Saturday Night Series

By moc.liamg@pohswpj

Published on May 17, 2023


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Saturday Night - Part 1

The year after I got out of college was an exciting time. I had gotten a job as a management trainee and had begun to make a living on my own. I was able to afford a small but nice apartment, a newer (but used) car, and most importantly some new and stylish clothes. I immersed myself in my new job and a few friends. Too busy, and maybe a little too overconfident to have a steady girlfriend. I focused on work and getting ahead in my new career.

On this particular Saturday night, a few of my friends were going out for cocktails and dinner and insisted that I join them. I really wasn't excited about the idea, but after reviewing my non- existent plans for the evening, I decided to join them. It would give me an opportunity to wear my new suit. It was a patterned, cocoa colored wool suit, that was perfectly tailored to my tall skinny body. It felt good, especially when I wore it with my brown zippered ankle boots. A crisp white dress shirt combined with a stylish silk tie complimented my outfit. My dark brown hair was getting a little long and hanging over my collar. I had been told that it complimented my big brown eyes.

I had to stop for gas on the way. When I pulled into the gas station, an older pick-up truck pulled in next to me on the other side of the island. I happened to notice the driver when he hopped down out of the truck. He was wearing the hottest pair of boots that I had ever seen. They were square toed black harness boots with a big thick heel. The rest of his outfit consisted of a black leather jacket, plaid shirt, and blue jeans. He was a stout, middle aged African American man with a friendly, yet intimidating demeanor.

I didn't want to get caught looking at his boots again, so I looked in the other direction and ignored him. I heard him say, "That sure is a nice suit you're wearing." I sheepishly thanked him. He followed up with, "I'll flip you for it."

I was baffled and taken off guard by his intimidation. I said thanks but I wasn't interested. He said to wait a minute and hear him out. He was going to put up his boots and jacket up for my suit. He asked me what size shoe I wore, and I replied size 12. He said that his boots were size 12. He put one leg up on the curb and pulled up his pants leg. Turns out, they were almost new, Frye top of the line boots. They looked even more amazing and intoxicating. He reached down and proposed to pull one off so that I could examine it closely. I bashfully declined the offer. He told me that the black leather biker jacket was new, and he had just paid $500 for it.

He was relentless. He starred me down and before my brain could kick in, my mouth opened and I quietly replied ok, mostly to get him off my back. I would do it. I called his bluff. I thought that I could bull shit with the best of them and I really thought the guy would back down and not go through with it. Instead, he reached in his pocket and pulled out a quarter. He threw it up in the air and yelled for me to call it. As it came down on the top of his left hand I said, "Heads". We both got up close as he pulled back his right hand. The coin was on tails. It all happened so fast that I was dazed.

My head started spinning. What the fuck had I done. I said no . . . no way. This was a joke that had gone too far, and besides this suit would never fit him. It wasn't even close to his size. He reminded me that I had lost fair and square and it was time to hand it over. I negatively shook my head and said that he needed to give me a second chance. He said that he would give me an opportunity to win it back, but only after I handed it over to him. He reminded me that we were in public and that I needed to hurry up before someone else pulled into the gas station. I was still hesitating when he menacingly said to me that if I didn't take it off, he would take it off for me. His serious look meant that he wasn't joking.

I was defeated and saw no other way out. This guy was prepared to make a scene. I pulled the jacket off and gently handed it over to him. The scowl on his face immediately changed to a smile as he examined the fabric and inside label. He sniffed my cologne on the collar. He continued to smile at me as I reached down, unzipped, and pulled off my right boot. I repeated the process and pulled off my left boot, leaving me standing on the cold concrete next to my empty boots. There was nothing else I could do, but unhook my belt, lower my zipper, and pull my pants down and off while standing in the cool evening air. I methodically removed my car keys, cash, and wallet from the pockets. I slid the belt from the pants loops and rolled it up. I gingerly handed over my suit pants and a chilled went up my spine. He held the pants high and examined them. He was ecstatic. I bent down and picked up my boots which left me standing at the gas pumps holding my belt, boots, and the contents of my pants. His smile turned into a giant grin, exposing a gold tooth on one side of his mouth. I was embarrassed and felt stupid that I had gotten myself into this position. I had never felt like such a loser in my entire life.

