Sarah Knight and the Fawn Princess

By H'eidi Eros

Published on Jan 13, 2014


Sarah Knight and The Fawn PrincessA gender vague fairy tale with love, romance, swimsuits, adorableness and mutual masturbation.

Created and embellished by H ErosFeedback to

(Note: David Bowie, Ziggy Stardust, Sherlock Holmes, Princess Leia, Empire Strikes Back, Skaro, Superman, Wonder Woman and the Justice League of America are all copyright their respective owners. Their mention within this story is not intended to infringe that copyright or suggest any endorsement from the copyright owners to this story. Indeed I would like to thank all the above for being such a comfort or positive role models, especially David Bowie, for an unhappy and confused youth.)

Chapter One

Cornwall is a beautiful part of Southern Britain, craggy coastlines with secret harbours. Mysterious little villages and wild desolate stretches of romantic moorland. It is the western most lump of the southern English mainland.

My family had got into a rut holidaying here throughout the late 80's and the 90's. It was now 1999 and I was 16. I felt I was getting a little old to go away on holiday with them. Somehow I had found myself sharing the family caravan for yet another trip down to the West Country.

My parents had insisted, quite rightly retrospect, that I was still technically too young to left alone unsupervised in the family home for a full two weeks of vacation. So now I found myself enjoying, much against my will, the scenery around the Holiday Park where the family caravan now rested it's rusty bones.

My parents and younger brother thankfully always seemed to up and out early. They hated wasting any part of the Holiday. At 16, nearly 17, all I wanted to do was laze in bed, read my carefully hoarded science fiction books and masturbate as frequently as humanly possible.

Each morning I couldn't wait for the family to hop into our old car and take off for some distant corner of Cornwall. They always tried to good naturally convince me to join them for fun trips out to St Austell, Polperro or Lands End. I always resisted, jealously knowing I'd have most of the day to loaf around in the caravan.

By the third day however I felt I'd pretty much exhausted the magazines I'd secretly brought along with me. I'd read the improbable letters sections countless times and the tales of sexual encounters with willing and sex hungry air hostess, teachers and horny librarians were getting to feel a little stale. I still enjoyed looking at the pictures, especially one particular photo shoot with a gorgeous elfin faced girl. She had a slim boyish body with tiny breasts and narrow hips. In the sequence of photographs she was undressing from a gymnastics uniform of leotard and tights. I followed the sequence time and time again, loving the way she peeled off her clothing in such an innocent, but erotic way. I day dreamed of entering a girl's changing rooms by accident and discovering her halfway through easing her body from her leotard.

Such an intrusion would naturally lead to sex, or so my porn suggested to me. In reality it just led me finding myself flat on my back, one hand trying to balance the magazine open at my favourite pictures, the other frantically pulling on my cock. I'd splash huge amounts of cum all over my stomach and thighs, desperately imagining I was coating her lycra clad buttocks. Then I'd clear myself up, pull on a ratty old T-shirt and jeans, then wander down to the camp shop for a snack. In short I was a teenager and prey to all the habits of the average teen.

If the weather was sunny I'd wander up to a tiny hill path I'd discovered and spend part of the afternoon in a shady little nook I'd named Secret View. Reading, snoozing, thinking about the universe and munching whatever snacks I'd bought from the camp shop.

Today I resolved to buy some new magazines. This would require me having to brave the magazine section of the Camp shop. It had a bizarrely well stocked top shelf of adult magazines and I browsed the front covers looking for something exciting or at the very least different from the ones I already had. I lifted several off the top shelf and glanced furtively down at the checkout. A bored looking woman in her 40's minded the till and I didn't relish her reaction to my choices of reading matter. She might even refuse to sell them to me.

I spent an agonizing 20 minutes trying to pluck up the courage to take a magazine down, but in the end chickened out. Feeling turned on, but cross with myself I walked away from the aisle.

I found myself in the small section that contained clothing and sundries. It was a strange mish mash of items piled in a disorderly fashion. Out of curiosity I found myself digging through the hopelessly disorganized things. I found several pairs of tights and wondered at the erotic possibilities of owning them. If I could pluck up the courage to buy them, I might feel what it was like to wear them. I carefully placed them alongside the box and carried on rooting around. My mouth went dry when I discovered a girl's one piece swimming costume. As luck would have it the colour was nearly the same shade of blue as my dream girl's leotard in the magazine. I stood there fantasizing about the things I could do with the swimsuit. Rolling it into a tight lycra tube and inserting myself into the material. The price tag on the suit was affordable, not even as much as the cost of the magazine I'd bottled out of buying. I knew if I waited for longer I'd let my nerves get the better of me again. I quickly grabbed the two pairs of tights and swimsuit. I had my excuse ready if the woman at the till asked why I was buying the items. I was getting them for my sister, I'd say. Yes, that was a likely scenario. My sister.

