Saturday Night with Luke

By James Tyler

Published on Jun 15, 2017



This is a true story that happened when I was just entering my twenties. Names have been changed. I have been interested in writing this story since I first discovered Nifty. This is my third story submission. Hope you enjoy the read.

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It was the late seventies and I was nineteen. I had a good job with decent money and had managed a week off in the middle of summer. I had just bought a brand new car and it was time to for a road trip to see some friends and to catch up with my best friend Luke in the big city.

I surprised Luke where he was working and we agreed that I would meet him at his place later that night. We sat around and talked about old times and before we realized it, it was time for bed. There was only one bed and that was Luke's.

I followed Luke into his bedroom. He stopped, turned around and looked at me. He reached for the top button of my shirt and started to undo it. I felt a small jolt of electricity in my crotch. He slowly undid each button until he got to the top of my jeans. He pulled my shirt out and let it hang for just a second. He undid the last couple of buttons, helped me off with my shirt and it fell to the floor. He looked at me but said nothing. I was hoping he would run his fingers through my dark chest hair but he didn't. He started to slowly unzip my fly -- another small jolt of electricity in my crotch. He lowered the zipper completely and then went for my belt. He undid it and then unbuttoned my jeans. He helped my jeans fall to the floor and I stepped out of them. Luke put his hand inside my boxers and gently grabbed my manhood. I was hoping he might run his fingers through my pubic hair but he didn't do that either. I'm a grower -- not a shower and Luke knew that. Luke is definitely a shower. He gently massaged me a bit until I started to get hard. He smiled and removed his hand.

We stood there looking at each other -- still not a word was said. I started to undo the buttons on Luke's shirt just as he had done to me. I had to take the shirt out of his jeans too and with the last couple of buttons undone I helped him off with his shirt -- it also fell to the floor. I resisted the urge to run my fingers through his golden brown chest hair. I slowly lowered the zipper on his jeans, undid his pants, let them fall to the floor and stepped out of them. I put my hand inside his boxers, ran my fingers through his pubic hair and then gently took his manhood into my hand. It felt good. I removed my hand and there we stood -- in our boxers and both of us getting harder by the second.

Luke took his hands and helped my boxers fall to the floor and I did the same to him. Finally, we were naked in all our young adult way. We just stood there - maybe we were admiring each other's bodies. I know I loved looking at Luke's naked body and we both knew we were ready to go.

Usually Luke went first when we gave each other hand jobs. We had done this so many times during our teen years and this was all we had ever done with each other. This time, Luke insisted I go first. He told me to lay down on the bed and get comfortable. He moved to the foot of the bed and gently spread my legs apart. This was a different way to start our time together. He took my now hard manhood in his hand and gently held it. He started to jack me off a bit but stopped. What Luke did next, I experienced the most incredible feelings of my young adult life.

Luke took my manhood into his mouth - slowly came down the shaft and buried his face in my pubic hair. With a warm, moist and soft tongue swirling around my manhood, I almost came instantly! He looked like he was enjoying this. I had never felt these feelings ever before in my life. Hand jobs were great between us but this was -- wow! Luke stopped briefly to swallow some saliva and told me to tell him when I was going to come because he didn't want to swallow anything.

He took me back into his mouth and continued my first blow job. With incredible feelings, it felt like I had a raging volcano between my legs and my cum was beginning to rise to a violent eruption.

Here was my best friend slowly going up and down on my penis and all I could see was his stunning blonde hair in front of me and it was within my reach. Ever since I had met Luke (some eight years previous), his hair had gone from pubescent white to a beautiful golden blonde and I had admired his hair color for as long as I can remember. I had a dark brown hair everywhere and that was okay.

I have always wanted to run my hands through Luke's blonde hair to see what it felt like ever since I could remember and now was my chance. I put both of my hands on his head and felt silky soft hair like I've never felt before. Luke paused for just a couple of seconds and then kept with the motion. I ran my hands through his hair for a while and I could feel my eruption coming faster. I calmed down and slowly the eruption subsided. I couldn't resist all that hair so I started to run my fingers back through it again. I couldn't believe the texture and that he was actually letting me do this. For a second time, I knew the only way to slow down the eruption was to take my hands off of his head and I did. I laid there while Luke was doing his thing. Luke seemed to be enjoying himself so he kept going. I put my hands back on his head and ran my fingers around his hair for one last time. I wanted to lay back and enjoy these incredible feelings for as long as I could but how do you stop a huge eruption?

I looked at the banana between Luke's legs and it had a long thin line of pre-cum hanging from it and it glistened in the room light. I motioned to it and he grinned. He stopped and wiped the head of his manhood off and put it to his mouth. I wonder what that tasted like!

Luke started to gently massage my balls with his hands. He ran his fingers through my bush and it felt amazing. He ran his tongue down the length of my penis and continued to where my boys were hanging around. He took one of the boys in his mouth and sucked it for a short time. I have an ample ball sack so this was easy for Luke. He concentrated all his skills on this part of my body for a short time. Soon he wrapped his mouth around my manhood and continued the blowjob.

