Sandy's Journey

By J J

Published on May 31, 2024


STORY CODES: M/M/T/T/CD oral anal group, and oh - romance.

AUTHOR'S FOREWORD: I know there are people on this page that enjoy the process of crossdressing - bathing, selecting clothes, dressing, accessories, enjoying one's look in the mirror. So, the first part of this chapter is all about Sandy being turned into a woman for an evening out. The rest of the story is for those of you who like a lot of fucking. In either case, HIT THE DONATE BUTTON. You keep the internet doors open, and I'll keep spinning tales to delight and excite you.


We both woke up as dawn crept through the window. The world was still asleep, it was just the two of us wrapped around each other in the silence of early morning.

"Hi, sweetie," Kim said, smiling as she opened her eyes to see me looking at her. She kissed me and snuggled back into my neck. I could feel her soft breath against me, slow and regular as her body awoke.

"You used that word last night," she said.

"I did, and I'm not taking it back."

"Good, because I'm beginning to feel the same way."

"So what do we do about that?" I asked.

"Just keep rolling with it and see where it goes,"

"I'm yours," I said.

"I'm yours," she answered.

We lay like that for another hour, just enjoying the feel of each other, dozing off, coming back to consciousness, holding each other, occasionally sharing a kiss.

We both had to go to work, and finally we arose and separated. I put my clothes on to head back to my place while Kim showered. She came out to say goodbye, wrapped in an old plaid robe, her hair still wet.

"See you at work, baby," she said as we kissed. She smelled so wonderful, so fresh and warm.

"Sure, doll." I squeezed her once more and I was out the door. On the way home, the Eagles "Ol' '55" came on the radio, and I really felt it.

We talked or chatted every night that week, but I didn't get to see much of Kim -- just a glimpse in the office now and then. Stuff, getting in the way of what looked to be a great romance. The weekend was coming up, and she asked me if I had any plans. I didn't, and even if I had I would have cancelled just about anything to be with her.

"Do you remember when we talked about Billy?" she asked.

"Not really."

"We talked about how cute she was, and I said we could make you look that good."

"Oh, yeah -- that was a text."

"Would you like to do that this weekend?" she said.

The idea must have been running around in the back of my head, because I didn't need to think about it. "Yeah, I'd like to try it. It's a little scary, though -- I really don't think I could pass."

"I guess I'll have to prove it to you, then."

We made a date for Friday. I was supposed to meet her at Bob's store after work, and everything would go from there.

The day came, and I drove to Bob's. Kim, Charlotte, and Bob (as Penny) were already there. I was ushered into the back room. Of course I went right to Kim, took her in my arms, and kissed her hard. We stood like that for a few moments before Penny said, "Are we going to do this, or are you two going to get a room?"

With that introduction Kim started unbuttoning my shirt. Char and Penny joined in and the three of them stripped me naked, giggling all the while. Each of them slapped me on the ass and they sent me to the bathroom to shower and clean up.

Kim had set up everything. There was depilatory cream, a razor and shaving cream, even an enema kit. There was shampoo and conditioner and soap guaranteed to leave me smelling sweet. The store being what it was, the bathroom included a large shower. I cleaned everything, inside and out. I shaved my face, legs and underarms. The cream removed the rest. I showered with the nice soap and shampoo, blow-drying my hair in something that might pass for a female style. Not wishing to step out naked again, I wrapped a towel around myself and went to meet my "exterior decorators."

There was a bit of a crowd. It appeared my friends had invited a few others to witness my complete transformation, and I was greeted with applause when I stepped out of the bath. Most were other crossdressers, with a smattering of gay men. I curtsied politely, taking the bottom of the towel in my hands. It didn't fall off, but it didn't stay there long either. Penny unceremoniously plucked it away, then took my hand and led me to a dressmaker's stand about a foot high, completely naked.

The lingerie I'd brought from my collection had been dumped on a chair to be forgotten, and a rack of clothing stood nearby. A dress was chosen, followed by the lingerie to match. Penny used an old-style metal device to measure my shoe size, and a delegation was sent off to select options. Each step required a consensus be reached among the onlookers, so it was a slow process. The shape of my body, my height, and my hair and eye color all had to be taken in consideration. I tried to keep up with the logic, knowing I might have to do this alone, but there were too many opinions and the process completely escaped me. I just figured that if I were going to go this way, I'd be dependent on Bob and Kim for years. I relaxed and let them have their way.

Some of them did want to have their way - with me. One of the new gurls insisted on determining what style panties would be necessary to properly hide my genitals, which involved a great deal of counterproductive manipulation of those organs.

Ultimately I was to be sheathed, which is the only proper word, in a traditional little black dress. Black panties, bra (with added padding), garter belt, and panties (thong) were selected. But I couldn't get dressed yet.

I was seated in a makeup chair in front of a table filled with mysterious lotions and paints. I put the towel over my lap to keep my cock from further inspection and measurement, which would have been very distracting. Makeup was handled by two specialists. Char and another girl took over my hands and feet, doing a mani-pedi and painting my nails a very deep red. Kim had been very involved in clothing selection, which kept us from talking. Now at least she could stand by me and offer encouragement. The constant chatter of all the mechanics working on me kept us from doing much more.