As it was, the woman serving rang the items into the till with utter boredom. She barely glanced at the handful of chocolate bars, bottle of water and other holiday essentials I'd picked out. I handed over my money and fled red faced and aroused from the shop. I paused for a moment outside the shop to stuff all the items into my backpack. Then I scurried, guilty looking and embarrassed toward the wooden area in the north of the Holiday Park.

My afternoon routine always involved a walk up through the woods to cliffs that bordered the North Western edge of the Holiday Park. From there I would take one of many little paths up and find a secluded spot to read and doze the hot hours of the afternoon away at the Secret View. I'd found this perfect place on the first day of the holiday. It was a wide ledge that overlooked the sea and the curve of the bay. It was off the beaten track that I'd not been disturbed once in all the day's I'd used it. It also had the advantage of being shady and cool. I am fair skinned and the summer sunshine would swiftly bring me out in a riot of freckles .. which I loathed, then I'd probably turn an angry crimson colour for the remainder of the holiday.

I found myself moving with more than my usual speed today. The addition items in my backpack seemed to be clamouring for attention and I was feeling light headed with anticipation to split open the packaging to feel the material. The idea of the swimsuit and the tights had really begun to arouse me. I had to pause briefly to reach into my pants and adjust my increasing erection. I cursed myself for not thinking I could have gone back to the caravan. Right now I could have been lying naked, a pair of tights wrapped around my cock as I imagined seducing my leotard clad fantasy girl. I almost turned around and went back, but I realised, as I rounded the edge of the path, I'd reached my secluded spot.

With a sigh I sank down onto the soft grass for a rest. I opened my backpack and took out the large 2 litre bottle of water. I drank a couple of mouthfuls to take away the dryness of the walk, then carefully pushed it into the deepest shade. The chocolate bars joined the water. I sat in the dappled sunshine under the leaves of the overhanging trees and just took in the amazing view for a moment. Then I turned my attention to my purchases.

In the shop I'd not even checked the colour of the tights. They had been packed in snug little cellophane and cardboard envelopes, only a tiny circle cut out from the card showing the actual material. If I'd have looked more closely at the packs I'd have seen I'd inadvertently got a pair of tan and a pair of barely black. I split open the barely black pair and unfolded them. The material was wonderful, with a slight electric aura of static about it. I stretched them out and slid a hand inside, pulling the fabric down my arm until my hand reached the contoured foot section and the tiny reinforced toe area. I spread my fingers and delighted in the stretch of the material. I stroked my hand down along my leg. If only I was back at the caravan. However private and undisturbed I felt in this area I was still outside and in a public place. With regret I pulled off the barely black glove of nylon and stuffed it back into my canvas backpack. My erection was really bothering me now. I reached into my pants again to adjust it, but found my fingers involuntarily closed around it's thickness. I didn't want to, but I found myself pumping it a little.

"Oh god, no!" I whispered. I was outside and wanking myself. I raised myself up a little and glanced around. Surely I could get away with a fast one. A quick release and I could get this tension gone. I pulled my hand from my pants and unzipped the fly. Just a frantic wank, I'd shoot onto the grass, and everything would be okay. I fumbled my underwear to one side and drew out my cock. It felt so good and I realised part of the thrill was being exposed and outside. I felt bolder suddenly, I kicked off my trainers and unbuttoned my jeans. Hell, in for a penny I thought and slid them down to my ankles. My underwear followed and sat naked from the waist down, one hand gently wanking my erection. I felt so amazing, my resolve to just blast off a quick and furtive hand job left me. I lay back in the shade of the tree and began to play out my fantasy with the girl in the leotard.

I reached into my backpack and pulled out the swimsuit. I quickly ripped open the packing and unfolded it. The material had a soft sheen to it. I rubbed it over myself and shivered. It felt so wrong and erotic. Why hadn't I discovered this before? I inserted my cock into the gusset area and then bunched the material so it gripped me. I took a deep breath and began to wank in earnest with the swimsuit twisted around me.

I could feel my orgasm building with frantic pace. I wouldn't last long like this and I knew it. Feeling even bolder as my body's response swept away my caution I pulled my T-shirt off and threw it to one side. I was completely naked now, aside from a girl's swimming costume wadded around my crotch.

If anyone discovered me now I'd have no explanation and that felt sort of hot as well. I raised myself up onto my knees and clutched the swimsuit two handed, humping the ball of material with abandon. Any second now I would cum massively inside it, pumping spurt after spurt into the welcoming fabric. The idea of it was so erotic and found myself shivering with the anticipation.

What about the tights, how would they feel as part of this? I stopped humping the swimsuit and reached into my pack to pull out the barely black tights. How would I do this? I wound the leg of the tights around my cock and then tried to re-insert myself into the swimsuit. It didn't really work. The material felt lovely, but it wasn't as good as before. I unwound myself sat there frustrated, but still very turned on. What if I actually wore the tights? I would feel the material stretched over my legs, my bum, and go back to humping the swimsuit?

