Saturday Night Series

By moc.liamg@pohswpj

Published on May 30, 2023


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Saturday Night - Part 3

We pulled up in front of my building and I told the man I could handle myself from there. He told me that he wanted to make sure that I got inside with no problems. I greeted my neighbor in the hallway and she turned her nose up at my shabby outfit, bare chest, and bare feet. She looked at the black man behind me and ran back into her apartment. I tried to dismiss the man again, but he said he wasn't going anywhere. Fortunately, I had a key hidden in a flowerpot outside of my apartment. But to my surprise, we did not need it to enter. The door was unlocked. We entered and I got the shock of my life.

There sitting on the couch, watching tv, with his feet on my coffee table was the nephew dressed in my navy-blue suit and black tasseled loafers. He had helped himself to my beer and snacks.

What sent me in to a tailspin was what I saw piled on the sofa next to him. He had raided my closet and taken the cocoa brown suit and a navy pin stripe suit. I only owned the three suits and here they were in front of me. On top of the suits he had a stack of my laundered dress shirts and ties. Next to that were my best jeans and casual shirts. On the floor he had all my shoes and belts stacked. The bulk of my entire wardrobe was in front of me.

I screamed at them to get the hell out of my apartment. I demanded to know what was going on. They needed to give me my shit back or I was going to call the cops. I was distraught and angry. The nephew told me to sit down and listen for a minute. He casually passed beers to me and his Uncle. He said we were gonna talk. I was not in a mood for beer, but because it was in my hand and I was upset, I drank it. I did not know that he had laced it with vodka.

He said that he didn't have a problem with me being his Uncle's bumboy but that there would have to be something in it for him. He asked me about my relationship with my boss, Aimee Johnson? I fucking freaked out. How did he know about her? He replied that he had seen the work messages between us. He suggested that Ms. Johnson would be extremely interested in the video of me stripping naked in the alley, jacking off and then blowing a stranger. What would she think of her star employee then? Since my face was featured in the videos, the police would probably be interested in watching them also. They would probably make for good entertainment on my Facebook page also.

My world was turned upside down and suddenly nothing was making sense. What the hell was happening to me? The nephew instructed me that his part of the deal would include "a few items from my closet" for his participation. A few items - Hell!! He had all my work clothes - all my suits, dress shirts and ties. He had all my shoes and boots including a pair of Air Jordan's that I had just bought. They were all stacked up next to him. He explained that I didn't need these items and could live without them. I just shook my head and cried.

He told me to stop blabbering like a baby. He told me to grab as much as I could carry and marched me downstairs to my car, where I loaded the items into the trunk. On the second trip I ran into my neighbor who was impressed that I was donating clothes to the needy. She said that she had some items that I could also take and went to retrieve them. She looked at my bare feet and rough appearance and suggested that I may not want to donate so much. He forced me to find a kitchen trash bag and in it I put the brown zippered boots, a pair of black Chelsea boots, a pair of lace up casual shoes, my Lucchese suede cowboy boots, and the Jordans. I did not want to let go of my Gucci loafers as they disappeared into the bag. All my shoes, boots and belts went into the bag and down to the car.

He tried to calm my nerves by praising me and telling me I was doing a good job. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see. Nothing was making sense to me. He walked me into the bedroom and straightened out the sheet on the bed. He ordered me to retrieve all my cotton boxers and over the calf socks. Since I only had the cotton boxers, every pair of underwear I owned went into the pile. I had to get the two pair from the dirty clothes bin. Same deal with the socks. Every pair of dress socks I owned. He was looking through my dresser drawers and found some tee shirts he liked. He pulled out my favorite cashmere sweater. He put them in the pile also. When he was finished, he had me tie the ends together and carry the large bundle to the car. It was too big for the trunk and had to be shoved into the back seat.

He told me to get my nasty ass back upstairs. He got in my car and drove off. I was too helpless to stop him. I cried out, but no one heard me. I just watched as the stranger driving my car loaded with most of my clothes casually drove away. There was nothing I could do to stop him.

I got back upstairs, and the uncle ordered me into the bedroom. It hit me hard when I saw the empty closet and the dresser drawers that had been raped and pillaged, just like me. He threw me on the bed and easily ripped off the shorts. I did not have any lube, so he spit two big loogies into my ass and spread it around. It didn't seem to help, because when he plowed his cock into me the pain soared from my head to my toes. I would never get used to getting fucked in the ass. This was not love making, this was a man marking his territory. It was mean, and vicious, yet my cock looked forward to it and continued to drool. Unbelievable.

He got up to leave and reminded me that I was to keep my body shaved nice and smooth. He liked the snow-white look and if he found a single hair on my body, I would regret it. I cried that I didn't want to play games with him, and he told me (very seriously) that this was not a game. We were lovers now and I needed to show more love and respect.

I took a long hot shower that night, but no matter how much I scrubbed myself, I still felt dirty. I cried myself to sleep. I didn't sleep much that night. I kept trying to come up with a plan to get my stuff back. I decided that the only answer would be to get the police involved. I would have to tell them all the dirty details of our sexual encounters. I cried most of the night.

