Santas Gift

By Phyllis Wood

Published on Jan 8, 2008


Santa's Gift 3 Copyright 2008 Phyllis Wood (TG - Magic)

This is a work of fiction. This is my story and I'm sticking to it! Anyone reading this younger than eighteen years old, please remove your eyes at your earliest inconvenience. Anyone wishing to repost this to any FREE story archive is encouraged to do so on the condition of this header remaining its integral part.


Another year has past. Today is Christmas. My daughters (from this body but not me) are 5 and 7. My daughters (from me in this body) are 1 and the other 4 months. Yes I have two in diapers. What was I thinking!

The girls opened their presents in an hour or so. Christmas dinner was good but messy. Ever watch a 5 year-old eat? It can't help but be messy. I started weaning my 1 year-old when the last was born but I still feed them both more often than not. My breasts have adapted to the increased demand. Today I breast-fed both before dinner so we could eat in peace while they napped.

After dinner we sat and talked as most families do. We discussed tales of this and that, childhood stories of growing up as well as college and meeting new people. My brother is visiting for the holidays. Actually he used to be my brother, now I suppose he's my brother-in-law. He divorced last summer so it was good to hear him laugh again. We all worked together to clean up the mess and put away the leftovers.

Early to bed tonight. Tomorrow we go skiing, it's a family tradition. My, now Kevin's, parents offered to take care of the kids so my brother - Steve, Kevin and I could have some time to ourselves. During the past month I took the time to store some of my breast milk for when I'd be gone.

I woke this morning with Kevin fucking me. It seemed too early to wake up! I moaned.

"Get up Hun, we need to leave in a few minutes."

"I suppose." I wasn't into it but I let him continue.

I heard him grunt and felt him come in me. He stopped and we both took a shower. I fed both my daughters before we left.

In the car my brother drove while Kevin and I slept. (he'll always be my baby brother even though that's changed). A couple hours later I woke up.

"How are you doing?" I asked.

"Fine, I love driving early, it beats the traffic."

"I suppose." We talked of this and that for a while, then silence for a while.

"There's no good way to ask this." He started. "So I'll just ask. Did you two change bodies or something?"

A shiver went down my back.

"Why do you ask that?" I asked in as calm a voice as I could manage.

"Well at dinner the stories you two were remembering were each other's stories. I mean you were talking about things that happened to my brother as if they happened to you and visa versa. Not just once but a bunch of times. I don't know if Mom or Dad noticed but I found it creepy."

I just sat there for a while stunned. We'd been so careful the last two years. I guess because we trust our family so much we let our guard down.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult you or anything..."

"No, no, It's just that I really don't know what to say."

"You haven't answered my question."

My brother always was direct and determined when something was bothering him.

"You're right, it's true, we did change our bodies two years ago."

"What?! You're making fun of me now."

"You asked."

"No, really, what happened? Why are you two acting like each other."

"Because we are. Listen, you asked so I'll tell you the story of what happened. If you don't believe me it's your problem, not mine."

So I told him about our marital problems, the gold cards from Santa and the change, the fact that the girls noticed but got used to it and the facts that our co-workers were just oblivious. I also mentioned how different it is to be a dad than a mom.

"I must admit I find it hard to believe." He said.

"I would to except that I experienced the change from male to female in mid intercourse."

"I must admit I'm intrigued. You're my brother?"

"Used to be."

"And now you're my sister-in-law."


"And my sister-in-law has been posing as my brother."


"You're boggling my mind, so many questions. OK, supposing what you said was true, what's it like being a woman, I mean how is it different from being a man. What's it like to get fucked, get pregnant, have two kids, breastfeed. No man has experienced that."

"I'm not so sure. Anyway, there aren't any words to describe the questions you asked. Its different, yet the same. I'm just me, I can't really describe my experiences in any terms you could understand."

"I suppose you're right."

He asked me all sorts of questions about our childhood to reassure himself that I really used to be his brother. After about an hour of discussion my husband woke up. Apparently he'd been listening for a while.

"I take it from the conversation that he knows about our body exchange."

"Yes, apparently we were not cautious enough during dinner yesterday."

"Wine and family will do it every time." said Kevin.

"So, bro- you OK with this?" Kevin asked.

"I guess so, I must admit its weird talking to my brother and hearing Lisa's voice and seeing her gorgeous body. What did you think of the change?" Steve asked?

"I think its kinda cool. I get to stand to pee, men assume I know what I'm doing. There are a lot of other advantages in today's society to be a man. I get better pay for the same job, clothes that match the size, shoes that are comfortable, I can open bottles on my own, no periods or yeast infections, she carries the babies not me, my tits don't get in the way, no discomfort from missing a feeding, I can go on for ever. Why your brother wanted to be a woman is beyond me."

"He's right but I feel more comfortable being a woman and I love having children. This body has had four, I've carried two of them. I'm not sure how many more we can afford but I'd like several more."

"What do you say to that?"

"We can afford as many as we want, If she wants to carry them then I'm up for it."

"Don't you get tired of taking care of them, cleaning, house, laundry etc."

"Of course, It helps that my husband is willing to care for them as well. We both put in long hours but its good that he knows what it's like to be a mother."

At that point we got to the ski area. We stopped for gas, breakfast and we were on the slopes.

I must admit I had to relearn to ski. It's been eight years since this body was on skis and my center of balance is different than I remembered. The Jacuzzi at the end of the day was a godsend. Thank god the timeshare we use has one.

The three of us were nude enjoying the bubbles. After a few minutes the only thing hurting were my breasts. They were so full they felt like they were going to explode.

"How are your breasts feeling?" Kevin asked "They look painful to the touch."

"You should know, they used to be yours."

"Thought so, care for some help?"