With shaky hands I inexpertly pulled and tugged the tights over my feet and legs. It was a tricky process, since I seemed to keep running out of material and having to reach down and re-stretch the nylon around my calves to release more of it. Finally I found myself standing up, pulling the final few inches up over my hips, smoothing it around my bum. My erection was now squashed flat against my stomach. Held tightly in place and undiminished despite the distraction of getting into the tights. I reached down and picked up the wadded ball of swimsuit. I felt a little bad about my unceremonious fucking of it earlier. I spread it out and stroked it. The material was an amazing electric blue colour. It had a tiny badge of a yellow dolphin over the left breast. It seemed quite small, but I was already wondering if I could fit into it as well. Why not? It was mine after all .. I poked a nylon clad foot into the stretchy neck area. My second foot followed and I drew the swimsuit up, slithering the lycra over the nylon of the tights. I actually gasped in pleasure as the fabrics rubbed together. I stretched the swimsuit over my chest and squeezed my arms through the hoops of the shoulder straps. I was thankful of my thin physique. I was sure I'd not bought ladies size suit, but a one for a young teenage girl.

My cock was now encased in two layers of very tight material. I reached down to stroke it, tracing a finger up from the root along the flatness of my stomach. I could feel it twitch as it struggled against the confinement. It was impossible to get a grip on my cock now. All I could do was put the flat of my hand against it and rub. This proved extremely satisfying though. I sank to my knees, bent over slightly and steadied myself with my left hand on the ground. In my imagination my right hand became the buttocks of the leotard girl in the magazine. Pert, pushed up toward me. I ground myself her willing behind. The material of leotards rubbing together.

"Please, cum over me!" I whispered, providing her with a voice and encouraging myself toward my delayed orgasm.

"It is just along here," I heard a reply. Suddenly I realised I was not alone. Just down the path two voices could be heard.

"Why do we have to climb this stupid cliff?" one said.

I scrabbled around, grabbing T-shirt and jeans. I pulled the T-shirt over my head and just got it on as two girls rounded the path.

"Oh, hello!" the first one said. She was dressed in a jeans and a blouse. Her hair cropped quite short, a sort of spiky blonde. She was cute in a plain slightly boyish way.

"Hello," I said, desperately pulling my jeans across my crotch.

"Hi, I'm Claire and this is my sister Sarah."

Sarah was stunning. Long dark hair framed an oval face that seemed to be all eyes. The cutest upturned nose and delicate rosebud lips. She also seemed to be staring quite pointedly at my nylon clad legs. I shifted uncomfortably and tried to tuck as much of them as I could under me.

"We didn't think anyone would be here," Claire said. "Sorry to disturb you!" Sarah laughed a little at this and sat down.

"No worries," I said, wondering what I looked like. Flushed, so close to orgasm that I could almost feel the cum ready to erupt.

"Sarah, shall we find somewhere else to sit?" Claire asked pointedly.

"I like the view from here," She replied. Looking out over the bay. In contrast with her sister, Sarah was dressed quite exotically. A long multi-coloured cotton skirt reached down to leather ankle boots. She had a tight black teeshirt with a short jacket over the top of it.

"Yes, but the view is just as good along the path," Claire said, looking apologetically toward me.

"I'm okay, really don't mind sharing the view." I said, trying to mean it. I felt my cock throb and a dribble of cum slithered out of it. Claire sat down beside me.

"Are you sure you are okay?" she asked, looking concerned.

"I'm fine, honestly." I tried to smile. "You aren't disturbing me." Sarah softly chuckled at this. Claire looked down at my legs and smiled.

"Okay," she said. "Well, if we aren't troubling you, we will stay for a bit." I smiled, still hovering weirdly at the edge of my orgasm. "I come here to sun bathe and enjoy the view."

"I like the view, " I said, somewhat lamely.

"I usually sun bathe nude up here though," Claire said.

"Oh," I said, "That is nice."

"Would it be alright if I took off some of my clothes?" Claire asked. Sarah badly suppressed another laugh.

"I'd be fine with that, or do you want me to go?" I said, feeling my cock twitch again and release another dribble of cum. I seemed to be experiencing a odd delayed ejaculation, each pulse of my cock was wonderful, low intensity orgasm. Claire stood up and pulled off her tee shirt.

"No, don't go, you got here first." She pulled down her jeans and folded them neatly. Standing in just a thin cotton bra and briefs she looked amazing. I waited for my cock to twitch another pulse of cum out, but it didn't. She unhooked her bra and slipped it off. Placing it on top of her growing pile of clothes. She hesitated for a moment, then slid off her briefs and sat down.

"That feels better," she declared, wiggling her bare toes. I tried my best to not stare at her lean body, but obviously failed.

"It is okay, I enjoy being looked at." She lay back on the grass and closed her eyes. Her right hand drifted almost languidly across her stomach and she stroked her naval.