I was acutely aware of my surroundings now and was afraid that someone else was going to show up any minute. So, when he told me that he would give me that second chance, I eagerly accepted. He would give me my suit back if I bet my belt and my boots. I needed to hurry up and get my suit back, so I jumped at the opportunity. I just knew that he was pranking me and whatever the outcome of the coin, he would give me my suit back.

He tossed the quarter in the air and again had me call it. This time I thought I was being coy and said, "Tails". Of course, with the way my luck was running that night, it came up heads. He didn't say anything, he just motioned with his fingers for me to hand it over. I had no other choice but to give him my belt, then the first boot and then the second boot. I couldn't believe how easily I was handing my stuff over to this stranger. It all happened so quickly.

He stood there smiling, with my suit over his arm and my boots and belt in his other hand. I was a total wreck. He said that he would give me an opportunity to get my stuff back, but we couldn't stay at the gas station. We had been there too long and would have to move. He suggested that I follow him over to his apartment and since I couldn't come up with a better plan, I agreed.

We drove a few blocks to a run-down apartment building. He pulled around back and found two parking spaces. I got out of my car and tried to ask him questions about what he had in mind. He told me to hold it until we got upstairs.

I was happy that he parked in the back of the building in order that I could enter virtually un- noticed. We went up to the second floor and opened the door to his modest apartment. It looked to be two bedrooms sparsely furnished. He took my clothes and put them in a back bedroom and closed the door.

I was nervous as hell as I looked at my watch to see if I was going to be late. The man was the first to speak and told me this was how it was going to happen. All I had to do was give him one hour of my undivided attention. If I could do what he wanted for one hour, he would give me everything back. I told him that was not possible. I had plans for the evening, I needed my clothes back right then, and I needed to leave asap to meet my friends on time. He laughed at me and shook his head. He said that I was free to leave at any time, but it would be without my suit and boots. If I wanted to get them back, it would be on his terms. He opened the door and asked me if I wanted to leave. I said I couldn't leave without my clothes. He suggested that the sooner we start the clock, the sooner I could leave with my stuff.

I was defeated and agreed to his terms. He smiled and said, "Let's get started." I stood there nervously as he said the first thing, I needed to remove the shirt and tie because I looked stupid standing there half dressed. I pulled the tie off and tossed it on the sofa. I slowly unbuttoned my dress shirt as he intently watched. I slid it off and gently placed it with my tie since I didn't want to wrinkle it. He nodded approval and told me the tee shirt too. I pulled it over my head and threw it on the pile. He pointed to my boxers and then to the pile. I said, "Absolutely not. This is getting too crazy for me." He told me to go ahead and leave. We were finished. I realized that he wasn't kidding; in fact, he was damn serious. Somehow, I convinced myself that this guy was harmless, just a lonely pervert. I mean, after all, he did bring me back to his apartment. I took a deep breath, lowered my boxers, and put them on the pile. I was standing in front of a strange man and I was naked. He couldn't take his eyes off me as he smiled and examined my body.

He told me my first task was to go in the kitchen and get 1 beer. Just for him, as I didn't need one. Find the potato chips and bring them to him as he sat in his easy chair. I headed for the kitchen and felt his eyes intently following my ass. Despite this, I thought to myself that this might not be so bad after all. He just wanted a personal man servant for an hour, and I could do that. I gave him his beer and potato chips and he just smiled at me as he continued to examine my body. I was out of my comfort zone. My dick was tiny and shriveled. I was walking around a strange man's apartment wearing nothing but a pair of black over the calf dress socks.

