Sandy's Journey

By J J

Published on Oct 7, 2024


AUTHOR'S FOREWORD: I got to thinking about the last chapter, and how abruptly I ended it. It just didn't feel right, so I've added a little more about our hero and his love. If you like my work, please comment or drop me a note. I do this for you.


"Today is the first day of the rest of your life," the saying goes, and that's where the last chapter left off.

It's been four years since the events of the final chapter, and Kim and I are still together. Within six months of that night at the Candell's, my lease was up. Kim's ended a few months later. We spent the time in between living at her apartment and looking for a bigger place to live together. The new job I'd been transferred to did lead to a quick promotion with a healthy bump in salary, and with both of us working we could afford much more.

We found a house a little farther out, but still in commuting distance. Our relationship had become common knowledge in the office, so arriving together didn't cause any earthquakes.

We held two housewarming parties after we'd moved in. The quiet and staid party was for family and those friends who lived a straight life. The other party ended as expected in an orgy. Penny was in high demand, stretching every willing asshole she could find, including mine. God, that was a fun party.

Kim and I announced our engagement at the end of that night, and our friends toasted us with champagne I'd kept chilling all evening. There are no photos of the toast, as everyone present was naked, sweaty, and covered in each other's fluids.

There was no hurry, and Kim wanted a real wedding, so we held off a year and arranged everything perfectly. The service was held in our back yard. With our network of friends, we had no problem finding a minister to perform the ceremony.

We have carefully guarded Kim's identity throughout. None of my family, and none of my friends, are aware that Kim is as well-hung as I am. We don't think that's anyone's business. My parents have asked about grandchildren, but we simply told them she has a medical condition that precludes maternity.

We're considering adoption. Kim is, as I've said, all woman, and has the requisite maternal instincts. So far it's been a few discussions with adoption agencies, but I'm getting quite interested in the idea, and my basic desire to give my wife anything she wants leads me to believe it will happen sometime in the not-too-distant future.

Waking up with Kim every day is all I ever want. We make love often. Some nights I'm Sandy the woman and some nights I'm Sandy the man. Both are very enjoyable for me and for my wife.

We still maintain a quiet swinging lifestyle. Occasionally we take a weekend trip with me totally en femme, somewhere we can get all the cocks we want (and I still really love cocks.) When we get together with our friends here I can switch persona from male to female as the desire occurs. It adds to the excitement, as our usual partners watch me flip, and know they may get either.

I've found out who I am, and become comfortable with the duality of my nature. I can be man or woman, and I love both sides of myself, all because of one pair of panties.

I've found the love of my life, and she puts up with me for some reason. She's sitting by me as I write this, and there's a lot of kissing going on in between paragraphs. I'm afraid I have to cut it off here, as Kim is demanding I once again prove my love. Somewhere between here and the bedroom I'll find out if I'm going to be on top or on the bottom. I'm wearing pink panties under my clothes today, and as soon as Kim sees them she'll know that I want to be the bottom today.


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