Sandy and Bud Ricks

By tomas weston

Published on Dec 6, 2023




Sandy staggered down the stairs. It was just before five in the morning and somehow he'd managed to don his jock and cut-offs. There was a cold breakfast on the table, which Chip had prepared, but fortunately there was coffee brewing on the worktop. Bleary eyed, Sandy sat but failed to comment on the corporal wearing Brad's shorts as the man shuffled out of the kitchen heading back to the spare room.

Within fifteen minutes, Van, Brad and Chip appeared appropriately dressed for breakfast and, as they ate in silence, the first rays of the sun created daybreak and the screech of car tyres on gravel announced that the relief had arrived. Shortly afterwards, as Frank and Joe passed through the kitchen on their way to the spare room, the comment came from Chip that if Brad had any gear in that room then he had better fetch it now. Few additional comments came, as only Chip claimed to enjoy really early mornings.

There was a higher degree of consciousness after coffee, when Brad and Sandy were ordered to the boathouse whilst Van and the corporal went to check with the relief. Sandy moved the boat from its boathouse mooring and secured it to the jetty whilst Brad was sent to find two t-shirts from the brothers' bedroom- for even though summer there was an early morning cool breeze.

A few maps and some food items came with Van and Chip, so once they were all settled in the boat, Sandy steered it out of the Inner Sound towards the rendezvous location.

The increasing light had Mason's boat clearly silhouetted against the sky and when nearer, it was noticeable that it had been altered to resemble a fishing vessel with two awnings and several rods attached at its rear. With minimum fuss, Mason and Chip linked, by rope, the two boats whilst the rest moved an uninflated inflatable into the smaller boat. Chip moved to be with Mason in the front boat whilst Van settled in the smaller boat with Brad and the blonde either side of him. In the twenty minutes it took to reach Little Smeaton, Van had managed to get Brad down to his swim briefs and he had opened Sandy's cut-off fly in order to squeeze the blonde's jock pouch - and he was already massaging both to full erection when the boats halted. Mason dropped a small anchor and then, with Chip's help, he turned to the other three to explain the next stage- unhappily for Van, he had to stop manhandling the teens in order to listen.

The larger vessel was to be set up as a fishing boat whilst the smaller vessel and the inflatable were to be taken into the cave gap that Sandy had mentioned earlier- the blonde reiterated that they'd be able to get both of the craft out of the water. Two journeys had to be made until all of them and the boats were on dry land inside the cave. Mason set up the radio and informed the gunboat of their arrival whilst the others unpacked the rest of the equipment and the provisions.

Shortly afterwards, Sandy showed them the tapering portion of the cave and the route onto the top of the island which although narrow was safe- Chip added that they would reconnoitre from that point, in better light, before they moved to the main island.

Even a long sleep and a second breakfast did not prevent Van from dozing and Brad had, somehow, managed to settle against him. Sandy remained silent, engrossed in the interplay between the brothers until Chip invited Sandy to help in the reconnaissance. The light had improved significantly and, by using binoculars, it was possible to see over the palms and into the apparently lifeless smuggler's camp. Just before he was ready to return to the cave, Chip turned and embraced the teen and when asked by the blonde why he had been kissed, got the reply that it was enjoyable; so Sandy reciprocated the affection whilst Chip's fingers found the inside of the teen's cut-offs.

Their plan meant that Van would stay in the cave, with the radio and a walkie-talkie, whilst the others went to the larger island. Van had asked for someone to stay with him but Chip countered that he'd get more work done if he was on his own. The inflatable was inflated and eased into the water and Chip and Brad stepped in, taking the equipment. As the craft only really held two comfortably, Sandy and Mason- now in his wet suit- were to swim the short distance of the calm waters to Great Smeaton. For his swim, Sandy, whilst the others watched, obligingly stripped to his jock.

