Sandy and Bud Ricks

By tomas weston

Published on Jun 30, 2004


This is pure fiction and in no way reflects the sexual orientation of the actors who portrayed these TV characters. The story is based on characters and not real people.

Comments, ideas etc are welcome by e-mail. No dolphins were harmed in the making of this story.


Sandy lay on his bed as sunlight streamed through the open window He was naked- sure by now that Bud and his father were attending to their outside duties. It was high summer, and although warm even for 10.00am, he had seen little of the earlier light as his arrival home at 2am had allowed this welcome morning lie in. Whilst enjoying his nakedness for the past hour, the blonde teen had also finished setting his targets- for as a consequence of the short term changes due today, he could set his sights on reaching those goals.

Sandy reached downwards and clasped hands around the hard shaft of his thick cock lifting the throbbing dick to vertical.

The wide purple head covered in pre-cum glistened in the rays of sunlight that streamed across the room and as it reached vertical the fluid trickled over his fingers making him place three of them in his mouth to lap up the sticky juice. Sandy ceased pumping his cock, having no intention of wasting his thick cream on yet another solo jacking session, for he now knew that he could no longer be satisfied with just his own body, however pleased he was with its was development.

Outside the view was dominated by his father packing his truck readying for his week away at the coastguard conference. Sandy pressed his hard cock against the wooden panel below the open window squashing it adding to his pleasure as his eyes scanned for his brother. Bud was lying face down at the end of the jetty dangling his red mop of hair over the side feeding the dolphins. Normally naked above the waist all summer the redhead had begun to acquire a nice tan but Sandy's eyes became focused on the boy's two round mounds that were encased in tight wet denim. For the past three months nothing had occupied the blonde's mind as much as his brother's rear-it was a fixation and the ultimate quest for Sandy was to delve deep between them with his erect cock. This was his number one target but he knew, as well, it would probably be the most difficult to achieve. He was now fully aware of his and his body's needs and although he had no trouble at all in finding action at both school and within the sports team his heart's desire always returned to his brother. He was disappointed at Bud's responses to those little actions he had already undertaken- such as always letting him view his full morning wood under his whities or not wearing underwear but only tight cut-offs when diving or letting his limp cock swing free and visible after a shower -plus even no appropriate response to buying the new speedo style trunks for them both; although Bud had yet to realise that they were pale blue in colour and a size to small for a reason. Sandy started to believe that his brother was disinterested or possibly too green to understand what he was implying but as the teen's sap was now in continuous overdrive there was no way he could end this pursuit.

His father had to shout twice to grab Sandy's attention but brought back from his musings the elder brother slipped on a clean pair of whities then his cut-offs before going outside.

With the truck packed and his father ready to depart, Sandy received the week's instructions once more, patiently waiting for the part were he was told that Bud was his responsibility at all times. His father informed him that Bud had received this message as well. The ideas of the three males no doubt differed as to what this instruction meant but Sandy's present thoughts concerned his brother before him naked- at first kneeling and then turning- unfortunately this forced a large bulge to develop in his tight cut-offs but fortunately for the blonde the front of the thin denim fabric became hidden from view as he moved to lean against the truck's bonnet.

With his father's truck now heading out of the yard, Sandy seemingly ambled towards his brother who was now sitting upright at the end of the jetty, bare feet dangling just above the warm water. Sandy lowered himself to sit next to his brother letting their upper legs touch giving that electric pulse that the blonde felt run down his spine. Sandy was thankful that Bud had not pulled away from that touch, however, once more he felt himself tongue tied in his attempts to rouse the redhead further. In fact it was Bud who initiated a conversation.

He asked, in a matter of fact manner, when the new ranger was arriving to supervise the station but when told that the locum was being replaced by Ranger Nash, Bud immediately seemed interested and pressed both his brother's flesh and his knowledge for additional details. The change was due to illness but Ranger Nash had particularly asked to be stationed here as he was acquainted with people in this area-after this comment Bud mentioned that he had met him at school to which Sandy enquired as to the ranger's nature. No worthwhile answer came from the redhead but just as Sandy was thinking of asking Bud what he had planned for the week, his brother stood up and nonchalantly said he needed to shower and change before the Ranger arrived. Sandy was surprised at this decision but before he was able to ask if his brother needed company Bud asked if either of the Ranger's sons would be coming to stay. The reply was non-committal as being truthful to his brother he knew very little about the new ranger. However, as Bud rushed indoors, Sandy got to thinking that another of his targets might soon come to fruition- for as he thought about the variations in sleeping arrangements of a household of brothers, his hardening cock found itself out in the air and with a little bit of help to its head it was soon leaking pre-cum. In addition, but unknown to Sandy, his brother's hairless uncut meat was being pounded into submission under a shower. To their credit both brothers failed to reach climax in anticipation of later activity, but in Bud's case it was a close call as only the noisy arrival of a van prevented another experiment to see if he could sperm end in failure.