When the makeup crew had finished, there was one final touch -- a hairdresser to completely redo everything I had tried to do. There was a little snipping and trimming, and I was shown how to comb the remainder into a male office style or a female nightclub style. Then everyone stood back to look, with a great deal of Ohhhing and Ahhhhing. I still wasn't allowed to see the results. Finally I was lifted out of the chair and returned to the stand, where I was assembled like a Barbie doll. Bra first, then garter belt, seamed stockings, and panties, each with minute adjustments for perfect fit. Here too consensus reigned. Finally the dress and the shoes, fortunately with a low heel. Then of course an appropriate handbag had to be found. The capstone was jewelry -- a silver necklace, matching bracelet, and, since my ears weren't pierced, clip-on diamond earrings.

Kim took one hand and Char the other as I stepped down. I was led towards a large tri-fold full-length mirror. Kim and Char held their hands over my eyes as I stepped in. There were a lot of comments from the peanut gallery, a lot of "Are you ready?", then everyone stepped back and let me see myself.

Wow. Let's start with the clothes: Slutwear is easy. Walk into a room with your ass cheeks hanging out under a tiny skirt, and you're bound to get attention. That's the 500 lb. bomb solution. My design crew had gone elegant -- a simple form-fitting black dress, good jewelry, seamed stockings. It would be like a stiletto vs. the bomb. It worked better, but only if it was perfect, and what they'd done with my face was the razor's edge. I was stunning. I looked in the mirror and thought, yeah, I'd fuck me. Like the dress, it wasn't bombastic, just done perfectly, so subtle that you didn't notice it at first.

I turned around and looked at the crowd in wonder. How was this possible? I wasn't quite at Kim's level -- 100% passable -- but I was very much a woman, and one of great beauty.

Kim came to me laughing, and kissed me hard. I hoped we hadn't ruined our lipstick. "Told ya so, sweetie. You're gorgeous! If we didn't have other plans, I'd take you home right now and fuck you all night!"

The 'other plans' thing slipped past me as the rest of the group crowded in to comment and congratulate. Penny took my purse and put the bill for all of this inside, saying, "Whenever."

Char kissed me and squeezed my ass. "God, you look hot!" she said. "There's no way I'll get laid with you around."

"I know I will," Kim chimed in, kissing me again.

The assembled multitude gradually faded away, leaving me with Kim and Charlotte.

The thought came back to me, and I asked, "Did I hear something about plans in there?"

"Yes, you did, dear," Kim answered. "We didn't do all this just to look at you. It requires a full field test."

"Mmm-hmmm," Char added. "The three of us are going out tonight to find some cocks, and you get your choice."

"Now, wait a minute," I started, and they rapidly shushed me, a finger each over my mouth.

"This is part of the life," Char said. "So far you've been female only with people who knew you were born male. It's time to go out as a woman, and learn what that can be like. You're lucky, you've got two experienced wing-gurls with you. Most of us had to do this alone."

That made total sense, and it didn't look like I had a choice in the matter anyway. Besides, Kim had set all this up for me, and I certainly wasn't going to disappoint her. "Well, lead on, then," I said. "I'll need a few things from my wallet, and we can throw everything else in the trunk of my car."

"In a minute," Kim said. "First you need a little personal preparation. We can't have that dick of yours spoiling the lines of this dress."

She grabbed a pillow from a nearby chair and knelt on it in front of me. Very quickly she had my dress pushed up around my waist and my panties down to my ankles, and a few seconds later my cock was in her mouth. She stopped for a moment. "Once we're done here we'll tuck everything up tight, and no one will know unless you show them."

I was pretty excited already, and her hot mouth brought me to full attention. Char had disappeared for a moment, but then I felt her hands on my ass. "And," she said, "your pussy needs to be ready for action. I'll deal with that. She pulled the cheeks of my ass apart and started rimming my hole.

"Actually, licking your hole isn't totally necessary, I just wanted to." Both gurls laughed, and went back to their work.

Kim's mouth felt amazing on my hard dick, and Char's mouth around my boy pussy added lots to the heat boiling up inside my balls. Then Charlotte backed away slightly. I felt the usual cold and slimy feeling between my cheeks, and knew she was lubricating my hole. She put two fingers inside, spreading the lube within, and I almost came right then, but she wasn't done. Kim continued with her fantastic blowjob, and I felt something hard touch my boy pussy. It started to slide in, but it was too wide to go in on the first attempt. It was then I realized she was putting in a butt plug to hold the lube in place.

I was so close, and I put my hands on Kim's head. I had to stay still for Charlotte's invasion, but I could pull Kim's head against me as I fucked her mouth. Charlotte worked the plug back and forth several times, and finally it slipped through my rings, settling inside my ass. She pushed on it, then grabbed the base and twisted it, and my cock exploded.

Kim took it all, swallowing every drop of my cum. Char stood up and wrapped her arms around me. "Good boy," she said. "Now you're ready to go pick up a guy and get fucked just like a girl."