He called me over to stand directly in front of him and stick out my arm. He pulled me closer and pushed me across his lap. He told me that my pretty white ass needed some color and started to wail on it with the palm of his hand. He asked if I had been to college and I replied that yes, I had. He kept telling me that I wasn't that smart. I hadn't learned anything and was stupid. He said that a young college stud like me needed to be brought down a few notches. It seemed the blows were getting stronger and stronger as the stinging and pain deepened. Still I thought, that if this was what the old pervert was into, I could deal with it for an hour.

He told me that I was too cocky and arrogant. I was just some white boy walking around like I owned the world. He was going to teach me how to respect others. He pushed me to the floor, and I cried out when my stinging ass hit the hard floor. He ordered me to show him some respect by cleaning his boots. I hesitated and he told me that another spanking would change my attitude. I didn't want that, so I immediately put my tongue on his left boot and gently licked it. He cracked me on the back and told me to do it like I meant it. I got in closer and used by hands to massage each boot while my tongue was energetically cleaning them. I could taste the street on them, I thought I could even smell the gas station on them. As much as I enjoyed looking at those boots, I found the taste of them repulsive. He continued to berate me, telling me I was nothing but a dirty little piss ant. Still, I thought that I could make it through the hour.

Then I heard a dreaded sound. I looked up to see him lowering his zipper. He told me he knew what was best for me. I assured him that I was no cock sucker. I told him that I was straight and into pussy. He said no problem. I just had to hold his throbbing rod in my mouth for a few minutes. He told me that just because you have a dick in your mouth, doesn't make you a faggot. I considered my options and realized that I did not have a choice. My whole body was ringing with pain as I stumbled to my knees in front of him. He shoved his tool into my mouth and immediately began working it back and forth. I put my hands up to motion that was not part of the deal and he slapped them away. He told me if he felt any teeth, that I would go back across his lap. He grabbed the back of my head and methodically worked it back and forth. I gagged as the big black cock hit the back of my throat. He slapped me against the side of my head and told me to stop acting like a bitch and take it like a man. He was going to teach me how to take cock. He joked that once you've had a black dick in your mouth, you are a cock sucker for life. He went on for what seemed like eternity and the big cock continued to grow. I was afraid he was going to explode in my mouth. I knew if he did, I would throw up.

He quickly pulled out and ordered me to pull off his boots. The stench filled the room as I coddled the sensual boots which got me into this predicament. I thought that if only things had been different, and I had won his boots in the bet, things would have been much better. He jumped up and removed his pants quickly followed by his shirt. I was naive and thought he was just getting comfortable.

Instead he surprised me when he grabbed me by the back of my neck and drug me into the bedroom, pushing me back on the edge of the bed. He jerked my left leg into the air and put it on his shoulder. My ass was still on fire and my head was ringing, but there was no doubt as to what I was feeling. He had inserted two fingers into his mouth and gotten them wet. He took the two fingers and shoved them into my ass hole, twisting and turning as he went deeper and deeper. I heard him fumbling with some lube as he slathered his cock. I felt the cold greasy lube being applied to my hole. I was frozen in place and scared. This was definitely not part of the deal and I needed to get out of there. The two fingers were soon replaced by his gigantic throbbing cock. I had never been that close to another man's cock before, but there was no doubt in my mind. This was the first time I had ever been fucked and it was merciless. It quickly dawned on me that I was going to get raped. I held my breath as the giant cock invaded my anal ring. My ass was getting ripped apart as he pushed forward, deeper, and deeper into my gut. It felt like a jack hammer was punching my spine. He would pull almost all the way out and then ram it home again. Tears were in my closed eyes as I tried to recount how I got myself in this situation and what I should have done differently. And then surprisingly, the pain slowed as my prostrate relaxed and my ass accepted the invasion. He developed a slow methodic rhythm as he pushed back and forth. My body responded with my cock starting to get aroused as my anus struggled to accommodate the monster deep inside of me. I could feel every vein in the big black cock as he continued rocking back and forth. I couldn't believe that my own dick was now stretched to the limit as it rose to attention and was painfully hard. My mixed emotions were conflicting.

