker. "Oh yeah. Big boy's getting you ready."

Becket whispered to the beautiful prick head. "I ain't never had anything like you before, big boy. So big, and so pretty."

Maso watched the white lips slide all over his purple prick head. "Every white man who big boy's done says that, Mr. Becket. And women too."

"How many white asses has your big boy done, Maso?" Becket got a third of the shaft in his mouth before he gagged.

"You know I can't tell." He shoved a few inched down the throat until teeth bit into him. "The master say I can't tell nobody nothing what big boy does." He pulled his cock out of the gagging throat and smeared the creamy cum slit over the lips again. "Give big boy some more kissing with those white lips of yours, while I get some more fingers in there."

"Don't you get me going back there, nigger. Oh goddam." When he felt three fingers stretch his anus in opposite directions he pulled the long scrotum to his lips. :Look at those black plums on you." He sucked in the wonderful testicles as he jacked the horse shaft. "You got a --. Oh yeah, Maso. You got a real nice soft touch when it comes to working on a man back there. I never thought I'd want a nigger so much. So big, so much. Oh goddam, I can't."

Maso held the face to the base of his elephant bone and felt the throat try to swallow his balls. "That's it. I know when a man got the need. I get that sometimes too." He used two fingers of each hand to pull the anal muscle open. "Oowee, you loose up better than I thought. White man needs some nigger meat."

"I'm sucking you real good." Becket trembled with ass need. "Ain't that enough?"

"You doing just fine, getting big boy ready. Just like me getting you ready back here. So many white holes need big boy, and I know you wan the big hard nigger loving in there. You just scared, is all, but you gonna be loving it once you get a mind to it."

"You think?" Becket pulled the prick head to his lips again. "Goddam, big boy. I know what you want." He milked up the shaft and drank the sweet juice. "I know you want to be loving me." He felt his anal pucker pulled open and licked the drooling cum slit. "I know what you want. Oh goddam, you want my ass."

"He do what the master say, is all." Maso continued pulling the anal ring open.

Becket looked up at Maso's beautiful lean body, then down at the piece of black meat again, thrilled by its throbbing hardness. "It's crazy what you make white folk do. All you big nigger cock, just waiting for someone to go crazy. Someone --. Someone." He licked the drool off the cum slit. "Someone crazy who needs you doing him. That's what it is. Crazy, wanting what you gonna do."

"Big boy got the magic is all. Like the black genie in the bottle he the black dick in the silver ring who can open any back door. You just give him enough time."

"I don't know, nigger." But the finger in Becket's ass was leading him right there. "Are we?" He smeared the prick over his face. "Are we, big boy? Huh?" He milked the shaft, sucking and kissing, and savoured the pre cum. "You want to go in there? Put all that sticky juice up my ass, huh?" You so pretty, big boy. You want me bad, don't you?"

"He want what the white man want." Maso pulled the anus closer and pumped it.

Becket continued talking to the cock head. "I know what you want, big boy."

"It's you putting the loving on big boy, Becket. He knows what you want."

"No he don't. Get your fingers out of my ass." He stared at big boy's purple shine. "Right --. Right now." And felt the fingers slide around the anal ring one last time before slipping out. "Oh, goddam, nigger."

Maso slid the finger out of the loose anus, pulled his cock head out of Becket's mouth and pushed his fingers in. "Oh yeah. You want me to bend you over the carriage floor now, don't you?"

"No. I can't. I never had anything so big." He kissed the cock head. "Look at you. I want to. I just can't." He felt weak and wanted to sit down. "Get out of that carriage, nigger."

Maso got out and stood tall, lean and smooth. With a fifteen inch shining cock sticking straight out he radiated beauty and pride. Becket looked up and trembled at him until Maso took him in his arms.

"Don't get all wobbly now, Becket. Everything be fine. Not like when you was little and got sacred of nigger boys with big cock. I bet you wanted them all, huh?"

"I did." Becket held Maso's hard, round ass cheeks. "I hd one, but my daddy caught me and wouldn't let me anymore. I played with the stallions sometimes, but that never worked."

"Well, you got your nigger stallion right here, right now, and you can play with him all you want, white boy."

Becket took hold of the long fuck shaft and looked up at his dominator. Maso fingered his ass with one hand and stroked his cock with the other. "That feels good, Maso."

"What does, white boy?"

