Saturday Night, Middle of July

By Morn

Published on Jun 30, 2008



It was a little after 11 PM on a Saturday night in the middle of July. I had just dropped off my date at her house and said goodnight. We had been to a quick dinner and gone to see a movie that she wanted to see. Yes, I had a date with a female. Even though I had known I was gay almost all my life, I spent the first 25 years of my life fighting it. Eventually, I stopped the fight and it was incidences like tonight that helped me stop.

I wasn't feeling particularly tired and really didn't want to go home and go to bed, or worse, watch TV. I was feeling particularly horny, however. I decided not to go home, but to head north on the highway for about a 40-minute trip. I was headed for a roadside rest stop that I frequented.

This rest stop was one of those "primitive" types. There was plenty of space for cars and even for several big rigs. A couple of high street lights lit the area ineffectively. There were two out for women and one for men. The men's room consisted of a long galvanized trough for several men to stand next to each other and take a piss. The trough butted up against a plywood wall that was the first of two sit down stalls. There were several peepholes in the plywood that allowed one to sit on the toilet and take a look at what was happening at the trough. The wall between the stalls had several peepholes and one larger glory hole. The stalls had no doors attached, I suppose as an effort to cut down on privacy so that no gay activity happened there. Of course, it had the opposite effect, as usual. The room was lit by one ceiling fixture that held a bare bulb of very low wattage. You could see where everything was, but just barely.

On the drive there, I wondered what the night would hold. Would it be a quickie, an all night stay, not leaving until the sun came up over the mountain, or, worse scenario, nothing happening at all? At this rest stop, nothing happening at all would be very rare, although sometimes there was just nothing going on. This rest stop was notorious enough that you could almost always score something, even in broad daylight.

I finally arrived and pulled unto the ramp leading to the rest stop. As I slowly drove into a parking place, I took inventory of the area's visitors. There were half a dozen cars and 3 tractor-trailers. Not as busy as I've seen it before, but potential for a good time.

I turned off my engine and sat there for a couple of minutes to assess the matter. Eventually, I got out of my car and leaned on the front fender and lit a cigarette. One man headed in my direction and I stood there waiting. I knew that some attempt at conversation would be made. "Gotta light?" "Nice night." "Beautiful weather." Or something similar would start a fairly meaningless conversation. As it turns out, he did ask for a light but after I lit his cigarette he kept on walking. I guess I wasn't his type.

I finished my cig and although I hadn't seen anyone come from or go into the men's toilet, it was time for me to explore, besides, I did have to piss.

I walked towards the door and as I swung it open, I noticed that there was no light coming from the interior. Glad I had my lighter with me. I reached in my pocket and then flicked my BIC. In the dim light that it afforded, I could see two shadowy figures standing in front of the urinal trough, one at each end. I couldn't see if anyone was in the stalls, it was too dark. I decided to take a place in the middle of the trough and just before I let my lighter go out, I checked out the dicks on both sides of me. Nice, very nice!

I fished my dick from behind my zipper, pulled it all out, balls and all, and let loose a stream of piss. As I was pissing, the guy to my left put his hand on my chest and said something to the effect that he loved the sound of piss hitting that tin trough. I laughed and finished my relief efforts but just stood there massaging my dick. There was no pissing sound coming from either one of them so I knew what was going to happen.

And happen it did! All three of us started playing with each other. That's when I realized that the guy to my right was completely naked. I was surprised at that. While it is true that after midnight just about everyone who wanders into this rest area is looking for something, there is the occasional straight man who really just wants to piss and go. I could just imagine what he might think or even do upon running into a naked guy with a hard on. There's also the State Police who made regular rounds into the rest stop. Usually they just cruise through the parking lot, but I had seen them stop, get out of the car and walk into the bathroom to check things out. It would be a bit difficult to hide the fact that you were naked.

At any rate, the three of us sucked on each other for a while and then the naked guy said that he wanted fucked. The other guy was more than happy to oblige and while they were fucking, I was on my knees sucking off he who was getting fucked. This was long before the AIDS crises so condoms were not in evidence. The two of them came at almost the same time and disengaged. I stood up and naked guy got behind me on his knees and started eating my ass while the other one was on his knees in front of me with my dick in his mouth. It didn't take me long to cum and it was so intense that I became "weak in the knees" and had to support myself on the shoulders of the guy in front of me.

After all was done we all three left the rest room at the same time and returned to our respective cars. I got in mine and lit up a cig. They got in their own cars, started the engines and left.

I looked around and didn't see that there was much else going on. The guy who asked me for a light had evidently left and the cars that were still there seemed empty. My guess was that since they were at the farther end of the parking area that they had pulled in to sleep. The same with the three trucks that were there when I pulled in, but they had been joined by another. Sleeping truckers, damn what a waste. I could have used me some trucker cock tonight. Oh well!

