Santas Little Helpers

Published on Dec 17, 2005


Santa's Little Helpers 2

By Bald Hairy Man.

This is an adult gay story for adult gay men. I this offends you, DON'T read it. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. Play safely.

I guess most men have some sort of a sexual fantasy. Mine involved a gaggle of tanned and buffed beach bunnies in Mexico or Rio. In my wildest dreams I never visualized having sex with a pair of Hungarian dwarfs and a Santa look alike.

No one could have been more surprised than I when it turned out to be the best sex I'd ever experienced. To tell the truth, I didn't know sex could be that good. It wasn't that sex had ever been bad. I liked sex and enjoyed it. It is just that my previous sexual experiences now seemed pale. Sex with Sandor and Zoltan was so intense and exciting. It was almost an all new experience.

Davie and I had been messing around since we were small kids. As I watched him twitching on Lou's love pole, I realized he was feeling something different too. He liked sex too, but I had never seen him loose it before. He was moaning and squirming in a sexual frenzy, seemingly out of control.

I'm good looking and, as personal trainer, was with good-looking men most of the time, so I had quite a bit of experience. Somehow this was different. It was much more intense, exciting and more sexual than my previous encounters. With the Sandor and Zoltan I let myself go. I wasn't worried about how I looked or what they would think of me.

That night Davie and I talked it over. "Were you liking that as much as it looked like you did?" I asked.

"I sure as shit did," my brother replied. "It was 100%, prime, Santa meat in my ass. After all these years of avoiding trolls and grandpas' I try one out and hit the jack pot. I never had any interest in Daddies, but I sure have an interest now."

"I feel the same way about our small friends," I said "I don't know what made it so different."

"It's hard to enjoy sex if you're worried about mussing your hair," Davie said. I'm afraid he was describing me before my run in with the dwarfs. I like to look my best and it was hard for me to look good with a guy shoving his cock into my ass. Sandor's cock hit something new. When it made contact, I didn't give a shit how I looked.

With Lou, Sandor and Zoltan, it was as if we were in a contest to see how much pleasure we could get out of our cocks. It was pure sex, not a beauty contest.

The next morning, Sandor came up to me. "Are you all right?" he asked.

"I sure am, it was great," I replied.

"Do you think you might do it again?" he asked. "Maybe we could switch around. Zoltan would like that. You're a good-looking boy. You don't have to, if you don't want to. We understand. We know what we look like." Sandor seemed to expect me to say no.

"I'd like to get together too," I said. "It was good. You guys are fun." Sandor smiled and looked relieved. We went to work at Waldorph's. The morning paper had a big article in the Style Section about the sick little boy and the father in Iraq. It mentioned Santa and his elves. The article ended saying the spirit of Christmas was alive and well and the real Santa was still at Waldorph's.

Waldorph's was overjoyed. That was the good news. The bad news was the line of children waiting to see the real Santa doubled. The department store also had to schedule a few more special appearances for us. We were already pretty well filled up, but there was no way we could say no to visiting the Children's Hospital, or the Cancer Ward at the University Hospital. Waldorph's was appreciative of our efforts. A week later we were given a substantial bonus. I was shocked at the size.

"You gave us a half million dollars in free advertizing," Roddy said. "The store sales are up 20%. You're worth every penny." Lou was happy too. He welcomed the extra cash. By now we were working non stop, but night at we had good times at the townhouse.

Being an elf in a Christmas show is exhausting but exhilarating. You were "on stage" for eight to ten hours a day. At the end of the day you were both tired and keyed up. Lou claimed an hour of wild and crazy sex is the best sleeping pill. He was right.

The second night, Sandor had told me Zoltan wanted to fuck me. Zoltan's cock was about the same length as Sandor's, but thicker. I wasn't sure I could take it. I was ready for a replay of our first get together. I told this to Sandor. "Don't worry, Don, Zoltan will be careful," Sandor said. "You took mine easily. You'll have no problem with his."

I must have looked unsure. "We've got a month here. We're looking for repeat engagements," Sandor said. "We want you to enjoy it as much as we do. I hope last night was as good for you as it was for us?"

I looked at him a bit sheepishly. "It was," I admitted as I went to their bedroom.

