Santas Snowstorm

Published on Dec 19, 2017


Santa's Snowstorm

By Bob Archman

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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It was cool and crisp in Virginia and it felt like Christmas. When I lived in upstate New York it would have been snowy. That was 50 years ago, and now snow is a pain and a problem, not an opportunity to play in the snow.

This Christmas season, things were fine until my Uncle Tim died. He never married, and I was his namesake. He was over eighty and the last member of his generation to die. I had a call from a cousin in Maryland that the funeral would be in three days in North Glasgow, New York. I said that I didn't think I could make it. About an hour later, I had a call from Uncle Tim's lawyer, Rufus Renwick. He said he needed to meet with me. Uncle Tim had left me a bequest. I suggested some time after the holiday season.

"It would be better if we met sooner," Rufus said. "The bequest is quite substantial. He made some gifts to friends and some local institutions, but the remainder of the estate he left to you. I don't have an exact figure, but the range is somewhere between ten and twelve million."

I almost dropped the phone. "I had no idea he was that wealthy," I said.

"He had a knack for picking stocks, and did well on some real estate investments. We do need to talk," Rufus reiterated. The next day I was driving to North Glasgow for the funeral and to meet Rufus.

After a 12 hour drive I made it to North Glasgow and found a motel. I called Rufus and made an appointment for the next morning. The motel was old and not particularly well maintained. It was next door to a small restaurant which was much better than I expected. That night I discovered the motel's heating system was weak and the room barely made it to 65. If the wind was blowing the temperatures dropped to near 60.

I was cold the next morning, but had a good breakfast and went to the law offices. Rufus was a middle-aged man, thin, tall and with a well-trimmed beard. He was with Uncle Tim's accountant, Steve Hall, a younger, thick set man. They outlined the features of the will and my Uncle's assets. I was still dazed by this wealth. He had been a nice guy who was into camping in the Adirondacks. I had gone camping with him in the summers. Those summers were why I became an environmentalist specializing in forest preservation. I hadn't seen him that often, but we talked often, and he was interested in my work.

I asked if there was a better motel in town. Rufus said my motel was the good one, but Steve had a friend who ran a Bed and Breakfast. He called them, and they had a room available. I was supposed to meet with the minister and the funeral director at 3:00, so I had time to move to the B & B.

The B & B was in a well restored early house, and I had a nice room with an impressive bath. The owners, Phil and Larry dressed like lumberjacks, but the house was more Architectural Digest, than a rustic retreat.

The meeting with the minister, Rev. John Wellesley and the funeral director were fine. Uncle Tim had planned every detail, so I just had to be polite and confirm Tim's directions. I returned to the B & B. Larry greeted me and told me there was going to be a Christmas party that evening. He said my room was far enough from the noise that it wouldn't bother me.

"Of course, you are free to join us at the party," Larry said. "All of our guests are old friends of either Phil or me. They are nice guys and fun to be with. I should mention, our friends are all men, and some have what might be called unconventional relationships."

"I might drop in for a little while," I said. "I am tired. Last night at the motel wasn't restful."

"Great, don't worry, our friends are sometimes friendly to a fault," he added. I went to my room. It was clear that his friends were gay. I spent a lot of my time in the woods, alone. I thought about what friendly to a fault might mean and I had an erection. I am attracted to men and have had a few experiences, but if a sex life requires more than one experience every year or two, I have no sex life.

I spent most of my time in a one man cabin, and checking on instruments in remote locations. At one time, I spent some time at a research station which had a laboratory, but now I did much of the analysis on-line. I went to have dinner at the little restaurant and returned to the B & B. It had begun snowing. I hadn't listened to the weather reports. Had a done so I would have known that there had been a shift in the wind. We were in the direct path of Lake Ontario's snow. New Glasgow was at the edge of the Adirondacks and we would get the brunt of the snowfall.

Everything was warm, cozy and festive in the house. There were ten men who were staying at the B&B, and five or six others. Phil introduced me as an environmentalist. I was in the right crowd. There were no flat earthers and no climate change freaks.

In a short while, the crowd grew to twenty-five. Steve the accountant was there as was Rev. Wellesley, the minister I had met at the funeral home. The men were cheerful and welcoming. I am not the worlds best conversationalist, but that wasn't a problem. If went off on some detailed scientific tangent they listened and seemed to understand.

When I got to the party there was a dusting of snow. Two hours later there was more than a foot on the ground. Larry turned on a TV and checked the Weather Channel. They had forecast 12 inches. As we watched, the forecast changed to 24 or 36 inches in some areas.

"I don't think that anyone is going home tonight. This party is now officially a sleep over, so drink up. There is no need to worry about DWI," Larry said. "Don't worry, we have enough food to feed an army and a back up generator!" A strong gust of wind hit the house and rattled the windows. That meant major drifting.

I was talking with a young, Santa type named Billy. He was maybe 45, but his hair and beard were prematurely white. He was a construction superintendent. He said he normally had a beard, but the bushy beard wasn't accidental. He played Santa for children's groups around town. "As far as the kids are concerned, I am old enough to be Santa," he explained. He told me some funny stories about his Santa adventures.

