Santas Little Helpers

Published on Dec 5, 2005


Santa's Little Helpers

By Bald Hairy Man.

This is an adult gay story for adult gay men. I this offends you, DON'T read it. This is a fantasy, not a sex manual. Play safely.

Waldorph's Department Store had been a fixture of the Christmas season since the first years of the twentieth century. It followed the lead of big city department stores such as Macy's or Wanamaker's and their Christmas displays had become a part of the season. Waldorph's had fended off the predatory acquisitiveness of national chains and maintained its independence.

At the core of the Christmas celebration was Santa. It was generally accepted that Waldorph's had the real Santa, not just a false bearded replica. Waldorph's maintained its hold on the Santa position by paying big bucks to hire a well-known Broadway actor to play the role. They picked a man who needed as little make up and padding as possible to be convincing in the role.

The secret for getting a good Santa who was also a good actor was cash and lots of it. This year's Santa, Lou Montebello, could live for much of the year on his month of playing Santa. Any other roles that came his way would be pure gravy. My brother and I were hired to be helpers when a competing department store tried to make a go with the Enchanted Elf Kristmass Kingdom.

Their Elves were stuffed and mechanical. We were genuine elves. I'm Don and my brother is Davie. We aren't exactly elves, but we were damn small. The doctor told our mother we were about as small as a man could be and still be normal. I am 5'-1", my brother topped off at 5'-0". We are both well proportioned and muscular, and as long as we weren't standing next us, you wouldn't realize we were short. I'm a personal trainer and Davie is an actor. We look like twins even though we are just brothers.

Joining us in elf land was a pair of dwarfs, Zoltan and Sandor. They were Hungarian, in case you couldn't guess. They were genuine dwarfs. They had full sized trunks, but small legs. I wasn't too sure about them at first, but they turned out to be great guys. They lived in New York and were actors.

"You'd think there's little use for a pair of Hungarian dwarfs who look like twins, but once casting agents discovered we were useful, you'd be surprised how often we work," Zoltan said. "Lou got us this work. He was playing the Wizard of Oz and we were top of the line Munchkins. This job takes the pressure off paying the rent." They looked a bit fierce with big beards and an extravagant main of hair. They were cheerful and jolly. They had a great sense of humor, and were good sports to boot.

Being Santa's elves can be stressful if you don't see the humor in it. Ninety per cent of the people in line are nice, the remaining 10 percent are a pain. You could never get aggravated. Waldorph's was paying us too much for that.

The Department store rented a townhouse for us to stay in. With breakfast, lunch and dinner with Santa and special appearances we didn't have a lot spare time. We had Mondays and Sunday evenings off. Fortunately, the Department Store assigned a young man, Roddy Smith, to take care of our personal needs. Having three meals a day of kiddy food could become a pain. He got substituted real food for us and did things like laundry. His father owned the store, and taking care of the Christmas show was part of Roddy's training to take his place.

Lou had been Santa for three years and he gave us pointers for handling the problems of the job. He was a good actor. His flowing white beard and jolly pink cheeks, made him a near-perfect Santa. Oddly, he was second generation Italian-American and his earlier career was spent playing mafia gangsters. As he aged, he turned from looking menacing too cheerful.

We had our own dressing room and bath facilities in the store. We could be in costume leaving the store. Lou's costume was hot as hell and he often needed to shower between the afternoon session and the evening one.

I was in the first week in December when I had my first big disaster. A mother handed me a terrified three-year-old and the poor kid had a bout of projectile vomiting. I kept my cool and took it in stride, but I needed to change my clothes. It was hard to believe the little boy could make such a mess. He got me, Sandor, the floor and some of the decorations.

Actually it wasn't all due to the little boy. Several other kids knew a good thing when they saw it. They added to the unholy brew. It was 4:30, so we took our break. The janitorial crew needed to clean up. Everyone in line got free tickets to Dinner with Santa and his Elves. This wasn't the first time something like this had happened. They had it down to a science.

It was a race to the shower. It was warm in Santa's Wonderland and the line at the shower was long. Lou was cooking inside the Santa suit. I was covered in puke. I got in first. Lou peaked in the curtain. "Can we share?" he asked. "I almost fainted in the heat."

"Jump in," I said. "There's room." Lou was a big man, but solid. He needed some padding to be convincingly Santa like. I was eager to get the puke off and I didn't pay any attention to Lou. I dropped the soap, and when I retrieved it, I got an up close and personal look at his cock.

