Sarah Knight and the Fawn Princess

By H'eidi Eros

Published on Jan 14, 2014


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"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. My head reeled a little, but suddenly all the mysterious questions and testing seemed to make sense. "I didn't know how .. I was sort of trying to approach it, don't you think?" she said. I could see tears forming at the corners of her eyes. I quickly stepped toward her and hugged her. She buried her head into my neck. "You're beautiful," I said, awkwardly kissing the side of her head. "So beautiful ... all of you." I reached down and stroked her. She twitched enchantingly in my hand. "I know, I'm fucking gorgeous, but finding someone who thinks I'm gorgeous all over is next to impossible." she unsuccessfully tried to bite back tears and continued to cling to me. I found myself crying as well. I tried to lift her head so I could kiss her properly, but she twisted away. "I bet you taste better than I do ..." I said, trying to break the mood. "I bet I bloody do .." she said between the tears. "I want to find out," I said. "I want you to ..find out as well." she sniffed. I began to stroke her cock gently but firmly. I couldn't believe how sweet it looked. I amazed myself at how unweird this felt. I also found myself realising that I really wanted to take it in my mouth. Take her in my mouth. I still wasn't sure how she could be a he, but it really didn't matter. Odd to discover that when you find someone attractive it really doesn't matter what they have in the genital region. "So beautiful," I kissed her breasts. Tiny perfect breasts. "Hormones, I take them ... they are natural, but quite small." she gasped. "I love them, just the right size." I fastened my mouth over her left one and ran my tongue greedily over it. My hand kept up a gentle but insistent rhythm on her cock. "Oh my god, that is wonderful .." she grasped my hair "do the other one!" I gave both breasts equal attention. "Have you ever cum with someone before?" I asked as I broke off for air. "A few times, I am sorry, does that bother you?" she gasped. "No pressure on me then ..." I laughed and still gently pumping her. "Can I take you in my mouth?" "Please!!" she said urgently. We sank to the floor together. Sarah lay down, my hand had broken contact with her for the barest time it took us to relocate. I had immediately gone back to grasping her little cock the moment her bum touched the floor. I leaned over her and kissed her erection, then released my hand and engulfed her with my mouth. Being so modestly sized I had no difficulty swallowing her whole length. I bobbed my head and sucked. Rolling my tongue around her. I felt so unweird, I'd never really thought about doing this to anyone, I'd never fancied anyone who owned one of these badly enough to contemplate it, yet here I was giving my first one and loving it. "OH GOD!" she cried out. I continued to relentlessly work my mouth and tongue. I slipped my hands under her buttocks and cupped them firmly. "I need to cum!" she growled. I broke off sucking and asked. "Do you want to cum in my mouth?" I offered, being the gentleman in this. "I want to cum all over your chest, splatter across your tummy, make you mine!" she said excitedly. At her urging I rolled over and lay on my back. She straddled me, trapping my cock beneath her. She began to pump herself, grinding her bum against my pelvis. My cock responded to this wild ride, slithering wetly between her thighs. Her delicate hands grabbed madly at her erection. I reached up and tried to take over from her hand, but she stopped me. She continued to gloriously jerk her gorgeous cock. I grabbed her thighs and began to rock my pelvis in earnest. Where my cock lay, trapped between us, rubbing across her perineum, felt wonderful. She was further along toward her orgasm than me, but I so wanted us to cum together. I gazed up at her, she was like a wild force of nature. Ribbons of dark hair curtaining her face. Twisted in passion, but breathtakingly beautiful. Her tiny breasts bouncing like little apples. One hand clinging to her penis, furiously pounding it. "I am so yours," I said, "I am so your girl .. cum for me!" I felt my own orgasm rising. "God!" she cried out and spunked over me. Wonderful warm jets of cum hit my tummy. Between her legs I felt myself cumming. Acknowledging I was her girl had seemingly tipped us both over the edge. I felt myself coating her perineum and bum. "You're mine! You're all mine!" she gasped. She leaned down to kiss me. I rubbed my hand over her beautiful puddles of cum on my chest. Reaching up to my mouth I slipped my fingers in. She hotly watched me with that challenging look. "I think mine tastes better," I concluded. "Lying Bastard!" She laughed.

