Sarah Knight and the Fawn Princess

By H'eidi Eros

Published on Jan 16, 2014


Third part of my story. Feedback, as ever, goes to

As always, copyright to all the stuff I haven't created goes to the individual creators or companies. I am not infringing anything or suggesting any connection other than these things were part of my teenage years and have been inserted into the story for that reason. Thanks again for reading and if you enjoyed this (or any of the other stories in this archive) you might not do a nicer thing today than click the donate button and help support the freedom of this place. xx

Taking my hand again we retraced our route back toward the beach. We pretty much had the place to ourselves now. The families had vanished and seemed to have been replaced with the odd solitary fisherman or strolling couple. There was still plenty of sunshine, though the sun was gradually sinking down toward the hills in the direction of Mevigessey. It was just good now to walk in a comfortable easy silence, shoulders occasionally bumping together, hands held. It was just a perfect day and the events of earlier took on a dreamlike quality in my memory. It was as though the weirdness of encountering these strange sisters, their forwardness and my actions in response to them became like a story that had happened to someone else. I made a mental resolution to make Claire's joke a reality. It would be book, and I'd write it, but I'd set it in a fantasyland or far future. Throw in some magic, androids and a chase scene. All the essential elements you feel ought to be in a book when you're 16 years old. I knew it would sound unbelievable and just as outlandish as the readers letters in the magazines I'd laughed at earlier that day. It was going to be essential to dress it up with insatiable cyborg lovers and cross gender alien princesses.

In my happy and distracted state I barely noticed reaching the caravan. Sarah unzipped the doorway in the awning and we squeezed through. Cooking smells filled the confined space. The dinner that Claire had promised us earlier. "Hello, anybody here?" Sarah called. Claire's face and spiky blonde hair appeared at the open door of the caravan. "Here, you took your time." she said, "I've a pan of rice that might be turning into goo." "Sorry, we got caught up in a little tea shop over the bridge." Sarah said. Some plates appeared from a cupboard and helpings of rice and mild vegetable curry were scooped out. "Want to take it outside or eat around the table?" Claire asked. "Outside is beautiful, lets eat looking out over the sea." Sarah said. We gathered our dinners up and negotiated the clutter of the awning. Claire magic'ed up a couple of plastic chairs and we sat looking out at the early evening sunshine glittering on the water in Mevagissey Bay.