One of his pals, Denny, joined us. Denny was five feet-four and maybe 120 pounds. He was the town clerk. When Billy went off, Denny came close to me. "You noticed this is a gay group?" he asked. I said I had guessed that.

"I was going to have an after party at my house where we could get down and dirty and have some real fun. It was to be a naked event," he said, "I was hoping we could have it here, now the snow has changed our plans and I was hoping you wouldn't object. Would that offend you?" he asked.

"I've never been to anything like that, but it doesn't offend me," I said. "If I don't like it I can go to my bedroom and sleep."

"That is great,' he replied, "but there are several guys who would like to make you feel much more welcome. I don't want sound vulgar, but you are new meat. That is always exciting, but good looking new meat is even more exciting," he said.

"Am I the only "new meat" here?" I asked.

"No this is the first visit of several men. Coach Roberts from the school is here as is Father Paul from St. Vincent's in the next town is visiting for the first time," he said. "They knew about my party. You are the only one who didn't know the nature of the party."

"Do you have these often?" I asked.

"No, only once or twice a year. I sometimes have a party at my camp on Wild Pond, and I try to have a Christmas-New Year's event," he explained.

"I haven't been naked with other men since college in the dorms," I said. "It wasn't a problem it then."

"This is sort of a get naked, get hard and shoot off affair. It's not a night for romance, it's all for fun, naked, cock spurting fun!" Denny said. "Anything goes unless you say no! No means no; there isn't any confusion about that." Billy returned with refills of our drinks.

"Tim is going to give our little party a try," Denny said. "He's with the program."

Billy smiled broadly. "Denny, you might spread the word. If Tim doesn't mind, I will stay near him as his guide," he said. Denny went off and Billy began unbuttoning his shirt. With each button, Billy looked better. I began to strip.

John Wellesley was near us with another man and they began to strip. By the time I was naked, about half the men had stripped and the others were at least halfway naked. Wellesley and his friend came over to us. "It's nice to see you again. I'm new to this; I don't know the rules," he said to Billy.

Billy smiled. "Just say please and thank you. Maybe it's tacky, but I kind of let my cock do the thinking for me, and everything seems to turn out well when your playmates feels the same way," he said.

"How can you tell?" the other man asked.

"Well we all have a sex thermometer hanging between our legs. The harder the better. You can also look for a dripping cock. The clear stuff means a guy's ready, if it's milky it is over. Often good sex is nice and messy. Some guys like to lick up the remains. They aren't forward, they are just being neat," Billy said.

"You certainly are direct," Rev. Wellesley said.

Denny had returned to our group. "We are here to feel, not to think and ponder," he said. "I think sex predates logical thought by thousands of years. By the way, everyone here has pledged the fraternity and is a member in good standing. There is no need to be shy." To emphasize the point. Denny dropped to his knees and began sucking John's cock. Billy did the same to me and to John's friend, Paul. He alternated.

After a minute or two, I dropped to the floor and sucked Billy and Paul. Billy whispered to Paul, "It's good if you go with the flow, but if you get uncomfortable, don't do it. it's for pleasure; it's not a test or an initiation."

"I would hate to insult or hurt anyone's feelings," Paul said.

"Look around. There are twenty-five men here. No one will do without!" Billy said. "Right now, everything is pretty vanilla. Later it may be more intense. Join in when you are comfortable, avoid it if you aren't comfortable."

Denny was now on the floor sucking all three cocks in rotation. I looked around. Everyone was similarly engaged. I had a feeling that I should have been shocked or at least felt uneasy. None of this was expected or normal in my life experience. I did feel some shock at how comfortable I felt. I was with men who shared my sexual orientation. It seems that the potential for intense, sexual pleasure overcame my conventional approach to life.

I realized that sex was a part of these men's lives and it hadn't been a part of mine. I was a single man with a solitary life. I had been uneasy with my sexual orientation, and my only experience was of quickies with other uneasy men.

Denny had gone off and John was with Billy. Paul came to me and whispered, "I've never sucked a man before. Would you mind if a rank amateur tried it with you? I might not do it right."

"No problem at all. It seems to me that most guys get the hang of it easily," I said.

"I don't know how I would react to sperm. Tasting the stuff that comes from a cock doesn't seem possible. It seems revolting, but it excites me too. If I pull away, or spit it out, it's not you, it's me," Ambrose said.

"Don't worry. I won't be offended," I said. I sat on a couch, and Paul sucked me. It took him a little while to build up nerve to suck, but once he did it was fine. I remember that a Father Paul was a new man in the group. He was careful and gentle, I felt as if he was almost worshiping my tool. I had a spasm and ejaculated a single spurt of sperm. Paul's sucking became more vigorous.

Billy was next to us with a man he called Coach. "Is it what you expected?" Billy asked.