Chapter Three

We cleaned up as best we could using wet wipes, but it was impossible. "This is very messy, we need to go and shower." Sarah declared after fruitlessly attempting to clean off the worst of my excesses between her legs. We pulled back on our spoiled clothing and quickly brushed our hair. I would have happily sat there brushing Sarah's hair for hours. I was enchanted by her rich dark brown tresses. They were straight and long enough to reach between her shoulder blades. For now, however, we just needed to get it presentable enough that anyone glancing at us wouldn't automatically think we'd been wrestling a hedgerow or at least engaging in vigorous mutual masturbation. "I think I got cum in your hair?" she said, running her fingers through my soft curls. "Don't be ridiculous, you didn't fire that far when you came." I said. "Not when I spunked over you," she said, "when I was kissing you afterwards, I was being a bit desperate 'hands in the hairee' with you. I probably wiped a fair amount in accidentally. We need shampoo." she disappeared back into the caravan. I looked around the floor trying to see if there was anything else incriminating we'd missed. "Here, come on ... we'd better motor." she said breathlessly waving a bottle of shampoo at me.

We skipped along holding hands. Sarah had stuffed a totebag with clean clothes, soap and other items. We'd got two big fluffy towels rolled into sausages and looked for all the world like a couple going swimming. As we approached the shower block Sarah naturally drew me toward the women's side. "This one, come on." she tugged at my sleeve. "We can't shower in there ... isn't it illegal?" I said. "Don't be an arsehole, of course it isn't." she hissed. "There are separate cubicles and in anycase, we are both sort of girls .." "I'm not, and ..." I didn't know how to put. She wasn't really either. She was a girl, in every other aspect, but I'd only just stopped holding her cock, so legally she wasn't, was she? Her face flushed and she looked upset. I suspected my inner dialogue with myself wasn't hard to guess. "Look, just indulge me in this .. we can talk logistics later if you like." she said emphatically. "Right now we both smell of sex, you have hair that borders on a movie cliche and I really want to shower .. and I want that shower to contain you." "Okay," I said. "And "okay" is my favourite word in your expansive and enchanting vocabulary." she laughed, breaking the awkward mood I'd managed to create. She ducked her head into the shower block. "Anyone in there?" I nervously asked. "Clear, we have it too ourselves, scaredy miss!" She pulled me inside. The female showers were much nicer than the male ones, cleaner and nicely decorated. The Designer had thoughtfully created family rooms. Large tiled rooms with wooden benches and multiple shower heads in. Probably in expectation of mum being the one that needed to hose down the toddlers at the end of a sandy day at the beach. We greedily took one of these rooms to ourselves. I was relieved to slam the door closed lock it. "Don't tell me you've never used the 'ladies' facilities before?" Sarah said, hugging me fiercely. "Never," I whispered. "It has never been an issue before." "You honestly have such a feminine aura about you that I'm surprised nobody has ever challenged you in the 'gents'." She said, pulling her tee shirt off. "It is the lack of breasts, that is probably the most macho thing about me." I hissed in a stage whisper. "You would look so good with some," she said. "Just small ones ..nothing too big and scary." I wasn't sure how to respond to that desire. I just grinned and allowed the words to create a sort of funny feeling in my stomach. I didn't know if it was a good feeling or a ill feeling. When I'm faced with that sort of situation I usually just do the only logical and slightly male response ... I just try to forget about it. I shrugged out of my tee shirt and jeans. I was getting good at undressing in front of others. A day ago I'd have described myself as painfully shy. I wouldn't get changed in communal changing rooms. I'd always avoided showering in school after games. In fact I'd been canny enough to avoid physical education for years. After the first year in school I discovered you could turn up at "Games" as they called it and claim to have lost your kit or accidentally left it at home. The Games Teacher would grudgingly give you a written assignment to do during the games period. This was a few sides of A4 that he pointedly never read. He took great pleasure in just tossing it into the waste bucket in his smelly little office. Since I much preferred to sit and write for a couple of hours than test my physical prowess with the neanderthals on the football pitch or cross country running, I'd opted to "forget my kit" for 6 whole years. I realised I'd sort of escaped into a memory when Sarah's hands slid over my chest and tweaked one of my nipples. "Just little ones," she leaned in and kissed my chest,"cute little breasts." "That's nice ..." I said. "The idea of little breasts, or having me kiss your nipples," she asked. "Errr, both, I think." I replied guardedly. Sarah finished undressing. I hoped she also felt increasingly comfortable undressing around me. She walked across the coin operated water heater and I enjoyed gazing at her figure. She almost had an hourglass figure. Narrow waist and flared hips. She had a beautiful behind, generously built. I was finding myself looking forward to glimpses of her penis. It was, I confessed to myself, cute. Mine felt over large in comparison, though I'd always been quite pleased I was modest in size. She turned the water on and stepped under it. I watched the streams of it running down her body. The curve of her cock served like a little aquaduct, directing a river of water in a tiny arc. I was, I frankly admitted to myself, enchanted by her body.