As daylight was breaking on Great Smeaton, Bud woke to find that he was alone, as Ben had moved to lie against Petey. Dan was still asleep but his companion was waking and, once he saw that Bud was awake, gently woke his older sleeping partner. Dan took a few moments to orientate himself and, after ruffling the young smuggler's hair, informed Bud that he had something hidden under his grass skirt. In other circumstances, Bud would have made a crude remark but he just half smiled until the teen produced the knife.

Dan moved, and he was able to cut the material from around Bud and, then, turn to the two tethered boys who by now were wide awake. As he cut Petey free, the naked smuggler came to Dan's side to assist, but both Petey and Ben seemed only to be interested in the teen's erection.

Dan suggested they move between the palm trees where they could move freely, and once they all had stretched their aching limbs, they settled in a circle to eat and talk. Dan had information, but before he began, he wriggled from the grass skirt exposing the pink swimbriefs which were significantly briefer having had the sides and some of the rear cut away. In addition, a hole had been cut in the front through which a mass of curly ginger pubic hair protruded. Bud decided to ask Dan about the reduced material later but for now he listened. From the young smuggler- Dan did speak school Spanish-

it was apparent that the smugglers' dealings would be over later that morning and that their release would happen then, although looking towards Ben and Petey, he believed that they were to go with their uncle. Breakfast would not arrive for about two hours so they had time to decide on their options.

Bud discussed Little Smeaton and the hideout- with the fact that there was a canoe hidden in the back of the cave. Although it was only a two seater, Bud and Dan could swim to the island -- although it might altogether take two trips as none of the others felt that they could swim that distance. With these actions decided, they agreed to wait a short time, to allow for better light. Bud was eager to learn what had happened to Dan the previous night, so he settled near him, although the others were nearby, they talked.

The evening had been particularly festive with alcohol flowing freely and Dan had been used to serve it. As the merriment heightened, the smugglers began to cut at Dan's trunks -- already he had received many gropes - until essentially a front pouch remained plus material dangling at the rear which did little to hide his buttocks. He was having difficulty keeping his cock in the cut trunks, so although some of the smugglers were happily exposing and stretching his rod, one smuggler decided to cut the circular hole and keep it permanently in view. The evening had degenerated further when a group of smugglers forced Dan to masturbate and eat his own cum before he was taken by two men to have a suck and fuck session. Fortunately they were too drunk to fuck, but Dan's lips became sore. When Dan had finished talking, Bud noticed that both Ben and Petey were sporting erections in their whities but although Bud had been sure they'd been listening, the fact that the young smuggler was slowly masturbating may have had something to do with their arousal


The inflatable moved slowly in the water with the mainly submerged Sandy and Mason guiding. Chip and Brad sat still in the craft looking out for any movement on land or water. As the water shallowed, more of Sandy and Mason emerged until minus its occupants, the craft was lifted onto the stony beach. Sandy pointed the way and, whilst Chip and Mason gathered the equipment, Brad squeezed the excess water from Sandy's jock pouch.

As silent as was possible, the blonde led the way through the stand of trees aiming for the beach side of the island. Then, Sandy stopped and indicated not only the beach but a collection of items on the sand including a flare gun, clothes and water bottles. The group crouched together, behind a tree, to discuss the find.

The young smuggler had spurted onto the sand and, although sheepish in his smile, both Ben and Petey were grinning. Dan had finished his tale and Bud was just going to suggest they make for Little Smeaton, when Ben remembered he'd forgotten the water bottles, so he rose and went to reclaim them.

Sandy heard a rustling noise from beyond the tree and as he turned, the others made room to look as well. From behind a tree, a black haired boy, wearing a tight pair of worn whities, came in to view. After a few seconds of silence, the others heard Brad say `no'- after which he stood up and strode manfully until he was right in front of the boy who having looked up, dropped his jaw to stare wide eyed in disbelief.

Just as Sandy, Chip and Mason were getting to their feet, they heard Brad say- not too loudly- why on earth was Benedict Mackenzie Nash on this island?

Next: Chapter 12

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