Kim used her lips and tongue to get all of my cum. Then she pulled a couple of wet wipes from somewhere (how do women do that?) and wiped away every trace of our sex. Char took a couple more from her, had me bend over, and wiped away any lube that hadn't made it's way into my asshole. Then they both kissed me. I could taste a little of my cum in Kim's mouth.

The girls had brought their evening outfits with them, and changed while I browsed the clothing racks. I offered to 'take the edge off' for them as they had for me, but they said that wouldn't be necessary. Experience, perhaps, masturbation, or had they already taken care of each other? I elected not to ask.

Like all women, they spent more time getting ready than they predicted, but then I'd just had a head to toe makeover lasting a couple of hours, so I couldn't talk. Finally they emerged, ready to go. The three of us stood in front of the large mirror, and we looked like an episode of "Sex and the City." Dressed to kill. Ready to conquer. God help any poor straight man who crossed our path.

We took my car. I had expected we would go to the same club where I first met Char and Penny, but the girls had something else in mind. We left town and drove about half an hour to another town, where they pointed me to a small, privately owned hotel. They explained that the place had a pretty hot club attached which was known to be LGBT-friendly. They'd made a room reservation for us, and we'd probably be staying late, maybe overnight. They had packed overnight cases, all I had was my boy clothes in a paper bag.

We checked in and went to see our room. It had two queen beds, a very nice bath, and a window overlooking the pool. For a small private hotel, it was really pretty nice. Bags were stowed, warpaint repair kits put on the bathroom counter, then Char pulled a bottle of Stoly out of her overnight case. Three plastic cups were found, and a toast poured.

"Here's to the three cocketeers," Char proclaimed, and it was bottoms up.

After the vodka burned through, I spoke up. "I'm a little off-balance here, Kim. I never had any luck picking up women in bars, and here I am going to try to pick up a man. I don't know how."

Kim took me in her arms and kissed me gently, while Char clued me in. "Don't you worry about it, Sandy. We're here to keep you from getting too much attention. What you have forgotten is how desperately horny men are. In that dress men will be ready to cum before they even touch you."

Plans were made, instructions given. They told me never to be alone with a man. If I found someone I wanted, one of the girls would come with me, whether they had a man to bring or not. We shared a code word to indicate we had found a cock we wanted - "celebration." If consultations were necessary, I would say I had to use the Ladies', and one or both of them would accompany me.

Then there was a final toast - "To young men with big cocks!"

Then we gathered up our purses, and off we went, arm in arm, in search of young men with big cocks to seduce.

The club was pretty interesting. It had the architecture of a place designed and built in the 1960s. The bar was a really nice piece of old-school carpentry, heavy and dark. There was a dance floor and small stage, filled tonight with a DJ and a modern digital sound system. He was running a variety of music from the last 30 years or so. It wasn't too loud for conversation, but there were several couples dancing, in all gender combinations. It had a nice light party mood.

As intended, the three of us turned some heads as we entered. We sashayed our way to a table a little bit back from the dance floor. A cute little waitress in a cute little miniskirt found her way to us, immediately giving Charlotte a hug. "Char, it's so good to see you again. Introduce me to your friends!"

Introductions were made, orders were given, heavy on the alcohol, and the pretty girl hustled back to the bar, while we scoped the crowd for prospects. The crowd ran from college kids to retirees, mostly gay. I spotted a few other gurls like us in among them.

I was excited and at the same time nervous. I'd never been dressed in public, even in a welcoming crowd such as this. I knew that as we were sizing up prospects in the crowd, they were sizing me up too. How did I measure up? I'd looked great in the mirror, but what would they think of me here?

"See anything you like?" Kim asked. "We're here to have fun with no trouble, so choose carefully."

"And be sure to check out the bulges," Char added. "We want big fun."

All of us laughed. Char pointed out one of the younger men, built like a fullback, with muscles on his muscles. "If his dick matches his arms, he'd be the one for me."

I was rather drawn to a tall slender man standing at the bar alone and watching the crowd. When our eyes met, he smiled and raised his glass in salute. I responded with a noncommittal nod and a tiny shy smile.

Our drinks came, and we continued looking for the right meat to meet. A slow song came on, and Kim asked me to dance. We slid onto the dance floor and I took her in my arms, not thinking of gay etiquette. Whose arms go where? She put her arms on my shoulders and kissed me, then whispered, "I'm yours."

I smiled at her, and she continued, "This is just for fun, and for your education about this life. Later tonight we'll be in bed together, and I'll still be yours. Until then, enjoy. Char and I have your back."

"Thank you, and I see a couple of men worth investigating," I said. "and during every moment of whatever happens, I'll be yours."

The song ended, and we went back to the table. Our drinks had arrived, and the fullback was standing there chatting with Charlotte.. She invited him to have a seat, and introductions were made. I hadn't developed much of a feminine voice, so I mostly nodded politely and let Kim and Char do the talking for us.

We were concentrating on each other as we chatted, when a hand clasped my shoulder and a voice said. "Hey, sweet thing, how ya doin'?" I turned my head to see a rather short overweight man behind me. He was older, rumpled, and obviously drunk.

