Sandwich Island

By PT Cruiser

Published on Oct 1, 2006


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to real life situations is clearly coincidental.

I previously wrote a story for this web site and received great response. I decided to write a larger more substantial story. In doing so I came up with a book size story that I really liked, so I wanted to submit it by chapters and get people's feedback. I may work this story for a manuscript to send to publishers. SO feel free to contact me.

Warning: I will be submitting in sections by chapters. Not all chapters will have graphic erotic content. This story does contain graphic language, sex and situations thought out.

Chapter 6

Adam Wickler kept fumbling to tie up the bow of the boat to the dock. All he wanted was to see his son again, and to hopefully have a chance to talk to him. He looked at the bucket of lobsters he just bought, and decided to just leave them in the boat. He was in a panicked rush. His good friend promised to have his son back to the cabin, and he was so torn up inside after his son's reaction to their plan.

He finally got the last knot tied, and ran as fast as he could to the woods that covered the island. With his lightning running-back speed he was to the path in no time, and with his quick moves, he quickly cut right, and then left on the path as if he was dodging defenders in a professional football game. He was on the cabin in no time, and then he abruptly stopped.

He could feel his body quiver, as he was unsure whether he should enter the cabin or not. He had no idea what his son was feeling at this point, and a vision of the hate his son displayed the last time he took a glimpse of him passed through his mind. This was going to be a sensitive situation for both his son and he, and if Jack got him back to the cabin, he wasn't sure how to approach his son.

"Who am I?" He thought. He wasn't sure he knew who he was. When he finally got in a situation where he no longer needed his parents, he built a life around himself that was safe, uncontroversial, and that made him look good. His life with his parents was so much the opposite, with his dad always cheating on his mom, and being a father that never showed any love or concern to either of them.

When he took control of his life he knew what he wanted, and everything had to be perfect. He wanted a wife, someone whom he could love, and be affectionate with. When he found Maria he knew he found the person to fit into his perfect life, and he did everything in his power to marry her. When the doctor told him he was sterile he prayed to God everyday to have a child, and then out of nowhere his miracle came along. Everything was there after Jett was born, and all he wanted to do was to love, support, and keep security for his family. But then his wife got sick, and with all his money and social influence, he still couldn't save her, he felt a failure. His perfect life started tumbling down all around him.

When he was lost, and thought he could never pick himself up from his wife's death, his best friend, his first real affection, put him back on track. He showed him that his son needed him, and that life was still good with just Jett. So he turned back to Jack, and built a world around Jett as the widow father, putting all his love and life into his son.

But his life was a lie. It looked good on paper, but it wasn't the perfect picture. There was another man in his life. A person whom if everyone knew what he shared with him, it would ruin their view of his perfect life. He was hoping he could share his imperfection with his son, when some people involved in his son's life at college called him concerned about Jett. They felt Jett was suffering sexual conflict, and they were concerned about him. All he wanted for his son was to be happy, and now he feared that his son would feel no respect for him, as he felt no respect for his dad.

He took a deep breath, and opened the front door of the cabin. Sitting at the table was his best friend Jack.

"Is he here?"

"He's fine, but he's not here. I think he needs some more time on his own to sort all of this out."

The two men embraced, "God I need you more than ever now Jack! I am so afraid he is going to hate me like I ended up hating my father. I always wanted more for Jett."

"This is all my fault Adam. I had a bad idea, and well, I feel I pushed you into it."

"Jack, believe me I thought it was a great idea also! So what did he say?"

"Well I was right, it was ok for me to be gay, but he sees you as gay now, and that burst his little bubble of who he thought you were. He feels like you have been a liar all this time. He loves you a lot, so I think we will be back to normal soon."

"Well as soon as I explain it to him that I am not gay, he will come around."

"I hardly think you are going to change his mind about that, I already tried, he's not buying it."

"But I'm not gay, I like women too. I need to make him realize that what we have is just sexual!"

"Is that what it is Adam? After all these years that is all I am to you?"

"Well you know you mean the world to me, I just can't be this loving couple you want to be."

"Well your son is gay for sure, and he is convinced you are. How do you expect him to be comfortable about it, if you can't admit your own homosexuality."

Adam's throat sank into his stomach; again his perfect world for Jett was falling apart. He could feel the pain his son was going through.