"You finished mooning over me?" she asked, "I could use help soaping my back." I crossed to under the water and took the soap from her. I lathered my hands and gently soaped her shoulders. I rubbed down the curve of her back and massaged her bum. "Nice," she murmured, nearly not audible over the sound of the water. She shuffled back slightly into me and my cock bumped agreeably into the crease of her buttocks. After all the excitement of the day I felt quite pleased that I rose a little in response. Not fully erect, but a sort of delicious turgid half erection. Sarah turned around, rubbing my cock over the curve of her hip and bringing it into contact with her own. Her hair was plastered down, dark and flat to her head. She had her eyes closed against the water. I leaned in and kissed her, water finding new and unusual ways to run down between us as our lips met. She moved her hips against me and our cocks slithered over each other. I reached down a soapy hand and ran my fingers through her public hair. We kissed softly, but passionately. I felt no urgency to get any harder. It was wonderful slow erotic play. Every so often Sarah would twist her hips and our cocks would collide and rub over each other. I brushed my hand over her thickness. It was warm and friendly between my fingers. I gave it a little tug and squeezed it. There was a click from the water meter and a warning bleep. Our 50p had run out and we had notice to back out of the shower before the water turned freezing. Sarah twisted the control and shut off the jets. We wrapped fluffy towels around ourselves and huddled together on the wooden bench. Neither of us wanted to stop kissing, but not properly dry we soon felt how chilly the air was.

"Lets get dressed," she suggested. WIth great reluctance we broke off from each other. Some vigorous toweling down and we both glowing and contented. "Remember I asked you if you would dress as a girl for me?" Sarah asked, digging in her tote and pulling out handfuls of clothes. "Yes, then I undressed and we got a bit distracted." I confirmed. "It would mean a lot to me if you would do it now" she said. "Leave the showers dressed like a girl?" I asked. "Yes, I would love to walk around the camp site with you as a girl." she said. "Two girls together?" "Yes, girlfriends together," she said. "How do you feel about that?" "Do you honestly think I could pass as a girl?" "I wouldn't do anything to hurt you, really ..." she said. "I think you'd make such a cute girl. Whatever hormones are making you so damn horny haven't done too much to spoil how feminine you are." "You don't really want a boyfriend, do you?" I asked, wrapping the towel slightly protectively around me. "No, sorry, I really don't want you as a boyfriend." she said. "I really REALLY want you as a girlfriend." "A girlfriend with a cock?" I asked. "I want to be your girlfriend and I've still got one .." she argued. "This is quite a big thing," I said. "Massive, I know." she said, "And I understand if it is not your thing at all ... but it feels like it might be something you could be." "I don't know, really and truthfully." I said. Inside my head I felt like a busy railway station. Trains of thought kept arriving and disgorging passengers who all appeared to chattering at once. "Try it this afternoon with me. Spend the afternoon as a girl." she asked. "If it feels wrong and you don't want to .. you've got your jeans and tee shirt to escape back into." "Okay, that sounds fair." I said, feeling my stomach lurch with anxiety and anticipation.

