Saturday Night Series

By moc.liamg@pohswpj

Published on Jun 15, 2023


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Saturday Night - Part 4

I didn't have any money to catch the bus home, so I stuck out my thumb. I knew it was risky but had no choice. I stood on the curb holding my box of personal possessions. A cabbie pulled up and asked if I had any money. When I shook my head, he drove away leaving me with a feeling of desperation. Eventually a blue SUV pulled up and asked me where I was going. He said he could help me out. We took off down the road and made some small talk. He appeared to be checking out my body. I became alarmed when he turned off course and into a small industrial area.

He said that he was helping me out and now it was time for me to take care of him. He got out of the car and came around to the passenger side. He jerked me out of the car and pushed me toward a stack of used tires. He said he wanted to see what the inside of the package looked like. With a quick and forceful yank, he was able to pull my pants down without unhooking them. I was bare assed in the parking lot. He exclaimed that I had a sweet ass like a chick. He took one look and called me a whore. I tried to argue with him, I tried talking about my ex-girlfriends, but it was no use.

I don't know why I could not defend myself. Once again, I was at the mercy of a stronger man. He pulled each one of my shoes off and threw them as hard as he could across the lot. He ripped the buttons off my shirt as he tore it open. He pulled my pants completely off and kicked my legs apart. I heard him unbuckle himself and then lower his pants. His already hard and throbbing cock was at my back door. Without any warning, he thrust inside of me and once again the pain seared throughout my body. I thought to myself, why would this guy think I was a fag? It took him a long time get his little dick aroused. Fortunately, I began to relax, and the pain eased. I was very self-conscious that another man was fucking me, and we were out in public. He played with my cock as he fucked me, and I soon became aroused. He forced me to shoot my load all over my pants that were bunched near my ankles. He pulled out and shot his load all over the back of my jacket. He slapped me in the face with his dirty cock and wiped it clean. He ordered me not to move and stay where I was. He pulled and zipped up his pants and then sprinted towards his car. He reached in, pulled out the box of my personal possessions and threw them on the ground. He ran to the other side, hopped in, and sped off, leaving me stranded.

I retrieved my shoes, tried to straighten myself up and walked the rest of the way home. It took me two hours, but I finally made it. The whole way home I wondered what happened to the strong confident man that I used to be. I had no desire to be turned into a sniveling cocksucker, yet I had no choice because somehow, I couldn't stand up for myself. My burning and bruised hole was evidence.

Just as I was about to enter my building, I noticed the old pickup truck turning the corner and headed my way. I hurried upstairs and pulled off my cum covered clothes. I was standing there naked when the door quietly opened, and the two men walked in. The nephew was wearing my navy pin striped suit with my black Chelsea boots. He was wearing an open collared starched white shirt. They were both surprised to see me and asked why I wasn't at work. I told them that I had been fired. The nephew said that there was no way I was going to sit around on my lazy ass. If I didn't get a job quickly, he was going to pimp me out. The uncle was pleased that I was in the apartment naked. I was ordered to put my shorts on, there was work to be done.

They hadn't expected me to be home. They were there to remove my sofa. Now that I was home, I could help. I pleaded with them not to take it, but they just told me to stop crying and shut the fuck up. The nephew said that he would probably start sending the videos just for the hell of it, and I pleaded with him to reconsider. I could not get them to change their minds, so with me on one end, and the nephew on the other, we took the sofa down to the truck and loaded it. I remembered how long it took me to find the perfect sofa for my apartment and now it was gone. I asked them what was it going to take for them to stop. They just laughed at me. The nephew put his foot forward, exposing one of my Chelsea boots. He adjusted my watch on his wrist. These were done to intimidate me. He got in my face and said that he wasn't done shaking the money tree. I told them I was tired and hungry. I had to get something to eat. I needed my wallet back. The nephew reached in his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash which presumably, he had removed from my account. He pulled out two dollars and told me to get something to eat. The uncle stroked my hair and caressed my face which made me cringe. He said he would be back for me later. They jumped in the truck and drove off.

The next day the uncle showed up wearing my Gucci horse bit loafers and patterned socks with his grungy jeans and plaid work shirt. I couldn't help but notice the contrast. The shoes were starting to look a little rough around the edges. He was with a younger female friend whose name was Daniella. She looked at me and asked him if this was the slut? He laughed and said yeah, I was his slut. I disagreed but it didn't matter.