I didn't try to sound feminine. I pushed his hand away and said, "Fine, thank you. This is a private party. If you'll excuse us...."

"Aw, too bad. Yer awful cute. I'd like to get to know you." he replied.

Kim put her arm around me. Looking the man in the eye she said, "Sorry, but we're not interested. Why don't you go back to the bar?"

Defeated, he mumbled, "Sorry," and turned away. He wasn't very steady on his feet, but he made it to the bar.

The fullback had kept his seat, but looked ready to jump in. Fortunately we'd handled it. "There are a few weirdos come in here," he said.

We went back to our conversation, and I saw Char's hand move over to his lap. He asked her to dance, and in a very few moments they were rocking on the floor. Char turned his back to him, and he held her waist and ground his crotch against her ass.

"I guess Char has found her first target," Kim laughed, then kissed me again.

After the song Char and her man came back to the table, just long enough to drain their drinks and grab her purse. "We're going for a walk," she told us. "I'll be back in a little while." With her back to the fullback, she held her hands up about a foot apart. She was exaggerating, but she'd found her first big one. We smiled and wished them well.

Kim and I sat for a while, eyeing the men, occasionally giving out smiles and other signals of availability. We noticed two good-looking guys about our age standing together at the bar. We agreed they could be fun, and sent smiles their way. They spoke to each other for a second, then headed towards us. They introduced themselves as Mike and Kyle, and asked if they could join us. We smiled and simultaneously said, "Certainly."

We talked for a few minutes, the usual where are you from, haven't seen you here before. We told them we'd come here for a girls' night together, and hinted that other options were on the table. They asked us to dance and we went to the floor for a couple of songs. Kim smiled at me over Kyle's shoulder and I mouthed a kiss towards her. Mike held me close and put a hand on my ass, pulling me against his crotch. I didn't object, enjoying the nice bulge I felt there. I looked over at Kim again, and Kyle was whispering in her ear. She smiled up at him and nodded.

We went back to the table, and Kim suggested we "freshen up." Mike and Kyle stood up as we did, a very polite gesture, and she led the way to the restrooms.

As we walked down the hall, the door to the men's room opened, and out lumbered the drunk from earlier. Seeing Kim coming towards him, he stepped in front of her, grabbed her breasts with his hands, and said, "How 'bout you, baby doll? Are these real?"

I stepped around her and between them, knocking his hands away. Grabbing his right hand and wrist, I twisted his hand until he was in a lot of pain and an inch away from broken bones. He went to his knees yelling. I bent over until my face was inches from his. "You're drunk. Go home before you get hurt," I said, just loud enough for him to hear and strong enough for him to know I meant it. Then I pushed him and he sprawled out on his back. He stayed there, still in pain. I put my arm around Kim and we moved past him and into the ladies' room.

She was still a little shocked, but said, "That was impressive. Thank you, and where did you learn to do that?"

I smiled at her and kissed her. "A lady has to have some secrets."

We took a moment to get our breath back, checking our makeup and brushing our hair.

Finally Kim took a deep breath and said, "Well we shouldn't have to worry about him anymore. Shall we?"

"Oh yes, we shall, my love." I said.

"There's that word again," she replied. We kissed once more and went back to the table. Once again our newfound dates stood and helped us with our chairs. They'd ordered a fresh round of drinks, and we resumed talking, with a lot of flirting in between.

Mike put his arm around my shoulders, and looking over I could see that Kim and Kyle were holding hands in his lap. I knew it was clear to them what kind of gurls we were, in this club, especially with my deep voice.

Kim and I exchanged glances several times, and we were both clearly happy with these two. Our drinks started to get low, and Mike asked if I'd like another. Instead I leaned over and got Kim's attention. "Kim, dear, I think it's time for a celebration. What do you think?"

She smiled wide and said, "Yes, I agree."

We all went to the bar and paid our tabs. The bartender mentioned our little problem in the hallway, and I shrugged it off, suggesting the fat guy had had enough to drink. Kim sent a text message to Char warning her we were on our way. We had all agreed earlier that privacy wouldn't be a concern. We took the elevator up to our room, each couple taking advantage of the moment for some kissing. There was a man waiting for the elevator when the door opened, and general laughter followed. We went to the room and knocked loudly to announce our arrival, then Kim opened the door.

Men's and women's clothes were strewn near one of the beds. The bed itself looked like it had hosted a wrestling match. The bathroom door was closed, and we could hear the shower running. We could also hear the sounds of moaning pleasure through the door. Char had also gotten the supplies out -- on the center table between the beds was a bottle of lube and a small pile of condoms. Next to them, but obviously unneeded, was a large dildo.

Everybody grinned. Drinks were offered, but nobody wanted to waste any more time. "Kim and I always sleep together. I hope you boys don't mind sharing a bed," I said. Nobody objected, but then Kyle was too busy trying to get Kim's dress unzipped, while Mike had pulled my skirt up to my waist and had his hands on my ass. I quit looking to Kim and concentrated on Mike.

