Sandy and Bud Ricks

By tomas weston

Published on Oct 30, 2023




Mason dismissed the marine cadets to the operation room and only then did he stop massaging Sandy's jock pouch so that he could help out the last occupant of the boat. Van was tall and red haired- and broad in the shoulders- but lithe and fit which was not that unusual for a Canadian Mountie, although to tell the truth Mason had only had the one opportunity of examining thoroughly this officer. Van had arrived on secondment three months earlier and the Gulf sun had already darkened his skin whilst his physique had been honed by the term `mountie' being literally applied by him to his charges. He had gained the reputation of going commando in every respect so as he focused on the fat rod beneath Sandy's jock, his own thick rod swelled, then lengthened, inside his cammo trousers. Finally, he stepped from the boat and as he moved to stand before the blonde, Sandy watched as Mason stroked Van's now fully erect cock through the moist cotton material. Mason introduced Van from Vancouver to Sandy. The Canadian added that he was very happy, at last, to see Sandy in the flesh as his reputation went before him and he had been the talk of the ship for the last week. However, at this moment, he was concerned about the teen being overdressed, so reaching forward with both hands, he yanked the white wet cotton jock to Sandy's knees freeing the blonde's big cock. Van did not quite gasp at this point but just turned to Mason to acknowledge that the rumours were clearly true.

Grasping the purple head of Sandy's erect cock, he twisted it violently making the pre-cum ooze from the narrow cock slit and thus, trickle between his fingers. With his other hand he ran its middle finger between the teen's legs and straight up and into Sandy's hole. When released, Sandy stood automatically to attention watching Van lick his fingers. The Canadian ordered the blonde to the operation room with the instruction that he was to tell the marine cadets to shave him fully from the neck downwards and after they had finished with him Sandy was to report naked to the kitchen. Sandy pulled up his jock and, then in compliance with Van's final order, left the boathouse with his cock fully exposed. Mason grinned at Van, then gathered himself and jumped onto the boat before steering it out of the creek whilst Van found his way to the kitchen.

Captain Bud was feeling like a cabin boy or, in fact, the lowest of the low pirate, as he trudged disconcertedly along the beach and away from the smuggler's camp. A few minutes ago he had been untied and ordered from the tent where, outside, he had hurriedly donned his pink trunks in order to stop caustic comments concerning his erection which refused to die down. Now, it just poked above the waistband of the tight trunks but, at present, it seemed to find little interest from the two males that accompanied him up the beach. The older, and noticeably better dressed, had two chevrons on each sleeve of his shirt {the colour of which gave the smugglers their name} although whether the chevrons really meant anything was unknown to Bud. Carrying a sack, which to Bud appeared to contain food and water, was the younger smuggler who he had encountered in the tent- clearly his ill-fitting uniform was not his own, as the shirt and trousers only seemed to touch flesh where the thick waist belt had been pulled tight.

Devoid of boots and socks, he walked barefoot and Bud thought that perhaps he was about Sandy's age. He could not help but notice the thin dark line of upper lip hair and the tanned firm skin of his chest which became visible, along with small brown nipples, when a breeze blew open the loose shirt. The boy was wondering about the reason for this trek when the elder smuggler ordered them to stop- he then sat on a tussock of grass beneath a palm tree and, after laying his rifle against its trunk, gave orders in Spanish to his companion.

The respite gave Bud additional thinking time, mainly as to what was happening to Dan who, although had been left in the tent, was according to the parting comments he had overheard, to be used for entertainment later in the evening.

Aroused from his deliberations, he noticed that now the younger guy was leaning against a different tree, having lowered the sack. Bud jumped as he was ordered, by the pseudo corporal, to remove his trunks and, quickly, he complied then handed them over to him whilst standing in front of the man. The smuggler, putting it coherently as he could in broken English, told Bud that the youngun' had been promised a blow job so Bud could just down to it. The naked boy looked over to the now widely grinning teen who had already unbuttoned his fly and was in the process of pulling out his cock.