"The secret is lube, and I have a way to lubricate you that will make Zoltan's cock easy," Sandor whispered. I was so excited at the prospect of a repeat performance, I figured I'd do what he wanted. Zoltan looked at Sandor expectantly. He looked worried. Sandor must have given him some sort of a signal and Zoltan smiled. We got on the bed and seconds later I was enveloped in a whirlwind of Hungarian genitalia. It was just as good as before.

I was surprised when Sandor again began to work his cock into my ass. It had been easy before. It was almost effortless this time. Zoltan was deep throating me as his brother rubbed my prostate. I was really getting into it, when Sandor pulled out. The two men traded places in a lightening-like fast movement. Zoltan's cock was at my ass and Sandor was licking my cock head as if it were candy.

My ass was open and relaxed. While Zoltan was thicker, I didn't have a problem. Zoltan first nudged his cock head inot my ass, then he took his time easing his shaft in. At first it wasn't as comfortable as Sandor's. Zoltan had been pumping slowly for five or six minutes when it changed. Zoltan's cock slipped deep and my ass shifted to accommodate it. I began to twitch in response to his thrusts. Soon, while Zoltan was fucking me, I was using my ass to massage his cock. He would stop thrusting and let me rotate my ass to rub his member against my prostate.

Lou and Davie came in the room and joined us. Lou stood on the bed. His soft cock was at the level of my mouth. I leaned over and began to suck it. When Sandor saw Davie he stopped sucking me and went after him. We formed a happy quintette.

We were a spectacularly miss-matched quintette. Lou was at least six foot three. Davie and I were about five feet tall and Sandor and Zoltan were about four feet six, but all their height was in their trunks. They had small legs. Where there's a will, there's a way. Fortunately we were all more than willing and quite inventive.

With the bed, a couple of pillows and a chair, we managed to connect. My brother and I were restrained sexually and were mostly oral. The Hungarians and Lou liked to fuck and had no sexual hangup at all. We were all adaptable and willing. To tell the truth, I changed more than the other guys.

Up until now it was as if I still had my training wheels on. Mr. Ellis, my gymnastic coach, had popped my cherry ten years early. I didn't like it much, but I like Mr. Ellis a lot, so it was okay. If Mr. Ellis put the key in the door, Sandor turned the key and Zoltan opened the door. Zoltan opened the door wide and all sorts of new sensations came rushing in.

I went from being what might be described as a social bottom to becoming a bottom pig. For the first time I wanted more cock in my ass and I wanted it deeper. With each stroke of Zoltan's cock and each undulation of my ass I got more excited. Zoltan had the opposite of a hair trigger. He fucked me for a good thirty minutes without a break.

I told him I couldn't take it any more. I don't know what he did, but three or four thrusts later, we both climaxed. I had never experienced a synchronized orgasm before. It seemed to go on forever. I assumed Sandor was taking my cum. I was so involved, I was taken back when I saw it was Davie eating my sperm. He'd never done that before.

Lou was fucking him from the rear. Sandor was somewhere under us. He was attached to Davie's cock, waiting for a load. It wasn't a long wait. We broke apart, drained, but relaxed. We had all shot off and our cocks were relaxed and dribbling cum, except for Sandor. I realized he hadn't climaxed yet. I bent over so he could get in my ass.

"What a beautiful pink hole," Lou commented. "Cum and lubricant make it nice and nice juicy." Sandor was really close to shooting. He nuzzled his cock head in my hole and began to shoot off as soon as it touched. I could feel spurts of cum spattering against my hole. I tried to open my sphincter the let it in.

We went to bed after that. I slept well. The next day was exceptionally long. We had a breakfast event at the Children's ward of a hospital, a full schedule at the department store and then Lou and I had an event at a shelter for battered children that night. Lou and I did it alone because the shelter was in an undisclosed location and the full crew would have been too conspicuous. It was a miserable night. It was cold and there was a threat of an ice storm. We had to remain cheerful and happy throughout the event, but there were several children who were in bad shape so it was a trial.

Roddy drove us to the shelter in his SUV. The shelter was in a farm house deep in the outer suburbs. There were ten kids there and four mothers. The Staff was all dressed up like elves, but I would have to say, I was a much better elf than they were. The kid's recognized a real elf when the saw one. The counselor had clued Lou in on the children. As an actor, Lou had an extraordinary memory, and had no problem remembering the kids and names and certain personal facts about each.