I put my arms around him and kissed him hard. I moaned softly as his hands kneaded my ass cheeks. I pressed myself hard against him and felt his bulging rod against my belly. I reached in between us and undid his belt, button, and zipper, sliding my hand inside his boxers to find his prick. It was a nice one, at least 7" and nice and thick. I really wanted it in my holes.

We kissed some more, and then I slipped out of his arms and down to my knees. I pulled his pants and boxers down to his ankles, then took his dick in my hands. It was so nice, and I wanted it so much. I took the head in my mouth and swirled my tongue around it. I reached around and grabbed his ass in both hands and pulled him towards me, deeper into my mouth. Again I moaned in pleasure at the treasure I had found.

I glanced around, and saw Kim sitting on the edge of the bed, leaning back on her elbows. Her dress was gone, as were her panties. Kyle was kneeling on the floor between her legs, sucking on her cock. She put a hand on the back of his head, pushing him down on her prick.

After a bit of sucking, Mike put his hands under my arms and lifted me to standing. My cock had beaten its way out of the tuck, becoming a tent pole in my panties. Kyle pulled them down off my hips. They fell to the floor and I kicked them aside. He unzipped my dress and I pulled it off over my head throwing it on a chair. He pulled me against him, our cocks pressed between us. He dropped his hand to grab both of them together and stroke them, up and down, slowly, with a tender but insistent grip. We kissed some more, then I took his shirt off over his head and threw it on top of my dress.

Reaching behind me, he expertly unhooked my bra with one hand. It slipped off my arms and I tossed it aside. Unlike Kim, I had no real breasts, but that didn't seem to matter in the moment. I got back on my knees and helped Mike slip out of his shoes, socks, slacks and boxers. Then I stood up and eased him back onto the bed.

I climbed on top of him, our cocks once again squeezed between our bodies and rubbing together. Mike pulled me up to kiss, his tongue going into my mouth and playing with my own. Then he pulled me up further and sucked on my nipples. I'd really only begun to learn my nipples could be sexually sensitive, but he took it to a new level. He delivered gentle bites on each one, just holding it in his teeth while his tongue flicked back and forth across the tip. It felt amazing.

With us coming in from the bottom and Kim and Kyle coming in from the side, we ended up at about a 90 degree angle to each other. They were on their sides in a 69, Kyle with his back to us. While we kissed some more, Mike raised his arm over his head. He touched Kyle's back, then slid his hand down to Kyle's ass and squeezed it. Kyle laughed slightly in acknowledgement and lifted his top leg. Mike reached between his legs and squeezed Kyle's balls, then brought his hand back and returned his complete attention to me. They were obviously used to sharing a bed.

I was moving my hips, grinding our cocks together side to side. Mike reached down to hold my ass in both hands, then separated my cheeks and ran his fingertips down the crease until he found the glass plug the girls had inserted there.

He tapped it once, sending pleasant little vibrations through my insides. He broke off the kiss and said, "I guess you're ready," smiling up at me. I smiled back and nodded. He slipped out from under me, holding my shoulder so I would stay on my belly. He knelt down by my ass and pulled my legs wide apart.

He put one hand on my ass, and with the other he took hold of the plug's base. He started turning it around inside me, then pulled gently on it. It started to come out, then he let it slip back in. He did that several times, teasing my ring. I tightened my ass and moaned. If this was going to be foreplay, I'm in forever, I thought. Then he pulled it out completely and slowly reinserted it. He repeated that move several times also, leaning in to kiss my ass cheeks. Finally he pulled it out and set it on the bedside table. Getting between my legs he pulled my hips up. I got my legs under me, and he leaned in and began kissing my hole.

Here I was, ass in the air while a strange man stuck his tongue inside me there. The most important woman in my life lay nearby, sucking cock with another man we'd never met before. Another fairly new friend was in the shower, and by the sounds I heard, getting her brains fucked out. I spent about five seconds considering who I'd become, then I surrendered to my body and the pleasures emanating from my ass.

And what pleasures! Mike pulled his tongue out of my ass and inserted two of his fingers. I thought that very soon his cock would be there instead, and the idea sent a pleasant tingle through my whole body. I pushed back onto his fingers and wiggled my ass, encouraging any penetration he had in mind. He reached under me and played with my hairless balls, then took hold of my cock, stroking it in time with his finger-fucking.

So far the only sounds in the room had been "ohhhh" and "ahhhh" and the occasional wordless moan, but now I spoke. "Fuck me, Mike. I want your big cock inside me."

Kyle spoke up too. "There's an idea. Fuck me, Kim." he parroted, "I want your big cock inside me." That brought a laugh from all of us, and a realization that in their relationship, Mike was usually the top.

I came up to lean on my hands. Kyle did the same, his head near mine. I watched as Kim poured lube into Kyle's ass, then put on a condom and lubed herself. When she was done she passed a condom and the lube to Mike. She slid in behind Kyle and pressed the head of her cock against his hole. Behind me, Mike rubbered up and used the lube on both of us. I watched as Kim slid inside Kyle's ass, his mouth opening in soundless pleasure. Then I felt Mike's cock rubbing between my cheeks. After a moment I felt the head at the entrance to my boy pussy, and I couldn't wait. I pushed back hard against him and the head popped right up inside me.

