Santas Gift

By Phyllis Wood

Published on Dec 28, 2006


Santa's Gift next Christmas Copyright 2006 Phyllis Wood (TG - Magic)

This is a work of fiction. This is my story and I'm sticking to it! Anyone reading this younger than eighteen years old, please remove your eyes at your earliest inconvenience. Anyone wishing to repost this to any FREE story archive is encouraged to do so on the condition of this header remaining its integral part.


"It's Christmas Eve again. Do you remember last year?"

"How could I forget." I replied to my husband "It's the night Santa made a woman of me."

"MMM" was his only reply.

Once again the tree had been decorated and all the presents brought down from the attic and all the sundry hiding places and placed under the tree. Kevin and I were snuggling on the couch and looking at the Christmas lights, decorations and presents while sipping a glass of Cognac. Kevin put down his glass and began to kiss my neck and ear. It sent shivers down my spine. I began to kiss his scratchy face while he unbuttoned my blouse and bra. I felt myself becoming wet in anticipation of what was to come. He continued to kiss me slowly sensuously the way she once wanted me to but I didn't know what she meant. I kissed her hard the way I used to love it. He stroked my thighs and along my side touching the base of my breasts but not yet the centers. It seems I can't get enough kissing, I enjoy the feel of his lips on mine and his tongue against mine and the closeness of his body and his sweaty aroma. I held him tight and felt relaxed and sensual and sexy and caring all at once. He caressed the sides of my breasts some more and then moved down and began to suckle my milk filled breasts. I could feel my milk gushing into his mouth with each suck as my let down reflex relaxed. After a few mouths full I pulled him back up and kissed him some more. I could taste my milk on his lips.

"We need to save some for Tabitha."

As I said this I unbuckled his jeans and pushed them down along with his under wear. His hard cock sprang free onto my belly. He pushed them down and stepped out of them. I unbuttoned his shirt while he lifted my skirt. As usual I wore no panties. My milk was dribbling from my breasts. I spread my legs and pulled him on top of me. His cock missed my opening so I guided him to the entrance of my cunt. Kevin thrust deeply into me. A gasp from both of us as I felt the head of his cock slide past my G spot. He stopped for a moment and then began his long slow deep thrusts into me. We stared into each other's eyes looking deep into our souls and the love we have for each other. I felt his cock fucking me and bringing me that pleasure that words can't really describe. I came first, as often happens. My whole body shook. I could feel my vaginal muscles squeeze his cock rhythmically. As I calmed down his thrusts became erratic and I felt him squirt into me. I held him close until he started breathing again in gasps. He fucked me slowly, enjoying the feel of his hard cock in my wet cunt. I remembered the quivers it used to send through my spine. It felt good to me to. I was contemplating the idea of continuing to another orgasm when I heard the crying of my two-month old daughter, Tabitha. So much for that I thought.

"Off" I said to him gently, "Someone's hungry."

As I stood up my skirt fell to my ankle. I didn't bother to close my bra or blouse. It felt a bit strange to feel my breasts bobble as I walked up the stairs. I picked my daughter out of her crib, changed her diaper and brought her to my breast as I sat in the large comfy chair next to the crib. As she suckled she sent waves of pleasure to my cunt. Breastfeeding always makes me horny. When Lisa was breastfeeding her daughters before I took over Lisa's body she said breastfeeding made her horny as well. I lay back in the chair. I could feel Kevin's come dribbling from my cunt. I ran my fingers between my still swollen come soaked lips and around my clit. As I lay back, suckling and masturbating I thought of the things I (we) experienced this past year.