I had assumed the kids thought their parents were assholes. In reality, most seemed to think they were bad and their parents were the good ones. The children weren't sure Santa would come, because they were so bad. Lou had his work cut out for him.

Lou was great. He was jolly, cheerful and reassuring. He had a funny routine pretending he wore a fake beard. The kids ate that up. Then he talked to each child individually. Roddy had found out what each child wanted and each got a gift. The kids had made cookies and a cake for us. They were stunningly misshapen and tasted a bit odd, but Lou was genuinely appreciative. It was a success.

We got out of the shelter at ten or so. It was snowing, lightly. As we turned onto the main highway, the snow changed to freezing rain. The road glazed over before our eyes. We were next to a motel, so we slid onto the parking lot. The radio said the storm would continue for a few hours. We were stuck.

We went into the motel to get a room, but the place was filled up. It didn't have a restaurant so it looked as if we would spend the night in the car. As we walked out we ran into two men who looked liked construction workers. We were in our costume, so we stood out.

"Hey Santa, I've been good this year," one of the men bellowed. " Can I tell you what I want for Christmas?" We stopped and talked to them. One recognized Lou as the Waldorph's Santa. Lou was affable as always and they asked us to their room for a beer. Our options were limited, so we went.

They were a mismatched pair. Bill was a burly man with a blond beard. He was a construction superintendent. Bubba was taller and thin. He was a true child of South western Virginia, with a thick accent. We soon found Bill played Santa for a community group. He was interested in getting some pointers from Lou.

"I get to play his fucking elf," Bubba said.

"Language, Bubba! Language!" Bill exclaimed.

"Just joking," Bubba complained. "You know I'd never do it in front of the kids!"

"I know it's a joke, but if it gets to be a habit, you might slip up," Bill said.

Bubba looked at Lou. "Do you ever get tempted to say something?" he asked. "You're the guys who got puked on, aren't you?"

"We get paid to fucking much to get tempted," Lou said. Bubba thought that was the funniest thing he had ever heard. We had a beer and Bill sent Bubba out to get some more. "We didn't plan on company," Bill said. Roddy went with Bubba. I think he had plans for so food. We had eaten only the cookies at the shelter. I didn't think there was much hope for 7-11 food, but Roddy was hopeful.

The room was warm and there didn't seem to be any way to control the heat. I was fine in my light weight elf outfit. Bill was dressed in contractor layers and Lou was cooking inside his suit and the padding. They began to strip down.

Bill looked good as he stripped. I thought he was fat, but that was the clothing. He was massive and solid, rather than fat. He was also a nice guy. He was interesting and had a good sense of humor.

Bubba and Roddy returned with beer, fries and some chicken fingers. They were also drenched and freezing. They had helped a woman who was stuck, her car slipped into a slush-filled puddle and sprayed them. They were soaked and shivering. They stripped and went to the shower. I put their clothes on the heating unit. Given the heat it was putting out, there would be no problem getting the clothes dry.

Lou went into the bath to take a leak. I was talking with Bill and didn't notice how long the trio spent in the bath. Someone must have told a good joke, but there was a roar of laughter coming from the bath. Bubba came in room, drying himself off. He was more muscular than I would have guessed and his cock was at half staff. Something had been going on in the bath.

"Kind of an informal dress code, isn't it Bubba?" Bill asked.

"Don't worry," Bubba said, "we're all members of the same fraternity. Roddy, Lou and I exchanged the secret handshake." Bill raised his eyebrows. Lou and Roddy came out of the bath. Lou was at half staff; Roddy was erect.

Bill did a double take when he saw Lou's meat. "What's that thing like when it grows up?" He asked.

Lou smiled, "Let's just say, there's enough for everyone," he replied. "Bubba said you guys were going to play some tonight and you wouldn't mind some additional playmates. I hope he's right."

"Yes. He sure is right," Bill said. "It's just that I don't know exactly what to do with your horse cock."

"Believe me, that's not going to be a problem," Lou said. "We'll work something out."

A week earlier I had been bedding well tanned, twink, beach bunnies. I had moved onto Hungarian dwarfs, and now was getting ready to jump in bed with some construction workers. I had a vision of rude, crude and nasty sex of the "slam, bang, thank you ma'am" type.

As it turned out, Bill and Bubba had the whole night to spend in sexual pursuits. They were marathon runners, not sprinters.

Next: Chapter 3

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