My moan wasn't soundless, it was loud and clear. I wondered if the people in the next room heard me, but figured they were probably engaged in the same activity. It seemed to be that kind of place.

Mike began pushing deeper inside me, slowly but firmly. I looked over, and Kim had bottomed in Kyle's hole. She was holding his hips and withdrawing for another stroke. She smiled at me and mouthed a kiss, and I responded in kind.

Very shortly I felt Mike's hips against my ass, knowing he was all the way in, and our first round of fucking began in earnest. Kyle and I moaned quietly as we were impaled on hard cocks.

Kim and Mike started a sort of conversation over us. "She's got a nice ass, doesn't she?" Kim said.

"Oh, yeah, this is one of the best," Mike answered. "Do you like Kyle's hole?"

"It's nice and tight. He keeps squeezing down on me."

"He likes it hard."

"You mean like this?" Kim said, and pounded into Kyle's ass, producing a loud slap each time her hips struck his ass. Kyle moaned loudly, then looked at Mike and I and smiled.

Mike laughed. "Yeah, and when you get a chance, pull on his nipples. That usually makes him cum."

"I'll remember that."

I was just enjoying the way Mike's prick slid in and out of my hole. It felt so good, and so right. Fucking complete strangers like this was new to me, but I knew that no matter where my journey ended, I'd never be able to give up getting fucked in the ass.

I heard the bathroom door opened, then a male voice saying, "Whoa!" Obviously the fullback had walked into our orgy. I heard Charlotte laugh. We all looked at them standing there naked and said "Hi!" then started laughing. We didn't even slow. Two hard pricks continued to fuck two asses.

Char said, "We can join in if you want some more fun. This is kind of what we came for."

Apparently though, one-on-one was his preferred style, and he started gathering his clothes. He made some excuse about early classes while he quickly dressed. He said goodbye and thanks to a still-naked Charlotte, kissed her one last time, then slipped out the door.

"I guess we found his limits. He sure was energetic 10 minutes ago."

She sat on the edge of the bed, and her hands explored everywhere. She reached under and grabbed my cock, stroking it as Mike fucked me. Then she did the same to Kyle. She got behind Kim and reached under to hold her balls while she fucked Kyle. Finally she got onto the bed and slid in in front of me and Kyle. She spread her legs, making her cock available to both of us.

We took turns. Kyle would suck her for a while, then I would. Char grabbed a pillow and put it under her hips, raising her cock up to us and making her ass accessible. She pulled her legs up to her chest and a small drop of cum fell out of her stretched hole. Kyle continued sucking her while I reached under and easily slid two, then three fingers inside her. Our fullback guest must have been big.

The whole bed was rocking and squeaking with five of us fucking away. Nobody tried to achieve any rhythm, it was just raw, get-my-rocks-off sex.

Funny comments were made. Kim and Mike talked some more about how good our asses felt. Charlotte offered her holes to any cock that became available. We fucked and fucked. I reached over to tease Charlotte's nipples.

Mike was the first to announce his impending orgasm. I told him to tell me when he was ready, that I wanted his cum in my mouth. He started pounding me hard, which I loved, then he said, "Soon.....soon......soon........NOW!" I rolled over and spun around to get my mouth near his cock. I reached up and held his balls as he gave his cock the last few needed strokes, then pressed the tip into my ready mouth. He filled it with his seed, and I swallowed it all like the whore I felt myself to be. Mike moved to lie next to me and kissed me, tasting his cum on my lips and tongue.

We lay watching as Kim began her rush to orgasm. She pounded Kyle furiously, pushing his mouth down onto Char's dick with every stroke. She threw her head back, a series of moans escaping from her open mouth. I knew every look, every sound, from our times together, and she had never looked so beautiful to me. Yes, I'm yours, I thought.

Then she was coming, taking the last few violent thrusts deep into Kyle's ass. She was still for a moment, buried up to her balls, her thighs trembling slightly as she finished expelling her load. Then she slapped Kyle's ass. He stopped sucking Char and rolled off to the side, leaving her slick stiff rod standing alone.

Everybody was quiet for a moment, catching our breath. Then Mike said, "Wow." and again the laughter was general.

The bathroom wouldn't hold all of us, so Kim and I went first to clean ourselves up a little. I wiped all the lube off my bottom while she removed her condom. I sat on the toilet to pee, then pulled her close to me and cleaned the last of the cum from her cock with my mouth. We smiled at each other.

"Okay?" she asked.

"Yes," I answered quietly "I'm enjoying myself. And by the way, "I'm yours, as long as you'll have me."

"I'm yours," she said, "and I intend to have you a lot."

I shook off, stood up and flushed the toilet, then kissed her. I knew she could taste Mike's cum, and she smiled at me again. The boys wanted in, so we didn't linger. While Mike and Kyle scraped off extraneous juices, the three of us poured ourselves another shot of vodka.

Kim asked, "What do you think, girls -- should we try to hold onto these two or go hunting for new ones?