"You are very beautiful," I said, now freed from her gaze to look along her body.

"Don't be silly, my sister is beautiful and I am the plain one." She opened her eyes and looked a challenge at me. I didn't contradict her, she did have a point. At the moment her nakedness and relaxed eroticism had made her more attractive though.

"Can I ask you a question? feel free to ignore it though," she said.

"Okay," I said.

"Are you wearing girl's tights?" she asked.

"I just bought them in the Camp Shop ..." I explained. "I didn't know what to do with them .. and sort of ended up putting them on."

"Oh, that makes a kind of sense." She seemed to relaxed and casual about the whole matter.

"Thanks," I said, relaxing myself a little. My cock twitched again and I shivered.

"Is it a sex thing or do you enjoy pretending to be like a girl?" Sarah asked. She hadn't turned back to look at me since the conversation had started and this question was asked out into the bay.

"I haven't done it before, but it feels nice." I replied. Claire looked at my barely black legs and then at the back of her sister's head.

"If you want to, you can relax and take off that teeshirt. Neither of us mind."

"Yes, just be yourself ... what point is there pretending otherwise?" Sarah said. For the first time there was a little warmth in her voice.

"Well, I would, but .." I tried to think of a way of explaining the swimsuit and the damp patch that was no doubt soaking through the material.

"Don't give us the 'but' ... just lose the tee shirt and we can all relax." Claire said.

"Surely there can't be anything worse than being discovered in girl's tights." I pulled up my tee shirt and showed her my smimsuit.

"Yes there is, and don't call me shirley!" I said, laughing a little nervously. Claire rolled over onto her side and her smile turned into gentle laughter.

"I called you Surely, not Shirley." She said. She reached over and pulled at the jeans I still held protectively across my crotch.

"I was ..." I didn't finish the sentence. She looked at the bulge in my swimsuit and the damp patch spreading out from it.

"You fibbed, Surely .. we really did disturb you." Claire said quite tenderly. I started to pull my jeans back over damp patch. "No, honestly don't .. leave it" she said. "Had you only just cum as we arrived?"

"No, it is weird, I've been sort of cumming all the time you've been here. It is like I am too embarrassed to fully cum, so my body keeps giving me weird little spasms."

"That is so cool," Sarah turned around and grinned.

"Is that okay?" Claire said. "Will you damage yourself if you don't let it fully out?"

"I don't think so ..." I said, feeling better by the minute. "I'll be alright."

"For god's sake man, stop being dense ..." Sarah said. "She is giving you permission to finish yourself off properly."

"What?" I said.

"Save me from boys who are slow on the uptake .." Claire closed her eyes and laughed. She reached across to me and stroked a hand down my back. I shuddered involuntarily under her fingers.

"Oh god," I whispered. I snuggled close to her and her lips met mine in a long kiss. I thought I was going to cum immediately, but my cock seemed to have decided I'd had my last mini-orgasm for now. Her hand slid between our bodies and found the hard mound of my cock. She rubbed it, tracing the shape of it with her finger nails, twisting at it through the tight material of the swimsuit.

"Just let it go... " she bit my ear lobe.

"I want it, but I am very self conscious," I said. I glanced across at Sarah.

"She doesn't mind, she really would say if it bothered her." Claire said. Sarah watched us kissing and shrugged her shoulders.

"Be happy, life is too short for turning down happy moments." She said.

Sarah moved a little closer and sat down again just inches away from us.

"Come on, Surely, you can do it .." Sarah said. She reached out and slapped my behind.

"Cum for us ... go on I dare you."

"This is so bizarre .." I said.

"But good?" Claire said. She fixed me with that stare again, the one that seemed to say 'this is the truth, don't you contradict me!'

"Yes, totally good, if a bit freaky." I replied. Both the girls laughed at this and I joined them nervously.

"Look, just relax and enjoy it." Claire said. "This is probably the only time in your whole life this is ever going to happen to you and you'll want good memories, not regrets." It was impossible to argue with that reasoning. I kissed her again and she responded passionately.

"That's more like it," she said breathlessly as our mouths broke apart. "I tell you what, to put things on a more even footing, you help me first, then I help you?"

"Okay," I agreed, not sure what this would entail, but happy to agree to anything in the circumstances. Claire rolled onto her back and lifted her knees slightly. Sarah turned away and began looking out to sea again.

"Touch me, here" Claire indicated with her hand to top of her moist sex. I moved over and placed a finger along the wet crease of beautifully puckered flesh. She let out a sigh of pleasure, then took my hand in her's. "Now here, slowly and without too much pressure." I let her slowly teach me how to touch her. If I got too excited or tried to do something she didn't like she gently took my hand again. I relaxed and just enjoyed her mounting excitement. I began to spontaneously plant little kisses on her stomach and the top of her thighs. Licking her naval as I brushed my fingertips along her labia and around the sweetness of her clitoris.