That's when I felt a strange sensation of someone pulling on my left foot. I opened my tearful eyes to see a slender young black man about my age lifting my leg and pulling off my sock. He was chuckling to himself, probably about how easy it was for him to take it. I was confused. I didn't know there was another person in the apartment. And then it hit me like a blow to the chest. He was wearing my suit, my dress shirt, and my tie. He moved to my right foot and easily pulled off that sock. I wanted to stop him. I wanted to say something, but there was nothing I could do. The man who was fucking me never missed a beat. He just kept plowing away. The young man walked towards my head and surprisingly grabbed my arm. I heard him say, "I'll need this too." He surprised me when he unhooked my watch, a graduation present from my parents, and slipped it off. He reached over, unhooked, and then took the leather bracelet I was wearing on my other wrist. The fucker put his hands around my neck and removed the gold chain that my grandmother had given me. I was defenseless as I watched this prick just help himself to my stuff. My tearful eyes followed him through the bedroom door into the living room. He sat down in a chair and I watched him pull on my socks and boots. He put on the jewelry that he had taken from me. He stood up, adjusted himself, and when he was pleased with his appearance left the apartment as I heard the front door open and then close.

What the fuck. This guy just left with everything I owned. At least he didn't get my wallet because it was still in my car. Shit . . . oh, shit. I remembered seeing him pick up my car keys off the table. Now with all the pain my body was experiencing, my heart sank. He had my cash and credit cards. I had to find a way to call the police. In addition to rape, this was a robbery. I was brought back to reality when I remembered the monstrous cock pillaging my ass.

His thick tool was pulsing faster, and I tried to brace myself for the inevitable. As if on cue, I heard him grunt, then moan; his whole body vibrated and then he exploded inside of me. I wanted to cry when I felt him pump load after load of his warm thick jizz inside of me. He was pumping as hard as he could to force every drop inside of me. He let out a couple of moans and then exhaled a deep long breath. I couldn't believe that one man could produce this much. It just kept coming. My ass couldn't hold all of it and it was drooling out of my hole as he screamed out, "There ain't nothing like a tight pussy." He pulled out and sprayed the final remnants across my chest. I tried to relax with relief but instead I tensed up as I felt his hand grab my cock. It didn't take long for me to shoot a load all over myself as he enthusiastically pumped it. My chest was covered with my own sticky juices. He got in my face and spit a gob which hit me right between the eyes. He said to me, "That's how you treat an uppity white boy. You ain't nothing but white trash."

I was exhausted, still in pain and totally vulnerable. I couldn't move. That's when I realized how hot it was in the apartment. The man had sweat rolling off his forehead and I could feel it dripping on me. I was hot and sticky. I felt my head and there was cum in my hair. It was on my nose and face and mixed with the spit. Just a couple of hours ago, I was freshly showered and prepared for a night on the town. Now, after my cologne and deodorant had given out, I was a hot, nasty mess. I started the night out as an overconfident young professional on the prowl and ended the night as a cheap and worthless man whore. This was confirmed when the man took his dirty cock and wiped its ass juices on my mouth. He made me clean it. He was exhausted but jubilant. He proclaimed how he loved a tight ass. His nasty sweaty body collapsed on top of me. He slapped my face until my mouth opened and he inserted his tongue. He made passionate love to me and I was repulsed. He thanked me for handing myself over to him. He made it sound like it was my choice! He said he knew my faggotty ass enjoyed it because of the way my dick responded.

He rolled me over and climbed on top of me again. This time like a dog. He told me that was so good that he was going to do it again. I couldn't believe it! I was too exhausted to move and couldn't defend myself. There was no way that I could survive another one of his hard core fuckings. He ran his callused hands over my back. He told me that I could make a great lover for him, but I was too hairy. The next time if I didn't shave my body before I came over, he would do it. He wanted my body nice and smooth but wanted me to grow my hair long. I would be his lady bitch. He was going to pierce my ears and put jewelry in them. He was making all these crazy plans. What the hell was he talking about? I never wanted to see him again. I was going to press charges against him. After laying there a few minutes, he realized, thankfully, that he was too exhausted to continue.