He had brought some large heavy-duty trash bags. I was instructed to clean out my remaining clothes which wasn't much. This left me naked with not a stitch to my name. I dropped the bags out of the window, and he would either put them in the dumpster or load them in his truck when they left. When I looked out the window at the bags on the ground, I was in total despair. He tried to convince me that this was for my own good and would keep me out of trouble. All I saw was my life crumbling around me.

Daniella said that it was time to get to work. They took me into the kitchen, and I was shocked when she pulled out blonde hair coloring from her bag. She went to work giving me a new hair color and a new hair style. She even colored and plucked my eyebrows. When I protested more, the uncle reminded me of the pictures and videos. I was beginning to think that they didn't matter anymore. She boiled a pot of water and used it to sanitize a pin which she used to pierce my ears. She put a hoop in each ear and said, "I don't know why you're complaining, you're a pretty fag." She pierced my right nipple and inserted a barbell. The pain hurt like hell. She walked me over to a mirror and I was shocked at my reflection.

Daniella suggested that I could use a couple of tattoos. Particularly a heart with his name over my ass. She knew someone that could give him a deal. He said that he didn't have any money right now. She waved her hand around my apartment and said, "All you need to do is sell some of this shit." He agreed and would start working on it.

The uncle pulled out of the bag a sexy and delicate pink baby doll chemise and panties. He told me that I would be wearing that from now on. There was mascara, fingernail polish, and lip stick. Daniella would be back tomorrow to help me with my face. I screamed at him there was no way I was going to wear that shit. I was all man. I was not a drag queen. He beat the shit out of me. He marked me with two large and nasty hickeys on my neck. He had a pair of cherry red high heels and told me to practice walking in them. Tonight, my task would be to paint my fingernails and toenails. If I didn't do what he ordered, he would call his nephew back over. The beating would be much worse. I told him that I needed to focus on getting a job. I needed to get my clothes back so I could find a job. I was desperate to find some work and certainly couldn't walk around like that. He told me that's what he was doing - getting me ready for my next job. We would be going out to a bar tomorrow night and I needed to be ready.

Daniella said that her work was done for today. He paid her $50 dollars and as she left, she picked up my Waterford crystal vase that I had gotten for Christmas. She casually walked out the door with it like it was hers. I was too shocked to say or do anything and was brought back to reality by the uncle who was taking off his clothes. He forced me to get him off and then once again I got fucked. These daily fuckings were taking a toll and my ass was numb and my hole was loose. The pain from the piercings was excruciating. He complimented me again as the best piece of ass he had ever had. He told me that I needed to practice my cocksucking skills if I wanted to make any money. When he was done, he marched out the door, once again leaving it wide open.

The next night the nephew and the uncle showed up. The nephew was wearing my navy blue suit with my best pair of black zippered boots. He was even wearing my Brooks Brothers power tie. He was flaunting my gold watch, cuff links and my college ring that I didn't even know that he had stolen from me. The uncle was wearing my Gucci loafers and Pete Milar golf shirt that he had claimed for himself. They explained that we were going out and that I had better not embarrass them. I tried to explain that if they wanted me to go out with them, they would have to give me some of my clothes back. I had nothing to wear. The nephew called me a stupid whore and told me to put the dress and ladies' clothes on. I said I couldn't do it and he threatened to beat me again. He kicked me in the nuts with my own boot. Reluctantly, I put on the effeminate clothes and the two of them were ecstatic. My shaved legs were smooth and felt erotic in the silk panties. The top barely covered my chest and I felt like my ass was hanging out. My blonde curly hair was hanging down in my face. I struggled as I tried to walk in the red high heels. We headed out for a night on the town.

The two of them treated me like shit all night. I was forced to wait on them and constantly provide for their every need. The nephew ordered me to get under the table and remove my boots from his feet. I had to give him a foot massage - right in the restaurant. I couldn't believe that those were my over the calf socks that he was wearing. I had just bought them two weeks ago. It was then that I noticed him playing with his crotch as he unzipped his pants and fished out his cock. He kicked me in the face with his socked foot which meant for me to get on his dick. Here I was, on my knees - under the table, giving another man a blow job. I knew that if I did not swallow, there would be hell to pay, so I made sure that all of his spunk slid down my throat and into my gut.