"That is good, so good!" she groaned softly. She ground her bum into the grass. I leaned in and kissed her clitoris. Suddenly her hand was on my head, twisting her fingers into my long hair. I took this as encouragement and continued to lick and kiss at the little bud. Beneath my fingers became wetter and wetter. I continued to stroke and tease her.

"God, just keep that up and don't stop .." she said. Her left hand joined mine and she stroked herself, slipping one finger just inside. Her hips began to tremble and her thighs tensed, muscles standing out. I buried my tongue between the folds of her and licked frantically. She bucked against me, letting out tiny noises of pleasure. I broke off kissing, but her hand in my hair held my head against her.

"Please don't stop!" she said."Just kiss a little lower!" I licked along her labia and moved my tongue downward. "Fantastic!" I became aware that I was grinding my own pelvis into the ground. Stretched out with my head buried between Claire's thighs, my cock still held flat across my stomach by the dual layers of lycra and nylon. My legs stretched back into the sunshine. I was embarrassed to find myself involuntarily dry humping the ground itself. I couldn't break off holding Claire's thighs and stroking her, but my cock desperately needed attention. Though I was loving the feeling of being inside the swimsuit, I wanted to be free and able to touch myself.

I suddenly felt hands stroking my behind. It had to be Sarah, I tried to glance backward, but Claire's hand in my hair tugged my attention back to her. The hands continued to stroke and knead my bum. I half rolled my pelvis over in a desperate non-verbal invitation to her hand to get at my cock. I felt a wave of relief at the sensation of one hand staying on my bum and the other slithering inside the swimsuit. Her hand found where the top of my thigh met the Lycra. She burrowed into the top of the tights and eased them back from my straining cock. Her fingers encircled me, gripping my length. As best she could in the confining material of the swimsuit she began to pump me. It felt brilliant and I completely surrendered to my orgasm. My tongue buried deeply in Claire, I groaned a warning that I was cumming and gushed hot handfuls into the swimsuit. Rather than let go, Sarah clung onto my dick. She continued to gently stroke it as my orgasm subsided, rubbing it in sensuous circles in the puddle of cum held in by the swimsuit. Claire let go of my hair and her knees dropped. She was gasping for breath, running her hand through her spikey hair.

"That was good, beginners luck rather than technique I think," she gasped. "But good nevertheless!" I looked down at Sarah who was pulling a sticky hand from the front of my swimsuit. She wiped her hand on the grass and then stood up. She crossed to the place she originally had sat in and planted herself back down.

"Thank you!" I said to the back of her head. I looked around at Claire who stared strangely at Sarah. Claire glanced down at the huge dark wet patch on my swimsuit.

"Oh, you don't need any help?" she said, looking again with some curiosity at Sarah.

"No, thank you ..." I said, suddenly feeling confused again. I wasn't sure whether to just pull my jeans and teeshirt on over my cum soaked swimsuit or strip them off in front of Claire. She continued sitting completely naked, so I took the plunge and peeled off the swimsuit. I used it to wipe off my stomach and groin. Then peeled down the tights and wadded the whole sticky mess into the plastic carrier bag the shop had given me.

"Make sure you wash them today, don't let spunk dry on anything." Claire said. She reached across and picked up her bra. Suddenly feeling awkward I picked up my teeshirt and shrugged it back on. Claire and I dressed quietly and separately. I felt strange, elated after my intense orgasm, but disturbed by the changed dynamic. Whatever had happened to the relaxed atmosphere?

"Look, please ... I don't want this to seem odd. I don't normally meet wood nymph cross dressing boys in the forest and engage in sex games." Claire said, fastening the button on her jeans. "I just got sort of carried away .. finding you mid orgasm, dressed as you were. It was just so sexy."

"I am still a bit freaked out," I confessed, "But it was the most sexy thing that has ever happened to me."

"Would you like to go for a coffee later?" Claire asked."We can try and get to know each other a bit better and this whole thing won't feel as weird."

"That would be great .. I'd love to." I said. "I should hit the showers first."

"Our caravan is on the row 23, the big Van on the end, just before the beach." Claire said. "Come along as soon as you're freshened up."

Sarah stood, smiled awkwardly at me and took off down the path. Claire, still tugging on one of her trainers, limped after her.

"See you later!" She called. Chapter Two.

I dashed back to the shower block and fed 50p into the machine. I hadn't brought along any soap, so just relied on copious amounts of stinging hot water to clean me. I also rinsed out my swimsuit and got as much of my 'product' out as I could. Without letting it dry out and checking for stains, it was impossible to know how good my cleaning job was. I certainly couldn't put swimsuit in the family wash basket. That was one talk I didn't want to be having with my parents.