"Everything. You're gonna go slow, ain't you? I don't want you tearing me or nothing."

"I ain't never done that to no one. You want to keep sucking on big boy? You be a damn good cock sucker. Or I lay over the carriage floor and you fuck my ass. Or both." He pushed Becket's leather pants down enough to get his cock under the balls between his thighs.

Becket reached behind and stroked the cock head sticking out at least six inches from his ass. "Just hold me for al minute, Maso. OK?" He ran his hands up Maso's muscled back and over his ass cheeks, then all over the back again. "You're a fine, fine negro, you know that, Maso?"

"I know daddy ain't here to tell his little white boy he can't do with a nigger if he wants." He pulled up Becket's chin and tongue kissed him. "White boy kisses as good as he sucks." He massaged the two wobbly ass cheeks, then used four fingers to pull the fuck hole open.

Becket held Maso tight and panted onto the lean slave's scar rippled chest. When he felt his anus pulled open he whispered. "I can do with a nigger if I want now. And you ain't my first."

"Just the biggest." Maso pulled on the anal ring and licked the slave hunter's neck. "And white boy's ass is ready."

Becket looked up into tender loving eyes, then turned, pushed his pants to his ankles and laid his belly over the carriage floor. His ass had never seen the sun and was as white as snow. Maso pushed the cheeks apart and aimed his dark coffee shaft right at the bull's eye. The hole opened for the spongy head. Maso slipped it right in and felt the throbbing.

"Goddam, you're in there already." Becket panted. "Oh yeah. I can feel that. You're in there, big boy. You got me right where you want."

"Just the two inches of meaty head. That don't hurt, does it?"

"No." Becket reached behind and held the steel hard shaft. "Oh goddam, big boy. I know you want me."

"That's it. Hold big boy wherever you want him. He wants what you want, little white boy." Maso leaned over the slave hunter. Although fourteen inches away from being up the ass he could reach Becket's cock root. "You leaking real good, white boy, getting what your daddy wouldn't let you have."

Becket shook from excitement. "I always wanted the biggest niggers. My daddy knew and kept them away from me, told them he'd whip them to death if they touched me."

"Now you got one going up your loose ass." Maso rocked his prick head in and out. "You still feeling good, baby? Putting the nigger in you."

"Yes." Basket reached between his legs, rubbed the shaft and pulled another inch into his fuck hole. "I only wish my daddy could see me."

"So he can see big boy? He wants to go in there a whole lot deeper." Maso spread the soft white cheeks. "Look at that little boy's white ass just eating up that nigger meat."

"I knew big boy wanted me." Becket rolled his throbbing anal ring over the meat stump. The minute I saw you, big boy, I knew you wanted my ass."

"That's a good boy." Maso laid over his fuck bucket. "What your daddy call you anyway?" He pushed up the cotton shirt and rubbed the man's nipples.

"Si --. Silas. He kept all the hung niggers away from me." He pushed back for another inch. "Now I got big boy, the biggest nigger I ever seen." He rolled around trying to loosen his anal ring as fast as he could. "You're getting me warm, big boy. Feeling good in there."

"That's all little Si ever wanted. Ain't that right?" He jacked the dripping cock until his hand was pushed away from the head. "You getting close just thinking of big boy taking you all the way.

"Yeah. A nice, hung nigger gilling my ass. I always dreamed of you, Maso. A nigger, just like you, lean, smooth, hung." He stroked most of the shaft still waiting to go into him. "You happy, big boy? I'm doing my best."

Maso licked Becket's ear. "You keep talking to big boy, little Silas. He likes hearing you talk loving to him. Makes him good and hard so he can take your ass real deep."

"I'm loving you, big boy. You're getting my ass loose again." He laid his head on his folded arms and felt the black shaft begin to pump. It sent him back to his childhood. "My daddy used to do me like that when I was a boy. Then I needed them bigger and bigger. Went through all the white boys in town. All the men too. First time he caught a nigger on me he locked me up for a week. Whipped that nigger too."

"Don't talk like that, Silas. We gonna make you and big boy feel good. That's all."

"I know. I feel good already." He pulled his flabby cheeks apart. "That nigger I had when I was a boy had a big cock. Not like you, but big, damn big."

"Big boy want to go deeper." He pushed half his shaft up the white ass. Silas Becket grunted. "How's that, Silas?"

