Sandy and Bud Ricks

By tomas weston

Published on Aug 20, 2004




The launch made good progress due to the combination of a high tide and Sandy's skill in navigation. Coly lay back, sunning himself whilst regularly readjusting his whities --the blonde thought this rearrangement an attempt to seek attention- for although the bulge was inviting, being at different times both variable in size and in shape, Sandy knew that this was neither the time- as they really did need to hurry to Normanton Harbour- nor the place, as the near naked Coly would soon discover.

Sandy knew that it would normally take about forty minutes to reach the M&C if they followed the harbour channel but with the tide high he could cut that to thirty by taking the Creek Run. By choosing this route, the blonde's choice of normal clothing began to pay dividend as the squadron of mosquitoes and midges began to lunch on cadet flesh. It took only a few severe bites for Coly to find a uniform preferable to being bare and blooded- and although there were several stumbles and one fall into the boat as he dressed, the crestfallen teen was not able to see the slight smile on Sandy's face as eventually the cadet sat in the launch.

However, Coly did find time to scratch through the uniform, concentrating on areas which clearly had never been bitten having been protected by white cotton. Sandy, somewhat sympathetic to the Cadet's hormonal needs, felt Coly's hidden attractions warranted attention- unfortunately, not at the present, but later when time was not at a premium and location was more discrete.

This section of The Gulf Coast, between the station and the harbour, had, in the past been of great significance but, eventually, natural salt marsh advancement had caused its demise- so that, of the three original jetties only Second Stand remained- but now this derelict structure could only be reached at high tide; and, further, as they raced past, Sandy saw the wooden timbers rotting, the trackway overgrown and the old weigh house reduced to a shell. Then, ten minutes later, Sandy steered the launch back into the main channel and arrival at Normanton Harbour followed.

There was significant activity, both on the large gunboat, presently moored at The Mill Quay, and onshore- with the local stores unlikely to waste any opportunity to sell their wares- whilst the grey metal boat was awash with active green and dark clothed personnel. Then, as Sandy moored his launch at The Sailor's Quay, waiting, at the top of the landing stage, for Coly and himself, were two marines.

Sergeant Griffiths led Sandy and Coly between the quays and then onto the gunboat's walkway. The second marine, who Sandy guessed was a corporal, based on his insignia, attached himself to the blonde by enquiring about the maps. During this short journey, the corporal became as attentive to the blonde as Sandy had become to the sergeant's cammo clad rear. Then, as the party reached the gunboat's deck, a bout of humour ensued- as a group of young marines call of hello sailor was generally ignored although Sandy felt a rise in the temperature of his cheeks.

Once inside the vessel, they were led to the briefing room in which around a centrally located map strewn table many men were gathered. Next, Sandy handed over the local map which when unfolded completed the overview of the immediate area. Sandy moved to sit on an empty desk at the back of the room whilst Coly joined a group of cadets near the main door. The blonde was interested in the briefing and as it began, the corporal moved to sit with him on the desk ensuring that body contact was made. In a lull during the introductory comments, the marine introduced himself as Corporal Chipperfield- known to his close friends as Chip- then Sandy`s name was greeted again in relation to the teen being blonde.

Sandy listened intently. The M&C had lost contact with the Green Smugglers' vessel in The Gulf but military intelligence had suggested that it was now holed up in this area. Intelligence also had made available two other facts- firstly, that the city dealers had hidden money in a creek on this stretch of coast and, secondly, a motor launch had left Morton Beach Marina that morning to rendezvous with the smugglers. The inference being that this transaction was money out- drugs in. Consequently, the M&C would split four ways, with mini-groups trawling the creeks, but all personnel would meet no later than 08.00 at the Five Hundred Yard Buoy tomorrow- where Ranger Nash's launch was already anchored in order to monitor The Outer Sound.

Sandy had been concentrating on the briefing but during a break in the discussion he realised that his bare back was being massaged. Whilst pretending to be still engrossed in procedures, he realised that the corporal had move back to rest against the wall from where he had lifted Sandy's t-shirt- and then the marine had started to gently rub his hand over the blonde's smooth skin. Somewhat embarrassed by this action's consequence, even in the half light at the back of the room, he- and probably Chip- could witness the full erection straining under his denim cut-offs. Then, Sandy needing to give his full attention once more to the briefing made no effort to prevent the corporal insert his fingers beneath the waistband of his whities.

The four area leaders were given their orders and as Ranger Ricks' son had now provided the final map a full search could begin. Each area leader outlined his plan with the fourth marine adding that his latest information suggested that the smugglers had turned to using a local coaster. At this juncture, Sandy automatically interrupted stating that he had seen a large coaster yesterday. Attention turned to the blonde; the corporal quickly returned to an upright position being inwardly annoyed as he had been delving deep beneath Sandy's whities, as the teen explained the route the vessel had been taking. However, in this short recollection, he replaced the sexual encounter with Brad with their visit to view dolphins. When complete he felt eyes linger on him but then realised that they were essentially aimed at the corporal.