Although I had shot my load, I still wasn't ready to leave and reclined my car seat to take a short nap. I did fall asleep, but only for a short time and was awakened by the roaring engine of a motorcycle. He pulled in right next to my car and I sat up to check things out. As he took off his helmet, he glanced over at me and apologized for waking me up. I said that it was no problem and that such things were to be expected when one tried to sleep in a rest area. I could see by the dim light that he had a face that may not have been able to turn him into a male model, but was very close. Sharply chiseled facial features, while not exactly my "type" could still interest me. I really didn't expect anything to happen, but could enjoy the sight anyway.

He was wearing a jacket, which I thought was strange for such a warm and humid night. I remarked about it and he came over and explained that it was mesh and it was not as hot as it seemed that it might be, but afforded protection in case he took a fall. Made sense to me, although, now that he was stopped, he took it off and threw it over the bike with his helmet.

We made small talk for a bit and he said that he really had to take a piss. I told him that it was dark in there that he better take a lighter along unless he wanted to piss on someone. He laughed. He said that he really didn't feel like stumbling around in the dark and said that if I didn't mind he'd just stand at the back of my car and let loose. I told him to go ahead and promised that I wouldn't look. He said that I could look if I wanted to, so I got out of the car and followed him back.

He unzipped his jeans and pulled out his cock. Although I couldn't see it in the darkness, I could almost tell by the way he handled it that this biker's cock must be pretty hefty. I listened to the sound of piss hitting the cement parking lot and could see just a hint of the stream occasionally reflecting the light of the moon.

He finished pissing but just stood there, hands on his hips, and I took that stance as an invitation. I stepped closer to him and reached out to touch what he had just been holding. I could see it now because he turned towards the light and what I saw was one of the most beautiful cocks that I may have ever seen. He was hard already and it stood out from his fly about a good 7 inches. Saying that it was as big around as a beer can would only be a slight exaggeration. And, it had a hood on.and I love uncut cock. The foreskin didn't completely envelope the mushroom head, but it left only the piss slot exposed.

I stopped reaching for it. I wanted to see more of the body that this object of my desire was attached to. I undid his belt, unsnapped his pants and let them drop to his thighs. They wouldn't fall any further without help pushing the down, but that was OK just as it was. I lifted his loose fitting t-shirt from the tail, over his head and off.and just stood there staring at him. Wow! An impressive body, nicely featured face, gorgeous cock, all standing there waiting for me to do something.

I reached for his dick and he held me at arm's length and told me that he wanted to expose me as well. He took my T- shirt off and unbuckled my belt and pushed my pants to my ankles. I had been hard since he started to piss and was standing up nicely at my full 6 and a half uncut inches. As he stood up from pushing my pants down, his head purposely came up under my balls and he pushed a little and as my dick passed his lips his tongue was out and he licked the underside to the tip then continued up my belly and chest. I shuddered. The tongue continued to my neck and mouth and we embraced in the kind of kissing fest that teenagers often do. I didn't expect this, but certainly did enjoy it. Just then, car lights flashed in our direction as a car left the highway and headed in towards the parking lot. The biker and I quickly pulled up, tucked in and did up everything that needed to be taken care of. As the car approached us, we could see that it was a State Trooper, and we almost got caught. Phew! Lucked out this time.

The biker and I just stood there as if we were chatting as the trooper pulled in behind my car and got out of his. He walked over to us and asked us the basic questions as to why we were there, where we were heading and what was that wet spot behind my car. He didn't ask for ID but took us at our word and left with a final warning about late night excursions into remote roadside rest stops can be dangerous. I knew that, I had "almost" been caught with my pants down several times since discovering the action that happened here. I assumed that the biker did as well.

The trooper left and I had hoped that the biker and I would resume our encounter, but he flipped his cigarette out into the lot and said that he had to go. He had some excuse about having to get up early in the morning. Hell, it was already early in the morning, had to be about 3 AM. But I wished him a safe trip home after expressing disappointment over a lost opportunity and he helmeted himself and took off.

There had been no one headed to or from the rest room since before the biker came in and the only car that came in during that time was the trooper. It didn't appear that it was going to be a good night and I was prepared to check out the rest stop on the other side of the highway and then head back home, when lights entered the parking lot again. I got in my car quickly, in case it was another trooper, but it wasn't.

The new visitor pulled in a couple spaces from me and immediately got out of his car and headed towards mine. I was smoking at the time and the glowing end of my cigarette guided him. He stepped off the curb towards my open window and I greeted him as he asked me for a light. I lit his cigarette and he stuck around making small talk while bending down to talk into my window. Then he straightened up and bent back, thrusting his pelvic area almost into my window and as he stretched a little farther back, his cock popped out of the leg of his running shorts. I couldn't resist. I reached for it and pulled his shorts to the side so I could get a full view.

He was partially hard and my touch made it spring into life. He straightened up, but didn't pull away but pushed closer into the window. It was a nice cock, not overly long or thick, it was circumcised, and had a nicely shaped head. It wasn't anything to write home about, but it was a cock and I was hungry. So I sucked it.