"You really do look amazing," Claire said to me. "Has the weirdness worn off yet?" "I have the feeling that the weirdness of this day won't ever wear off," I replied. "I meant weirdness feeling of being a girl for the first time?" Claire said. "I've only just started to separate that part out from the rest of the day .. I don't think that has felt weird." I pondered for a moment. "It feels strangely relaxing and comfortable, though that might be because a lot of tension between myself and Sarah seemed to evaporate when I stopped being a boy." "That would make sense ..." Claire laughed. "I am sorry," Sarah said, not sounding sorry. "I'm a little demanding with regard to what I need from a relationship... even if that relationship is just a frantic sexual tussle and a bunch of regrets afterwards." I kept quiet.. I didn't want to think about Sarah being with anyone else. I certainly didn't want to think she was regarding our rather frantic and not very loving sexual encounter earlier with regrets. "It has been hell ..." Claire laughed, poking her sister. Sarah joined in the laughter, but reached across to squeeze my hand reassuringly. "Some of it hasn't," she said defensively and gave me a look. "Oh god, get a room you two!" Claire said. "What will your parent's say?" I asked, the question was easier for me to deal with than the one I was feeling a bit sick thinking about. What would my parent's say if they saw me like this? How would they react if I told them I wanted to be a girl and be with a girl that wasn't actually completely a girl. It was a mental minefield I didn't want to pick my way across right now. "Our parents have been living with Sarah's situation since she was small. She knew she wanted to be a girl and my sister, not little brother from before I can remember." "Before I can remember either .." Sarah said, spooning another mouthful of curry and adding the full stop to her sentence with the spoon. "Really?" I said. "I thought you needed to reach puberty before you thought about things like that?" "How long have you liked to play with girls?" Claire asked. "Since forever ..." I said. "Any memories of wearing girl's things from back then?" Claire said. Earlier in the day I'd have denied it, but my brain appeared to have surrendered totally since then. I realised the futility of fighting this. I had nothing left to defend and so much to embrace. "Yes," I confirmed. "Details, details, give me details!" Claire demanded. Sarah rolled her eyes heavenward. "I was in hospital .. not sure how old." I said, "I think it might have been to have my tonsils taken out." I struggled to remember when it was. "And?" Claire said, "pray, continue." "Well I was in my pjs from home, but the day of the operation they changed us into gowns." I said. "The nurses just dumped gowns and briefs on all the beds. We had to struggle out of our pj's and into the gowns and briefs. I did it under the bed covers." "Sounds like a good look for you," Claire teased. I favoured her with my best Mr Spock raised eyebrow. "I discovered that the briefs the nurse had left me were girl's knickers." I said. "Tiny little flowers around the waistband, a sort of off lilac colour." "Oh, I'm adding a pair to my Christmas list!" Claire said. "Well, I didn't know what to do. I thought about calling the nurse back and asking for a pair of boy's pants, but she was far down the ward." I paused. Nobody interrupted this time. I think Sarah might have been discretely kicking Claire. "I felt excited and a little strange, but I pulled them on." I said. "It felt very good, and I felt asleep wearing them. For months afterwards I had day dreams about wearing them." "No older sister's clothing to plunder?" Sarah asked. Claire chuckled at the in-joke I could guess at. "Younger brother," I said "and he has suffered my cast offs for years." "Was the girl's kickers thing a sexual thing?" Claire asked. "No, not really, I didn't respond like that." I said. "Not at all?" Claire said. "Sometimes I would indulge in the fantasy of wearing them and I would have to .. you know." "Give yourself a little treat?" Claire suggested. "Nicely put, dear sister!" Sarah said. "Did you think this was a normal male response?" Claire said. "I honestly didn't think about it." I confessed. "What about pretty dresses your friends were wearing?" Claire asked. "You are relentless!" I laughed. "Yes, I might have wondered what it felt like to put one on." "Then you just repressed it better than Sarah ever could." Claire said. "I was miserable being a boy, I hated boys and the whole world they seemed to exsist in." Sarah said. "Our parent's tried buying her boy toys, but she would just ignore them and I'd find her buried in my toy box creating worlds with dolls, reading my annuals and trying on my clothes." "Sorry!" Sarah said without a trace of regret in her voice. "I found I liked having a younger sister, not some bratty little brother." Claire said. "At some point our parents gave up, got professional advice and Sam became Sarah. She started living as a girl full time." "There has been difficult times, professionals to see, assessments and counselling, but I don't regret making this choice." Sarah said. "To be honest I don't think it ever was a choice thing ... I just needed to do it, did it and was happy." "Not doing it would have been unhappy" I said, rather pointlessly. "Yes," Sarah confirmed. "It is getting late," Claire looked across the setting sun. "Do you need to check in with your folks?" "I did write them a note, but I'd probably better go and see them .. even if I come back out afterwards." I said. "You aren't going back as the Punk Rock Disco Princess, are you?" Claire said. "No, regretfully I had better change back into my mortal identity." I said with genuine regret. I realised that I didn't want to go back through that magic portal. Sarah didn't want me to either, but with a revelation that made me shiver, I knew I wasn't just doing this because she wanted me to. This wasn't a thing I was doing to date this amazing girl... though I knew that might be a line of reasoning I'd have to argue against if my parent's learned the whole situation. "Can I help?" Sarah asked. "I better get changed alone, you helping me might 'complicate' matters." I said. "Can I at least walk you back to your caravan?" She asked. "That would be great, I'd like that." I said. I pushed back through the opening of the awning. Claire had sorted through the tote bag and my clothing was piled up neatly. I pulled off my trainers and carefully unrolled the leg warmers. It still struck me as bizarre that Sarah would bring such things on holiday with her, but I loved that she was so kooky and eccentric. I unfastened the skirt with a little difficulty. Lowered it down with a feeling of sadness and laid it neatly out. I unbuttoned the blouse and laid it ontop of the skirt. I felt increasingly ordinary and less magical. This should be the part were the androids burst in to chase me. I'd be thankful I'd kept my bra and briefs on in that event. I stood there waiting, but they didn't appear. Instead Sarah popped her head through the opening. "You okay?" she said. I nodded dumbly. She stepped the rest of the way inside and hugged me. "I feel crap," I said. She kissed me lightly. "Take out my socks, but keep the bra on." she suggested. "The knickers as well. Just like Clark Kent and Superman .. you can secretly be the Fawn Princess under your day clothes." "Thank you," I said gratefully. "I didn't know that Superman was a cross dresser as well!" "Why do you think you never see him and Wonder Woman in the same room?" Sarah said. "What about the Justice League?" I protested, pulling my t shirt over my head and down over the bra. "God, you are such a nerd!" Sarah said, playfully poking me.