He was thanked for this information; then the marine added that with the coaster's sighting tomorrow's rendezvous point would assume greater significance. Next, the four corporals were called forward to receive instructions and Sandy found himself alone on the desk. Finally, in summarising the briefing, the rendezvous point and timing were restated with clear instructions that all marines were to be in full cammo uniform for this operation. Then the groups were dismissed.

Coly came over to wish Sandy well- adding that they would definitely meet soon and one day he would arrive with a group of likeminded cadets but for the present he had been attached to the gunboat. His final remark, said with some humour, was that Sandy should be made aware of Corporal Chipperfield's reputation but if he had more to say it was prevented by Sergeant Griffith's arrival.

Sandy was thanked for his contribution and for now he was asked to work with Corporal Chipperfield and his diver in searching the area between the harbour and his home station. The blonde replied that he was very willing to help in this search. The sergeant then added that he would help him carry the necessary equipment to his boat.

The launch would easily accommodate three adults even after the stores, wetsuits and oxygen cylinders had been loaded and, eventually, Corporal Chipperfield arrived with his diver who was carrying additional baggage. The newcomers stood to attention, saluted and then, were briefed out of Sandy's earshot, by Sergeant Griffiths- after his departure, they relaxed, climbed aboard and the diver positioned his extra gear. Chip introduced Mason who grinned and as the corporal settled near the rear of the launch, the diver asked to be called Mace when out of the corporal's earshot.

The gunboat's engines stirred and once it left the quayside, and its wash was reduced, Sandy slipped their mooring and guided the launch into the Harbour Channel.

Bud sat at the station controls pretending to be The Guardian of The Gulf and solely responsible for the capture of the Green Smugglers. He was mindful though of not touching any of the equipment as he masterminded the plan to save The Blonde Boatmaster from the clutches of the evil Doctor Green. Then, the telephone rang and Bud the Boywonder answered although he only used his first name.

Brad had become lost on his journey to find Dan and he was now near Normanton Harbour. Bud explained about the recent events and Brad decided to go to the harbour and see for himself the events unfolding -- and at the harbour he would ask for directions to Dan's home.

Bud gave him the exact address once more along with the telephone number and the idea that if he used the number he should say it was Sandy who was calling Dan so as not to lose the element of surprise.

Then the Boywonder channelled his thoughts into the fantasy of saving his brother, who was now fortuitously near naked, from the clutches of the angry smugglers- only to have his vivid imagination shattered by the arrival of a car.

Bud dropped from the chair to allow the relief to return to duty- his wife had driven, and she was staying -- and the offer of a pot of coffee met with their immediate approval --notably from the fussy woman who advised her husband that he needed matchsticks for his eyelids. Leaving the pair to banter, Bud walked to the kitchen to prepare the drink. As he prepared the tray- he had added his least favourite biscuits and cakes- he heard the screech of bicycle tyres on gravel and to Bud's surprise an out of breath Dan stumbled into the kitchen. Bud explained that he would be back in a minute but any response from the teen would have been muted as, already, he was stuffing a large slice of cream cake into his mouth.

Between leaving and returning, Bud had decided to keep Brad and Dan's impending reunion as a secret although he had been very tempted to use the ginger-headed teen's new nickname. However with Dan still eating, Bud started to explain what had happened but in order to preserve his cake and biscuit supply and to move away from the station, the boy suggested they sit on the jetty. Dan sat with two slices of cake and Bud with two cold drinks- once swapped, Bud found himself happily nestled against the teen's side ready to explain recent events in full.

Bud explained that the Green Smugglers had been operating for a number of years but that activity until recently had been low-key and infrequent- essentially they brought in stuff --traded at low prices and left but that his father had said that guns, drugs and other contraband had been smuggled recently so a real effort was being made to catch them. However, the smuggling activity was now slicker as they had become better organised- and it was likely some mobster in the city that was now making the profit- although Dan realised that frequently Bud's comments were fuelled by television and the movies. The reason they were called Green was due to them always wearing army uniform but then, once again, Bud got carried away with fantasising about their actions until Dan, now full from eating, suggested they go and search for the Green Smugglers and beat the marines to their men.

The boy responded immediately to their high adventure but Dan only intended to circle the Outer Sound before returning to wait for Sandy. Bud then suggested to Dan that he should wear his brother's old clothes instead of spoiling his, so as the teen walked to the house, Bud moved to the boathouse to release his powered rowboat. Dan had dressed very similarly to his brother- this proved no surprise to Bud although the cut-offs had had to be hauled in by a black leather belt- which meant that Bud had no idea what the teen had chosen to wear under them.

They loaded the rowboat with booty, which was mainly food and water, and after relaying a message to the relief about visiting the dolphins in The Inner Sound, Bud and Dan climbed aboard. The boy powered the engine and headed for open water- with his dolphin in tow.

Next: Chapter 6

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