The uncle wanted to show me off to some of his friends and walked me around the bar. The whole time his hand was inside that back of my panties as it tickled my ass. He was in the middle of a conversation when his finger plunged into my hole and I jumped. Everyone laughed because I was unable to defend myself. I had become weak and vulnerable.

Everyone in the bar complimented the nephew on his new threads and boots. He proudly showed them off and explained that he had recently come into some money. He paid the bar tabs and left generous tips from a big wad of cash in his pocket. He had cleaned out my bank account which meant that the checks that I had written to pay my rent, car payment and utilities would all bounce.

A friend of his offered him 20 dollars and it dawned on me that it was for my services. The uncle protested and said that he did not want to share me. The nephew prevailed and I had to take the other man into the toilet and give him a blow job. It was foul and disgusting. When I emerged from the toilets I was very humiliated as the wait staff snickered at me and called me puta

A couple of days later I heard a familiar voice in the hallway of my apartment building. It was loud and booming. It was my landlord, Mr. Bernie Goldston. His friends called him Goldy, I called him Mr. Goldston. He was all business but did have a good heart. It was rumored that he had connections. He did have a strange circle of friends, wore too much jewelry, and dressed a little too stylish.

I knew that I was going to have to face him eventually and decided that now was the time. I had found a bathing suit that had been overlooked. It was better than walking around in a towel and much better than the pink lingerie. I timidly approached him in the hallway and asked if we could talk when he had a minute. He looked at me with my new blonde hair hanging in my face and suppressed a laugh. He didn't know what to think about my changes. The last time he saw me I was an aspiring young professional and good athlete. Now he was looking at some freak off the street. He said, "Sure kid. I'll be there in 5 minutes".

He came to my apartment and I asked him to sit. I told him that I wasn't going to beat around the bush. I had lost my job and all of my money. I could not pay the rent and would have to move out. He asked me where I was going. I broke down and told him that I had nowhere to go. I guess I would be living on the street. I was a hot mess as I could not contain my emotions. He looked around the ransacked apartment, he studied my physical changes and trashy attire. He was a very smart man and could easily connect the dots. He looked me straight in the eyes, and said, "Now tell me what's really going on."

I had nothing to lose. I told him the whole story leaving out some of the sexual details. He looked at the bruises on my body, the hickeys on my neck, the gentle way I sat, then imagined my abuse. We talked and he asked specific questions. Since I was at the end of my rope, I answered everything candidly. I explained that a simple wager with a stranger in a gas station had destroyed my life.

He sat and thought about what he has just heard. Finally, he said to me that he was going to help me. He had some friends that could pay a visit and straighten things out. He asked me when I would see them again and I told him that they usually showed up in the morning. He pulled out a $100 dollar bill and told me to go get something to eat. He assured me not to worry, he was going to take care of everything. He left and I felt as though the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders.

I headed out to the neighborhood bodega to get something to eat wearing nothing but the board shorts and old docksiders. Walking down the street, the old shoe started falling apart. It tripped me and I stumbled. When I regained myself, I looked over at the curb and the hottest man I had ever seen had pulled up on a motorcycle. He was a uniformed police officer wearing a smoking hot pair of 17-inch Chippewa Trooper boots that caught my attention immediately. His brilliantly large white teeth contrasted with his navy-blue uniform. His smooth dark skin had a naturally healthy glow with biceps that were bulging at the seams of his jacket. Why did this sexy hot cop look so appealing to me? I shook my head to get rid of these strange feelings.

He smiled at me and I immediately felt the stirrings between my legs. I couldn't understand why I couldn't control myself. He asked if I needed any help. He wanted to know if I was ok. He assumed I was drunk. He got off the bike and approached. He put his arm around me to stabilize me and I thought I was going to shoot a load right in my pants. He introduced himself as Officer Esposito, but I could call him Bob. I figured he was about a year younger than me.

He offered to walk me home, but I told him I was ok. I was embarrassed, thinking that I must look like a freak to him. I apologized for my looks, but he assured me it was no problem. He told me to take off my shoes and walk in my bare feet to make it easier. He was checking out my shaved legs. That humiliated me even more. We got inside my apartment, he walked around checking it out and then let out a loud gasp demanding to know what was going on here. He looked at the high heels and lingerie on the table. I felt terrible and tried to convince him that they were not mine. But I could tell from the look in his eyes that he was skeptical. He quizzed me some more, and I recounted some of the details of my horrid life. I wasn't sure he would believe me or understand this crazy story. He told me that he got off around 6pm. He would pick up some food and come back to check on me. I told him that was not necessary, hopefully, help was on the way. He took charge and told me to relax.