"I'd love it! Steve, you to."


"In case you haven't noticed I breast feed my children. They're at home at the moment so I haven't had a chance to feed them since this morning. Right now my two water balloons feel like they're going to burst. Kevin has offered to suckle them to relieve the agony. By the way, milk really does taste good. Care to help?"

"Got Milk?" my husband joked.

Kevin moved over and began to suckle my breast. I felt my let down reflex and my milk gush out.

"Come here." I said to my brother. I pulled him to my breast. It felt like I was in heaven. The milk gushing from my breasts makes my uterus tighten. I could feel it inside me and is very arousing as Kevin knows all too well. The two of them suckled my breasts as I rubbed my clit. I came about the time they were done. My breasts were noticeably deflated.

"Come, let's dry off and move to the bed." I kissed them both. I could taste my milk on their lips. As we dried each other off I could see that both were sporting erections. I also felt a finger or two slip between my lips into my pussy. I was the first into bed and went for Steve as he got into bed. When he stopped moving I began to suck his cock. He must have been excited as he came in my mouth almost immediately. I swallowed it all and then kissed him.

"I guess sucking my tits made you hot?"

"You could say that."

I noticed Kevin was lying on the bed, his cock waving in the air. I skootched over, straddled his legs, positioned his cock between my lips and sat down hard on his cock as I've done countless times since I've become a woman. I felt him fill me. When I reached bottom I leaned forward so my breasts hung over him. I looked into his eyes and raised my ass as I tightened my vaginal muscles, then back down. We fucked this way, deep and slow for a couple minutes. Then he growled "Enough!" and rolled me over.

I giggled as he fucked me hard and fast until he came a minute later. I rubbed my clit furiously so I'd come when he did but I couldn't stop giggling.

We rested until our panting and my giggling calmed down. I noticed my brother Steve with his cock hard again.

"Lick my pussy." I said to him.

"It's full of cum."

"Sure is, my pussy is full of my husband's come. I want you to taste it while its still fresh."


"You're the only one of us who has never tasted come." said Kevin. I've heard mine is the best, especially when mixed with the taste of her pussy."

He eventually began to lick my pussy. "Oooh, that felt good, keep going." I moaned.

He turned out to be better at eating me out than I expected. It didn't take me long to come, especially when I felt his tongue deep inside me, sucking the come out of me. Then he licked his tongue across my clit. My whole body clenched over and over as I came.

His cock was harder than ever now. Kevin's had become hard as well.

"Time to feel what it's like to be a woman. Steve, you asked this morning, now you get to find out."


"You heard me, we turn your white ass into an Oreo."

"Say what?"

I rolled over and got on my hands and knees.

"Fuck me in the ass. I'm so slippery now you'll slide right in."


I felt his cock against my ass. I relaxed and pushed back. He went right in with a pop. There was a moment of pain and then he was deep inside my ass. We both moaned.

"Hold still now."

"Kevin got behind Steve. I felt a hand grab some of my wetness from my pussy and then Steve gasped.

"Ow, Ow, Ow, - go easy."

"No problem."

"Oh, yeah, that's better, OK, now go slow."


I could tell my husband was fucking my brother 'cause in stroke pushed Steve into my ass. I tried to match the rhythm so maybe we could all come at once. My men had all come recently so they lasted longer than usual. I used my fingers on my pussy so I came a couple of times before I felt my brother's cock fill me with come at about the same time that Kevin came in his ass.

We all flopped on the bed and rested a moment.

"So, how does it feel to get fucked like a woman." I asked. "Your cock filled me, his cock filled you."

"I don't know if I can describe it."

"Did you like it?"

"Loved it!"

"Like the taste of his come?"

"Took some getting used to, but yeah."

"I can't wait to see you suck his cock."

"I'm not sure - I've never done it."

"A lot of stuff you've never done before this evening."

"Let's take a shower, go out to eat and continue where we left off when we get back."

Before we went out, a quick call home to see how things were going, say good night to the girls and sing their bed time songs.

It turned out we spent a while dancing as well. By the time we got back to the timeshare it was almost midnight and time to feed my daughters as well. My men helped me out by suckling my breasts again. When they were empty I said "That was wonderful, now do it to each other, suck each other's cocks."

They looked at each other.

"Sure, why not."

"I'm OK if you are."

So they moved to a 69 position on their sides. I watched them and rubbed my pussy. Watching them come and watching their throats swallow each other's come helped me to come as well. When they were done I kissed them both and tasted their come on their mouths. We fell asleep soon after.

I woke in the middle of the night. With swollen breasts. I noticed Kevin was hard again.

"I need your help again." I said.

"Not surprised, you know the more milk we take, the more your body will produce."

"I feel like a cow sometimes but when you or the girls suckle my breasts I can't help but become VERY horny. Let me fuck you."

I sat on his cock while he emptied my breasts. I came a couple times before he did. The breast he hadn't started yet was dribbling milk. When he finished my breasts he rolled me over and pounded me good. I came again as I pulled his hard body to mine.

The next morning I noticed Steve had an erection so I woke him up by sitting on it. He woke with a start as my pussy plunged onto his cock. A minute or two later I felt Kevin move behind me. A moment later, I felt him lubricate my ass and then his cock popped inside me. I came almost immediately. The feel of both their cocks inside me was exquisite. I could feel their cocks bumping into each other as they fucked me. They came quickly as well. We took turns in the shower as they drained my breasts one at a time.

We spent the next two days fucking and skiing. My brother has learned a little of what it's like to be a woman. We even tried some of my clothes on him but it looked silly. He said sucking cock and being fucked by a good man is fun but he'd rather make love to a woman.

I wonder what next year will bring. Thank you Santa.

Next: Chapter 4

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