"Did he say it to you Jack? Did he say he knew he was gay?"

"No he didn't! I don't think he is ready for that yet. Adam, your son is no longer a virgin."

"What the hell Jack, you went and had sex with him didn't you? You couldn't keep your hands off of him you fucking pervert!"

"He raped me Adam. Your son pinned me down on the ground, and in all his anger he forced himself on me, and raped me. It was good! Better yet, he enjoyed it, and now a huge load has been taken off of his shoulders. If you really loved him Adam, you would be happy for him."

"I just can't believe a 5-foot 8-inch kid could rape a 6-foot 5-inch giant Jack. You really expect me to believe it."

"Ask him yourself Adam. I am falling in love with him Adam. I want to date him when we get back. My feelings for him just keep growing every time I see him. I can offer him a lot as a partner."

"Listen to yourself talk! You are his uncle! You can't date him. You are mixed up Jack, you are mixing the feelings you have for him as an uncle with knowing he is gay. Besides what about us?"

"Like Jett put it, I am just some man his dad likes to fuck. There ain't no blood between us. He doesn't want to call me uncle anymore. As far as us, well it took a 20-year-old to make me realize that I am 50, and that I deserve to have in life what I want also."

Adam sat down by the table, and dropped his head into his arms. His life, and world was changing right before his eyes. His best friend was no longer satisfied with him. His son was obviously going to find love elsewhere, and he was going to end up alone. He just wanted a chance to talk to Jett.

"Where is he, I want to see him!"

"He is safe. He has clothes, food, drink, and a safe place to sleep for the night. I mended his wounds, and promised him he could come back when he was ready."

"His wounds? What happened to him?"

"He is fine, he got a gash on his side, and his right calf. They are not deep enough for stitches. I disinfected them, and bandaged them up real well for him. Now give the boy a chance to be his own man, and let's respect his wishes."

"What about us? Can we survive this?"

"God Adam, I would hope by now you would know how much I love you! Damn you! You think I can just all of a sudden turn that off. But you don't want us, so I am going to try and slowly venture out, and see if I can find someone who is willing to share my love."

"Jack what are we supposed to do, move in together. C'mon! We both have beautiful estates. We both have successful business ventures. Christ your so damn famous it would be in every sports page in the damn nation. What do you want us to do, start going to gay bars and restaurants, and having gay events at the houses.

"I just want you to say you love me Adam, that's all. The rest I could care less about. I am going to bed now. I am not hungry tonight. There is some stuff to eat on the stove if you are hungry.

Adam watched as Jack opened the bedroom door, and was enveloped by the darkness of the room. He had no appetite either. He followed his good friend into the room, crawled into bed with him, and cuddled his body next to him. Jack felt good in his arms, he knew it was more than sex, but he could never seem to bring himself to grip that.

I walked through the door of the cabin, and it squeaked the loudest squeak I had ever heard. Maybe it was because it was so late in the evening, or just that the island didn't even have animal noise anymore, but it seemed I could have woken more than the dead. I was sure I woke up people in Rhode Island with the noise. I quietly tried to sneak into the cabin bedroom with out waking Dad or Jack. When I stumbled into the room trying to remove my clothes, I heard a stir in the bed.

"Jett is that you son?"

I didn't want to answer Dad. It wasn't the right time for us to talk yet, and I was hoping to wait until the morning to sit down to hash things out with him. "Dad," I finally said.

"Yes son, I'm here," Dad replied with a big sigh.

"Dad can I sleep with you and Jack tonight?"

I heard a new rustle of the sheets in the bed, and assumed I had wakened Jack also.

"Sure son, hop in here between us."

I rolled in from the foot of the bed, and situated myself between the two men. I lay on the side I always slept on, which positioned my face towards Jack, and my back towards Dad. Dad put his arm around me first pulling his body close to mine, and then Jack put his arm around both of us pulling us both close into him. Even though I could feel their soft cocks resting slightly against me, there was nothing sexual about this, and I could feel their warmth and security spreading through me. This was the kind of sandwich I wanted to be in the rest of my life, one that projected love, security, and the sense of family. I knew it was now up to me to preserve this feeling for the rest of our lives.

Next: Chapter 7

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