Bud, happily resigned to something he enjoyed, was therefore unperturbed as he knelt before the teen thin but long cut cock waiting, half erect, to be blown, Bud took the thin smooth shaft in one hand and steadied himself against the tree with the other. The teen holding firmly onto ginger hair, forced his cock into Bud's mouth and down the boy's throat making him gag. Any chortle from the man was overshadowed by the noises from the teen who seemed determined to mouth fuck Bud instead of letting the boy suck methodically and, thus, Bud stopped trying to suck and instead held the thrusting cock between his lips and let the teen ram in and out. The sweet pre-cum was coating Bud's tongue as the teen pushed and pulled between lips and throat whilst gripping Bud's head with his hands. As Bud guessed that climax was near, he waited for discharge as the teen began thrusting his whole lower body against the kneeling boy. Just before Bud felt the gush of salty juice against his throat the teen hollered in Spanish but after the initial load he still kept thrusting until he had expelled every drop of his sperm.

Bud caught his breath as he swallowed the juices, made easier now as the teen withdrew his spent cock from the boy's moist mouth and returned the softening rod to his trousers, As Bud returned to the man, the teen ruffled ginger hair and held the wide grin as he also returned to sit by the man.

The corporal tied tightly the trunk's cord around Bud's balls pulling them downwards; then, he wound it even tighter around the base of the boy's erect cock; this left the pink material dangling below Bud's crotch. Then, after the man stood and picked up both the sack and the rifle, he ordered the teen to pull the naked Bud along the beach using the dangling trunks as a tether. Bud, maintaining a vertical erection as he walked, felt his cock pulse, throb and sway- knowing that he desperately needed, somehow, to climax.

On entering the operation room, Sandy was unsure how he was going to express Van's order that he was to be body shaved. However, the blonde need not have been concerned for as soon as he reached the doorway one of the marine cadets espying Sandy's exposed erect cock announced that it was his turn to shave. An argument with the other cadet was only prevented by a shout from Chip which kept the station manned along with the promise that he would be able to check the blonde for missed hair once Sandy's shave was complete. As Sandy tuned to the second cadet, the lick he gave to his lips seemed to promise that fingers would not be used in that examination.

As he was led to a corner couch, Sandy had guessed by now that his exposed cock had been some kind of signal from Van as regards procedure just as the method of moving him to the couch by hand to cock might have been one of Van's techniques. Sandy lay still on the couch allowing the cadet to remove the jock, a quick feel over his body for hair found, as Sandy obviously knew, hair only between his legs and under his arms, but it did not prevent the cadet feeling over Sandy's legs, arms, and nipples as well as under his large oval balls and up into the pink hole. Feeling fully exposed and sporting a throbbing erection, that arched up onto his stomach, Sandy was left then alone as the cadet went to seek the necessary shaving equipment. In the quiet atmosphere of machine clicks and whirrs, the blonde was able to hear the other cadet make a blunt sexual reference to the size of the teen's cock. The reply from Chip caused the cadet to wow a response but the main thrust of the corporal's reply was hidden by the noise of a door opening.

The shaving cadet spoke quietly introducing himself as Joe as he lay down the equipment, two towels and a water bowl. He peeled off his shirt supposedly to stop it getting wet before commencing the shave which after quickly removing the blonde armpit hair seemed to concentrate on the teen's crotch for a very long time with Sandy's cock and/or balls seeming to need careful attention and handling. After about the fourth shaft and cockhead shave, beads of pre-cum appeared at the narrow slit on the blonde's purple cockhead and as these trickled down the shaft they were picked up by the cadet's fingers and eagerly swallowed.