I redressed in my jeans and teeshirt and debated going straight to the Claire and Sarah's caravan. Upon reflection I felt I ought to at least make the effort to get changed. I hoofed it back to the family caravan and I let myself in. I dug through my suitcase. Despite a good nagging from my mother after we arrived, I'd not unpacked my clothes. I found a shirt that didn't look too creased and a clean pair of black jeans. I quickly searched for a hair brush for my hair. I'd grown it long, well past shoulder length. When it got wet it tended to dry in little ringlets. I pushed my fingers through it to try and smooth them out. I grabbed a piece of cord and tied it roughly back.

I scribbled a note to my parent's saying I'd made some friends and was going to meet them for coffee and I wouldn't be back too late.

Their caravan was huge. Sleak and modern with a massive awning along one side. I caught sight of Claire in a deck chair outside and waved. She was flicking through a magazine and waved back. She had changed clothes as well and looked more feminine in a short skirt and cheesecloth blouse.

"Surely, hi!" she called, climbing out of the deck chair and walking across to me.

"Hello again," I smiled. "Is Sarah inside?"

"Yes," she said, fixing me with a curious look. "She has really caught your eye, hasn't she?"

"eeer, yes .." I said, not wanting to offend Claire. She sensed my discomfort and before I could mumble out an apology or explanation she held up her hands.

"Don't worry, honestly ... you aren't really my sort of type, despite my seducing you earlier today."

"Oh," I said, feeling a little crestfallen, but relieved at the same time.

"I'm really more into girls, but the odd very feminine boy will push my buttons. You're in that category, but I think I'd like you more as a friend than a holiday romance."

"Honestly?" I said. "I'm a bit feminine?" I'd not fancied myself as a tough guy, that sort of blokey ape really annoyed me. I guess I knew I bordered on being a little androgynous.

"Yes, honestly. I bet you are more comfortable around girls aren't you?" she asked.

"Well, yes ..."

"Don't really like sports .." she guess accurately.

"No, complete turn off." I confirmed

"You are quite sensitive .. cry at movies?"

"Well, hang on .." I protested. She had me sussed.

"You made love to me in a softer and more tender way than almost all of my previous girlfriends." she laughed.

"I'm not gay, I really like girls ..." I said. Claire let her laugh fall back into a smile.

"I believe you, but you have to understand that things aren't so black and white as boys and girls."

"I don't understand .." I said.

"I think you are quite adorably clueless," she leaned in and gave me an almost sisterly kiss on the cheek.

"I am trying not to be .." I said.

"Do you have any friends who are boys?" she asked.

"One or two friends, yes, why do you ask?" I wasn't sure where her reasoning was leading. Possibly I was as clueless as she thought I was.

"I bet they are quite like you ... slim, un-masculine and quite sweet." she said.

"I don't feel at ease in the company of macho idiot types," I protested. She had pegged my friends spot on.

"Have you ever had .. feelings for one of them .." she asked.

"No, honestly." I said, feeling a less than honest.

"Try again," she smiled. "You've nothing to prove to me."

"I really like my friends, but I've never slept with one of them ... or wanted to." I said.

"I'm not screening you for gayness you know .. checking to see if you will date my sister, then run off with the next cute guy in a swimsuit." she laughed, but kindly.

"What do you want to know?" I asked.

"I'm not sure ..." she replied.

"If you aren't sure I don't know what to say .." I said, feeling a little adrift in the conversation. She surprised me by suddenly throwing her arms around my neck and pulling me in close.

"I've got a good feeling about you, but my sister is so very special to me. Please be nice to her." she hissed in my ear. She gave me another sisterly peck on the cheek and let go of me.

"I'm .." I began to say, but she raised a finger to her lips.

"I'm off for a walk, our parent's aren't due back until quite late tonight. They have a dinner booked in St Austell for 8.30, might means they won't be back until at least 10.00 at the earlyist." she said. "I'll be back before then, obviously .. go and have your coffee." she waved a cheery goodbye and began to walk off up the road toward the Holiday Complex.

I stood for a minute feeling totally dumbfounded and then saw Sarah waving to me through the large bay window of the caravan. I pushed through the doorway of the awning. The entire awning was made of a vivid orange fabric. The bright sunlight illuminated the inside with a surreal tangerine vibe. Sarah opened the door of the caravan and stepped through with two coffee mugs.

"I made it black, but we have milk inside if you want it different?" she said, offering me a mug.

"I like it either way," I said, suddenly realising how passive and unassertive that made me sound. "But I prefer it without milk."

"Good," she said, taking a sip from her mug. She had changed as well. She had a tight blue teeshirt that hugged the contours of her shoulders and showed off her tiny but gorgeous breasts. She had a wrap around skirt tied loosely about her waist. As she moved it swirled and revealed it was open up one side of her right leg, showing a beautiful expanse of pale thigh.

"So this afternoon .." I said, "That was a bit strange, wasn't it."

"Not how we normally spend our holiday." Sarah said, breaking the ice with a laugh I'd found so attractive earlier.

"It was nice in lots of ways." I said.

