Sandy and Bud Ricks

By tomas weston

Published on Jul 14, 2004




Sandy walked quietly to the car trying not to crunch the gravel under his feet- he succeeded in reaching the vehicle without waking its occupant who was using a worn red towel as a pillow which had been folded and placed over the steering wheel. As the driver's window was open, the blonde peered in to appreciate that not only did this college boy seem a carbon copy of his father, with the short jet black hair and the cute slightly upturned nose, but that dressed in shiny basketball vest and shorts- both of which glistened silky red in the sunlight -- was likely to endear this guy to Sandy very quickly.

A quick rap on the windscreen roused the sleeper, who jerked his head upward, then squinted to adjust his vision in the bright sunlight. Now accustomed to the light, he turned; then, after looking up at the teen commented that he must be Sandy although in his opinion he was definitely a cool looking blonde. Sandy half smiled and was confronted with a broad grin and an introduction to Brad, Ranger Nash's eldest son. A handshake, following Brad leaving his car, happily, for Sandy, allowed a full appraisal of the guy's body and even allowing for the bagginess of the red shorts it was clear that this body was well defined. What inspired the stare was the matt of close but fine back chest hair that curled out from the low cut vest and the large number ten stitched onto the red silk- if the latter was only a fantasy then the former might be construed as a first time in that the blonde had never previously considered the attraction of nestling against chest hair. These thoughts raced through Sandy's mind even before considering that Brad might consider such ideas as unacceptable.

The fact that the teen was only wearing whities, which clearly outlined his cock and balls with them still being wet, had largely been forgotten until Brad made a comment as to whether such minimal clothing was compulsory. This caused Sandy to blush but Brad to laugh- adding that he would be more than happy to dress in a similar fashion. With the ice broken, Sandy offered to help unload the car and Brad's belongings ended up in Sandy and Bud's bedroom. Their two beds varied in size with Bud's naturally smaller-Brad asked after putting away his gear, if there were other beds that could be moved into the room; if Sandy wondered at this question, it was answered in that the impending arrival of his brother and friend plus the return tomorrow of Bud would require additional beds. Sandy said that there were plenty of spare beds to which Brad replied that they could sort that out tomorrow but that these would be fine for tonight.

As Brad showered, Sandy fixed lunch; happy in just his whities as Brad had mentioned he intended to dress in just swimbriefs. Brad appeared in the new low cut style swimming brief but unlike the pairs Sandy had recently purchased his were in shiny scarlet. The two males were alike with lithe swimmer style bodies although being a few years older, Brad's development were especially noticeable. In the conversations over lunch, Brad became aware of Sandy's recent purchased and asked him to change into his new swimwear. After lunch, as they walked carrying cold drinks towards the jetty, the smaller size of the pale blue swimbriefs seemed to cause Sandy embarrassment but unknown to him, Brad's only concern was as to how quickly he could get the blonde naked.

Finishing their drinks as they sat side by side, Brad asked whether it was possible to see dolphins. Sandy, before replying, had considered inviting Brad to enjoy Grant Island but part of him wanted to keep this idyll for Bud and himself. So Sandy suggested they take the small launch to beyond the reefs to where the dolphins congregated during the day- in addition he wanted to keep secret the two Smeaton Islands - especially Little Smeaton on which he and Bud had toiled so long to build the den.

Brad lay back in the launch --stretching in front of Sandy who sitting at the rear controlled the engine. There was little point in communication as the launch sped from the jetty and out into The Sound, partly due to engine noise but also from the teen's point of view Brad was delighting in the display of his body. The guy, whilst Sandy had been readying the launch, had narrowed the side of his swimbriefs so that the scarlet material essentially covered only his semi-erect cock and balls- their outline clear as was the blonde's full erection under his tight blue garment which at that moment Sandy was happy was not visible to Brad for his pre-cum had created a large wet patch to one side of the brief. Sandy glanced between journey and Brad as the launch moved further from shore- this guy's body had great appeal- from short dark hair, down upturned nose, across matted chest then following the hair trail past the navel until it merged into the bushy pubic forest that led to the hardening cock still covered by scarlet fabric.