Sarah picked out the clothes she'd selected before I'd even arrived at the Caravan. She'd planned everything after meeting me in the woods. I realised how far on a limb this must all be for her. Probably how scared she felt. She had a good intuition about me, but I could have rejected her at countless points. It wasn't just lust keeping me here. Indeed now my perky erection seemed to have faded. I was doing this for other reasons. I'd figure them out later, I thought to myself. Sarah handed me some girl's briefs. They were black and made out of material closer to the swimsuit than usual girl's briefs. I didn't even question, but pulled them on.

"Lift your cock so it lies flat on your stomach. If you get an erection, and you will at some stage, it won't show as much." She helped adjust me. Her fingers felt so good around me, but I was so unsettled I didn't react sexually. Next followed a bra, she slipped it over my arms and fastened the back. The cups were tiny, this was obviously one of her's. She didn't travel with a larger size for potential boy/girlfriends. She took two pairs of balled up socks and made me some temporary breasts. The smoothing down and adjusting of them took a few minutes while she attempted to get the shape she wanted. I looked to the mirror on the far side of the room, but our prolonged shower had fogged it completely with condensation. Sarah used her fingers to tease out my curls. "You've got perfect hair and getting it wet just puts it into ringlets." she laughed softly. She took a makeup bag out and skillfully applied some eye shadow to me. "I'm not a fan of lipstick .." I said. "Wearing it or looking at it?" she joked. "Both, I think," I replied. "This is going to be subtle... people would have to look twice to notice you are wearing any." She hadn't actually got lipstick, but a strange little bottle with a sort of chubby cotton bud style applicator. She brushed a small amount along my lower lip and made me purse my lips theatrically.

"You are looking pretty hot," she said as she screwed the applicator back into the bottle. "I'd better not make you anymore gorgeous ... I don't want to be attracting any competition." "I am not looking at anyone else, but you!" I reassured her. "Thanks for the ego boost, but it was your confidence I was trying to build." she laughed. "You look like a terrified fawn, especially with that eye shadow making your eyes look all big and helpless." "Oh great, my first time as a girl and I'm rocking the frightened forst animal look!" I poked her playfully. "There are other looks that are a whole lot worse!" she said, dodging my attack easily. She picked out two tops from the bag and held them up. "I'm your size?" I asked. "You are a little taller, but basically the same build." she replied, rejecting one of the tops. I slipped into a rich blue cotton blouse that appeared to tailored to accentuate my new breasts. Sarah buttoned it up and stood back to admire her handiwork. "Still a frightened fawn?" I had to ask. "When you see car headlights tonight, remember not to freeze." "Great, the car will probably be driven by my dad .." I said with a little more hurt in my voice than I actually intended. "All the more reason to hop out of the way!" she replied with a tiny laugh. She drew out a gorgeous black skirt and handed it to me. The material was soft and covered with silver stitching. The designs curled around it, more complex and denser near the hem, slowly fading out as it approached mid thigh. "That is lovely," I said. "One of my favourites and the waist is adjustable for those child bearing hips you have," she replied. I stepped into it and drew it up. The inside was lined with a slick smooth material that caused it to sort of swoosh around my thighs as I moved. "Now we reach the problem area .. There is nothing I can do about those ratty trainers you seem to insist on wearing." she said, looking with mock despair at my worn sneakers that lay abandoned beside the bench. "Sorry, I haven't got anything else." I said, "I am on holiday, so all my pixie boots and heels are at home." "This outfit would be complete with pixie boots, but lets deal with that another time." she fussed in the tote bag for a moment. "Put your horrible socks back on ..." I sat down on the bench and grabbed for my trainers. I'd left my socks inside them. "You aren't going to make me walk around in just my socks?" I asked. "God, no!!! Barefoot bohemian would be a second choice with this outfit, but no." She said, pulling out a pair of chunky blue leg warmers. "Who goes on their summer holiday with leg warmers?" I laughed. "The nights get chilly in Cornwall ... a girl has to protect her ankles somehow!" she said with mock indignation. Without further protest I tugged on the leg warmers and pushed my feet into my trainers. Sarah reached down and did some artistic scrunching and adjusting to the leg warmers. She dragged them down to part cover the tops of my trainers. "It is a bit punk rock/grunge/80's retro" she said proudly. "It sort of works."