I hauled on my jeans and jammed my feet back into my trainers. We hugged again for a moment.

The walk back to my family's caravan took only a few minutes. Sarah and I held hands, but I could feel a distance between us. It wasn't coming from her, if anything she had drawn closer to me in support. I felt I wasn't right anymore. As we approached the family car my mum emerged from our caravan and spotted us. She broke into a huge smile. "Hi hun, who is your friend?" she called. "Hi mum, this is Sarah." I said. "We met on the camp site this afternoon." "Hello Sarah, lovely to meet you!" my mum said, smiling like a search light. "Hello, nice to meet you too," Sarah said. "Do you want to stay for a coffee?" my mum asked brightly, dialing the search light down a little. "I like that, but I promised my mum and dad I'd be right back." Sarah said. "Another time, you are always welcome," my mum said. "Be a gentleman and walk Sarah back to her family's caravan." she said, turning to me. "I was going to ..." I protested. "Of course you were dear ..." she replied. "Bye for now!" We turned around and began to trudge back the way we'd just walked. "We are just doing laps of this camp site today!" Sarah laughed as we rounded the corner again. "I don't mind, more time to spend with you." I said. "I must realised something .." Sarah said, looking suddenly pained. "What?" I asked, her face was quite serious. "We didn't clear the makeup off your face." "Oh shit!" I said, "is it really obvious?" "The lipstick is mostly worn off, I think I kissed most of it off." "The eye shadow?" "Lets go and grab some wet wipes back at the caravan." Sarah suggested gravely.

"Oh no, Princess Panda Eyes!" Claire said as we reappeared. "Ha ha, funny .." Sarah growled. "Why didn't you say anything before?" "I was so wrapped up in loving the two of you together that I didn't register it until just now!" Claire said, slightly apologetically. "Do you think your mum noticed?" Sarah said unrealistically hopeful that she hadn't. "Errrrr, yes," I said, "But she is much too diplomatic to mention it. I suspect I will get a few questions when I return." Claire handed Sarah some make up removing wipes and she went to work on my eye shadow. In a few minutes I was back to my mundane self. We kissed once more and I took off back to my caravan with a heavy heart.