Flushed from a wonderful fucking, I abstained. "You two decide. I'm just the newbie."

Well, we have two very pretty young gay men, open to apparently anything. I doubt we could do better. I say we keep them." Charlotte said.

Kim and I nodded agreement. Mike and Kyle came back in from the bathroom, their cocks swinging delightfully between their legs. We gathered close around them, our own cocks swinging. Char spoke for us. "Are you men in a hurry, or would you like to stay and play some more? We were just talking about the interesting combinations the five of us could make." She reached out and grabbed both of their dicks, then looked up into their faces. "Hmmmm? What do you say?"

The two men looked at each other, smiled and nodded. Kyle spoke for them. "The night is young."

Drinks were offered, and this time accepted. The cocktail period was used as foreplay. A hand would grab a cock, and stroke it. A mouth would find a nipple for a few seconds of sucking. Kim plastered herself to me, kissing me hard and kneading my ass. I took hold of Mike's cock, thanking it for bringing me pleasure. I held it like a hand puppet and pretended it said, "Great Ass! You're welcome!"

"Maybe we ought to switch tops and bottoms. Are you guys okay with that?" Kim asked.

Mike and Kyle agreed. Kim and Mike got to their knees and started sucking cocks. They knelt facing in opposite directions while the three new tops circled around switching mouths. No cock was ever idle -- Kim or Mike would use a hand on the cock not occupied.

When I got to Kim I bent down and kissed her, whispering "I'm yours." She smiled and mouthed the same words in return, then took my cock into her mouth.

I loved the things she did to me. It was like she knew how to please me the moment we met. She made my cock feel like a steel bar, like I was about to pump out enough cum to fill a milk jug. Too quickly it was time to move on, but she continued stroking me while I waited for Mike's mouth to become available.

I was just about to put it there when Char decided we should move on. Taking Mike's hands, she said, "I'm ready now, baby, and your ass is mine." Having just released her cock from his mouth, he knew what he'd be getting, and he smiled as Char led him to the bed she and the fullback had used earlier.

I decided to give our guest priority in choosing holes, and he was very polite about it.

"May I?" Kyle said as he took Kim's hands and raised her to her feet.

"Certainly, sir," Kim replied as he led her to the bed. Once there, he had her stand by the bed and bend over. Kneeling behind her, he separated her ass cheeks with his hands and pressed his mouth into the cleft between.

This left me as the fifth wheel, and I elected to play the field a little before finishing with Kim. Char was working Mike into a missionary position, so I started by kneeling over his head and putting my cock in between their mouths. Char took to it immediately, sucking it into her mouth, wetting it, for just a few strokes before she lined up to take Mike's ass. Then she pulled back to kneel between his legs. I grabbed the lube and handed it to her, then she grabbed my cock and pointed it straight at Mike's mouth.

I had to hand it to the boy. For a top, he was quite a talented cocksucker. He bent his head back, opening his throat. I put my hands underneath his neck to support it, and in a few strokes my balls were against his nose. I backed out a little while Charlotte pushed her cock all the way inside him, then I began fucking his mouth and throat just as she was fucking his ass. My only regret was that I wasn't in his place -- I'd really come to enjoy being spitroasted.

I didn't want to cum there, though, so before I got carried away I backed out. Moving behind Char, I lubed her hole and started fingerfucking her as she fucked Mike. She moaned in pleasure as I pierced the entrance, and in a moment I had two fingers all the way inside her. I reached around her with my other hand and played with her breasts, caressing each one, then lightly pinching her sensitive nipples.

After playing with Char for a few minutes, I moved to one side, reaching in to take hold of Mike's cock, the one that had so recently been inside me. I stroked him for a while, making sure he was hard and ready to cum when he chose.

I decided to watch for a minute, and stepped over to get my unfinished drink. Char was giving Mike a good hard fucking. There was a lot of power in that little body, and I could see his hips jolt every time she rammed her cock up inside him.

On the other bed Kyle was still pushing his tongue inside Kim's asshole. As I watched, he pulled back and lay on his back on the bed next to her. "Ride me?" he said. Kim smiled at him, then climbed onto the bed and took his cock in her mouth, making sure it was good and hard. I put my drink down and sat next to her. I used my hands in ways I knew she liked, sliding down the cleft of her ass to her hole, teasing it with my fingertips, then continuing on to her balls. I took them in my hand, squeezing very softly, pulling very gently, and the soft moan that came out from around the cock in her mouth told me I was pleasing her.

Then she pulled forward to kneel over Kyle's hips. I took hold of his cock and held it up for her. Kyle spread his legs, and I used my other hand to hold his balls. Kim reached behind herself to find his tip and pressed it against her hole. With a little grunt she dropped down, taking the head inside her ass. Apparently all of his licking had produced enough lube, and she slowly slid down his pole until her ass touched his hips.

I thought in the moment that that might be the single sexiest thing I'd ever seen, but then she beat it. She started moving her hips forward and back, then side to side. She'd done this to me and it felt magnificent, but of course I hadn't seen it from this angle. Her magnificent, taut little ass massaging Kyle's cock inside her -- wow. I was casually stroking my cock, and I almost came right there.

