Santas Gift

By Phyllis Wood

Published on Nov 28, 2008


Santa's Gift 4 Copyright 2008 Phyllis Wood (TG - Magic)

This is a work of fiction. This is my story and I'm sticking to it! Anyone reading this younger than eighteen years old, please remove your eyes at your earliest inconvenience. Anyone wishing to repost this to any FREE story archive is encouraged to do so on the condition of this header remaining its integral part.


It's Christmas Eve and I'm pregnant again. This is my third and my body's fifth. I was due three days ago. The whole family is here to visit and help. Mom, (I suppose she's my mother-in-law now but I'll always think of her as Mom) and I are in the kitchen getting ready for tomorrow. All the gifts were wrapped last week in preparation for my delivery. We started cooking yesterday. There are still all sorts of things that need to be done: stuffing, de-bone the turkey, make the stock and gravy, cook the squash and make the pies and make the cranberry sauce. Left for tomorrow will be to cook the turkey parts, the baked potatoes and heat all the rest. I've gotten used to feeling like I swallowed a watermelon.

As we are cooking and cleaning, Mom and I chat about family.

"Lisa, I've been meaning to ask you this for a long time. Pardon me for being personal but for the last few years I've had the feeling that when I talk with you I'm talking with Kevin and when I talk with Kevin I'm actually talking with you. I tried to ignore it but lately it's just been creepy. It gives me the willies. It's like you two switched bodies or something. There, I've said my peace, no offense meant."

I stood there a minute, stunned.

"None taken Mom" I managed to say after a moment or two.

"There, that's part of it. You never used to call me Mom. You used to call me by my first name and now Kevin's doing it. He used to call me Mom."

I took Mom's hands in mine. "Things ARE different, it's not your imagination."


"You're right, we did switch bodies. It was a gift from Santa three years ago."

"Now you're just funnin' me!"

"I know it's hard to believe. Let me explain."

We spent the better part of two hours discussing what had happened, why I would wish to be a woman, differences and all sorts of stuff. She mentioned all the clues that kept building and building until she had to say something. The others had also noticed.

"Oh, Damn, that means we'll have to tell them as well."

"Well at the moment as you know, they're all outside playing football."

At that moment my little sister, Deb came in (my real sister).

"Hi Mom, Hi Lisa, It's getting cold out there."

She was always a tomboy. As children I helped cooked dinner while she played football with the guys.

"Hang on, I need to pee. It's why I came in."

A few minutes later we could hear the toilet flush.

"So, Lisa, when are you going to deliver, you look like you're going to pop."

"Gee thanks, go back to your game." I returned.

"Dinner is in 15 minutes. Tell the others!" yelled Mom as Deb ran out the door.

Dinner was our usual non-stop chatter. Mom and Dad, Kevin and I, Deb and her husband John, and Steve. The kids were eating in the kitchen, the 4 of mine and Deb's 2 boys.

We toasted family and then we toasted my pregnancy and wished us a safe delivery.

When dinner was over, as we were drinking our coffee and talking about old times, I nudged Kevin.

"Mom, get the kids, they should be here to."

"Mom, Dad, family, Kevin and I have a story to tell. Kids, we try to tell the truth. When you asked three years ago, remember we told you the truth then and told you first."

"Told us what Mommy."

"Three years ago, Daddy and I made a wish. It was Christmas and we truly meant it."

"What was the wish Mommy."

"Daddy and I wished we could trade bodies. Kind of like the movie Freaky Friday with Jamie Lee Curtis. Jillian (my eldest), Do you remember a golden card in the tree from Santa? That was a card from him granting our wish. You two noticed we were acting strange. I told you the truth but you didn't believe us. Now I'm telling the whole family. We did change bodies."

There were all sorts of reactions from "Cool!" -- from Jillian to "Yuck! Why would anyone want to do that." from John. There were of course lots and lots of questions, we made them take turns. Eventually they accepted us as who we are.

"Mom, I think we've answered all the questions. The girls need to go to bed, the boys probably do as well. We need to clean up."

We were done putting the dishes in the dishwasher and beginning the pots and pans when there was a gush of water down my kegs.

"Damn, my water just broke!"

"OK OK" said Mom. She grabbed a towel to soak up the fluid

"I'm so sorry about the mess."

"Don't be. Deb, come here please and finish cleaning this up while I call the mid-wife."

"Sure Mom, Lisa, you go on up to bed, the one with the plastic..."

"I know, I know."

I just got to the bottom of the stairs when the first contraction hit me. I'd forgotten how much pain there was. Yes, I know this is why it's called labor. My one consolation is that each of my daughters took two to three hours. The contractions were 15 minutes apart. This gave me lots of time to think of this and that, about my life now and then.