"Hello again?" I said sheepishly. My mum had taken a couple of deck chairs outside and was sat looking down the row of caravans and tents, sipping a mug of tea. "Hi," she said. "Want to go for a little walk before we go inside." "I suppose so." I said. I supposed I was glad this talk was coming from mum, not dad. "She seems nice," mum said, as we walked slowly down toward the sea. "She is, really nice." I said. "I got a good feeling from her, though she was only here a few minutes." "I'm glad." I said, "we really hit it off well today and her family is lovely" I said evasively. Though I'd only technically met one other family member I hoped to convey the impression I'd spent the day with her whole family ... possibly at Church .. or maybe helping starving orphans in Newquay. "Perhaps we could meet them for dinner one night?" my mum said. "Maybe, but I don't want to pressure the situation." I said vaguely. "No, wouldn't want that," Mum said smiling. "No," I confirmed. "So, you want to tell me when you decided to start wearing makeup?" she asked. "I rather not, if I didn't absolutely have to." I replied. "There is just two things I want for you on this holiday," she said wisely. "One, I want you to be as happy as you can be." "I am happy, mum .. honest," I said. "I can see that today," she replied with warmth in her voice. "But, Two, I don't want any pregnancies. You are a young man now with all that entails. You have feelings for this girl, that is obvious. She looks completely smitten with you. Don't let things get out of hand. You know how to use protection .. please don't make the first meeting we have with that lovely young girl's parents that 'meeting' ... you know what I'm saying?" "I understand, honestly I do. There is no chance of that happening, absolutely no chance!" I said with complete honesty. "The make up thing," she said. "Mum, I .." "Let me finish, I don't expect an explanation. Please understand I've been your mother for 16 years. I've watched you grow and play and I've noticed lots of things. You have always been a little ... little like a daughter to me sometimes. I honestly thought the first person you brought home to meet us might be a boy .. and that would have been okay! Honestly. All the H's you want for your children, health and happiness are the two main ones. Heterosexual doesn't really feature in the that list. You find yourself some happiness I don't care if you spend your days pretending to be Ziggy Spacedust with each other." "Stardust, mum is Ziggy Stardust," I said. "Whatever, just be careful and be happy. I hope you can talk to me about it one day. In the meantime if you can keep Ziggy away from your little brother and Dad, it would be for the best." She pushed a five pound note into my hand. "Get some protection and a pack of wet wipes, Ziggy." she hugged me hard. The sea lay in front of us, glittering in the last rays of the sun. "Do you want to go and spend the evening with her?" mum asked. "I would love that." I said suddenly bone weary with relief. "Go on then .. I will cover for you with your dad. Explain a few things .. leave out some 0f the details ... go and enjoy yourself." "Thanks, mum!" I said. "I love you!" "Love you too," She said. " and who knows, maybe you will even get a chance to meet her parents," she said, turning to walk back toward our caravan and laughing. "Don't be too late." she called out as I ran off. "No, I won't," I shouted back.

As I got back to Sarah's caravan she and Claire were still sat outside, deep in conversation. "Have they thrown you out?" Claire asked as I approached. "Do you need to sleep in the awning?" "Shut up, Claire!" Sarah said. "I'm okay," I said, "My mum just gave me 'the talk.' Don't get that lovely girl into trouble and don't stay out too late." "Thats all?" Sarah asked incredulously. "Oh, and if you want play being David Bowie, that is cool, just don't do it in front of your young brother and clean your make up off before you come home!" "Your mum sounds like the coolest mum in the universe," Claire said. "I think I just discovered that tonight." I said. "Want to go for a little walk before my parents get back?" Sarah asked. "Do I have to meet them tonight?" I replied, "I feel I've maxed out my parental anxiety levels for today." "Just get back here for 10 ...10.30 tops .. say hello, nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Knight, and I must be going." Claire said. "I will fill them in on all the details afterwards." "You don't know all the details, Claire!" Sarah said. "I'm not going to tell them about all the sex we've been having .. and turning your new girl/boyfriend into David Bowie." Claire replied. "Good, see you in a bit." She grabbed my hand and hauled me away. I didn't protest.