"Goddam, nigger. I'm throbbing real good." He reached behind and felt the shaft that got thicker and thick like a tree trunk the closer to the root it got. "Big boy putting the stretch on me."

"I know. I love that feeling. Every white ass that needs a big nigger feels like that. And everybody who takes big boy comes back for more."

"Has big boy done a lot of white asses?" Becket needed to know he wasn't alone. He wanted it all but wasn't sure he could take.

"Enough to know." Maso stroked the white cock and pumped the white ass with half his shaft. "That it. Little Silas is starting to like his big nigger."

"Know what?" He rolled his ass. "Goddam, big boy's getting to like me."

"When the loving stops and the pain takes over. Then it's time to wait until next time. But don't you worry, Silas. We gonna get your ass nice and stretched out even if it takes a month or two."

Sabi was amazed at the control Maso had over Becket, and how trusting and gentle Josh was. "I ain't running nowhere, Master Josh. I swear I won't." He stood    and moved Josh's finger to his anus. Josh slid the foreskin over the purple pink cock head. "You gonna get me off if you don't stop rubbing me like that, Master. I like how you doing me, front and in my back hole too."

"Well, let's slow you down some. Go around and lean your chest over the floor of the carriage." Then he called out. "Maso, hand me my snake oil." Josh oiled his cock and bent over the negro slave. "I do love pretty young negro boys." He whispered and licked the sweat from the back of his new property. "Boys with hard round asses and big cocks."

"And I ain't never had no man, white or black so big as you, Master. Hope you don't go galloping up my poor ass. I still got some soreness from the boatmen."

Josh guided his cock head through the beautiful round lobes of the cheeks until he pushed against the beige anal star. "You're not so tight, Sabi."

"I guess not. Master. I just ain't had a dick that big since I was a boy when some men from another village took me in the grass and done me real hard. One of them was twice as thick as you. He worked me up real good while the others chanted in a circle. I took him, but I thought I was gonna die of it. But I get good, get used to you. I know I will. I promise I want to. Please take me home with you all."

"Aren't you sweet, and you have one of the finest nigger asses I've ever seen. We're going to put this ass to good use." He laid over his new slave and gently pushed his prick head's spongy tip against the pucker, then slid it in and out, feeling the anal muscle stretch and throb. Then he pulled the head back. "You like that, Sabi?"

"It burns, Master, but that's OK."

"That's a good boy. I just love feeling blood pumping through a boy's hole, better than anything. We'll get you good and loose, Sabi."

Sabi felt the long thick shaft behind him. "Lordy, Master. You got a way about you."

"Yeah." Josh whispered and licked his ear. "And we got lots of time, maybe tomorrow, the next day. Start you on someone smaller, whatever. But your cock is still stiff as a board so you like my cock going up you."

"You got a nice gentle way of doing ass, Master. I be happy when I can take you easy."

"Aren't you sweet. How old are you, Sabi?" He felt the slave hold his giant spongy meat head that moved in and out of the anus now.

"My mama say thirteen, almost. Sabi pulled his cheeks apart, wanting more.

"About a year for every inch I'm putting in you. Young and so hung with such a fine negro ass. We'll put your fuck hole to good use, like Maso here."

"Fuck." Becket pushed Maso horse cock out of his ass. "I'm gonna fuck this one, too. Ain't that what niggers are for?"

Josh laughed. "He seemed to be doing a fine job fucking your ass, Becket."

"Don't you go telling no one about that, Mr. Josh. Get me a bad reputation. Get my daddy whipping on me."

"Aren't you grown enough to take care of him, Becket?"

"Not if I want the land he's gonna leave me when he dies."

"You gonna fuck me now, Becket, and that all we gonna say about it." Maso laid over the carriage floor opposite Sabi. They propped themselves on one elbow, and each held the other's hand. Then Maso gasped when Becket shoved his seven inch shaft up his ass. "It wouldn't hurt to go a little slower on that, Mr. Becket "

"Then I wouldn't feel you jump like a monkey." He started pumping. "Got to show who's boss."

"I said be careful, Becket, or I'll have the law on you."

"I be OK, Master. He just like being rough with nigger ass, is all." Then Maso spoke in his native language that Sabi could pretty much understand. "I was gonna run away until the master put a chain on my balls. But I ain't running nowhere now. He the best master I ever heard of, and I love him. He be good to all his boys. Lundi, he's the best of them all, he was gonna hang himself dead, but the master, he hold him up and save his ass. Now he swears to take care of the master. Master Josh is a good man. I love him, and he got a fine big cock. I love that too now."