Sandy readjusted his crotch but he could not lose his erection so sheepishly he walked towards the van. A tall uniformed ranger, to Sandy's eyes about the same age as his father, climbed from the cab and waited for Sandy to walk up to him. Fortunately the teen's erection had now mainly subsided but as the shaft had become caught in the cotton fly there was still a clear tent to the left of the buttons. Even as Ranger Nash was speaking and shaking Sandy's hand, to introduce himself, it was evident where his eyes were lingering- further interest enhanced by one of those knowing smiles . In the middle of a question relating to Bud's whereabouts the aforementioned boy ran into view clad in what appeared to Sandy to be exactly what he had been wearing previously. As the Ranger hugged his brother it became apparent that Bud had in fact changed to cut-offs somewhat smaller in size as not only was the whities waistband fully visible but the denim's tightness accentuated his brother's rear to create so stimulating a sight that there was no way Sandy could stop his cock from reaching its maximum length.

Smiling broadly at Sandy but with Bud still clinging to him, Ranger Nash suggested they go indoors to sort out arrangements-fortunately for the teen he was able to re-adjust his crotch once again but as they sat in the lounge jealousy raised its head for Sandy as Bud snuggled close to the ranger. Further misery ensued as Bud agreed to share the old lodge with the Ranger for a few nights. Then, as if sensing Sandy's frustrations, Ranger Nash told him that his eldest son would be arriving later in the day from college to keep Sandy company and that tomorrow his younger boy would be arriving by boat with a school friend. Sandy agreed that they would have to share one big room and although he felt that to be the perfect scenario Bud would need to be included, the possibilities did not relay in Sandy's mind as unbearable.

With Bud ordered to fetch his belongings, the Ranger took Sandy outside where he talked generally about the week's arrangements ending with the promise to look after Bud and bring him back safely in the morning before commencing his duties; then, as a still half naked Bud appeared carrying a bag the two departed with to Sandy's annoyance no comment or goodbye from his brother.

Now alone Sandy walked to the end of the jetty and removed his cut-offs. He disentangled his cock from the white cotton fabric and leaving his semi-hard flesh protruding from the fly dived into the warm water.

The swim to Grant Island was easy; the small isle covered by palms was at the mouth of The Sound barely four hundred metres from their home- and luckily the beach faced seawards. After wading through the rock shallows Sandy reached a line of palms-passing between these he walked onto the white beach on which he lay- half in shade from the canopy of trees. Swimming had always been easy for Sandy and this retreat was a favourite destination but now, although he was keen to relax, his hands pushed the wet whities from his body before fingers tweaked a flat nipple to rigidity and slowly motivated his cock to full size.

These actions began steadily with the nipple squeezing providing painful pleasure but as his now reddened points were hard the teen took to stimulating his groin with both hands. As nails and fingers of the left hand rubbed and pinched the wet purple head, he squeezed his thick cock with the right hand as it slowly moved up and down the shaft.. The inevitable sensations began in the lower part of his crotch causing Sandy to hurry the motions on his cockhead but slow down the pumping of the shaft. The blonde began to squirm on the coarse white sand; feeling the grains between his legs and on his rear coating his smooth skin by the remaining wetness from his swim. For further stimulation he ceased pumping, for a moment to, rub sand into his scrotum ensuring a full squeeze of his large oval balls which were now retracting due to the impending climax. Now with both hands in full control the teen's squirming heightened and the low moaning began; Bud's name bore the brunt of Sandy's sexual desires with explicit verbal phrases and mind images. The blonde's pleasure heightened further creating buckling movements of the lithe body until both hands released the quivering shaft allowing the stream of thick white juice to spurt upwards into the air before landing and resting on Sandy's firm chest. As he dabbed at the glistening white gold, he was wishing out loud that Bud was the recipient of this feast as he fingered the globules onto his tongue.

With time to spare, Sandy slept. Two hours later, he woke to the midday sun and a full erection. Handling his shaft gave him clear indication that his stamina remained unaltered, so pulling on his whities he walked up the beach with his cockhead well above the waistband. He parted the long grasses beyond the palms before wading into the water.

As Sandy reached the jetty his erection had subsided -- now he was relatively content and he was already planning a relaxing afternoon although his appetite for lunch was awakening. He hauled himself onto the wooden planks; turned, then noticed the car parked next to their house- at the wheel, apparently asleep, was, he supposed. Ranger Nash's eldest son.

Next: Chapter 2

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