After the engine died and Sandy anchored the launch, Brad stood and cupping his crotch to perform a readjustment suggested that they swim. Before he could come close to Sandy, the teen dived in and when he resurfaced at the front of the launch Brad dived in dunking the blonde in the process. What began as a game of tag ended with Brad holding Sandy from behind and pressing into his rear- initially Sandy made to resist but as Brad steered them towards the launch the blonde's resistance ceased so that as he clung to its wooden side the college guy was able to press home his advantage against the blue clad rear whilst nuzzling on Sandy's neck before the blonde's head turned to receive and accept a kiss. Separated, Sandy waited for the next move which proved unexpected, as Brad yanked away the blue swim briefs informing Sandy that there was no way he was ever going to get them back. As the chase restarted Sandy with minimal resistance from Brad was enjoying pulling at the scarlet swimbriefs when a siren boomed and as Sandy turned he saw a small coaster powering its way across The Outer Sound. Forgetting the red swimbriefs, he ordered Brad into the launch and with the request accomplished to the college boy's satisfaction as he happily fell on top of the naked teen. Any semblance of expectation left Brad as the swell from the coaster hit the launch rocking it viciously. As the swaying subsided, Sandy raised himself and watched the ship disappear into the west- whilst still feeling annoyed at the senselessness of the coaster, he was brought to his senses by the feel of Brad's cock squashed against his rear and the guy's chest hair tickling his back. The blonde then yelped as Brad bit into his neck but recovered in time to turn to allow Brad to lower his body onto him, bind him with his arms and start a kissing session to which Sandy responded with deep enthusiasm.

Brad was now insistent on specific sexual activities to which Sandy was in full agreement but the blonde's sense overcame his desire by suggesting that sex on land would be considerably safer. Now that Brad's wish to see dolphins had subsided, Sandy urged the launch into The Sound and on to the jetty. For a degree of modesty, they pulled on each other's swimbriefs only for Brad to find that the blue pair being torn at both sides did absolutely nothing to cover his embarrassment as he ran to the house.

Sandy sat on the edge of his bed and as Brad turned to stand before him the remnants of the blue swimbriefs fell to the floor. Brad's long lean cock pointed upwards towards the blonde's face and clearly an opportunity had risen. Firmly using both hands, Sandy grasped the throbbing cock and lowered his lips to the red head. He licked all over the tender skin, poking at the slit with the tip of his tongue then dragged his teeth over the now moist end to bring forth words of pleasure and encouragement from Brad. Next, the teen moved his hands to grasp at the base of the cock in order to push more of the shaft into his willing mouth; to gain extra momentum Brad took hold of Sandy's head to help with the thrusting motion. The blonde's hands reached around the college boy to grip his rear flesh, to aid stability, as well as to enjoy the touch.

Brad's voice echoed the need for urgency and he shouted loudly to encourage Sandy to keep sucking as well as reiterate the desire he had for all of the teen's body. The ferocity of the sex increased as Bad begun to thrust his hips violently ensuring that he rammed most of his shaft down Sandy's throat making him gag but with each deeper thrust retracted just in time. Brad felt his climax near and as Sandy gripped his rear flesh Brad yelled as he coated the blonde's throat with thick white cum.

Brad withdrew the shaft leaving white fluid still dripping both from his cock slit and from Sandy's lips. The blonde was licking his lips as Brad pushed him firmly onto the bed until the teen's back was up against the wall; then straddling his body, the cum soaked cock was pushed again into Sandy's mouth in order for it to be cleaned . Sated to an extent, Brad turned, then ordered the blonde to lay face upwards on the bed-then he placed his rear on Sandy's face.

During the previous activity the teen's thick cock --now erect and pulsating- had forced its way out of a leg opening in the scarlet swimbriefs and as Brad looked down it stood vertical --thick and inviting. Squirming on Sandy's face as he leant forward he grasped the erect tool, squeezed it firmly before he pulled the scarlet material aside letting Sandy's hairless balls dangle in the humid air. Then, releasing the shaft he ordered the blonde to wank himself senseless as he proceeded to slide his cheeks on Sandy's hidden face. As Sandy jacked himself to order, his nipples were first squeezed tight, and then twisted, and as Brad increased the pain and pleasure to the blonde's sensitive nips, he ordered Sandy to release his cock just before it threw a large jet of thick cum vertical. This and other spurts left white patches all over the blonde's fair skinned chest and the scarlet fabric.