I remembered how hard I got when Lisa came back from the bathroom with the pee stick in her hand saying she was pregnant. We made love right after that. I came too quickly and used my tongue to help her come. I tasted my semen the first time and remembered then how much I like the taste.

My mind drifted to when we were at the gynecologist's office and the doctor inserted his whole hand into her vagina to feel the cervix. I tried to imagine the feel of someone's whole hand inside me. I noticed there was a grimace, then a moan when he did that.

"In a few months you baby's head will be coming out the same way, you have to get used to the stretching."

Afterwards, Lisa told me she was surprised but she loved it. Mostly I remembered how much fun I had suckling her swelling breasts and making love to her pregnant body. The sight of her swollen belly always seemed to get me aroused. It's like I was making love to the Mother Goddess. There is nothing more feminine than a pregnant woman. Watching my hard cock slide into her, no words can convey my feelings.

I was with my wife Lisa when she gave birth to our first two girls. Despite the pain and agony involved I always wished it was my body going through child birth.

At that moment another contraction hit my body: Long Slow Breath, Long Slow Breath

Be careful what you wish for I suppose. Still I wouldn't give this up for anything.

Mom came up and asked me if there was anything she could do. I asked for Alanis so I could breastfeed her before the pains were too close together. Tabitha wanted some milk as well but she was weaned months ago. I told her she's a big girl now and we need to save my milk for the new baby who's about to come out.

As I was Suckling Alanis, I thought of the visit to the mid-wife yesterday and the reminder that semen thins the cervix and makes childbirth easier. She gave me a prescription for frequent sex. I could see Kevin's erection grow as she spoke. We made love in the van before going home, in the shower last night and then this morning my brother Steve joined us before breakfast. The thought of their hard cocks thrusting between my legs, MMM. And the feel of their hard cocks pumping hot semen into me. Kevin and Steve managed to inject two doses each of semen and licked each of their cocks clean before it was time to get up to feed Alanis I found myself rubbing my clit. A few minutes later I had a small orgasm just before the next contraction:

Long Slow Breath, Long Slow Breath.

Deb took the babe to change it and put it down to sleep.

"I guess the semen worked." I said out loud without realizing it.


"Yesterday my mid-wife prescribed semen to thin my cervix and speed my delivery. I've had a bunch of doses since then."

"You little slut. No wonder you wanted to be a woman."

"There are advantages and disadvantages. Being pregnant, having children, breast feeding, making love to Kevin, all make me feel so much a woman."

"I used to make myself come when I beast fed as well. Childbirth always made me feel like I wanted to come, especially when the head was coming through me. Never did anything about it though. Does it seem to help?"

Another contraction: Long Slow Breath, Long Slow Breath

"You were saying?" said Mom with a smile.

"That being a woman -- even with childbirth is wonderful."

"So how did you get pregnant this time? Didn't you say you were going to wait a while?"

"The usual way."

"Details, I want specifics."

I could tell she was trying to keep my mind off the labor pains.

"Well, if you must. We have sex pretty often but try to avoid my fertile period. But the critical event was when I was getting ready for a bath. The tub was full, I took off my robe to get in, and bent over to check the water. As I did so, I felt Kevin's hands on my hips. He caressed my butt. It felt heavenly so I let him continue. I was becoming aroused and I was about to stop him when I felt his cock slide balls deep into me. I remember a moment of panic as I didn't want to get pregnant yet; but my God, we hadn't had sex in days. He felt wonderful. I still can't believe how quickly I came. He was almost as quick. He stayed hard and continued to fuck me hard and fast. I pinched my breasts to another orgasm. He took a little longer but soon filled me with another load of come. I pulled him into the tub with me. We continued to play through the night. Me getting pregnant was inevitable. Mom, do me a favor and rub my clit. I'm so aroused, I know you are as well. Let me rub yours."

"I never thought you'd ask."

I was very surprised to see she wasn't wearing panties. Her honey was running down her legs. We both came in a matter of a minute

Ooff: Long Slow Breath, Long Slow Breath

When the contraction was over I looked up. Deb was in the doorway watching us.

"So, Deb" I asked, "How has John been treating you lately. Did you two fuck today?"

"No, we only have sex once a week or so. Somehow having sex with him doesn't arouse me."

"It was the same with us. Our frustration led in part to our wish. Maybe you should make the same wish."


Another contraction: Long Slow Breath, Long Slow Breath

"Hope the midwife gets her soon, you're down to three minutes. Oh, speaking of the midwife."

"Hi Lisa, how is it going? Three minutes? Let me check."