I started to run my hands through his hair again and I knew the volcano was soon ready to erupt and I took my hands off his head. My breathing was increasing and I told Luke I was almost ready to cum.

He stopped and gently started a hand job to finish me off. I got so hard I thought my manhood was literally going to explode. Time seemed to stop but Luke kept up the slow steady rhythm and I was getting harder and harder. All of sudden the volcano erupted and I exploded everywhere. I shot and shot all over my hairy chest. Luke grinned at me and kept going for a few more strokes and then slowed down until nothing more was coming out. Luke gently wiped me off, continued with the hand job for just a minute or so more and it was over.

He looked at me and said, "My turn Jeremy." Your turn? I was seeing stars and I was spent. I was wet and my penis was slowly reverting back to its regular size.

I slowly got off the bed. Luke laid down and put his hands at his side. There he was in all his seven and a half inches of hard curved youth manhood, a large purple head and golden pubic hair. He looked like he had a banana between his legs - I could only wish!

Luke by this time in his life (read `Friday Night with Luke') had golden hair everywhere on his body and had much more pubic hair now than a couple of years ago and it was thick.

I ran my fingers through his chest hair and played with his hard nipples. I ran my fingers through his bush and I was enjoying all the hair his body had to offer. I took his manhood in my hand and slowly started to jack him off. I asked him if he had had a shower today and he said yes. Not sure why I asked that.

Luke put his hands behind his head and I could see more golden hair in his pits. I got on my knees, spread his legs apart and took him into my mouth. Luke moaned slightly when I started to suck him and I repeated the same motion that he had performed on me. I went slowly up and down and could feel the head of his manhood come up against the back of my throat. It was a different kind of a feeling to have a guy's penis in my mouth. It didn't taste of anything and it was okay. A new experience for me but I'm not sure it was Luke's first time giving a guy a blowjob.

I slowed down a bit and played with the head of his penis with my tongue. He had more pre-cum happening and I got to taste him. The head of Luke's penis was very large, somewhat soft yet hard in my mouth and Luke seemed to enjoy me giving that area a little more attention. I started up again and would look at Luke every once in a while. He gave great facial expressions and I knew his cum was slowly rising up from his ball sac and he was enjoying the feelings. About half way through his blowjob, Luke put his hands on my head and started to stroke my hair with his hands and sort of mess it up. I think Luke was turned on by doing this and I think it helped him cum a little quicker. It turned me on and I started to get hard again.

I ran my tongue down the length of his manhood and around his ball sack. His boys were tight in the sac so I really couldn't get a good suck on them. I ran my tongue around his sack and then back up his length. Luke kept stroking my hair -- somehow I wished these feeling wouldn't end for a long time.

Towards the end of his blowjob Luke's breathing started to get more intense and shallow and he started arching his back up and down like he was helping me with the motion and I knew he was getting very close. He said, "Jeremy ... I'm almost here." I stopped sucking and paused for a moment. I gently grabbed his manhood and, with a slow and steady movement, I started to finish with a hand job. I could feel the pulse within his manhood as he would get really hard and then it would ease off. I knew his cum was loading into position and it was only a matter of a few more strokes and he would also explode. I loved feeling him in my hand as I had so many times before. With the gentle downward curve of his manhood and the length of him it was always a pleasure to give him a hand job. There was the pulse again and the subside feeling. Slow and steady, one more pulse and he was rock hard and read to shoot.

Luke came all over the place. With every forceful shot of cum, Luke gave an almost grimace like look and I knew it felt great to him and to me. His light purple mushroom head was now more of a deep purple color now. His manhood pulsed a couple more times -- small amounts of cum were still coming out but he was pretty much done. I slowed down to revel in what I was feeling in my hand. Luke grinned at me and put his hands back behind his head. I slowly cleaned him up -- I wasn't in any hurry. I continued with the hand job a bit more -- he stayed hard for a few more strokes.

Soon afterward, Luke started to become soft and I was almost soft again too. Once we had settled down, it was time to turn out the light. We both slept naked that night -- that might be the way Luke sleeps all the time I don't know. For me, it felt freeing as I slept in boxers because I still lived at home.

I woke in the morning to hear the shower going. It was warm in Luke's apartment so I threw the covers back. I started thinking about what had happened last night and I started to get semi hard again. I heard the shower turn off and shortly in walked Luke with that wonderful banana between his legs. He was drying his hair and didn't seem to be in a hurry to get dressed. I asked Luke if he wanted another blowjob but he said he didn't. He saw that I was almost ready to go but he didn't make any comment.

I hopped in the shower and when I got out Luke was already dressed so I figured nothing else was going to happen.

Luke and I have never talked about this first time. There have been other times we have given each other a blowjob and have enjoyed each other's company.

We are both now in our mid-fifties. Luke lives in another town that is within a two hour drive of where I live. We don't get together anymore (his choice it seems as there is very little contact -- a couple of texts between us each year). I remember well the times we were together and how good it felt.

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