Sure enough, around 6:30 there was a loud knock on my door. I opened the door to see the hot stud standing there with an arm load of take-out food. I could not believe my eyes. It wasn't a dream, this stud really existed, and he was standing at my door. He jokingly asked if I was going to invite him in.

He politely asked if he could remove his utility belt and I eagerly approved. We were sitting down at the table, when I realized it was hot in the apartment and I was wearing nothing but the shorts. I told him that he should get comfortable. I was ok with him taking off his shirt and getting casual. I apologized for not having an extra pair of shorts. I told him that I would give him a hand with his boots and before he could refuse, I knelt before him and pulled off his the left one. He apologized for the foot stench that filled the room. I didn't hear him because I was in a trance. I removed the right boot and he stretched his toes. I didn't ask, I just pulled off both socks. He gave a big sigh of relief. He removed his shirt and neatly put it on the back of a chair which was quickly followed by his pants. He was wearing a classic white tee shirt with standard issue tighty whities. He was obviously not ashamed of being in his underwear. The large bulge in his crotch gave him extra confidence. You could tell that he had been around a few locker rooms.

We had a nice dinner with lots of small talk. We were both from military families and had a lot in common. We talked about baseball, politics and even a little religion. He didn't expect me to be so well versed. We even talked about the girls that we had dated. He was extremely polite and punctuated his sentences with lots of yes sirs and no sirs.

There was no way I could repay him for his generosity, so I offered to clean and polish his boots. They were dirty from a hard day's work and since he was working again tomorrow, he accepted, saying that it would save him some time. I retrieved the shoe polish and rags and eagerly went to work. He gave me step by step instructions on how to polish them properly. When I finished, I secretly held one of the boots to my face and took a deep breath. What a fascinating and exhilarating smell! Bob caught me out of the corner of his eye but chose to ignore it. I think he was used to other men fawning over his boots.

I asked if he wanted to relax and watch some television. I really did not want him to leave. I felt safe and secure with him by my side. It was getting late and I suggested that he spend the night. He thought about it but said he needed to get home for a change of clothes. I offered to do his laundry. I really didn't want him to leave. He thought about it and finally agreed. He stripped off, exposing his body - and what a body it was. He was amazingly comfortable being naked and I was too bashful to look. He took a quick shower while I did the laundry. When I came back into the bedroom he had dozed off. I quietly slipped into bed when he whispered to me that if he had to sleep naked then so did I. I pulled off my shorts and retuned to bed, leaving a safe distance, and staying on my side. What a great night sleep I received. I hadn't slept that good in a long time. When I opened my eyes, I realized that we were spooning, and Bob had his arm around me. Oh fuck! What have I done? I did not want to ruin our friendship. I assumed that in my current state of mind I had gone too far and crossed the line. I hoped that Bob would not be mad at me. I quickly slid out of the bed and got dressed. I was able to fix Bob a cup of coffee and take a ring side seat while he put on his uniform and boots. I assumed that this was a one-night deal, a fairy tale, and I would never see him again. Somewhere out there, was one lucky girl. He said his goodbyes and would check back on me later. I could only hope.

After he left, I straightened the apartment and cleaned myself up. Mr. Goldston's friends showed up and I fixed them coffee. There was a noise in the hallway and then my door surprisingly opened. My two tormentors confidently walked in. The uncle was still wearing my Gucci loafers. The nephew was wearing my brown suit with the brown zip boots and a beige shirt with a striped tie. He made some comment to his uncle about he was in a hurry and he would have to finish quickly with his queer boy. When he saw me, he said that he was taking the tv today. He ordered me to unhook it and get it loaded in my car. I hesitated and he pulled his arm back, ready to give me a good beating.

He was shocked when the two men who had been waiting in my back room appeared. They informed the nephew that the tv was not going anywhere. My two new friends did not need to brandish the guns under their jackets. The look on the nephew's face was priceless. He had met his match. My new friends ordered the nephew to empty his pockets. He pulled out my cell phone, car keys, wallet, and wad of cash. He had my sunglasses in his jacket pocket. He put everything on the table and the boys asked me which of the items were mine. I replied that they were all mine. They asked about the clothes he was wearing, and I told them that everything had been taken from me. They gave him the order and without hesitation, he stripped. Everything he was wearing was mine, so he was left standing in the buff. I pointed out that the Uncle had my shoes and socks, and he was soon barefoot.