Next, Sandy stood with the scarlet swim briefs, moist in his hand, as Brad licked cum from Sandy's crotch --satisfied he had lapped up all the available cream he ordered the blonde to eat all of his own cum from the swimbriefs-once satisfied that the blonde had succeeded in this task, he ordered him to bed where Sandy snuggled up to the college boy's matted chest just as Brad was informing him of how good a boy he really was.

Later in the afternoon Brad had to wake Sandy. Over a drink, the decision was made to walk to The Lodge to see if they could watch Bud - Brad insisted that they spy from a distance and Sandy offered a site from which he had to admit to studying guys on previous occasions. Dressed in denim cut-offs and red basketball shorts respectively, Sandy and Brad took the path along the coast. At Salt Creek, the path passed about a hundred metres from the building and here, Sandy led Brad from the path to step between two large bushes, beyond which a trampled path took them to an angled grass embankment. Sandy lay on the mound and Brad settled beside him. Reaching forward, the blonde parted the low shrubs to show that they were no more than twenty metres from The Lodge. Brad's father was sitting on the patio facing the building whilst Bud was splashing in the small pool. The two voyeurs lay motionless to watch but a gasp of air came from Sandy, for when Bud scrambled out of the pool in order to dive, he realised that his brother was naked.

Sandy was transfixed by this sight for although he had seen Bud naked on numerous occasions the carefree way he seemed to accept this condition made Sandy stir. His brother frolicked happily allowing his young cock to sway as he moved, whilst apparently unconcerned that he was naked but the ranger clothed. Naked was how Sandy had hoped Bud would be when alone with him. Brad moved behind the teen and commented that as his brother was totally naked he needed the elder brother to be as well. Sandy's cut-offs slipped down easily- then his shoes were removed; to order, the teen spread his legs and Brad reached between to yank down the semi-erect cock forcing the blonde's two large balls to be exposed. Then, Brad moved to lie on Sandy to enjoy the touch and the view.

Brad made numerous sexual comments, concerning Bud's body, focusing on the length of his uncut cock and the perfection of his rear. Sandy felt his cock stretch and push up from where it was pressed on the earth bank; it touched Brad, allowing the college boy to widen his legs letting the thick cock rest between them before they closed squeezing tight on the hard shaft.

Whilst focusing on both Sandy's cock and Bud's body, Brad explained that his father had always insisted boys were naked and that until he was thirteen he was always nude at home. Further, his younger brother was still kept naked- and that the friend his brother was bringing to stay had better get used to the idea as well. He squeezed the blonde's trapped cock again as he mentioned that Sandy should control his brother by forcing him to be naked. Finally, in what seemed a hurried statement, he added that there was no incest between his dad and his sons, but he failed to mention how well he got on with his brother. The concern that fashioned itself in Sandy's mind was whether Brad`s father had any designs on his brother.

As Bud continued to swim and dive, Brad explained that he was going to The Lodge to collect some clothes and that he would tempt Bud to exhibit himself closer to where Sandy was hidden. However, to ensure Sandy did not climax in Brad's absence it would be necessary to administer control.

Brad slid off Sandy and taking his laces from his shoes wound one around each of the teen's balls; tightening the lace to pull each globe to the bottom of the smooth scrotum, ensuring, he hoped, the stemming of the blonde's flow of cum until he returned. The moans that issued forth from the blonde were of no consequence to Brad as he separated the exposed balls, nor those during the spreading wider of Sandy's legs to ensure that the erect cock pointed downwards whilst pressing against the coarse grass. Brad ordered Sandy to remain in this position until he returned -- any serious discomfort felt by the teen was not only countered by the likely action on the college boy's return but by viewing present, and future, activities involving his brother.