She put on plastic gloves, lubed my vagina and slid her hand inside me. I love this part, the feel of her hand inside me always makes me aroused. This time I came.

"Did you just come on my hand?"

"Yes", I said, "sorry".

"Don't be, glad to bring some joy to your like. It just doesn't happen often during labor."

Another contraction: Long Slow Breath, Long Slow Breath

I can feel her coming. I need to push.

Another contraction: Long Slow Breath, Long Slow Breath

"Push hard!"


"Push hard!"

"I can feel the head coming out!" I screamed.

"Push hard!"


Then the rest of the body came out. There was a sigh of relief from us all.

The midwife caught the baby and looked at the clock. 12:02

"Merry Christmas Lisa, You have another wonderful daughter." She tied off the cord and cut it. Deb dried off the baby while the midwife got the placenta and cleaned me up.

"Now remember, no sex for at least a month."

She stayed for a half-hour to make sure everything was OK and then went home.

"What are you going to call her?" said Deb.

"I like Nikki -- after St. Nick. After all I owe him so much."

After Mom changed the sheets and went to bed, Deb stayed with me.

"Um, Lisa? I was wondering about something."


"What's it like to make love to a woman?"

"Let me show you, snuggle with me."

"I kissed her and made quiet love to her."

I helped her come a couple times.

"That's just a taste, there is so much more."

I guess I fell asleep.

"Mommy, Mommy, Santa Came!"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'll be down in a minute honey."

My body hurt from last night's efforts. I crawled into the shower, dried off, threw on a robe and came down stairs to a tree with a gazillion toys in front of it. The others were already opening the stockings. I lay down on the couch with Alanis and Nikki at my breast and rested. The gifts were a whirl but at the end my eldest Jillian came over to me.

"I found three gold cards Mommy."

"Who are they for?"

"One is for you and Daddy, one is for Uncle Steve and one is for Aunt Debbi"

"Steve, Deb? These are for you." She said.

Deb took the one for Steve and Steve took the one for Deb.

"No, No, you took the wrong ones."

"Jillian, I think they got the right ones. Well Steve, Deb, do you have anything to say?"

Steve said, "Kids play with your toys, the grown-ups need to talk in private."

We went into Dad's den.

"I guess we made the same wish last night." They said simultaneously.

That's Disgusting!" John said and walked out."

"We need to talk." Steve ran after John but to no avail. He drove off in a huff.

"Damn, Damn, Damn! I was afraid of that." said Deb in Steve's body. "Steve, family, I've wanted to be a guy like the two of you. You're my big brothers and I always felt left out. I find it so ironic that the two of you wanted to be girls."

Steve -- in Deb's body, I never thought this was possible until I confronted Lisa last Christmas. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I experienced a piece of what it's like to be a woman. It awakened all the thoughts I had as a kid. Last night I was masturbating and fantasizing I was Deb. I truly wished I could be a woman."

"Oh my God, I wished I was a man at the same time." said Steve's body

"Next thing I know I'm laying on my back and John is fucking me. He came soon after and rolled off leaving me unsatisfied."

"Tell me about it, you're better off without him."

"Well he fell asleep right away so I just lay there exploring my body and caressing myself until I came. It all felt so right. It was different but the same. I enjoyed being fucked by John but I would have been so much better for him to help me come to."

"For my part, I came three strokes later. Then I went to the bathroom to clean up. Stood up to pee for the first time. So much less hassle than sitting."

"So what are you going to do now. I asked Steve in Deb's body?"

"I don't know, John's going to want a divorce. You saw his reaction. I want the kids."

"Thank you, Deb in Steve's body said. She hugged him and both cried."

"Steve," Deb said to her body, "we're going to need to stick together in this. If John fights this we're going to have to be in court to fight for our kids. Steve you're going to have to be me until this is settled."

"You can count on it."

"Deb, Steve," I said, "This is so confusing talking to you in the wrong bodies. If you don't mind, I'll use your body names. Everybody else will and you'll have to get used to it."

"I guess you're right they both said.

They hugged and kissed.

"I could like this. I've been hard all morning."

"You need to wait until tonight when the kids are in bed. We should join the others and clean up the mess I'm sure they made."

The phone rang not long after. We found out John ran a light and got hit by a truck. We all feel so bad about his boys. Christmas will always be the day their daddy died.

Christmas dinner was late and somber.

Toward the end of dinner Jillian asked, "Mommy, what did your card say?" "Oh, my goodness, I forgot to read it."

I pulled it out of my bra and read it aloud.

"A gift to you all,

A child named Nikki.

Merry Christmas!"