He got up, went into the bathroom cleaned himself up and got dressed, leaving me on the bed close to exhaustion. He came back in the room with a glowing look of satisfaction. He told me to get up and get my nasty ass in the shower. His demeanor towards me had now changed and he was talking and treating me like his dirty little bitch. He swatted my ass when I wasn't moving fast enough. I rinsed off in the shower and he gave me a used damp towel to dry myself off. I looked out the bathroom window to check on my car and just as I suspected, it was gone. The parking space was empty and now I was scared as shit.

I walked slowly out of the bathroom and before I could ask about my car, he told me it was time for me to get my twink ass out. I kept pleading with him that I was not gay, and he just smirked. He told me to get the fuck out and go home. I was standing in front of him, stark naked. I stammered what about my clothes, my watch, my car? I muttered that I needed my wallet. Who was that guy?

He told me the younger man was his nephew and he didn't know where he went. He sometimes leaves for days at a time. My heart raced and I began to hyperventilate. I may never see my stuff again. I needed to call the police and get myself out of this situation. He told me that I could get my stuff back when I came back to him next Saturday night. This only made me feel worse. I screamed at him that I needed my stuff to go to work. I couldn't go a week without it. We weren't lovers and I was never coming back. He clinched his fist and pulled his arm back. I thought he was going to punch me.

Instead, he collected himself and tried to calm me down. He said that he would figure something out. He went into the bedroom and came back with a pair of worn out basketball shorts and told me to put them on. They were way too big for me and hard to keep up. He told me to go on, and walk home like that, he would find my stuff and have it for me tomorrow. I knew that I would never see it again if I left and shook my head no! I was not going to walk home near naked and barefoot having just been raped and robbed. He told me to sit my nasty ass on the floor while we tried to figure something out. In the meantime, he sat in his easy chair, smoked a cigar, and swigged liquor from an unmarked bottle. Every time I thought about leaving, I convinced myself to wait another 20 minutes. Losing my clothes was one thing, but my car too? I was a wreck. Eventually the man dozed off in his chair as I painfully waited on the floor.

Around 2 am the door opened, and the nephew walked through the living room and straight into the bedroom. He never noticed me sitting on the floor in the corner. Thankfully he was still wearing my suit and it appeared to be intact. He staggered like he was drunk, high, or both. I waited a few minutes before I got up and sneaked over to the bedroom door. I looked in and he was passed out on the bed. I approached and tapped him on the leg. He was completely passed out and didn't budge.

I was able to lift his right leg and remove my boot. He still didn't move, so I quickly went to work stripping him down. I got the suit off and the guy was even wearing my underwear. He moaned a little as I pulled my boxers and tee shirt off him. I removed my watch and wristband and then went for the gold chain. When I lifted his head, his eyes opened, and he looked me straight in the face. My heart sank as I anticipated an ass beating. I got the chain off and he passed back out. I left him sprawled on the bed butt naked but not before I noticed the biggest cock I had ever seen resting between his legs. I was conflicted as to why I would take the time to examine this horse cock. I gathered all my stuff and snuck into the dining room where I was finally able to get dressed. It felt good to finally be wearing clothes again and get out of those shorts. I was especially happy to get my suit and boots back unscathed. I checked my pockets and was happy to find my car keys and wallet which was mostly intact, except for the $30 that was missing. At the point I didn't care. When I put my hand in the jacket pocket, I found two joints.

I hurried downstairs to check on my car and thankfully it was there - parked in the back. I remembered that I had just filled the gas tank and expected to find it empty. Surprisingly it still had about 3/4 of a tank. Maybe, just maybe, it hadn't been such a bad night after all.

Next: Chapter 2: Saturday Night 2

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