Sandy and Bud Ricks

By tomas weston

Published on Feb 16, 2006


Apologies for any one following this -a combination of too much work and finishing off my Will Robinson story has meant too long a delay but that's the way it goes sometimes. Ideas, constructive comments, reviews, etc always welcome but sorry already if you have to wait for the next chapter. Disclaimers (et al) as before. Todd



When Chip had disappeared from view, Mason informed Sandy that if he was interested, then, the Navy would not really miss some of the equipment and that, if there was a good place for its concealment then Sandy, and later Bud, could get real use out of it.

The blonde was conscious of the wrongs in this statement but on the other hand he felt more than interested in the possibilities of being able to dive for longer and to be able to go deeper.

As if sensing Sandy's conflict, Mason argued that the Gunboat was stacked high with equipment and that, anyhow, this stuff was outdated- but clearly in full working order. The diver concluded that if there was a place to conceal it all, then he would return and take away what Sandy did not feel like keeping and further, he would teach Sandy all he knew about diving and take Bud and him for some lengthy deep sea nude diving sessions. Mason noticed a significant stirring under the Blonde's white jock at the combination of the words Bud and nude -- and, hence. Sandy eventually agreed to the suggestion.

There was plenty of equipment to return to the gunboat. So Sandy and Mason were able to carry two sets of oxygen tanks, two wetsuits and a box of extras into the loft above the brothers bedroom. Mason kept talking about the Security of the loft and until he had been reassured several times he was not completely happy with the location. However, Sandy knew that he was the main user of the loft -- with Bud only occasionally using it for storage- for since their father had given them their own space this was the one area he never came. To conceal the equipment further, Sandy covered them with an old red sailcloth then piled on top of this wooden crates.

Mason turned to Sandy near to the loft opening, turned him and rested his hands on the teen's bare shoulders. He gripped tightly to ensure Sandy was facing him and made the blonde look into his eyes. The conversation ensured Sandy knew of the consequences of any one finding the equipment. Mason then gave an explicitly detailed explanation of the pleasures of supervised nude diving- with exact details of how Bud would be involved. Sandy remained fixed on Mason's eyes but nodded in agreement to the future sexually based dive before the diver looked down to see his own erection was pushing out of his whities whilst Sandy's full throbbing erection had pushed his wide purple cockhead from out of the worn jock pouch.

Mason grinned saying that the Corporal could wait for his coffee for he had no intention of leaving the harbour without giving Sandy a well earned fuck.

Mason stripped the blonde from the jock, then ordered him onto all fours, whilst he pulled both his long shaft and hairless balls through the opening of his tight whities. Mason crouched down behind Sandy who, during his teen years sexual journey, had learnt not only that this was this his favourite sex position but also, that often, the fucker wanted, as he had now, his legs spread so that his increasingly penetrated, but still tight puckered hole, could be speared not only with accuracy but with force.

Sandy fell forward twice before he came to being resigned to leave, for balance, his elbows on the floor- for as Mason rammed towards climax he steadily increased his rate of thrust. Finally with expletives involving the future hard fucking of both Sandy and Bud, he thrust violently until, as the blonde's hard cock slapped against his stomach, the diver released a torrent of hot cum inside the blonde's ass. As Mason withdrew, Sandy turned, then collapsed on the floor to see his own cock spurting over his smooth chest. Mason seeing the youngster's discharge then forced the teen on his back and, after feeding the blonde his own milky cum, forced his own deflating cock into Sandy's mouth in order as he put it give it a full clean.

Afterwards, there was little time for the two of them to express feeling or comment as Mason ordered Sandy back into a jock and then down to the kitchen. Meanwhile, the naked diver collected his uniform from the boat house and waited in the kitchen until the blonde returned from serving coffee to the corporal.

Mason received news that he was wanted in the control room but he made Sandy dress him first- and the order ensuring that the fly was left open, was the diver's insurance that the blonde's lips was buried and sucking cammo and white cotton, before Mason zipped up and strode out of the kitchen leaving the taste of cum and cotton on Sandy's lips

Bud was unceremoniously dumped on the white sand whilst Dan walked freely up the beach before being made to sit next to the captive `Willy'. Their guards were two smugglers. The others ventured into the palm trees from where, shortly, emerged a man who Dan considered might be the leader although he was undistinguished being dressed in a simple green uniform. His conversation, hurried and demonstrative, in that latin style ensured that the boys' boat was hauled up the beach then hidden beneath the palms where Dan saw it being covered with dark netting. From his vantage point, Dan could see also that there was considerable activity in the area but from a distance much would be masked by camouflage especially amongst the trees. There were clearly twenty or so smugglers plus guys on guard on the half-hidden launch. All Bud could see though, Dan guessed, was sand.