The next morning, I got dressed in a pair of old kakis that I had that were an inch too short. I found a nice golf shirt that had been left behind. I had to go commando because he had taken all my underwear. I put on a pair of ankle socks and found a pair of 10-year-old Sperry Topsiders in the back of my closet. I looked everywhere for a belt and couldn't find one. I didn't have a phone so I would have to hitch hike or take a bus to the police station. I didn't have any cash, debit, or credit cards because they were all in my wallet. I searched the entire apartment and came up with $3.00 in cash and coins.

Just as I was about to head out, my front door opened. No knock, no hellos, nothing. My two assailants walked in liked they lived there. It was very scary. The younger one was dressed in all my clothes. He was wearing my good jeans, a long sleeve collared shirt, brown leather alligator belt and my western boots. He took my sunglasses off and put them in his pocket. I could see my watch on his wrist. He acted like the stuff belonged to him. Everything fit him so well you would never have known otherwise.

The nephew looked at me and smiled, "Look at you all dressed up," he proclaimed. He examined the golf shirt and said, "Get this shit off". He helped me pull it over my head and off. He threw it in the chair by the door. You could tell he was planning on leaving with it. The older man slapped me in the face and wanted to know why I was wearing clothes. He reminded me that while I was in the apartment, I was always to be naked. He said I had 30 seconds to strip.

They backed me into the bedroom for another round of mouth and ass fucking. One in the front and one in the back. The younger one had me pull the boots off his feet and help him undress. It was strange feeling my clothes on him. My ass had not recovered from yesterday and now it was going to get torn up again. The younger one had my phone out and was taking pictures of me in every position. After I had blown both men and gotten fucked by both, the younger one got up and left the room. The older one laid next to me. He fondled my body and made love to me. He sucked on my nipples and licked me all over. I kept my eyes closed and tried to block it out. The younger one recorded it all on my camera. There I was in all my glory making love with an older black man. I laid there and sulked until I heard a noise and then opened my eyes. I saw the nephew with my black leather overnight back he had taken out of the closet. I could see that he was walking around the apartment picking up things and examining them. If he approved, he put it in the bag. I saw him take my expensive cologne, deodorant, and grooming essentials. He found my check book and passport. He unplugged my laptop computer and stuffed it in the bag. He took my Yankees baseball cap. I heard him in the liquor cabinet. I tried to get away from the old man, but he purposely kept me occupied so I would never know exactly everything that went into the bag. The nephew was randomly helping himself to stuff around my apartment.

The nephew had a full bag and was standing in the living room when he called for me to get in there. The uncle and I both climbed out of the bed and went to face my tormentor. He had a stern look on his face. He had such a dominate personality that I couldn't look him straight in the eye. He said I was a disgusting and pathetic sissy and continued to belittle me.

After a couple minutes of his tirade, he reached into his pocket and pulled out my ATM card. He said he was going to need the code because he needed some gas money. I shook my head no and said no way was I going to give it to him. All hell's fury flew threw him and he punched me in the face as hard as he could. That was going to be a black eye. He hit me again and continued to pummel me. My lip was bleeding and the Uncle was hollering at him to not hit me in the face. He said that sorry assed credit card of mine was worthless, he had already maxed it out. I was curled up on the floor when he kicked me with my own boot. He was going to start posting pictures of me online. There was no way I could defend myself and reluctantly gave him the code. He picked up the overnight bag and stormed out the door with his Uncle following behind. They left the door wide open and I scrambled to get up and get it closed.

I stayed in bed most of the next day trying to care for my pains. I got up early Monday morning to prepare for work. I moved slowly; my body was still wrecked with pain. I tried to shower but the water hitting my skin was too painful. I had no deodorant, cologne, or hair products and despite my efforts, my longish hair looked unkempt and askew. The black eye and bruises on my face and body did not help. I pulled on the wrinkled kakis, ankle socks and topsiders with a short sleeve collared shirt. The only jacket I could find was a green zip front wind breaker, very different from the designer business clothes that I normally wore. I could feel the wind blowing across my exposed ankles as I walked to the bus stop. I was humiliated when I had to ask strangers which bus, I should catch.

Normally I would be at my desk by 8am, hard at work. Today, even though I left home 2 hours early, I was still late for work, not arriving until 9:15 because of the fucking bus. I felt that all eyes were on me as I entered the building. My co-workers were shocked at my appearance. They were used to seeing me in a neatly tailored suit, not dressed like a homeless man off the street. I planned on staying at my desk all day to avoid questions and prying eyes.

That didn't happen because by 10am my boss's assistant called and said that she wanted to see me. I snuck up to her office and meekly entered. I was not my usual affable self. I had to gently sit in a chair because my ass was still raw. She wanted to know what was going on with me. She did all the talking. She was concerned about my health and wellbeing. She wanted to know if I was on drugs. She asked if I got mixed up with the wrong crowd. She encouraged me to seek professional help. She had no choice but termination because I had become a security risk. I was to clear out my desk and leave the building. I packed a box of my personal items and security escorted me to the front door. None of my co-workers spoke to me - they just stared as I left the building and walked down the street on the worst day of my life.

Next: Chapter 4: Saturday Night 4

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