Saturday Night Bath

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Oct 11, 2015




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Chet rode into town along with Jacob and Zeke on Saturday with sundown fast approaching. The three hands only got into town one weekend a month and were chomping at the bit for some fun, their pay in their pockets.

Zeke was the one with the most froth on his lips. "I am feeling luck-ky!" he howled as he saw the saloons up ahead. "I'm going to the Nugget and get myself into a game! Ten of these dollar-bills I got all got serial numbers with a "7" on them and I'm going to use them to make me a fortune!"

"I just want to get me some decent liquor." Jacob declared. "I done been drinking that corn whiskey the boss makes for too dang long! And after that, I'm going to get me an hour with a real nice lady with silk stockings and curled blond hair and smelling prettier'n a pasture full of wild flowers!"

"What about you, Chet?"

"Me?" Chet really hadn't made any specific plans, he was more the kind of cowhand that would get into town first and then see what was worth doing. "Well, I figure that first, I'm...." And then he saw it. "First thing I'm going to do, I'm going to go take me a bath!"

For there was something new in town, a fairish white tent advertising, "Hot Baths, 25c." A hot bath! God, that sounded good, when you realized that he'd spent the entire damned day traveling here, and before that, there'd been nothing but cold sponge baths using well water, a pitcher and a bowl. Messy, sloppy, unsatisfying and cold as hell. But for a mere twenty-five cents, he could have himself a real, hot bath in a tub and soap and get really, truly clean! A real life Saturday night bath! Hell, yeah!

"Suit yourself." Zeke declared. "I washed up this morning enough for all normal purposes. You wash too much, you'll make yourself sick, you will!"

"Maybe so." Chet allowed, for Zeke had spoken only conventional wisdom on that. "But a man can wash himself now and then without doing no harm and I want that there hot bath."

So with that common consent, these three friends went their separate ways. Chet tethered his horse outside the bathhouse, for he would need the clean clothes in his saddlebags for when he got himself scrubbed up. No use getting washed and then putting on clothes that had spent all day getting covered with trail dust, now was there?

Inside, he found four tubs, all empty of people but filled with water that steamed benevolently as promised. "You get the use of two of them, one on each side. Left one is for scrubbing yourself, the right one is to rinse yourself down." the bath attendant told him. "You can strip down over there. Best get moving, for there'll be more coming in any minute wanting their turn. You're lucky, you're getting first shot at the bathwater."

Chet stepped behind the dressing screen and stripped down happily. It felt so good to get out of his red union suit just for these few minutes. One wore it day and night for months and months, especially in winter. He stepped out with just his hat protecting his family jewels from anyone watching. Just the attendant and another man who was just paying out his two bits. Chet slid into the first of the left hand tubs in blissful enjoyment. God, the water even felt good on his balls! The few times he'd had a tub bath at the ranch, the water had been agonizingly cold on his scrotum, one touch and his balls had clamped up against his body as the scrotum thickened itself, protecting his potency against the cold.

He worked up a good lather, the water itself had been impregnated with soap already in preparation for the many citizens that would use it to get their bodies clean. The other tub was being used by the other patron and more men were lining up inside the tent to get their turn.

One of them, the next in line, came out stark naked from behind the dressing screen and walked over to the tub where Chet was. "How you doing?" he asked Chet. He was twentyish, blond-haired, thin-bodied with that indefinable aura that said "money." He was one of the richer men in town and probably had his own bathtub; so why was he here?

"Going to be a few more minutes." Chet allowed. He was about three-quarters done with his bath, but damn it, he had paid his two bits and he was going to wash until he felt like stopping. To prove it to himself, he began to re-wash his left shoulder.

"I got some special scented soap at the general store to use on me tonight." the man said, showing a bare white, fragrant bar of soap in his hand. "Whoops!" The man had been holding the soap too tight and it squirted out of his hand and went "plop!" into the water of Chet's tub.

"Hey!" Chet complained.

"Don't worry, I'll get it." the man knelt by Chet's tub and reached down through the soapy foam into the water beneath.

The man fished around and grabbed hold of something. "Ah, that's got it!"

He had hold of Chet's prick! "That ain't your soap!"

The man's hand was feeling his out, fondling him and that made Chet's prong stiffen up.

"Can't you tell when you got hold of a man's johnson?" Chet complained.

"Now, now, I'm figuring it out. I still think I got the soap."

"You have no such thing, you are jerking on my pork sausage!" Chet griped. "Here, I'll get up and let you look at it, dang it!"

He stood up and the man saw indeed he had hold of Chet's nine-inch man-tool. But the man didn't let go.