After Dan was ordered to stand and Bud was hauled upwards, they were taken into a tent that was half hidden in the trees. However, before Dan were out of sight of the activities, he glimpsed a suited pale skinned guy in conversation with the green clad leader. They exchanged a handshake before the suited guy strode down the beach although Dan was unable to see further activity as the tent flap was closed- but he assumed that the white guy was the owner of the red and white motor launch for its noise on leaving was unmistakable.

After a short interval, the flap reopened and the `leader' accompanied by the three other smugglers entered. Dan stood then Bud was raised positioned between two of the soldiers.

In a lilting American accent, the boys were informed that it had been unfortunate that they had stumbled on this local operation but that they were in no danger as long as they did not become a nuisance and that, after one night, they could return home when all this local activity had been ended. Dan assumed that although they had probably bought the identity story there was no chance that they would be released until the smuggling activity had been concluded.

The leader left leaving the older man in charge. He looked at Bud and then informed him not to continue his struggle or he would finfd himself tied up all night- Bud seemed to acquiesce but still he remained bound. Then, it was announced that Bud would be kept elsewhere whilst Dan would prove to be a useful skivvy for him for the night. Unsure as to what this actually meant, Dan was apprehensive but he became more concerned when he was ordered to strip.

Dan, although happy to be naked in many circumstances, did feel that this was not one of them, but a shout of hey! Mikey get em all off `caused him to bend to remove his shoes and socks. Bud trying to look like he was not watching Dan strip, only made it clear to the others that he was but Bud noted that all the others did not seem uninterested either. As Dan unbuckled, Sandy's cut-offs automatically slipped to his ankles exposing a pair of whities. Dan took of his tee shirt then reluctantly shed the whities leaving himself embarrassed and naked.

The older smuggler picked up the discarded clothes but before he left he lifted Dan's long but soft cock with the barrel of his rifle before letting it flop back with an appreciative comment on its length.

As he closed the tent flap he ordered the remaining two smugglers to strip the boy, take away his clothes and leave the boys in a way they meant they could not escape. Dan was sat next to the tent pole before attention turned to Bud. Taking a bayonet from his rifle the youngest smuggler slit apart Bud's tee shirt, then he did the same to the cut-offs; both garments easily fell from Bud. The boy was left in tight pink swimbriefs.

Their nature elicited a comment in Spanish but when the younger smuggler poked with the bayonet at Bud's bulging crotch, they both laughed and one commented on the need to be careful with Willy's willy.

The younger smuggler then discarded his bayonet and fumbled with the tiecord of Bud's swimbriefs. Once the swimbriefs were pulled away from the boy's smooth flesh,, he slid both hands inside squeezing the erect cock, before sliding the garment slowly downwards, exposing Bud's hairless cock erect and leaving his small balls swinging.

As ordered, Bud's clothes were then gathered and taken away but not before both Bud and Dan were secured by ropes to the tent pole. There was room now for them to spread out and although they enjoyed a constant conversation, Bud's cock would not soften.

Sandy, clad only in a jock, walked back to the control room only to stop at its entrance to peer through the door crack. Mason stripped to the waist and with bulging cammo trousers was in a full embrace with Chip- and they seemed so engrossed that Sandy decided to retrace his tracks and shuffle vigorously on the gravel path in order to ensure they heard him.

Inside whilst Mason was redressing, Chip explained that three marines would be arriving shortly to help in the control room and that Mason would be rejoining the gunboat in order to undertake further diving duties. Then, Mason made the comment that the blonde need not dress to greet the new marines as Chip had specifically asked for his special marines; therefore Sandy would surely know what to expect. Mason's final comment elicited no reply from Chip when he asked if the marines knew that Sandy was a blonde.

Chip then ordered the diver and the blonde to the boathouse to await the marine launch.

As the launch approached and whilst Mason was vigorously massaging Sandy's jock pouch -- so, as he put it, to let the marines see what was on offer- Sandy asked Mason how on earth he had got away with all the caustic and sexual remarks he given the corporal. Mason grinned broadly, then whilst now harshly squeezing the blonde's rock hard cock through the faded cotton told, a squirming Sandy, that Chip was his brother.

Next: Chapter 9

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