Sandwich Island

By PT Cruiser

Published on Sep 27, 2006


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to real life situations is clearly coincidental.

I previously wrote a story for this web site and received great response. I decided to write a larger more substantial story. In doing so I came up with a book size story that I really liked, so I wanted to submit it by chapters and get people's feedback. I may work this story for a manuscript to send to publishers. SO feel free to contact me.

Warning: I will be submitting in sections by chapters. Not all chapters will have graphic erotic content. This story does contain graphic language, sex and situations thought out.

Chapter 4

I opened my eyes to see an unfamiliar cathedral ceiling lying above me. I quickly remembered where I was, and the events of the day before, with my last memory being the dream. "It was just a dream," I thought in my head.

I sat up, and looked at the other bed. It looked like an orgy had occurred in it over night! I remembered that Dad, and Uncle Jack were going fishing so I decided I would tidy up the bedroom, and then I would go to the cove, and clean myself up.

In no time I had their bed made, and my cot looking decent. I found a towel in the linen closet, and a tube of shampoo also. I yanked my shorts off, and in the raw I headed down the same path I followed Uncle Jack down the day before. As I approached the beach I could here voices, and swore I heard Dad say something. I decided to sneak up closer, and peer behind a bush to see what was happening on the beach.

To my surprise I found Dad and Uncle Jack in the water wading about waist deep. Uncle Jack had his back to me, and was blocking most of my view of Dad. They had obviously decided to not go fishing, and came to the beach to clean up. I was just about to move to the path, and shout out to them when the two men embraced in a lip locked embrace. I watched as their arms moved over each other's bodies, and they held each other close and tight. Their hips started thrusting into each other, and I realized this was no friendly love embrace.

"I am dreaming," I whispered to myself, and pinched my arm as hard as I could. Immense pain ran through my arm immediately. "Shit! I ain't dreaming," I thought to myself, and I looked up again to make sure of what I was seeing.

I looked from my distant hiding place, and slowly tried to make out what they were doing. I could see Dad leaning back on Uncle Jack. The hair on his stomach and chest glistened in the morning sun. His face looked relax, and his eyes closed. Uncle Jack had him embraced in a way where his arm reached across Dad's chest with his finger rubbing Dad's nipple. His other arm was down to the side, and rested in front of were Dad's pubic hair danced in the water.

"They're fags," rang through my head. "My dad is a fucking faggot," I whispered. "They've been lying to me."

My head raced with thoughts of my mother, Anne, and all the other people who were being fooled by these two men. My head became heavy, and I had to rest my hand against my forehead to keep it up. A rhythmic humming began playing in my ears, and before I new what was happening, pain ran through my stomach, and I ejected last nights dinner all over the bushes in front of me. I tried to stand, but my head was spinning so fast I was staggering. I ejected some more of the dinner, and in doing so, fell through the bushes, and out into the open. I quickly looked up at the two men, and saw my dad looking at me. He knew I had seen them.

I vomited again as I tried to make a retreat from the grotesque scene in front of me. I had to get out of there, and the faster the better. I began to run uncontrollably through the woods. I was running with my lightening speed in an area where there was no path. I could see branches were swatting, and poking my body, but I was so numb that I didn't feel a thing. I could only think of one thing, I had to get as far away from those two as I possibly could. I wanted to run to the other side of the island, but I had no idea where I was. So I continued to run until I came upon a small opening in the woods.

As I cleared the small opening I could see a small building ahead of me. In an instant I was there, opened its tiny door, and quickly sat in it trying to catch a glimpse of oxygen for my now aching body. I looked around my surroundings. "Fucking outhouse!" I screamed as I turned to vomit one more time in the tiny hole I was just sitting on.

"Damn it!" Adam screamed into the air as he threw his partner Jack off of him. "Jett come back! Jett come back!

Jack quickly jumped out of the water, and looked up towards the path to see what was happening. All he could see was the tops of small trees and bushes moving as if a large animal was running through the woods. He quickly turned to his partner who was now kneeling in the water in shock.

Jack got down to his partner, put his arm around him, and asked what happened to Jett.

"We blew it Jack! Oh God did we blow it!"

"What happened to Jett?"

"He saw us like planned, and he was so disgusted he was vomiting and stumbling like he was lost. He is going to hate us Jack! I am going to lose my son!"

"Settle down Adam, take a few deep breaths. I saw what direction he took off, I'll find him."

The two men stood up and Adam took some deep breaths to gain his composure.

"I have to go find him Jack! I have to try, and make this all right! I can't lose my boy over this Jack! I can't lose him!" Adam continued shouting as fear raged in his eyes. He was sure his son was going to resent him for life.

"No Adam! Let me go find him. I know the woods better, and the last person he is going to want to see is you."

"If you could have just seen his face. My God, his face wanted to kill me!"

"Adam, let's check the cabin, and make sure he didn't end up back there. Then we can decide what to do from there." Jack said to his friend trying to get him calmed down and thinking rational.

After Jack got his partner settled they trenched through the path on the way to the cabin. He felt to blame for what was happening, and he knew if he could get Adam the hell away from the place he could have a chance to find Jett, and hopefully make everything right.

As the two hopped up on the porch, Adam screamed for his son. There was no answer. He screamed again. No answer was replied.

Jack burst into the cabin, and quickly checked the main room, the bedroom, and the linen closet. Jett was nowhere in the cabin.

Adam burst in next, and the two ran into each other.

"He's nowhere outside, Jack!"

"He ain't in here, but I got a plan!"

"You had a plan when we brought him, and look where your plan got us! I am sick of plans! I need to get my boy, and now!"

"Adam, he already thinks I am gay, and he probably thought his old man was mister super macho ex-football player. Don't you see we burst the image he had of you? I need to be the one to talk to him. He is traumatized by your involvement, but he probably thought all along that I could be capable of it."

"I can't just sit around while you are trying to wheel and deal with my son. I need to talk to him. Damn it! I know him better than anyone does. I know what he hates, what he loves, who he idolizes, even what side of his body he sleeps on."

"Adam! I know you know your son better than me. I know you are really hurting right now, but believe me, let's get you out of here, and let me deal with this. This was my plan in the beginning, I talked you into to it, please let me make this all right."

Adam just sat in a chair by the table, and stared into space. His mind could only think that his son was going to hate him, and never be a part of his life again. He couldn't bear to live like that. His son was really all he had left in life. He was the reason he got out of bed, why he still worked, why he allowed himself to live after his wife had died.

"Where do I go to?"

"We need to get lobster! Go to Bar Harbor to get lobster, and I swear Adam, when you get back, I will have your son in this cabin, and sitting right at that table."

"I can't do it! I can't leave with out seeing if he is all right."

"I swear Adam I will have him here for you!"

Adam slowly got up from the chair, "You swear you will have him back here when I get back?"

"I promise you Adam. I love you, and Jett both very much, and I will do whatever it takes to get him back here."

Adam knew there were always two things he could count on, his undeserving love from Jack, and his unconditional love for his son."

"Ok," he whispered into the room, and he slowly walked into the bedroom to throw some clothes on.

Jack wasted no time running out of the cabin to go back to the area Jett started running through the woods.

Next: Chapter 5

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