I thought of my two daughters and how I was now Mommy. Mostly being a mother is great but when one is injured or sick I'm the one they call. I'm the one who gets to deal with a sick girl at midnight who vomits in my lap. And yes I'm the one who wakes up every two hours to feed my new baby. Never enough sleep. My pregnancy went well. I was uncomfortable a lot with some morning sickness. I now know why they call it labor. The pain was similar to having my wisdom teeth out as a boy. I'm glad nature's hormones helped me forget some of it. My thoughts wandered to sex. We certainly have much more sex now than we did before. Kevin can't get enough of it and I'm usually very willing to oblige, even to the night before I went into labor. The doctor said it would help give me an easier delivery. I must say that during check ups, my Ob-gyn would slide her hand entirely into me to feel my cervix and feel how dilated I was. It felt heavenly. After I gave birth and we could have sex again, I asked Kevin to fist fuck me occasionally. My mind wandered back in time as Tabitha suckled my breast.

A couple nights after the change I woke up and noticed Kevin was masturbating in the bed next to me. We'd made love only a few hours before but he was apparently horny again. Almost instantly I felt myself becoming wet. I rolled over and he stopped.

"Don't waste that nice hard on, fuck me so I can come to."

"You sure? I didn't want to wake you."

"Do I look asleep?" I rolled on my back and spread my legs, he rolled on top of me. I held his cock to guide him as he thrust into me. He was already slippery and my cunt was as well. Kevin sank into me with one long thrust. We both moaned in pleasure. I held him close as he pounded into me. He came first and the feel of him throbbing inside me brought me close. He kept fucking me hard until I came a minute or so later.

"Thanks." He said. "I always seem to be horny. I know as a woman I enjoyed sex more than you were able to perform, now it seems as if I'm constantly hard."

"It's the testosterone dear. It's a drug that allows you to fuck anything that moves, any time, anywhere. It's why men cheat and commit all sorts of perverse crimes. I know how it feels. I hated the feeling but I know why you love it. I suppose you can't help yourself."

"I never realized men were like that."

"Kevin, I love you very much. If you're going to masturbate, I'd rather you fucked me instead. I might wake up, I might not, either way making you happy makes me happy. Who knows, I might even come."

"But wouldn't that be rape?"

"Only if I sad no. I'm giving you permission ahead of time. It's a nice way to wake up. Just use a little KY on me first so I'll be slippery."

"OK, if you say so."

"I do, now roll over, so I'm not in the wet spot and go to sleep."

"You squirt a lot yourself when you come."

"You made me do it." I grabbed his T-shirt and wiped myself clean.

I kissed his ear, held him close and fell asleep snuggled next to my man.

Since then there have been a few mornings when I woke with a matted patch of pubic hair and I knew Kevin had fucked me during the night. Usually however I woke up as he was getting ready to enter me. It depended on my sleeping position how he fucked me. If I was laying on my back, he spread my legs and fucked me from the front. If I was on my side he fucked me from the rear. However he fucked me I usually came and it was always worth the loss of sleep.

I thought of come, yes come, the male fluid. When I was a man I knew that men weren't supposed to like sucking a man's cock. I knew I didn't want to be considered "gay" by my friends yet the girl in me and later the woman in me dearly loved the idea. The thought of sucking on a man's cock always gave me an erection. The idea of tasting my own was usually enough to bring me to orgasm but once I came, the idea and taste disgusted me. Now, as a woman I don't seem to have that problem. I love everything about giving head. It starts with the look of a hard cock staring me in the face. Then I smell the fire cap shaped head and smell the musky aroma of man. Whatever pheromones a man may have, smelling his cock makes me instantly hot. I lick the head first and roll my tongue around it. I love the salty taste. I give just the head a suck and slide my tongue around the head and into the hole a little and then along his length. By this time his pre-come is usually coming out of the tip. I stroke his cock with my fingers to get more and caress under his balls. I try to put the whole thing in my mouth. I usually have trouble getting a large penis all the way into my throat unless I'm about to come and I'm not thinking about it. Even so I can still get most of him inside my mouth. Everything I used to love when receiving head I know to do to him now. I love come! I love the feel, I love the smell, I love the taste and the idea that it is filled with millions of sperm all trying to make me pregnant. When a man comes, I try to swallow it if I can, or rub it on my face and breasts. I love seeing it all over me. If there are a bunch of men, so much the better. I realize I'm the one who caused their pleasure as the come on me spurt after spurt. Afterward all I can smell is their come. It even gets into my nose. At that point one orgasm is never enough. Fortunately, Kevin and the other men kept me in a state of almost continuous orgasm.