Instead of going back down to the beach Sarah took us back up toward the wood and cliff path. "Can you find the place we met at today?" She asked. "The Secret View, yes, it isn't dark yet and the path isn't too hard to find." I said with confidence. When we reached the wooded area it proved a little more difficult. After a few minutes of thrashing about in the undergrowth I finally found the path and we located the secret view. My bottle of water and stash of chocolate bars were still tucked under the tree. It felt like I had left them there 100 years ago. "Chocolate?" I offered. "Just kiss me, I don't need chocolate." she said. Our mouths met in a long kiss. We wrapped around each other and ungracefully sat down on the grass as one. "I hate to ask this," she said, as we broke for air. "What?" I asked. "Can I just adjust you?" she pulled the bundle of socks out of her pocket. "Oh please." I lifted my t shirt and lay back on the grass. She tucked the socks back into the cups of the bra. Smoothed them out until they formed the little breast shapes. All the while she planted kisses across my tummy and along my chest. I felt the constriction of the briefs beginning to squeeze at my growing erection. "Want to take your pants off?" she asked. "You say the most romantic things!" I said. "Well, just nurse that swelling by yourself then!" she laughed. I reached down and unbuttoned my jeans. "Sorry, too much Claire .. I think her weird sense of humour is a bit contagious!" "Enough Claire talk, Last time we were here you made love to her, now we take back this place for us." She reached down and lifted the waistband of the briefs. My cock sprang up, grateful to be free of the restriction. I wiggled my hips and together we pulled down my briefs and jeans. Sarah tugged off her boots and unfastened her skirt. I reached up and took hold of her briefs. Pulling them down I released her perfectly proportioned cock. "Last time we did this it was just mad mutual wanking. I was so horny and so were you .. it was nasty and fun, but not really loving at all." she said, stepping close so her dick bobbed enchantingly in my face. "I know, I felt so desperate and wanted you so intensely." I confirmed. "This time I want to make love." she said. "I do as well, but how do we do it?" I asked. "Well, it is a state of mind. We don't fuck, we make love with our minds." "Okay," I said, sort of understanding what she meant. "But physically .. how?" "Physically, if we were tucked up in bed with lubricant and condoms and all the time in the world .. there are things we could lovingly try." she said. "But now, here .. I think we need imagination and improvisation."