Hearing his name Josh asked, "What are you two talking about?"

"Just how good you are, Master Josh." Maso arched his hips back to accommodate the pounding that Becket was giving him.

"I don't let them talk nothing but English." Becket jacked the fifteen inch hard meat post. "Damn, nigger. You're a hot one. I ain't ever loved me a hard nigger so much. You gonna do me again, but we ain't gonna tell anyone."

"I sure am, white boy. Big boy gonna open your ass until you love."

"Well it's your ass gonna make me come now." Becket pounded the negro's ass extra hard, then moaned. "Fuck yeah..." And he came. Oh, nigger. You feel that?"

Maso felt the familiar stream of warm sperm fill his ass. What had first seemed unnatural to him was now one of his greatest pleasures, and he rolled and squeezed his anus to please his ass fucker. "That's a good white boy. Pump my ass full of power. All that ball juice gonna make me strong."

"You shut up, nigger or I'll whip your ass."

"I belong to Master Josh, so you don't do nothing without he say so. And you know what the juju does. Make my balls big and juicy." Maso knew how to get Becket ready for a good hard fuck from big boy.

"I never knew that." Becket laid over Maso's back, slow pumped him and held the giant testicles, wondering how much cum they produced. "Is that right." Then he stroked the fifteen inch bone hard shaft. "You a hot nigger, Maso. I'm loving your long elephant tusk. You gonna come if I jack your big boy?"

"Don't know, Mister Becket. I come an hour ago, but I'm feeling pretty good right now. Big boy, he knows how much you like him."

I want your big boy to come. I'll suck you off of you want. Haven't sucked off a nigger in a while, but you got a cock I could sure suck on some more."

"I do what the master say." Then he looked at Sabi's face, etched with pain, then at Josh."

"I know." Josh whispered into the teen's ear. "I should stop." He pulled slowly out of the tight hole.

"I had worse, Master. I can take it."

"Not today. I've only got an inch in, boy."

"I know, but that ass work is gonna make me come."

"Well, I say. Let's do it then. Who wants some nigger nectar?" Josh saw Maso licking Becket clean so pulled out of his boy slave. "I guess it's me. Turn around, Sabi."

"Fuck no. I need some nigger power." Becket came quickly around the carriage and sunk his mouth over the thick eight inch cock just in time to gulp down a heavy stream of youthful negro cum.

"Oh, Mister. Goddam. What you doing?" He held the head as the mouth expertly sucked and milked the beautiful thick eight inch shaft. When Sabi was done shooting Becket stood and spat some cum into the slave's mouth.

"Can't let that man power go to waste, boy." He wiped his mouth and went to his horse.

"What about you, Master Josh? Maso grinned. I be ready to take the Master in any hole he want."

"I'm fine. Maso. Thank you." Then he bent down and squeezed Sabi's shaft and licked off the last of his cum. "You're as sweet tasting as Maso, boy. Still, I think we'll start you on someone more your own size." He pushed the negro's mouth down to his cock. "Be a good boy and clean your ass slick off me again."

"Yes, Master." Sabi already saw Maso licking Becket's cock clean, so he did the same to his new master.    "You a real fine man, Master Josh. I ain't never seen a white man so big and fine. I do what you want."

"We'll get your ass in shape, Sabi. Just takes a little time."

"Thank you, Master. I guess Maso's right. Ain't no better master in all the world."

"Then get your pants and sit next to Maso. Lord, Sabi. Don't put them on. I like my niggers naked." Then he looked at Becket. "See you around, Becket. And thanks."

Becket grinned at Josh Longbone. "Damn, if your collection is all like this I'll be coming around regular, if it's OK, Mr. Longbone."

"Paying customers are always welcome, Becket, so long as you treat my boys right. None of that shoving it in for pain's sake. You hear me?"

"Yes, Sir."

Then Josh turned to his boys. "Now hang your balls over the seat edge like Maso does, Sabi. I like seeing how long you swing in the heat."

"Yes, Master." Sabi looked at Maso and pulled his testicles over the seat where they swung in the warm air. "I like that feeling, Master."

"Looks good, too. Drive on, Dinko." And the carriage drove off.


Next: Chapter 7

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