As I remember the orgy we had two months after I became pregnant and all the men fucked me to one long continuous orgasm, I brought myself off again.

At this point my baby stopped suckling and looked up at me with a startled look.

"Sorry about that little one."

I turned her around so she could empty my other breast. It's remarkable how much larger my breasts are during my pregnancy and when I'm breastfeeding. It drives Kevin nuts (used to drive me nuts). When she is done suckling, they are remarkably flatter.

I thought about my children and how they dealt with the transition. At one point the eldest asked "What did you guys do, switch bodies or something? You're acting like Dad and Dad's acting like you used to. What going on?"

"Maybe we did. Maybe Santa switched us around just to confuse you. Would it matter if we did switch bodies, we're still you're parents."

"Mom, did anyone ever tell you're weird!"

"All the time honey, all the time."

I forget who said it but the best way to tell a lie is to tell the truth unconvincingly. Maybe it was Heinlein. Our students were easier to deal with. By Christmas they're in a routine and have generally accepted you for what you are. We've helped each other with lessons for years and have listed to each other vent about the difficulties of this student or that. The staff were a bit harder for me. As I man I lived in my own world. We talked about ball games and cars. Topics I was never really interested in anyway. Woman spend much more time talking about our families and relationships. For a few days after vacation I spent most of my time listening hoping that when I spoke I wouldn't put my foot into it or commit some faux pas. Of course they noticed. I put it down that I'd heard that one of my child hood friends had died in a car accident. They of course offered their condolences, asked if I needed anything and let me be quiet for a day or two. I felt so much an imposter but gradually I learned who everyone was in all their families, what they did, their lives and I found I was having great fun telling them about my family and Kevin's foibles. Later on I asked Kevin if he missed talking with the girls about family and friends. He said he did when he thought about it but mostly he didn't think about it. What he missed was being called Mom and being the center of our girl's lives. Husbands try but they miss so much.

After school, Bob came into my classroom.

"Hi Lisa, I missed you during vacation." He came up to me and gave me a kiss. I kissed him back in a non-committal manner. He is the man Lisa was having an affair with. I'd thought it was him but I wasn't sure.

"Maybe some other time Bob. I'm trying to turn over a new leaf with Kevin."

"I thought he didn't satisfy you."

"He didn't used to, but something about him has changed. I want to give it another try."

"Suit yourself. I'll still be here"

"I know you will Bob. Maybe if things don't work out with Kevin."

He went to give me a kiss goodbye. I turned my cheek to him.

When I got home I told Kevin about it.

"I wondered how you were going to deal with that. How did he take it?"

"Pretty well I guess. I wanted to let him down easy."

"You know, if you want to have sex with him I wouldn't mind."

"That doesn't bother you?"

"It does a little but it's fair turn around and he is a nice guy."

"But he's married with three children!"


I threw a book at him and stormed into the bedroom and cried.

Kevin came in a little later.

"It bothers you doesn't it." As he wiped away my tears.


"Want to talk about it?"


After a little bit we did talk about it.

"Kevin, I love you, I love you a lot. Aside from everything else we have two children together, and I hope to have two more by you.... Oh, god, are our daughters Bob's?"

"No Lisa, I didn't start fucking Bob until a year after Amanda (the youngest) was born. By then I was already on the pill again."

"I hope you're telling me the truth."

"If you want DNA tests I'll pay for it."

"Oh, you'll pay all right. I'm just not sure how."

Be that as it may, I love you! I want my kids to be yours not Bob's. I've only been a woman for two weeks. I'm probably going to get my period in a day or so..."

"Tonight actually."

"Oh, shut up. After I get pregnant I'll be more than willing to experiment with other men. Maybe even other women. I do ask a few things though."

"What are they?"

"If you are going to fuck other women, no one married and I want to be there when you do."