Within just a few minutes, he shot his load. He pulled away from my window, tucked his now limp cock back into his shorts, thanked me and headed to his car. As he started the car to head out, another car was coming into the rest area. I wondered if this would be another quickie window service.

The newest arrival parked a ways from me and immediately got out and headed to the bathroom. One of the occupants of one of the cars that had been here since I arrived got out and followed him in. I figured I wouldn't go in and interrupt anything so I just lit up another cigarette and got out of and leaned against my car smoking.

Not long after the second guy followed the new arrival into the bathroom, the new arrival came out, and it seemed to me rather hastily. At first he headed towards his car but then he saw me standing in front of mine and headed towards me. I didn't know what to expect from this one. When I saw him come out of the bathroom, nearly running, I figured he was surprised by an "attack" from another guy and needed to get out of the rest area as soon as possible. But as he headed towards me, he slowed down to a more leisurely pace and nodded as he approached.

He stood there for a moment and lit a cigarette, greeted me, and made a comment about how hot the night was. I agreed, but made no farther comment until he asked me how long I had been sitting here. I told him that I had come in to take a nap and had just awoken before he pulled in. He asked me if I was aware of the kind of activity that seems to be happening in the bathroom and he told me that the guy who had followed him in the bathroom had made a grab for his cock. I told him that sometimes that happens and he shouldn't be offended by it...that a "No Thank You," would usually suffice to ward off any aggressors.

It turns out that he wasn't offended, exactly, but really needed to piss and the guy interrupted him before he had the chance to empty his bladder. Before I could say anything, he pulled his cock out from the leg of his shorts and pissed in the grass as I watched. This guy was a "show-er." His cock wasn't anywhere near hard and it hung a good 7 inches as he pissed. It was cut and had a beautifully shaped mushroom head and I thought to myself that I would love to pop it into my mouth for a while.

As his stream of piss got weaker, I told him that he had a nice piece of equipment. He shook it off and thanked me, but didn't tuck it back up in his shorts. He said that now that he had relieved himself, that he could enjoy whatever the other guy had in mind. I opened my car door and sat down on the driver's seat sideways and beckoned him to step over to me and when he did, I pulled down his shorts and jock strap and started the laying on of the lips.

He started growing instantly and soon my mouth was fuller than it had been in a long time. I pulled off for a second or two to take a look. It had grown to what had to be a full 11 inches and fairly thick, although not as thick as my earlier biker buddy. Good grief, all the blood rushing to his dick had to make him light headed. I went back to work, sucking for what it was worth (and it was worth a lot) and taking as much of it as I could into my mouth.

About five minutes of sucking, just as I was feeling an ache in my jaws, he pulled out of my mouth and said, "My turn." I stood up; he sat down, pulled my jeans down and started polishing the head of my cock. I have nothing to be ashamed of in that area, but my close to 7 inches looked surprisingly small compared to his. He didn't care, he sucked me like this was the last dick he'd ever suck.

Even though I had already shot a load, it didn't take me long until I told him that I was ready to shoot. He mumbled something that told me that I should go ahead. I did, and it was one of the most intense climaxes that I had had in a long time. As he was slurping the last of my jizz from my cock, he was pulling on his own meat and started to groan. I pulled him up out of the car and I immediately when to my knees and gobbled down what I could of his cock. I made it just in time. I no sooner wrapped my mouth around it and he started pumping cum into my mouth. It almost made me choke because of the quick surprise, but I managed to fight the gag reflex and swallowed everything he pumped into me except for the last that I milked out of him.

That last bit, I kept in my mouth and as he stood up he leaned into me and kissed me full on the mouth and it turned out that he had kept some of my spunk in his mouth as well and we exchanged cum loads. That action gave me yet another climax and although I shot nothing out I felt that I was shooting twice as much as before.

We held the kiss for a while and then held on to each other, catching our breath until the guy who had followed him into the bathroom approached us. My big cocked buddy and I started pulling up or clothes and as we looked towards the other guy, we could see that he had his cock out and was stroking himself as he walked up to us.

The three of us stood outside my car and I told the newcomer that we had already spent ourselves, but we would like to watch him jerking off. He obliged and soon all three of us had our dicks in hand stroking. The new guy came first, of course, wiped himself off on his tee shirt and walked away. Big dick and I just tucked each other away and bid each other good night. I would have liked to exchange phone numbers with him to see him again, he didn't seem interested but said that he hoped to run into me up here again.

He got in his car and pulled out of the lot. As I watched him go, I looked at the sky and realized that it was almost dawn. Time for me to go, too. I started my car and backed up the four trucks were still there, but all the cars had left. I hadn't paid much attention as to who was leaving and when they left, but as I pulled out to leave myself, I wondered if any of the truckers that were there saw any of the action that had gone on outside of the bathroom. It's a pity that they didn't come join in, I like truckers a lot. But I had no complaints about the last 6 or so hours. I had fun, I sucked, I got sucked, and I was spent. I knew I would sleep well once I got home.

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