While she dressed herself I couldn't help walking over to the steamed up mirror and trying to wipe off some of the beaded condensation. It wasn't a great success, but through the distortion of the steam and smeared water I caught a glimpse of the girl I'd become. She didn't look bad, Sarah had worked a minor miracle. I turned back to her and gave a tiny curtsy. "Yeah, don't do that too often." she said. "Why don't you pop into one of the other shower rooms and use a mirror that hasn't been totally fogged up by us?" I kicked myself for not thinking of that. "Okay," I said. "My favourite word!" she laughed and unlocked the door. I slid out like a ninja. Thankfully the shower block was still deserted. Just down the hallway was a line of sinks and mirrors. I skipped down to them, yes, skipped. I was feeling quite light headed and a marvelous sense of freedom seemed to have settled over me. It was as if the shower room had been a magical portal and I now found myself a princess in a strange new land. I flipped on the light above the basin and leaned in to look at this princess. She was beautiful... the touches of makeup didn't look tarty or over done. My eyes did have a slight frightened fawn look about them. But this fawn princess looked a lot more sassy and capable than I thought she would. The blouse hung to my curves, even the ones I didn't by rights actually have. I found myself wishing I had a real cleavage so I could have unbuttoned the blouse down a little. I didn't really want to glance down at the expert sock art that had created my breasts though. I supposed that Sarah had had hours of practice in sock sculpture before she began to develop under the influence of the hormone treatment. I gazed at myself, turning my head slightly. "You are lovely, you always were, but now you have new eyes to see it with." Sarah said. I hadn't heard her approach. I was so lost in the new world of the Fawn Princess.

We emerged into the late afternoon sunshine and the world seemed very different to me. Sarah and I held hands and drifted through the tents and caravans of the park. Our feet eventually took us back toward Sarah's caravan to drop off our bags and towels. I could see from a distance that Claire had reappeared. She was back in the deck chair in front of the awning. Stretched with her legs out and nose buried in a magazine. She tried to pretend to not notice us approaching, but I could see her stealing glances from around the edges of her magazine. By the time we'd reached the caravan she was grinning a full Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland smile. "Sarah Knight and the Disco Princess would make a perfect title for a book," she declared, laughing. "I'm not a Disco Princess, I am a Fawn Princess!" I corrected her. "Now do the curtsy!" Sarah said, poking me. "I'm allowing you only two more of them today." I took great relish in my ballet like display, dipping low and catching the edge of my skirt slightly with my right hand. "You look amazing!" Claire said. "You both look a little jazzed and high as well .." "I feel like I'm in a magical land." I said. "A little light headed and very butterflies in the tummy!" Sarah caught hold of my hand and squeezed it tightly. "Want me to pin those towels up to dry?" Claire stood and took our shower things off us. "Thanks, we are going for a little walk." Sarah said, leaning over and hugging her sister. Claire hugged her back and gave one of those looks the two of them seemed to able to deliver at a moment's notice. "Have a great walk and just chill out .. I'll cook up something for us to eat when you get back." Claire waved us away. Sarah retook my hand and in a dream we drifted away and down toward the beach.