"You looked so cute in that bathing suit," she laughed again. "Was it honestly your first time ever dressing like a girl?"

"I wasn't really trying to dress like a girl." I protested.

"This isn't the 15th Century, men don't tend to wear tights anymore, especially not in public."

"Fair point .. okay, it was really nice, and I confess I'd not rule it out again." I confessed.

"Would you do it now?" she asked. "Not as a sex thing, but just to try it."

"Yes, but it might turn me on ... definitely if I have to undress and dress in front of you." I said honestly.

"We can cross that bridge when we get to it .. I don't want you going off and hiding in the toilet to change." She went to the suitcase and unclipped the catches on it. She then pulled out a handful of clothing and passed it to me.

"Here and now?" she nodded in reply. I took a sip of coffee and stood up. It felt like I'd only just got into these new clothes and suddenly I needed to undress again. Sarah fixed me with a stare. She seemed to have amazingly huge eyes that I found very hypnotic. She scooped her long dark hair back behind her ears and gave me an encouraging smile.

"Please," she said.

I unbuttoned my shirt and shrugged it off. Trainers and socks followed. I reached for the button on my jeans, but already knew I was in trouble. My cock was responding to the semi-striptease I was doing. Stirring uncomfortably in my pants. I had a beautiful girl sat in front of me. She wanted me to undress for her and despite telling me it wasn't a sexual thing I could see her nipples now stood clearly out through the thin material of her skin tight tee shirt. It wasn't that chilly in the tent, she was aroused, if only a little bit. I pulled down my jeans and hopped to get my feet clear. I paused just a second for her to register my poorly concealed erection and tugged down my briefs.

"Oh my god, you only just came about half an hour ago and you're horny again?" she said, laughing.

"I'm 16 years old, nearly 17 ... and it was closely to an hour ago." I said, "Sorry, I really did try not to get aroused. I can go and take care of this somewhere discretely."

"No, I don't want you having a crafty wank in the caravan either. I should take care of it." she said. She stood up and crossed back to the suitcase. Fumbling in a side compartment she pulled out a condom wrapper.

"Oh god!" I said.

"No, we aren't having sex," She said, quickly, "this is protection against you spraying stuff all over the inside of my parent's tent." My face must have looked so disappointed she laughed sympathetically. "I'm not like my sister, I don't rush into physical relationships with any kind of body fluid swopping."

"No, me neither," I said. She gave me a skeptical look I had to accept. After all I had just spent 10 minutes between her sister's thighs performing my first ever oral sex act. I felt really awkward about that now. If I had met them both in ordinary social situation I would have chosen Sarah to have chatted up. I hoped she could cut me some slack .. after all if you discover a boy in the throes of orgasm and your sister immediately undresses and seduces him, well how would anyone respond? While I was in this state of inner turmoil Sarah had ripped open the condom wrapper.

"Want to put it on yourself, or want me to do it for you?" she asked. I must have given a sort of pleading puppy dog expression that translated as "Please, put it on me!" as she stepped over and gently took my cock in her hand. She slipped the slick end of the condom onto my erection and rolled it down my length.

"Oh god," I breathed out a shivery sigh of contentment. Sarah stepped around behind me, she rested her head against my shoulders and pushed her little breasts into my back. Her hands snaked around my waist, her right hand finding my erection, her left one stroked gently up my stomach and toward my own nipples. With an easy rhythm she began taking me toward orgasm. She kissed my back, running her tongue around one of my shoulder blades.

"You have a beautiful back," she whispered.

"Thank you!" I said. I reached back awkwardly and to try and stroke her hips. I managed, by accident, to slip my right hand into the open slit of her wrap around skirt.

"Not yet, please!" she said, "not yet!" breaking off from stroking me to take hold of my hand.

"I'm sorry!" I said, "I don't understand."

"Just give me time .. and just enjoy what I can give you now." Her hand moved back to my cock and grasped it firmly again. She began to furiously jerk it. I felt my insides turn to water and I gasped for breath.

"I'm close!" I said. "I can't hang on ..."

"It isn't an endurance test, you don't need to impress me with your stamina. Just enjoy it," she replied.

"It is so good," I groaned. I didn't want to tell her that almost anything she could have done to me would have been good. This was only the second time I had ever been given a handjob. The first time had been her as well. At 16 I was sexually inexperienced to an embarrassing degree.

"Cum for me, I want to feel you surrendering to me." She ground her breasts into my back and placed a line of frantic kisses across my shoulders.

"I want to cum for you!"

"Just for me!" she insisted.

"Just for you!" I agreed, feeling my cock twitching madly in her hand. I spasmed once, shooting spunk deep into the condom.

"Just for me!" My orgasm washed magnificently through me.

"I am all yours," I gasped.

"We'll see," she replied and slapped her left hand onto my bare behind.

"Hey!" I protested.