And to make things worse, a man who'd been waiting naked at the other tub came over and climbed into Chet's tub behind the naked soapy cowhand, and sat down. Chet turned around to see, but it was too late, the man was seated. "Now durn it all, I was still using this here tub!" he griped.

"But I got to hurry, got me a dinner date in a half hour!" the man said. He was broad-shouldered and very hairy, black hair on his head, throat, shoulders, chest, ribs, upper and lower arms, which was all Chet could see of him in this position, the soapy froth covered the rest of it.

"But I was still washing!"

"So let's share this here tub!" the man offered.

"Sure, fellow, you can share with Jesse here, can't you?" the man who'd dropped the soap said.

"I didn't want to share no tub! `Sides, we'd never fit, the two of us. Will you let me go, gol durned it!" Chet said to the man, who still was hanging onto his pud, keeping it stiff and beginning to feel a bit too good for comfort.

"Come on, sit down afore you get all dried out!" Jesse invited him. "There's room, just sit down on my lap."

"I ain't no six-year-old kid and you ain't my grandpa!" Chet grumped, but he didn't have a lot of choice here. Other men were beginning to congregate around this tub, a real run of men, all naked, waiting for their turn to get gussied up for Saturday night with a good, hot bath!

So he squatted down in the tub to sit down and his butt encountered an obstacle on the way down. "What the hell is this?"

"That's my johnny." Jesse supplied unhelpfully.

"I know that. What does it think it's doing?"

"Getting friendly."

"I'm not sure I want to get that well acquainted." Chet said and he shifted. When he did, both his feet slid out from under him from the slippery surface of the bottom of the tub, and he ended up on his knees with his asshole caught on the edge of Jesse's glans. It hadn't penetrated, but it was certainly positioned right.

"Ow, man, hold still, hold still!"

"I told you think wouldn't work!" Chet griped. "Man, that hurts!"

"Let me move a little and...ahh!" Jesse had shifted and now his glans was firmly inside Chet's ass.

"You're moving it in the wrong direction."

"It's the only way we can get you to fit in here!" And Jesse shifted and sent another inch into Chet's ass.

"God damn it, I didn't come in here to get corn-holed, I came in here to take a bath."

"So scrub yourself." Jesse said. "Or let someone here help you. Like Bart here." He gestured to the man who'd started all this by dropping his soap in, then grabbing Chet's cock.

"I'll do it." Bart offered. He grabbed Chet's soapy rag and began to scrub on Chet's back. Chet had to admit that it was the one part of his body that hadn't gotten much soap on it yet.

Meanwhile, Jesse was squirming and sending his dong deeper with every motion. "There, that's got it right." He said when the squirm sent the last inch inside Chet. "Now we can both fit in here the right way."

"Ah, hell, you got to be joshing me!" Chet moaned. "What the hell am I supposed to do now?"

"Bart's scrubbing you, you scrub me." Jesse said. And he thrust up and down with his hips to show what he meant.

"Scrub you like this?" Chet began to move up and down on Jesse's lap. It weren't like he hadn't done this before, just never in such a casual way. You're supposed to know the guys you let butt-fuck you! He had never laid eyes on this Jesse before in his life!

But that cock of his was feeling pretty damned good. It wasn't like Chet had been getting much action of any kind lately, riding out to gather up the cattle was a long, lonely ride and when you got back to the bunkhouse, all you wanted to do was sleep.

So he began to bob up and down and the other men began to crowd around them. One of the men knelt by the bathtub and offered Jesse his cock, Jesse promptly sucked it down, and reached up to grab the cock of the man on his other side.

So when another man stepped up to the side, Chet decided it was the neighborly thing to do to go ahead and capture that long, sleek pud in his lips and bob up and down on it for a while. Bart reached for Chet's hand on his side and guided it to his pud, and Chet began to work it for the man, and Bart promptly found Chet's dong again and began to return the favor.

Sucking on one dong and riding another, with a third in one hand, Chet figured that this was shaping up into one hell of a Saturday night!

He pounded Bart's pud and sooner than the rest, Bart moaned and sprayed a hot load of spunk right onto Chet's shoulder. Chet caught a wad in his ear from that blast, and he was wincing from that when the man he was sucking started loading his mouth full of hot man-jizz. And Jesse was moaning and he grabbed Chet's hips and thrust upwards at him and more hot wads were pumped up into his ass.

In other words, everyone got off on this game but him. Chet grumbled and popped himself off from Jesse's still-firm prick, and got to his feet. "Well, I reckon I'm as clean as I'm going to get in this place." he said as he dripped spunk from his ass and his shoulder, and fought the wad stuck in his ear. "Better get over there and rinse off."