It took a few minutes for Brad to be standing next to his father. As they talked Bud stopped swimming and walked over to the patio. Sandy had to endure increasing discomfort as his balls ached and throbbed and his hard cock struggled against the bank.

As Bud was looking at Brad, the college boy removed his red shorts- Bud ,as Sandy realised, had no hesitation in staring at the fully developed cock which began to stir.

Then Ranger Nash stood and beckoned his son into the house leaving Bud to tug at his own cock as he returned to the pool. As the boy dived in, Sandy gazed wide-eyed at the first view of his brother's cock in a semi-erect state.

Ten minutes later, Brad reappeared with a bag and a basketball. Naked the college boy shot hoops at a ring directly opposite Sandy. It took no time at all for Bud to haul himself from the pool and hurry over to the ring. Sandy became ecstatic as Bud and Brad took turns with the ball, each, in turn, giving him a full view of their swinging cocks but, additionally in the case of his brother, the round mounds of his rear which when in direct line with Sandy caused the blonde a specific desire when Bud bent forwards to retrieve the ball. To heighten sexual tension, Brad started to conduct a conversation with the boy which slowly, at first, caused Bud's cock to swell- but then after one long comment from Brad, the boycock hardened to full erection standing proud at right angles to his hairless body. Bud's balls, although hairless and naturally small at his age. swung freely. Sandy marvelled at this sight knowing full well that without the laces in place he would definitely have shot his load. Just as Sandy thought that this scene could not stimulate him further, Bud ran towards where he was hidden; closely followed by the naked Brad who caught the boy only a few metres from the low shrubs. Falling together into an unequal wrestle, allowed Brad to pin Bud to the ground by straddling and holding his legs with his knees and grasping Bud's arms with his hands. Sandy focused on his brother's cock which although vertical pulsated as it twitched from side to side. In addition, the foreskin had parted, revealing a very pink head; this left Sandy in no doubt as to his life's goal- he wanted his brother, he wanted that cock and he wanted Bud to feel cock ( Sandy's naturally ) deep inside him.

There were a few additional tumbles during which the blonde never took his eyes from his brother and in a final gesture Brad yanked at Bud's cock which was received with a half-hearted yelp and a broad grin.

Eventually the wrestlers returned to the patio; Bud was given the ball then Brad ruffled the boy's hair with one hand and slapped the still erect boycock with the other, before picking up both his bag and his shorts. Sandy's brother accepted the touches in good humour and when Brad was out of sight, Bud returned to the pool and dived in still supporting a full erection. Sandy heard Brad arrive then felt him as he lay across his naked back- feeling the college boy's full erection press along the groove of his rear. As Sandy waited for action, he noticed Ranger Nash come from The Lodge and beckon Bud from the pool- and as the blonde felt fingers at his hole he watched as the wet but naked Bud started to shoot hoops.

The fingers dug deep aided by lubrication. It took Sandy great determination not to yell but to keep the pleasure to barely audible moans- even when the long fingers twisted and lubricated as they penetrated deeper. Sandy just watched his brother jump and run- concentrating on the long thin hairless cock.

Brad placed his lean cock at the entrance to Sandy's well oiled hole. The blonde bit on his arm as the shaft, in one swift movement, was rammed in Blood trickled down from the arm bite onto the blonde's fingers as the college boy began the relentless pumping of Sandy's rear- quick retraction followed by violent thrust- ensuring the throbbing cock was forced in up to the hilt- letting his large contracted balls slap against the blonde's skin. Although Sandy clenched firm on his arm, he was concentrating on Bud's body whist he was fervently rammed in the rear- the indication of being filled with college boy cream came with one last violent thrust and an inaudible grunt from Brad. Sandy felt more relaxed as Brad withdrew but, still with his gaze firmly on Bud, he felt the ball laces being untied. Immediately on completion, there was as shockwave from balls to cock which caused his body to buckle under the force- climaxing with a river of white hot cum shooting from his red flattened cock. Subsequent flows trickled onto the grass. Sandy moaned in pleasure but, however, skilled Brad had been in executing this sexual release-and in no way was the blonde ungrateful- his desires still focused on his perfect brother.

Next: Chapter 3

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