I leaned in to kiss her cock. I was falling for this girl, I didn't know it at the time, but it was happening to me. "I am totally yours, just suggest something and I'll do my best." I said. Sarah sat down on the grass and then leaned back thoughtfully. "I am totally yours now, please make love to me .." she said. I got up on my hands and knees and leaned over to kiss her. She sighed with contentment and opened her legs for me. I reached out and parted them a little more, then moved myself between them. She closed her thighs around me, lifting her calves up and crossing her feet over my bum. "It is my first time making love, please be gentle." she said. "It is my first time as well, I've never made love before." I confessed. "I know, this needs to be so special." she whispered. I moved my hips until the head of my penis bumped softly up against her perineum. She didn't want me to enter her bum, though the idea of being actually inside her that way felt exciting. Sensing my confusion and hesitation she said "Obviously not that way, not now. Maybe later when we have protection and a lot of time to warm up." She lifted a hand up and licked her fingers. "I'm all wet, and ready for you" She said ... moving her hand down between her legs. She curled her fingers into a tube for me. "Gentle .." I reached down and took my cock in my hand and moved it to the entrance of her wetness. The head of my dick brushed against her little finger. She had curled it around slightly closing off her hand. "Oh, sorry" she murmured. "I'm not as ready for you as I thought. Kiss me down there, please!" I backed up on my hands and knees. Leaning down I kissed across the knuckles of her hand, licked around the curl of her little finger. She moaned and twitched her little finger. I licked it more, pushing my tongue past her finger. I let a dribble of saliva fall on her hand, then renewed my licking and kissing. "You taste so good," I whispered to her, getting into the fantasy. "I've never let anyone do this to me before." she gasped. She opened her little finger and made her hand wide enough for me to enter her. "Can I go inside you now?" I asked. "Please, but you have to promise not to cum inside me!" she said, twisting her hips around. "We don't have protection, when you feel about to cum, pull out and cum across my tummy!" "Okay," I promised. "Promise me properly!" she hissed. "I don't want to get pregnant." "I promise!" I said. I moved my hips back into position and teased the tight ring of her hand with my cock. "Push it into me, I am sorry I am so tight .." she gasped. I pushed against her little finger. "Ow, ohhh, don't stop ... it only hurts a little." I took a deep breath in and pushed gently forward again. Her hand suddenly relaxed slightly and I slipped 'inside' of her. "OH GOD!" she cried out. I froze and held still inside her, not daring to move. Sarah gasped and trembled. "I didn't think it would feel that intense!" she said when she got her breath back. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push so hard!" I said, loving this bizarre roleplay. "It is fine, honestly, just took me by surprise. I didn't know having you inside me was going to feel that intense." "You feel beautiful, I've never been inside a girl before." I said, feeling swept up by the fantasy we created between us. "Gently now, please.... just slowly," Sarah whispered, "start to make love to me." I pulled back, slithering between her fingers, then pushed forward again. I was rewarded with a groan of pleasure. One I matched with my own. I began slowly to ease my cock back and forth inside her. She gritted her teeth and contorted her face as each thrust ground my pubic hair against her hand. "I think I can take it a little faster .. if you want to .." she said. I upped my pace, driving my cock wetly between her fingers. I could feel my orgasm rising in me. Sarah had begun to whisper "Oh god, oh god, oh god" in time with each thrust. In the warm evening air we swiftly became covered in fine perspiration. I was doing most of the work, pumping my hips, knees braced. My hair falling down around my face as I made love to this gorgeous woman. She matched my efforts, twisting her slim legs around me, pulling me down into the wonderful sensation of her hand. She had turned what would crudely be considered a 'hand job' into a wicked and sensuous sexual experience. Despite the multiple times I'd already orgasmed today, I found myself easily rising toward another one. "I'm so very close!" I said, feeling a wave of pleasure lifting me. "I have to pull out now .." "No, god, please don't ..." she begged, bucking her hips. "I've changed my mind ... I need you to cum inside me .. to give me a baby!" "But you said," I agonised. "I know, I know.. but I want your baby, make me pregnant!!" she pleaded. I gasped and shuddered. My cock erupted inside her, pumping cum between her fingers. My head swam with the most intensive orgasm I that had ever torn through me. "Every drop .. oh god, don't waste any .. fill me with every drop!" she growled at me. I desperately kept pumping throughout my orgasm, losing the rhythm as every muscle in my body spasmed. She wrapped her left arm around me and hugged me so tight it almost hurt. I fell forward on my hands, kissing her madly and murmuring "I love you" into her midnight dark hair. "Mmmmmmmmmmmmm," she purred contently, "That is how I take care of my girlfriend!" I was gasping, seeing stars and trying vainly to catch my breath. "You ... are ... amazing!" I gasped, "I so love you!" "That is so sweet and lovely of you... but I fear we are hardwired as a species to reflexively say 'I love you" when an orgasm utterly fries our brains!" she said, stroking me. "I won't hold you to it!" "Did you cum as well," I asked, as she let go of me and wiggled her hand out from between us. "Part of me did, deep inside I felt a huge wash of pleasure as you went off in my hand." she said, continuing to stroke me. I held onto her and rolled to one side. Our dicks rubbed blissfully together. Sarah gasped and ground her pelvis into mine. "You didn't 'cum' cum though?" I asked feeling disappointed, hoping that the amount of friction we had generated had tipped her over and added to the unrealistic amount of spunk that coated her hand and stomach. "I was totally into it, honestly ... this wasn't just for you," she insisted. "I really needed that, some deep inner urge inside me wanted to you to take me just like that. On some level I have a biological desire for you to get me pregnant. Fucked up, isn't it?" "We have the same wiring as ordinary people, it is just connected a little differently." I said. "And that is the most diplomatic thing you've said all day," she sighed. "I want to be the girl now." I said. "I want you to give me a baby!" "Another time," she said, kissing me. "I'd love that." "Why not now?" I said, my brain still cooked from the orgasm. "The hormones I take make it tricky for me to blast off as many orgasms a day as you." she said softly. "Oh," I said. "I usually manage one really nice one and just enjoy the glow of it." "I couldn't make you cum now?" I asked defensively. "Foreplay and afterplay ... cuddling and holding are as important to me." she said. I reached out and took hold of her penis. It had shrunk a little, but it was still semi-erect. "Just fondle it a little, that is nice ... kiss it." she sighed and rolled onto her back. I moved down and licked along her length. "Lovely!" she whispered. "I am so glad I met you," I said, running my tongue around the base of her. "I think we are perfect together." "Ummm hmmmm" she purred an agreement. "I know it is massively too early, and my brain is full of chemicals desperately bonding me to you emotionally.." I stroked her thighs and ran my fingers through the impressive amounts of wetness I'd managed to generate across her crotch. "Way way too early," she mumbled contentedly. "But I do feel I am falling in love with you .." I took her into my mouth and rolled her semi-erection around my tongue. "Uhhh .." she moaned a little. "don't be silly!" "These feelings are very young," I said, letting her slip free of me, but licking her from root to tip. "But I want them to grow and be with you." Sarah shivered and shook a little. I felt her twitch under my attentions. "I want to be with you .. girls together .. for as long as you want me." I wrapped my hand gently around her and softly pumped. She didn't get any harder, but I didn't mind. I lavished attention and strokes over her. Running my free hand up and over the soft curve of her stomach and across both her amazing breasts. "I couldn't dream this day would have turned out like this .." I said, "But I am convinced that I am really falling for you in a massive way." Sarah groaned and I glanced up to see her eyes closed, but tears running down her cheeks. She opened her mouth in an 'O' shape and I thought she was going to answer me, but instead she twitched in my hand. I felt her pulse again, then a third time. Little heartbeats of a small, but unexpected orgasm.