"It a fucking dream come true," Coach replied. "Every day I see naked boys in the showers. Maybe a quarter of them have a crush on me. I've been coaching for years, and boys don't turn me on at all. If I said or did anything that could be considered sexual, I go to jail as a pervert. Thank god everyone here is a consenting adult and is into sex big time!" Paul looked at him, pivoted and began sucking his cock. Coach moaned.

"If you've been in a sexual desert, the rains have come!" Billy said. Coach was interested, but not experienced. He was also more than willing to learn. Billy asked if we could go to my bedroom saying it would be nice to have a bed and some room. That was fine and Billy, Coach, Paul and went to the room with me. Denny must have been watching and he arrived a little later.

I knew this was technically an orgy, but most of the men knew each other well, and it had the feeling of a reunion of old friends. I mentioned this. "If you amend that and make it friends with benefits and old fuck buddies, you are right," Denny said.

"I am afraid that fucking is a bridge too far for me," Paul said.

"I thought that way for a while," Billy said. "A guy begged me to fuck him, and it was really good. He and I both loved it. He became a regular. After about a year I felt guilty about our one-sided relationship and I let him fuck me. I don't think I knew I had a prostate, but my pal used it as a cock punching bag, and I had a hands-free orgasm. Shit, it was good!"

Coach was sucking him as we talked. He looked up and said, "I've never been fucked, but I'm game for anything."

"Does that include having a beefy Santa type giving your ass a sperm bath?" Billy asked.

"I kind of think it does," Coach replied.

"Billy has a thick one, mine is long and thin. It's ideal for a first fuck," Denny volunteered.

"I think Billy's would be good for me," Coach replied.

"I might like to try fucking a guy," Paul said in a near whisper.

"It just so happens that I get turned on introducing a man to the joys of fucking," Denny said. "I bottom too."

"How man times have you done that?" Paul asked.

"If I round it off, it is an even zero, but I'm pretty sure it would be a turn on," Denny replied. Everyone laughed. Denny had a little case containing lubricant with him. Coach was on his back on the bed. He had exposed his hole. Denny had done the same on the other side of the bed. Billy lubricated Coach's ass. Denny was already lubricated.

"I'm going to take my time," Billy said. "If you want me to stop, just say so." He nudged his cock head into the ass pucker.

Paul did the same with Denny. "What if I shoot off in you?"

"I'll just close my eyes and think of England," Denny replied. "If you could stay in me after you shoot and churn it up a little, I have a friend who likes sperm lubrication. He would like to fuck a used ass."

Billy's cock head had vanished, but his shaft was still visible. Billy was slow, but determined. He wanted to fill Coach completely.

"Paul, you may not have guessed, but Denny isn't 100% virgin anymore," Billy said as he glanced at the other couple. Paul laughed and gave a little push. A half second later, his entire tool was in Denny. It was so fast I wondered if an ass could suck in a cock. Denny and Paul moaned in pleasure. Paul had been nervous, but Denny's hole welcomed the visiting man tool enthusiastically.

It took longer for Billy and Coach to get comfortable, but once Billy was imbedded and rhythmically thrusting, Coach was moaning and working his ass to intensify the sensations,

A big man entered the room. "Is there room for another guy?" he asked.

"Wilson, there is always room for one more," Billy said. "Guys, this is Carter, an old friend of mine. He is a nice guy even though he looks like the Abominable Snowman."

Wilson came over to me. "Your new here. Has anyone taken your load yet?" he asked. I said no.

"Would you mind if I took it? I love man seed." I said that was fine for me. I found an empty spot on the bed and took it. Wilson started sucking. He was good, both gentle and exciting. I woke up having a great dream. It was two in the morning and Wilson was still sucking. I was shocked and incredibly relaxed. Wilson told me that I had two orgasms as I slept. He told me that he loved the orgasm, but I had a constant drool of precum and post-orgasmic fluids.

The house was mostly quiet, but I could hear a few whispered conversations and a few moans of pleasure. The party had transitioned into the sleepover, a sexual sleep over. I think the ratio of sleep to sex varied throughout the night. If a couple or threesome became active they might wake their neighbors and there would be a burst of activity. A few of the men were vocal, especially as they approached and then had an orgasm. That woke up other men, but no one complained.

At six in the morning the snow on the roof fell to the ground making a thunder like sound shaking the house. That woke almost everyone. Drifts were five feet high on the Lake Ontario side of the house. The sheltered side had three feet. This area was used to snow, but this would take several days to clear the streets. The Mayor and Governor were telling everyone to stay in and let work crews clear the streets. All the stores and businesses were closed and the funeral postponed.

There were twenty gay men in the house, a few guests lived nearby and had gone home. There had been three major Christmas parties planned for the B&B. They were cancelled, but the food was available for us, so it was a long weekend for the men. While most of the men were friends, several days together were an opportunity to get better acquainted and explore.

For the next few days we alternated shoveling, eating and sex. We had a few episodes of Christmas Caroling, of both the traditional and bawdy types. The "Don we now our gay apparel" lyrics and "I saw Mommy kissing Santa Clause" songs were hits, as was the gay version of the "Twelve Days of Christmas."

Next: Chapter 2

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