He stepped into the rinse tub and was about to sit down when the attendant came over with a bucket of water. "Here, let me help you out there, young fellow." he said. Chet stood and the attendant poured the bucket of heated water over him. Ah, damn, but that warm water felt good! Pretty durned hot, but not so hot that it scalded him. He used that water to get himself really, really clean. After all, he'd scrubbed himself pretty good before all the wild stuff started happening.

"There you go, fresh as a fiddle!" the attendant said, smiled at him amiably, and moved off.

The other rinse tub held the man who had been washing in the other tub, the man who had come in right after him. Chet was surprised he was done, but realized that the man hadn't been, uh, distracted. A funny thing, this guy was easily the handsomest man in the room! A strong jaw, deep eyes that told of reliability and honesty, deep brown hair, an athletic body that was clean with just a dust of hair on chest and forearms and legs, with a thatch of pubic hair that showcased a clean, white, orderly cock that didn't bulge with veins, wasn't discolored around the top of the skin about the shaft, the glans was a prim mushroom that begged you to suck on it and moisten it into life.

He looked over at Chet and smiled and Chet smiled back. "You were getting awfully popular over there." the man ventured.

"Any more popular and I'd have been scraping it out of my hair." Chet agreed ruefully and the man laughed. "And the bad part is, I didn't even get my own rocks off."

"Well, we can't have that." the man said, and licked his lips obviously. "Get over here and we'll take care of that for you."

Chet was glad enough to step out of the tub he was in and step into the one the other man was lounging in. The man grabbed Chet's buttocks and pulled Chet to him, Chet's prong slid into the man's mouth.

The man was a master at his art! His mouth and tongue moved in a symphony of motion that was both expert and varied, no two strokes were exactly the same but they all synched together to keep the pleasure flowing smoothly into Chet's body. Chet grunted and his work-horned hands caught hold of the man's head and began to fuck his face. The man adapted to this, letting Chet control the speed while continuing to work his masterful delights with every plunge into and drawing out of Chet's dong.

Chet panted hard, his pleasure boiling up inside him and he grunted, "Aw, hell, man, I'm about to come, can you take it for me? I come awful damned hard when I come!"

The man assented with muffled grunts which was all Chet's dick would let him muster, and Chet began to fuck him even faster and as that tongue plied itself to the underside of Chet's pud, Chet moaned and felt his climax assault him.

Groaning hard, he shoved his cock all the way inside the man's mouth and into the throat, deep as he could ram it, burying the man's nose in his pubic patch and holding him like that, Chet roared and ejaculated, his joy squalling out of his lips as he shot his thick glue-like jizz into the man's throat, hot gooey clumps that bubbled in there as he added more to the mixture.

The man held still and accepted the onslaught, and only when Chet was done and released his killer grip on his head, did he pull back and with a hard, spasmodic gulp, took the thick load the rest of the way down.

"Oh, oh, man, oh, man!" Chet heaved. "Now that's what I call a warm welcome!"

"Glad to have been of service." the man reached up to touch the brim of an imaginary hat. "You're new in town, aren't you? Same as me?"

"Off the Circle B Ranch." Chet allowed. "I come in every month to spend my wages. You?"

"I'm visiting here to conduct a little business." the man said. "I need to get out of here and get to working on it, in fact."

"And I need to find me a nice, home-cooked meal if I can." Chet agreed, the next item on his menu, seeing how he didn't need to find no lady of the evening to clean his guns after all.

Chet got dressed and, feeling refreshed and clean and relaxed after his visit to the bath, he found a new restaurant and ordered a lavish meal and ate it slowly, enjoying it.

After that, he sauntered into a saloon for a drink and some company, and found Zeke sitting at the table, a look of increasing desperation on his face.

"How's your luck?" Chet asked, but the hangdog look on Zeke's face answered that, and he continued, "Never mind. Why don't you give up and I'll buy your drinks tonight."

"Might as well. I'm down to six bits anyhow." Zeke tossed in his cards and got up. "Durnedest thing. I was winning easy until about twenty minutes ago when this new guy showed up, after that, I couldn't do nothing but lose. I don't think it's marked cards nor nothing, it's just this new guy is so damned good, he can turn a losing hand into a winner."

"Who's the new guy?" Chet looked where Zeke pointed and Chet saw the man's face. The man winked at him (he was the one who had given Chet that wonderful servicing in the bath) and went back to his cards. "Yeah, that's a real talented fellow, all right." he agreed.

"Hope he don't stick around these parts." Zeke said. "How about you? You find any good places to be sociable around the town tonight?"

"Well." Chet allowed. "I think the most sociable thing you can do in town these days is take a bath on Saturday night."

Heck, if this town gets any more sociable, Chet thought to himself, I won't be able to ride my horse back to the ranch tomorrow!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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