Saturday at the Office

By Robert Smith

Published on Dec 4, 2006



It was 7:30AM on a Saturday and I was at my desk when I should have been at home in bed, but I had to get the budget report done for my Monday morning meeting. I had only been there for a couple of hours when Nathan walked past my door with a quick "Hey" on his way to his own office three doors down. Since no one else was in the office, the sound of him struggling to open his door, and the cures that he was making under his breath, echoed down the hall. I went back to work and after about thirty minutes, I needed to get up and stretch, so I walked down to Nathan's office to see why he was in on a Saturday morning.

"Hey Nathan, what brings you here on a Saturday?" I said in an upbeat tone as I sat down in the chair across from his desk.

"I just didn't want to be at home", he said in an almost angry voice, "you are so lucky Michael that you do not have to deal with women."

Everyone in the office knew that I was gay. I was not flamboyant or obvious, but I never actively tried to hide it, or announce it. After so many years working in the same office things like that just get around. No one seemed to have a problem with it.

"Problem with the little woman?" I said with a laugh, "I am sure you guys will work it out."

Nathan and his wife Kathy were always fighting, but it seemed that they always made up quickly. I had meet Kathy many times of the years, at office parties and happy hours. I think most people would describe her as "classy". She was 32, attractive with long dark hair and carried herself in an almost regal way. Nathan on the other hand was exactly opposite. He was attractive as well; 6'2" 180lbs with sandy blond hair, blue eyes, and a very toned body, but at 30 he still acted like a frat boy. When I would see them together she often seemed embarrassed by his immature behavior. He would talk and laugh loudly, slap people on the back after telling a crude joke that were sometimes inappropriate for the group he was with, but I though he was funny and I found his attitude sexy. I am sure that was the root of their frequent arguments.

"You're probably right", he said in a defeated tone.

"Well, I should get back to it," I said as Nathan turned around in chair to face his monitor, "so let me know if you want to talk about it or if there is anything that I can do to help."

"No, thanks a lot man, it will blow over soon like it always does."

I went back to my desk and continued working. I had been working for about an hour when I realized that I needed one of the files that Nathan was working with. I walked to his office, but when I got to his door he was not at his desk. I saw a stack of files on the corner of the desk so I walked in, picked up the stack and started looking the file I needed. When I found it, I pulled it out and as I was putting the other files back where I found them I noticed on Nathan's monitor that he had a small AOL instant message window open. I could only see the last two exchanges:

"Need2Feed92121: do you like sucking dick?"

"SasigirlinSD: sometimes, it depends on the guy"

I could not believe what I was seeing. I wanted to read the rest but I had no idea when Nathan would be back, so I quickly walked back to my office. I sat down and tried to work, but I could not get the image of Nathan chatting with some random woman about blow jobs out of my head. Maybe things between him and Kathy were worse than I thought. My curiosity was killing me. Nathan and I had talked in the past about his marriage, but I could not ask him if he was picking up other women. Then I got an idea. If I created a female AOL user name then maybe I could get him to talk about what was going on.

I went to the AOL web site, followed the "AIM" link, and was taken to a screen that advertised free accounts. I selected the free account option and the first field that needed to be filled out was "Desired Screen Name". I sat there for a moment thinking about what the screen name should be. Since his screen name was "Need2Feed92121" I thought that I should pick a screen name that indicated that this woman liked to be fed. I typed in "BJLady" in the screen name field and filled out the rest of the necessary field with made up information. I click the submit button and the result came back that the screen name was already taken. I went through the same routine several times with varied screen names until the screen name "LadyLuv2Suck92021" was available. I chose the "92021" to help indicate that this woman lived near Nathan's home zip code of 92121.

With my pseudo identity set up, I logged in. I first went to his profile to see how Nathan had described himself. His description was accurate but it was the picture that he had provided that really got my attention. The picture looked like it had been taken with a web cam. It showed Nathan sitting in a chair completely naked with his hard dick in his left hand as if he was stoking it. The picture only showed him from the chest down but I immediately recognized his unique wedding band. I was transfixed by the picture for what seems liked several minutes when I heard a pinging sound and an IM window popped up. It said, "Matt8plus: do you have a pic?". I immediately responded with a "No" and closed the window so that I could absorb the picture of Nathan. After several more similar interruptions, I decided that it was time to make my move.