Joe announced that he was finished and called to Frank the second cadet who appeared, already stripped to the waist, at Sandy's side before Joe had even time to replace his shirt. Sandy lay back as Frank got to grips with mouth and tongue heading straight for the now extremely smooth cock shaft. Whether Frank was concerned or not, as he was totally engrossed in sucking, he ignored the fact that Joe had yanked down his trousers leaving him mainly in his own tight worn jock. Frank greedily continued encountering no hair on the blonde's cock, balls or chest or under his arms or on that route from balls to inside the blonde's pink hole. Satisfied to some extent Frank stood up but as he reached to grip Sandy's cock he exploded in both sound and sperm; with white warm juice flooding his jock pouch and dribbling from the wet cotton fabric. Immediately Joe appeared at Frank's side leading him off with the promise of knowing the best way to clean up the mess.

Sandy rose and was thrown his own jock to carry, as the two cadets attacked each other in a corner of the room. The naked teen slid from the room to the kitchen where he expected to find Van.

Around the kitchen table, Van examined the naked Sandy by lifting the teen's cock so he could get an even closer look. Satisfied, Van ordered Sandy up to his own bed mentioning that after completing his drink he would join him.

During his drag up the beach, Bud maintained an erection but as much as he longed for a climax it would just not happen whilst his balls were bound and lowered by the trunk's cord. His cock continued to bob up and down causing merriment from his grinning captor but for Bud the most discomfort came from inside his small tender scrotum globes. The trek continued until the trio neared the northern most point of the island where the palm tree stand thickened and the white sandy beach narrowed. About thirty metres from the northern point, the elder smuggler halted causing the connected pair to stop as well. Turning to the youngun', orders were given in Spanish which caused Bud to be untied from the trunks whilst the bag carrying smuggler disappeared into the trees.

The release of his balls caused a sudden uncontrollable jerking of his erect cock and instantaneously Bud felt his climax surge up his shaft. As if understanding the moment, the young smuggler grasped the boy's throbbing shaft pulling Bud into him as the dry orgasm struck home.

Once released Bud put back on the proffered trunks tying the cord securely. Unsure of what was going to happen now, the boy stood silently but his companion moved closer, pulled Bud into him and engaged in a slow passionate kiss. Bud having never tried this before responded, as best he could, with their long contact helping the boy enjoy the moment. As the teen pressed his lips and tongue into action, Bud just wished that the soft lips belonged to his brother.

Sandy heard the stairs creek, so he assumed that Van was on his way. It did not take the Canadian long to strip in front of Sandy to reveal a hard thick cut cock jutting from an area devoid of body hair. Van did not comment as he pulled back the covers to reveal the blonde's long cock stretching up his body but he closed in on the teen pressing his body close to the new smoother Sandy who felt the weight of the Canadian as he climbed on top of him and the man's lips sought out his. After what Sandy could only perceive of as a breathtakingly long loving kiss, Van pulled his arms around the teen and mentioned that he had really enjoyed that moment and that he would bet that Sandy had had plenty of practice with his brother.

Having had in Sandy's opinion a very eventful day, he had to admit, and not happily, that his adventures had temporarily removed his brother from his mind. Convinced that Bud was out on one of those discovery trips, as his dolphin was also no where to be seen, he returned to Van's attentions determined to find his brother after they had ended.

Van turned, after lightly kissing Sandy's forehead, to the fact that he was very tired after a sixteen hour shift so his Sandy fuck would have to wait but he wanted to feel the blonde next to him as he drifted to sleep.

Van meant Sandy to leave and return to the operation room once he was asleep but to ensure that he woke him up when the blonde was ready for bed. However, as the Canadian gripped Sandy's cock whilst he settled to sleep, he noticed that the blonde was already asleep- so aware that the teen had had a very fulfilling day so far, and with the opportunity of filling him a lot more later in that evening -- he let him continue his rest.

As Bud followed the teen into the palm trees, he saw the reason for the extra rations of food and drink. For whatever reason, there were two boys- Bud guessed about his own age- sitting attached by a tether to separate trees- both wearing, by now, sandy and worn whities. The taller looked up at Bud -- smiled, and then, for some reason, a note of recognition registered in Bud's brain.

Next: Chapter 10

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