Tears came to my eyes as I said aloud -- "Thank you."

We all shared a group hug.

We sat the kids in front of a movie while we discussed our options.

A while later I went to use the bathroom. I could hear moans from inside. I opened the door a crack and could see Deb bent over the counter, her skirt up over her hips. Steve was standing behind her fucking her. I stood there and watched until they both came. They looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back, closed the door and then went to the other bathroom. I thought of them as I sat and peed.

When I got back to the TV room, They announced that Steve was going to move in with them.

"Is Uncle Steve going to be our new daddy?" Deb's eldest boy asked.

"Yes John, he is."

Oh, Good! I want Mommy to be with us even if she is using Uncle Steve's body. Uncle Steve," he said looking at Deb's body. "I want you to be a good mommy 'cause if Mommy's going to be my new Daddy, I need you to be my new Mommy."

We all laughed.

Deb picked up John Jr. and Jerry kissed them both on the cheek. I am your mommy and nobody is going to change that.

We gave then bed-time snack and put them to bed. Then went back to the TV room to talk. Kevin and I shared a lounge chair, Steve and Deb shared the other. Mom and Dad were on the couch.

"You know", Mom said to no one in particular, "I never would have guessed that all my children were so unhappy with their gender."

"Didn't you ever think of it?" I asked.

"Not until our discussion yesterday. I've spent the day wondering what it would be like to suddenly be inside your father's body and making love to him in my body. I'm not sure I can wrap my mind around it. I enjoy being a woman too much. I enjoy feeling your father's penis inside me too much to want to want to try it the other way."

I looked at Dad and noticed a tent in his pants.

"I second you mother's comments. How could I pass up being with a hot woman like your mother. That said, I think your mother and I should retire to bed and leave this floor to the younger generation."

They quickly left.

"Want to bet they're fucking in the next few minutes?" said Deb

"Did you see the tent in Dad's pants?" I noted

"Did you notice Mom doesn't wear panties?" said Steve

"I noticed she often doesn't wear a bra but no I didn't notice." said Deb.

"I did last night." I added.

At that point I felt Kevin's lips on my breast.

I felt my milk let down. I had fed the girls a half-hour before so there wasn't much.

"Deb, are you on the pill?" I asked.


"Any plans on having more kids?"

"Hadn't thought about it said Steve. I like your arrangement."

"If the new Deb is willing to carry the child, I don't mind having another just so she can experience what we have all gone through."

I looked over at Deb and Steve. I noticed Deb was sitting on Steve's lap with her skirt all bunched around her.

"It works better if Steve takes off his pants." I chuckled

"You're right."

Deb stood up, Steve's cock came to light. Deb took off Steve's pants & underwear. Steve sat back down, Deb took off her blouse and skirt and then sat on his cock again. We watched then fuck a while.

"Steve, you asked last night what it was like to make love to a woman. Does this answer your question?"

"You asked her that? Said Deb.

"I'd never made love to women at that point, only men.'

"Do I satisfy you?"

"Oh, yes"

We all watched him come.

Deb rode him faster and rubbed her clit until she came a few moments later.

Meanwhile I had Kevin's cock in my hand and was stroking him as we watched them.

"If you want to join them I don't mind watching. I'm out of bounds for the next month." I whispered to him.

Deb was leaning into Steve at the moment. They had stopped but his cock was still in her. Kevin knelt between their legs and began to lick the come off their cock and pussy.

Deb giggled at first. Then, as she felt Steve's cock grow hard inside her, she moaned, "MMM, That's nice."

She slowly began to fuck him again. He finished growing hard. Meanwhile, Kevin was behind her and he licked her ass a while. Then he stood behind her and began to insert his cock into her ass.

"Oh, wait, I've never been fucked back there before."

"Oh, yes you have!" we all said. "Don't you remember last Christmas?" said Kevin and I.

"John used to fuck me in the ass all the time. I love it." said Steve.

"Kevin", Steve continued, "when you're done fucking Deb in the ass, I'd love if you do me as well."

Deb gave a small cry as Kevin sank balls deep into her ass.

"I can feel your cock through Deb's cunt. This is so cool." said Steve.

They both began to fuck her together. She came a bunch of times before they came. They were all dripping in sweat when they were done. I discretely left and went upstairs to feed my babes. I was just crawling into bed when Kevin joined me. We shared a long kiss that made me wish I could have joined them.

"Merry Christmas" I said to him

"Merry Christmas" he said back.

I rolled over and curled up. Kevin moved behind me and put his arm over my body. I felt so safe and happy. I fell asleep thanking Santa for all my blessings and wondering what next Christmas would bring.

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