Chapter Four

The wonderful thing about girls holding hands is society accepts it without a second glance. Well, maybe it glances a second time, but it seems not to bother it. Most of the families on the beach didn't appear to notice us. It had reached that time of day when most people have had enough of sand and surf. Bags were being filled with beach toys and toddlers scooted up. Some of the hard core kids were still throwing frisbees and braving the edge of the tide. We drifted through them, hands wrapped together. Playing games with our fingers. Our conversation seemed to be taking place between two other people. I listened in to us talking about music and books. What films we liked and hated and why. I seemed to register just half of what we discussed. Sarah seemed to sense my mood and just smiled a lot when I drifted weirdly from topic to topic. We reached the eastern edge of the beach. It curved around into path that took us north and away from the ocean for a time. The track took us along the St Austell river for a while then a bridge appeared that spanned it. A small and quaint village stretched out before us. "It is called Pentewan Village," Sarah said, pointing to the small sign. "I do like places with three syllables." "They should make it law that everywhere has to have three syllables in it's name." I declared grandly. "Or more .. they should change London back to the Roman name of Londinium." "Is that where you live?" Sarah asked with a little catch in her voice. Without warning we had bumped into the awkward issue I'd been thinking about, but hadn't wanted to mention. I had just another 11 days in Cornwall, then we would be stuffing the family back into the rust bucket of a car and driving along the A30 toward the M5 motorway. We lived all the way in Shrewsbury. A historic little city in what seemed like far distant Shropshire. "No, I live just outside a place called Shrewsbury." I said. "It is quite a drive from here though." "I've visited there," her voice brightened. "We live in North Wales, well, on the border of Wales in a place called Gobowen." "That is on the train line I use when I visit friends in Chester .. we live just a train journey apart!" There was so much unspoken relief in that sudden discovery that maybe no more than maybe 20 miles separated us. We sat in a silent glow of knowing if we both wanted it this relationship could last much longer than a holiday romance. "There is a little cafe just around the corner," Sarah said, breaking the silence. "Do you want a cup of tea?" "I'd like that," I said, trying to avoid saying 'okay' again. Sarah beamed an irresistible grin at me and grabbed my hand.

"Daylight is wasting, come on!" she cried.

We literally ran, clasping hands, around the corner. The Tea Room was tiny and not quite as quaint as the village, but we didn't care. We squished into a window seat and ordered teas and scones. The two old ladies who ran the shop fussed about us. We hadn't even noticed we were the only customers. Sarah and I couldn't resist constantly giving each other little touches. It was like we didn't want to be separated by even a few inches. We had our knees touching under the table, I would hold her hand for a instant, then reach to touch her elbow or shoulder. Sarah was doing the very same to me. We talked, giggled and sipped our tea. Our hands like little humming birds darting from one affectionate touch to another. The tea was delicate and in little china cups. We couldn't resist sharing our scones, buttering each other sections and loading them with jam and cream. I fed Sarah my little creations and she insisted on popping fragments into my mouth.

Finally one of the ladies crossed to the table and told us she was so sorry, but the Tea Room was closing and we'd have to leave. "Oh, I am so sorry, we completely lost track of time!" Sarah blushed. "How much do we owe you?" "Don't worry about that." The lady said in a soft and musical Cornish voice. "I've been with my partner for 43 years this spring." She looked lovingly toward the other lady, who was packing away the items on the counter. "That is beautiful," Sarah said, turning the smile I was beginning to fall in love with toward the lady's partner. "We've not seen two girls so much in love as you pair for a long time." she said. "It has been a delight just watching you both gazing into each other's eyes for the last hour." "Oh," I said, a huge thump in my throat. "Thank you!" Sarah said. "Now run along and have a super rest of your holiday." the lady said. "Don't let anyone convince you that love is wrong or you are wrong to be with each other." She shushed us out of the cafe and waved cheerfully out of the window. We waved back like a couple of idiots, red faced and almost speechless.

"God, how adorable were those two ladies!?" I gasped as we rounded the corner down to the bridge. "How adorable must we be?" Sarah laughed. "We've known each other for less than a day," I said. "It was pretty instant adorableness though ... once we got through the awkwardness of swimsuits and mutual masturbation!" Sarah said decisively. "And that, word for word, will be the subtitle to Sarah Knight and The Fawn Princess!" I said. "That is an excellent subtitle," she agreed.

Next: Chapter 3

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