"I don't want to break up any marriages and if you fall in love with someone else, I want you to know what you'll be giving up. By the way, my question a few seconds ago raised a thought. Are you at all attracted to men? I know I was but I've always been a woman inside."

"No, there are some nice looking men around but I haven't found any arousing since I became one."

"Good I'm not sure I could take you falling in love with a man."

"Why not."

"I might fall in love with him myself and the competition would be too messy."

"I love you Lisa."

"I love you to, now fuck me hard, you've made me hot again. Any time you even think about another woman. I want you to fuck me instead, day or night. I don't ever want you to be bored with me."

So we did. When he pulled out his cock was bloody.

"Told you." Kevin said as he looked at his cock.

"Oh, shut up. Where do you keep the tampons?"

"Under the bathroom sink, right side front. There are some in the down stairs bathroom, same place. There are also some pads. There should also be some in the pocket of my - I mean your purse. The bathrooms at school have them of course for $1.00. If you're desperate I'm sure the other teachers have them as well."

"Thanks. I'd rather not have vaginal sex with you until this is over. How long do you usually bleed?"

"Three days, rarely four."

"I can still use my mouth."

"And your ass. We used to have anal sex when I was the one having the period."

"I hadn't thought of that."

"I've been looking forward to it."

I noticed he had an erection again.

"I take it you want to fuck me there now."

"Love to."

"Does it hurt?"

"A little at first. Then I became used to it and then it was at least as good as vaginal sex."

"You'll have to be careful, I'm a virgin there."

"No you're not. You fucked me there dozens of times."

"You know what I mean, I've never had a cock in my ass so I don't know what to expect."

"No time like the present."

"Show me."

We began as we often do when we make love with a lot of kissing that spread over the rest of my body and down to my toes and back up my legs. Finally he got to my cunt. With a wash cloth, he washed the blood and come from my cunt and inserted a tampon. I was surprised how little I felt when it was in me, just the string where it came out. Then he took some KY and spread it around my ass and then a finger into it. It felt better than I expected. Kevin saw the smile on my face and said,

"I think you're ready. Lay back and let me put this pillow under your back."

He climbed over me. I could feel his cock poking at my butt so I guided him to the right opening.

"Be gentle, please."

I felt the head of his cock at the entrance to my hole. He nudged a little and I felt the head pop inside me. He felt so big. It did hurt but less than I expected.

"You OK?"

"I guess so."

He then slowly gently pushed into me until he was balls deep in my ass. I felt so full I could feel every twitch of his cock inside me. Then he pulled out almost as slowly, I felt empty and I noticed what little pain there was, was minor compared to the pleasure. Kevin began to thrust more quickly and harder. He'd come only fifteen minutes earlier so I expected that he'd last a while but I could tell he was reaching his climax more quickly than usual. I tried flexing my ass muscles whenever he pulled out of me and relaxing when he thrust into me. I found it aroused me as much as it did him. Before long I felt him start to come. I rubbed my clit furiously and I came shortly after he did.

"That wasn't so bad was it?"

"I guess not. Maybe we'll have to do this more often."

The next day I went to a sex shop and got a large two-headed dildo. That evening Kevin came up behind me and started rubbing my back. I knew he wanted to fuck. I turned around, kissed him and asked.

"Want to try something different?"

"Maybe, what is it?"

"You'll find out."

We kissed a while longer and went to our bedroom. We started out 69. He eventually started caressing my ass. I did the same to him. He put some KY on his fingers and slid it into my ass. I did the same to him.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Well, I know you like to fuck my ass, and a couple months ago you used to like it when I fucked your ass, so now we can both get fucked in the ass." And I pulled out the dildo.

"My, I've never been fucked in the ass."

"Oh, yes you have."

"You know what I mean."

"Shall we give it a try?"

"I guess so."

I inserted one end into my ass. It felt a little bigger than Kevin's cock. I lay on my back while he inserted the other end into his ass.

"Oh, Oh, this ass really is virgin even if I've experienced a cock before."