"I seem to have done very little but carry handfuls of your spunk around today." She ignored my protest and gently pulled the condom free from my cock. It refused to subside, quivering erect and defiant. She held up the condom and looked at the milky deposit inside.

"Have you ever tasted cum?" She asked, suddenly and uncomfortably changing the subject.

"No, of course not!" I said.

"Why not?" she asked.

"Never been interested in it as a hobby..." I said.

"Really?" she gave me a look. "Please, stop being embarrassed and understand that the truth is hugely important to me."

"Okay," I said, defeated. What did artifice matter with this amazing girl? I felt I had no realistic chance with her. She was a gorgeous woman, and so far out of my league. She was also probably from some distant part of the Britain that would mean after the holiday was over I'd never see her again ever either. On top of all that she seemed to have weird hang ups about being touched, though it didn't, thankfully, extend to her not wanting to touch me.

"Always tell me the truth, or we don't stand any chance." she said.

"Okay," I repeated. "I am massively embarrassed to admit it, but I have been curious. Who hasn't, really?"

"Indeed," she waved the filled condom dramatically, "who hasn't!"

"I've resolved to taste it lots of times. I've wanked into my open palm and sat there looking at it." I confessed. "The trouble is, once I've cum and my passion is spent, I chicken out."

"No?" she smiled disarmingly.

"Yes," I said. "I end up just washing my hands and feeling a bit icky."

"So you never tasted anyone else's either?" she said.

"Where would I have access to someone else's cum?" I asked.

"Truth, please ..remember it is important." she looked serious again and her smile faded slighty. I was desperate to keep that smile on her face.

"Okay, when I was 14 my friend and I would sometimes goof around a bit. We were young and tortured by puberty. It wasn't a gay thing, we never kissed or did anything but play about a bit." I said.

"Did you touch him?" she asked.

"Yes," I said regretfully.

"Did he touch you?"

"No," I replied.

"Why not?" she said. She stepped in close to me and slide a free arm around my shoulder. My erection bumped into the fabric of her skirt.

"I think it was like my chickening out and not tasting my cum ... once he had cum himself, it suddenly felt a bit weird and he didn't want to." I said.

"So did you wank him off?" she asked.

"Yes, I suppose you'd call it that." I said.

"Was it exciting?"

"Heck, yes, but I was young and everything felt new and weird and exciting." I said.

"Did touching his dick excite you?"

"Yes," I said quietly. She rested her head sympathetically on my shoulder. One hand still holding the condom. We stood in silence for a few minutes.

"Would you have tasted his cum if he had asked you to?" she whispered, adding

"Truth?" before I could stumble over my embarrassment again.

"Yes, I probably would have. I was turned on and so desperately horny, I might have." She squeezed my waist.

"What if I asked you to taste this cum now?" she asked. "Are you horny enough with me to try it?"I looked down at her serious face and remembered my promise to tell the truth.

"Okay," I said. She took her arm from round my waist, but still continued to lean in against me. She dipped a slim finger into the condom and gathered a generous glob on her fingertip.

"It is still warm," she said, balancing her finger over the opening of the condom. I struggled to overcome my inner reluctance and I opened wide. She quickly slipped her finger into my mouth. It wasn't disgusting, I realised. I couldn't say I enjoyed it massively, it was a strange and unfamiliar taste. The context though it was a lovely moment. I very quickly swallowed it.

"Are you going to try it?" I said challengingly, "share the moment with me?"

"Do you want me to drink it from this?" She asked, unexpectedly trumping me.

"I thought you might just dip a finger in, that was very sexy." I said.

"If I did tip this into my mouth, would you kiss me?" she looked at me with that challenge again.

"Yes," I promised. "I would share as much of it as you held in your mouth." She opened her mouth and with a little diffculty squeezed the remainder of the contents in. My head spun a little, but I leaned in and kissed her passionately and open mouthed. Our tongues swirled together, mixing saliva and spunk. Sarah began to shiver. We were making a huge meal out of sharing that mouthful. Lots of it began to dribble out of our mouths and down over Sarah's teeshirt and skirt. I reached up to stroke her breasts, now wet with our saliva and my spunk. We both swallowed. To my amazement I was growing hard again. My erection was pulling at Sarah's skirt. She reached a hand down to pull it clear.

"Again?" she asked.

"I am sorry, this has all been a little too much for me," I said.

"One final thing, and I will understand if you don't want to go any further, even at this stage," She said. I was about to protest at that, but she sushed me. She untied the wrap on her skirt and let it drop. It wasn't a tight teeshirt she had been wearing, but a leotard. It clung magnificently to all her curves. She reached up to the neckline, pulling it down over her shoulders and breasts. She shimmied a little and tugged it down over her hips. When it cleared her hips I finally could see what had been bothering both Claire and Sarah. Sarah, despite her breasts and exquisitely feminine features had a penis. It was small, perfectly formed, aroused and very definitely part of her.

Next: Chapter 2

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