In Nathan's profile I selected the button to send him a message and a blank IM window appeared and I typed my first message.

LadyLuv2Suck92021: "Great pic -- What are you up to this morning?"

Need2Feed92121: "Thanks, not much I am just sitting at my desk"

LadyLuv2Suck92021: "Are you at home alone?"

Need2Feed92121: "no, I am at my office at work. What are you up to?"

LadyLuv2Suck92021: "not much -- I am just at home, your office is open on Saturdays?

Need2Feed92121: "not usually, I just need to be out of the house, away from my wife"

LadyLuv2Suck92021: "trouble at home?"

Need2Feed92121: "my wife and I have been fighting; she thinks that she is too good to give head"

LadyLuv2Suck92021: "she won't do it at all?" Need2Feed92121: "not even a little, and I really miss it. I have not had my dick sucked since we have been together."

LadyLuv2Suck92021: "that is too bad -- it looks like it tastes great. How long has it been?" Need2Feed92121: "SIX YEARS!! When I was in college I got blow jobs all the time. I liked getting sucked more than fucking" LadyLuv2Suck92021: "I wish I could suck you right now -- pull your dick out for me"

After my last message, he did not respond immediately. My head was swimming and my dick was acing. I could not believe that he was being so open about his needs. I guess that he figured he could be honest since he thought this person didn't know who he was. I was not sure where it would go from here but I really needed to get off. I thought that he was going to sign off, but then I could hear is door shut down the hall.

Need2Feed92121: "It is rock hard and in my hand, what are you going to do with it?"

I got up from my desk and closed the door before I responded.

LadyLuv2Suck92021: "I am going to get on my knees then swing your chair around. I am then going to wet my middle finger and gently wipe the pre-cum off your slit"

Need2Feed92121: "oh yeah, lick it off your finger"

LadyLuv2Suck92021: "mmmm it tastes so good, I am then going to grab your hot dick with both hands and put the tip in my mouth"

Need2Feed92121: "just keep typing, I am stoking it nice and slow"

LadyLuv2Suck92021: "ok -- I slowly release my hands so that I can take all of it into my mouth. It is so big I can only get about a third of it in."

LadyLuv2Suck92021: "I keep working up and down until I get all of it. It is filling up my throat"

LadyLuv2Suck92021: "I work it in and out on my throat, gripping and then releasing the shaft with my fingers as it goes in and out"

Need2Feed92121: "keep it up I am about ready to cum"

LadyLuv2Suck92021: "I can feel you getting close so I speed up the action and as I feel your balls tensing up I push your dick in all the down my throat and you shoot again and again."

By this point I had my own dick out and was stoking it furiously. I was about to cum when Nathan responded with a message.

Need2Feed92121: "that was fucking great"

Once I read his message I shot cum all over my shirt. Some landed on my desk and keyboard. There was even a spot on my monitor. I sat there for a moment enjoying the sudden relaxation of my orgasm when I realized that I had nothing to clean up with. I looked around my desk, quickly grabbed some post-its and tried to clean up the best I could.

Need2Feed92121: "are you still there?"

LadyLuv2Suck92021: "I'm still here; my hands were a little busy"

Need2Feed92121: "I understand"

I was a little flummoxed trying to continue to clean up so I decided to log off with Nathan.

LadyLuv2Suck92021: "I really enjoyed that but I need to run. I will look for you the next time I am logged in - Bye."

Need2Feed92121: "I will put you at the top of my buddy list, Bye"

I logged out and shut down AIM. I was able clean up some more and make my office look relatively normal but there were several wet spots on my shirt, so I grabbed a jacket that was hanging on the back of my door, put it on then opened my office door as if nothing had happened.

Nathan's office door was still closed. I figured he must still be cleaning up. I sat back at my desk and pretended to work.

About five minutes passed and I heard Nathan's office door open then him walking down the hall toward my office. He stood in my doorway with a slight grin and said, "I am feeling much better, I think I am going to take off. See you Monday"

"See you Monday", I replied back. As he was standing in the door and before he walked away I could see the faint outline of his semi-erect dick and a small wet spot.

Chapter 2 will be coming soon. Please email me at and let me know what you think.

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