Eventually he got a lot of it inside. I let him take control of the dildo as he moved it back and forth between us. A little later I scrunched closer so we were cheek to cheek. I held his hands and moved my butt back and forth so I was fucking him with the cock in my ass. Meanwhile I grabbed a hold of his cock and masturbated him while we fucked our selves. A moment later he began rubbing my clit. I came first and squirted a little on him. Very soon after he squirted into the air. After, we lay back exhausted.

"So honey, was being fucked as a man as good as it was as a woman?"

"About the same I suppose."

"Any interest of getting fucked in the ass by some stud while I'm being fucked by another stud"

"We'll have to see about that."

Thinking about all of this in the dark child's bedroom while suckling my child and rubbing my still rigid clit allowed me to come again. She fell asleep so I put her in her crib and then I took a pee and went to bed. I rarely think about needing to sit to pee. It's become very natural.

Kevin was in bed already. I could see he had another erection. He pulled me to him. I straddled his legs and guided his hard cock into me and sank down onto him. I fucked him in the dark, my mind else where, another time when we were down stairs in the kitchen. I was about four months pregnant. Kevin came up behind me while I was putting dishes into the washer. He lifted up my skirt wet me with saliva and thrust his cock into me. His cock went into me a couple of times. I enjoyed it but I wanted to try something different. I raised my leg and turned around with him still inside me. We were face to face. I kissed him and pushed him back into a kitchen chair and sat on his lap while he went down. He stayed in me the while. I began to ride up and down on him faster and then slowing occasionally to kiss him.

"Oh, yes Lisa, keep fucking me that way."

"MM definitely."



"Yes honey."

"You forgot to sing me good night." Said my youngest.

I sank down hard on Kevin's cock, let my skirt fall to cover what we were doing.

"Come here then."

I sang her her bed time song and gave her a hug and a kiss .

"Good night honey bunch, I'll be up to bed a little later"

Mean while Kevin had been twitching his cock inside me driving me nuts.

"Bastard, you're driving me crazy!"

"Fuck me then, Fuck me hard!"

"Fuck you, you bastard!"

He came almost immediately after but fortunately stayed hard until I could reach mine. I kept going slowly until I came again and then pulled off him with a slurp. I took a shower and checked on the girls. They were both asleep.

I had the most wonderful dreams that night. I dreamed I had sex forever and uncounted orgasms. When I woke I noticed my pubic hair was matted.

"You fucked me last night didn't you."

"Actually we made love twice"

"You mean you masturbated into me twice."

"Yeah, I guess."

"That explains the wonderful dreams I had of endless sex. I can't thank you enough for them."

At about this point I reached my orgasm while riding Kevin. He hasn't come yet so I keep going. I'd forgotten how sweaty I get when I do all the work. The drops were coming off my breasts. I came again. I rolled and pulled him on top of me. I looked into his eyes "Your turn."

He fucked me hard and fast and came a minute or so later. I fell asleep with him still inside me breathing hard.

I seemed to have lots of dreams of sex in an infinite variety and non-stop. I dreamed of another girl. Why does this body only produce girls? Four of them!

"Merry Christmas Mommy and Daddy!"


"It's Christmas, can we open presents? Can we, can we?"

"Hang on a bit." I pulled up the sheet to cover my nakedness.

I reached for my robe, put it on. Kevin was just waking up.

"Give us a few minutes to wake up and take a shower."

While I was taking my shower, Kevin came up behind me and slid his finger into my cunt.

I thought to myself, "Is this guy always horny?" Then - "Of course, he's a man. They always want to fuck." I leaned forward to allow him easier access. I didn't come but enjoyed it non-the-less.

When I got out, I put my robe back on, got Tabitha, changed her diaper and carried her down stairs to the living room. I sat on the couch and breast fed both breasts exposed while I opened presents.

Last, our eldest found a gold card in the tree.

"For Mommy & Daddy

Permanency Granted

Merry Christmas!"


I looked at Tabitha, the other girls and Kevin and burst into tears.

"Are you all right Mommy?"

"Of course it is. I'm just so happy I'm crying that's all."

Next: Chapter 3

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