Kim was also stroking her cock, and she looked back over her shoulder at me, smiled, and opened her mouth in an O. I knew what she was asking for, and it was what I had planned to do, but I wasn't quite ready yet. I moved around and knelt above Kyle's head, offering my cock as I had with Mike. Kyle smiled up at me and took me into his mouth, sucking it like he was trying to retrieve a golf ball through a garden hose.

There's a great line from a movie called The Electric Horseman where Robert Redford and Willie Nelson are talking by a swimming pool in Vegas. Redford asks Nelson what he's going to do next, and Willie answers, "I'm gonna find me one of these keno girls that can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch, and then I'm gonna kick out." Kyle had those kind of skills. I thought for a moment he was going to take all the skin off my dick and swallow it. God, he was good.

Over on the other bed, Char had turned Mike onto his belly. He was lying flat while she lay on top of him, pounding his ass like she'd never find another one. Mike would grunt slightly every time her hips hit his ass, but he was moaning in between, and clearly enjoying himself. When he saw me looking at them, he smiled at me.

Timing is everything in life. I looked at Kim and she looked at me, and I could tell she'd be ready soon. I got the feeling Char wouldn't last much longer either. I didn't know about Kyle, but I knew how to fix that. His mouth was getting me close to the end. Kim's stroking of her cock sped up, and her eyes closed as she concentrated. If I timed this right......

Just before Kyle forced me over the edge, I withdrew from his mouth. Reaching down with both hands, I grabbed his nipples and twisted them. It was like hitting him with a cattle prod. As Mike had told us earlier, that made Kyle cum. His eyes shot wide open, and he grabbed Kim's waist tightly and began forcing his hips up against her as she bounced on him. I stood over Kyle's chest, put my hand on the back of Kim's head, and pointed my hard cock at her mouth. Opening her eyes, she saw it and dove on it. Kyle began moaning loudly, forcing his cock deep into Kim with each thrust.

Kim's eyes rolled up to meet mine, and that was my trigger. I'd been hot to cum for over an hour now, and I blew all of it into her mouth. Kyle groaned and froze, his whole body tensed. I'm sure he was shooting into her ass at the same time. Kim was driven right over the edge, cum spurting from her cock onto my legs and Kyle's chest.

We froze like that for a minute, Kim sucking all of my cum down, getting every drop as it came out. Kyle's hips trembled as he thrust upward a few more times, forcing his load deep in Kim's ass. Kim put her hands on my thighs as she lovingly kissed and licked my prick. I became too sensitive and had to pull away. I sat down heavily at the head of the bed, leaning against the headboard.

Kim eased herself off of Kyle's diminishing cock and fell sideways, her head landing in my lap. She rested there, getting her breath back.

On the other bed, Char continued pounding into Mike's asshole. Ever the bottom, Kyle went to help his top partner. As he got onto the bed with them, Charlotte rolled onto her side and brought Mike with her. Mike's cock stuck straight out, and Kyle lay on his side and took it in his mouth. Knowing Kyle's skills, I was sure Mike wouldn't last long. Mike lifted his leg, and Kyle reached through to play with

Char's balls, kneading and squeezing, as she fucked Mike. Kyle brought them both to the edge. Mike moaned, "Now, now, NOW," and blew his load into Kyle's mouth. I'm sure his sphincter tightened down on Char's dick at that moment. She groaned and gave out a cry that sounded like a lioness on her prey. She slammed into Mike's ass one more time, hard and deep, and I could see her hips twitch as she unloaded into him.

Kim sat up and knelt next to me. She smiled and kissed me, a long hot kiss full of dancing tongues. I put my arms around her and pulled her against my chest. She pulled back a tiny bit, just enough to look straight into my eyes. "That L word keeps popping into my head," she said, and then she kissed me again.

The other three were untangling themselves and allowing their hearts to recover on their bed. On our bed two hearts seemed to be beating together.

Kyle and Mike said they had a long drive ahead. They'd heard about the club and driven over an hour to check it out. They joked with Char while Kim and I just cuddled. They cleaned themselves up in the bath and dressed. The three of us got up to see them out -- lots of hugs and kisses. Email addresses were exchanged, hope you'll stay in touch, thanks for a great time, and they were gone. We could hear them laughing as they went down the hall.

The three of us decided we didn't feel like driving home. Charlotte showered, then Kim and I did the same, scrubbing all that carefully applied makeup from my face. We all piled into one bed. Kim and I were wrapped around each other. Char lay down on the other side of Kim. She seemingly sensed there was kind of a bubble around Kim and I. Not wanting to break it, she lay on her side very close, facing Kim's back, one hand on Kim's waist- a part of us, but not one of us.

And that's how we fell asleep.

AUTHOR'S POSTSCRIPT: The story will continue. Sandy's beginning to find his own way in this new world. As I've said, it's his story, not mine. He'll tell me where he's going, and I'll tell you. Drop me a note if you're enjoying the story or even if you hate it, and remember what I said about donating. No dollars, no sis-boom-bah.

Next: Chapter 14

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