We lay for a time just holding each other. "It must be getting late," she finally. " I know it isn't romantic, but I'm getting a bit cold as well." We pulled clothes back on and used the water bottle to rinse off hands and hair. I rescued my chocolate bars. "Thank you," she said softly. "Thank you," I said more emphatically. "I really mean those things I said, it wasn't just to trick an orgasm out of it. I feel that I do love you" "I know," she said. smiling. "And don't point out I am quoting Empire Strikes Back or I will push you off the ledge." "I love that you know that was a quote from Empire!" I said.

Chapter Five

I got back in to discover my brother in bed asleep and my parents clustered around our portable television watching a movie with such bad interference it looked set in the antartic. "Where is the transmitter?" I asked, "Siberia?" "Something like that," my dad answered. Mum gave me a smile and a little conspiratorial wave. "I'm off to bed." I whispered, gathering up my things from the cupboard. "Night," my dad said distractedly. Mum gave me a thumbs up. I smiled and went back out of the door. In order to give me a feeling of independence this holiday my parent's had bought me a two man ridge tent to have as my own "space" and sleeping quarters. It was pitched alongside the caravan, slightly to the rear. I unzipped the flap and shoved my camp light and bag inside. I hated leaving anything inside it during the day. Now I unrolled my sleeping bag and crawled through the opening. For a while I lay exhausted on top of the bag. Too tired to even take off my trainers and jeans. After a few minutes I realised I was going to fall asleep if I didn't move and reluctantly got myself ready for bed and zipped up the sleeping bag. I felt totally drained. It wasn't the physical exertion, though I was a little amazed at how many times I'd managed to rise to the occasion today. It was more the mental journey I'd gone on. I reached under my teeshirt and felt the material of Sarah's bra .. still fastened tightly around me. I stroked the soft fabric and rolled over. I fell asleep with my hand tucked into the left cup, just above my heart.

Next: Chapter 4

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