"Damn, is that thing real?" I blurted out.

"It sure is," Lou replied. He laughed. "You didn't know Satna was hung, did you?"

"I hadn't guessed you'd have a horse cock," I murmured.

"Keep in character," Lou said. "Think of it as a Reindeer cock."

"More like a moose or elk cock, I would think," I replied. "Damn, it's big."

"You like cock?" Lou asked.

"You could say that."

Lou smiled at me. "To tell you the truth, I do too." He pulled the foreskin back, exposing his cock head. I stuck my tongue out. "We don't have time for that now," he said. "Maybe later."

"I'm game," I said.

"Do you have any trouble getting away from your brother?" he whispered.

"He's game too," I said. "We play together some times, but he has no problem if I go solo."

Lou smiled again. "We'll work something out," he said. We finished our showers and went to the dressing room.

Roddy was there with clean costumes. "Don, you did really well out there," Roddy said. "Nice job. Shit happens, but puke is much more common for Santa's helpers."

"This has happened before?" Davie asked.

"In a hundred years of Santa's wonderland everything has happened," Roddy replied. "It's bad when the helper drops the kid on the floor."

"That's happened?"

"As I said, everything has happened," Roddy repeated. "Believe me. Shit is worse. We had a problem during a flue outbreak. That was before I was born, but Dad was doing this job then." Lou was getting dressed and I saw Roddy take a look as he dropped his towel and got back into his costume. A few minutes we went off to Dinner with Santa.

The banquet hall was fulled to the brim, with the people who signed up for the event and the added people from the afternoon. Lou was in top form, jolly and dispensing good cheer. Unbelievably the little boy who puked on me was back. He was weeping, but his mother wanted a picture with Santa. I calmed him down, and got him to Santa without event. The kid was smiling and laughing by the time Lou was done with him.

His mother told me the picture was for his father who was in Iraq. I felt good about the entire thing. At least there was a good reason for her to be back. There was a reporter for the local paper who was listening. She interviewed the woman and me and said there would be an article in the paper. I guess the entire episode turned out well.

By the time we got back to our house, we were all in a good mood. In the car I told Davie about my interlude with Lou. "Damn, I've heard of cradle robbing, but I never guessed you were into nursing home robbing," Davie said.

"He's not that old," I said.

Davie was silent for a few seconds. "You said he's hung like a fucking horse?" he asked. I have to admit. I know my brother well. We share some interests and one of these interests was hanging between Lou's legs.

"Horse hung, donkeys donged, that's what he is," I replied. "It's uncut, veiny and thick. He was soft, but it was a good six inches."

"Hot damn," Davie exclaimed. "Do you think he's a top?"

"I don't know if guys from a nursing home can top," I replied. Davie burst out laughing. We were back to t he town house and Lou and the Hungarian Dwarfs were having a drink.

"This was your day for Baptism by Fire!" Lou exclaimed as we walked in. "You did well."

"If you're given a lemon, make lemonade," Zoltan said. "You're young, but you're a pro." Sandor brought me a drink and the actors regaled us with stories of near disasters on the stage. I went to get another drink. Lou joined me in the kitchen.

"Can you join me for a little recreational activity later tonight?" he asked. "No problem with your brother?"

I didn't answer right away. "Davie is a little bit of a size queen," I said.

"He wants to join us?" Lou asked.

"I think so," I said, then I asked, "Are you into threesomes?"

Lou became a jolly old elf. "I have no problem with threesomes," he replied. "Do you have any problem with a fivesome? Sandor and Zoltan are old playmates of mine."

"They're into it too?"

"If it involves a cock and an ass, they're into it," Lou said. "They're lots of fun too. When I say lots, I mean it. They are cock hounds of the first order. They don't need to get on their knees to suck cock. They were born at the right height."

We returned to the living room. Apparently Davie had already figured out Zoltan and Sandor's sexual preference.

"You've started already?" Lou asked.

"It's been a long day, let's adjourn to the bedroom and get some in depth relaxation," Davie answered. We went up stairs. Zoltan was nude by the time we got to Lou's bedroom. I had no idea what to expect of a naked dwarf. Oddly, Zoltan and Sandor were better looking naked than dressed. They were very muscular and almost buffed.