They told me to go in the back room and give them a few minutes. I went into the bedroom and changed my clothes. When I was called back out, I gave my shorts to the nephew to wear. They told me that everything was resolved. These two would bring back everything they took from me. They would replace all the cash and pay the credit card bills. They would pay for everything that was broken or lost. My car was intact and was downstairs. They were also going to pay me $5,000 per month for 6 months for my troubles. I did not know it at the time, but I later realized that this money would come from the profits of their drug sales. These two would be working overtime to come up with the extra money needed to pay me. Mr. Goldston's friends would make sure of that.

That night I was feeling better but still a little lonely. I was well on my way to recovery but still had no friends or no job. Around 6:30 there was a loud knock on my door. I opened it to find Bob standing there holding a large pizza and beers. This time he was dressed casually but still had that big beautiful smile. He said that he thought I could use some companionship. I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

We talked, ate pizza, and drank beer for hours. I found his stories interesting and he was genuinely interested in what I had to say. Around 11pm he announced that it was time for him to leave and commented that maybe he had too many beers. I quietly suggested that maybe he should spend the evening and leave in the morning. My sofa was back, and he was welcome to spend the night. He said that his back was bothering him and wanted to know if it would be ok if he slept in the bed with me again. I tried to hold back my elation.

He stripped down, climbed in bed, and comfortably fell asleep. I was a nervous wreck, struggling with my feelings. I was a straight man and should not have these feelings about another man. I stripped off my clothes and entered the bed from the other side. I clung to the edge not daring to cross that imaginary line between us. I finally fell asleep and when I awoke in the morning, I was once again in the clutches of my new friend. How the hell did this happen again? I knew that it was not me. It had to have been him who crossed the line.

I thought that I would go back to my old job and re-apply. I was disappointed to learn that my position had been filled. I was shocked when they offered me a promotion and I was now an equal to my former boss. I had gotten all my stuff back and the monthly payments were continuing. Mr Goldston had come through and my life was getting back to normal.

Bob had quickly become a good friend and spent the night regularly. One night he offered to help me relax and sleep better and I agreed. The next thing I knew he was licking my legs and chest. He massaged my body with his tongue. He washed my balls by twirling them in his mouth. I was in a trance when I felt his mouth surround my cock. He gave me the best blow job that I had ever received. I had been forced to give them but had never received one from another man. It was amazing! I tried to pull out, but he hung on to my cock and managed to swallow every drop that I shot down his throat. Shortly thereafter, he asked if I would fuck him. He wanted to feel me inside of him. I was shocked that my big handsome, alpha police officer, the man that I looked up to, was a total bottom.

I had sex before with women, but nothing ever compared to this. My cock had never been hornier, and it was easy for me to get it hard again and mount my eager stud. I tried to be as gentle as I could, but he kept wanting more. He wanted it faster and harder and I was thrilled to satisfy. It was intoxicating, exhilarating and exhaustive. My head was about to explode the same time as my cock erupted. This was the night my whole outlook on sex changed. It only took one man to change my sexual preference.

The sex was amazing and continued on a regular basis, getting better and better with experience. My sex drive had increased 10-fold since I had finally met the prefect partner. He taught me different ways to make love which only made it more erotic. We experimented with different vanilla and kinky scenes. I even used his handcuffs on him a couple of times to spice things up. Eventually I was ready to bottom for him and tried to reciprocate, but it quickly became evident that when it came to sex, I was the top. Within three months the lease was up on his apartment and he moved in. We no longer tried to hide our lifestyle as our co-workers, family and friends became aware of our love for each other. By the end of the first year, the two of us were happily married living a proud and comfortable life.

My two tormentors kept up their end of the bargain and I was paid $30,000 dollars for my troubles which I used for a down payment on an old farmhouse. When they completed their end of the bargain, Bob started an investigation which led to the arrest and conviction of one of the largest drug organizations in the state. The two were convicted to long prison sentence and Bob received a big promotion. The house is coming along nicely, and Bob and I will be happy here for years to come.

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