They spent most of the day lifting children into Santa's lap, so I knew they were strong. I hadn't guesses they were bodybuilders. Their legs were undersized, but they were well equipped sexually. I looked at Davie. As a size queen and he looked as if he had died and gone to heaven. By now Lou was naked and his cock was already half hard. It was huge.

Davie and I are average, a good six inches, with a flared knob. We were cut. Lou and the Hungarians were uncut. Most of our friends were our age and were boyish. There was nothing boyish about Lou or the dwarfs. They weren't pretty, but they were intensely masculine.

Davie launched himself at Lou's cock. I just stood there. I must have been staring at Zoltan's cock.

"Guys joke about having a cock that hangs to their knees," he said. "I got it." We laughed and I got on the bed with the dwarfs. We had a great time. I'd never sucked an uncut cock before. They liked young guys, so all of us were happy.

Zoltan and Sandor were energetic men. I soon discovered they were doubly energetic when sexually excited. They functioned as a team. Their thick beard made them look alike, but their bodies were different. Zoltan was a hairy bear. His cock was thick and meaty. Sandor had a hairy chest and a treasure tail to his cock. His cock was long and thin. Even erect, skin covered his cock head.

They double teamed me. Every time I moved there was a cock near my mouth just begging to be sucked. When I sucked Sandor, I got my tongue inside the skin, licking up the sex juices. He was a leaker, and with the over sized skin kept it warm and steamy. It was pure, fermented sex jelly. While I sucked Sandor, Zoltan was at my cock or balls. He liked to deep throat and I did the same to Sandor when I wasn't savoring his pre cum. After ten minutes of crazed, wild sex, we traded places.

Zoltan's cock filled my mouth and the skin was entirely retracted. The head was huge and the slit wide. I could get my tongue into the slit deep into the shaft and intercept the pre cum as it oozed. Sandor deep throated my cock, but there was no way I could do the same to Zoltan. He was way too thick. We took a breather.

"Damn, we don't get young ones often," Zoltan said, "You're pretty."

"Thanks, you guys are fun," I replied. "And tasty!"

"You like man scum?" Sandor asked. I nodded. "Years ago when I met Zoltan, I thought the scum was what you had to put up with to suck cock. Now I think of it as the main attraction. It's a taste treat for a job well done."

"That they way I see it," I said. "Davie doesn't ooze much. You guys are leakers." Davie moaned and I looked over at him. Lou was on his back and Davie was trying to impale himself on Lou's pole. I didn't know Davie liked to be fucked. I sort of liked getting fucked, but I didn't know Davie was into it. It also seemed to me liking it in the ass and sitting on Lou's massive sex tool were two different things. Lou was so big, it was more like bing fisted.

"Pretty, isn't it?" Sandor asked. "It takes a real pro to take Lou." As he said that, Davie moaned again and Lou's cock vanished in his ass. Davie and Lou were completely still. After a few seconds, Davie began to rotate his hips.

I've been fucked a few times and I realized he was working Lou's cock into a better position. Davie continued to undulate until the organ was in the right spot. He moaned once more. "Damn, that's good!"

Davie and Lou seem to have inspired my Hungarian friends. Sandor was behind me and he was nosing his cock into my crack. I hadn't considered getting fucked this evening, but strangely enough I moved my legs so he could get in more easily. Sandor had lubricated his cock and when he poked at me, my hole open up.

Sandor didn't really fuck me. He slowly eased his cock into my ass. It was slow and easy. I enjoyed in, but as his cock probed deeper, I began to much more than enjoy it. As Sandor's cock went deeper, Zoltan coated my cock in lube. It didn't know what he had in mind until he joined me and Sandor on the bed. Sandor shifted so I was sitting on his cock. Zoltan straddled me and sat in my cock. Sandor and Zoltan joined hands and we rocked, connected cock to ass and ass to cock.

As we slowly rocked, Zoltan's weight forced Sandor's cock deeper into my ass. My prostate was squeezed between the two men and the pressure grew. I had never felt anything more intense in my life. After a few minutes the pressure was too much and I began to shoot off. I was gasping for breath as I ejaculated.

Zoltan smiled. "That is, fill me up," he said. I felt his ass contract as he began to climax. Hot cum began to splatter in my chest and chin. Sandor began to moan. He was rear loading me. The three of us became a single, ejaculating being.

Next: Chapter 2

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