Sandwich Island

By PT Cruiser

Published on Sep 25, 2006


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to real life situations is clearly coincidental.

I previously wrote a story for this web site and received great response. I decided to write a larger more substantial story. In doing so I came up with a book size story that I really liked, so I wanted to submit it by chapters and get people's feedback. I may work this story for a manuscript to send to publishers. SO feel free to contact me.

Warning: I will be submitting in sections by chapters. Not all chapters will have graphic erotic content. This story does contain graphic language, sex and situations thought out.

Chapter 3

"Hey Jett! Time to get up! Our flight leaves in an hour and a half!" Rang into my bedroom from a slightly cracked door. It seemed odd to me that my dad didn't come in, and wake me like he usually did. Maybe lying in bed with a hard-on talking to him wasn't such a good idea. I was instantly hoping I did not lose trust in Dad in any way. I loved the freedom we had around each other.

I sat up in bed, and thought about the trip again. I remembered what Dad had said, that my Uncle Jack should talk to me about something. My mind constantly raced on what that could be? Dad and Anne getting married was out of the picture. "Maybe my Uncle Jack is gay?" I questioned in my head. Before another thought could chime in, I remembered I hadn't packed for the trip.

"My bag! Anne! Laundry room!" Jolted in my brain, and I rushed out of bed, and started running down the hall!

"Oh shit!" I screamed. I had no clothes on, and that was all right for the wing my dad and I spent most of our time, but the laundry room was through the main rooms where Anne would probably be roaming. I quickly ran back to my room, and threw a pair of shorts on; and ran directly to the laundry room. There sitting in the room was my bag, and clothes all folded with a note on the bag.

I walked up to the bag and peered at the note. It read: I would have packed the bag for you if I knew what you wanted to pack. Have a great time with your dad and uncle. Love Anne

"Anne!" I shouted out in to the house air.

"Jett! Is everything alright?" Anne asked walking into the laundry room.

"It won't be alright until I can thank you properly for doing this for me," I said to her with a big smile.

I walked up to her, and gave her a big hug, and a kiss on the cheek. "You're the greatest," I whispered in her ear.

I picked up the folded clothes, juggled my bag, and started to walk out of the room when I realized what the note had really said. I turned back to Anne and asked, "You knew all along didn't you?"

"Knew about what?" she replied blushing in the face.

"Knew about the trip!"

"Oh yeah. That I knew about."

As I walked back to my room with bag and clothes enveloping me, I couldn't help but think that Anne held another secret that I knew nothing about.

As I tried to get some extra sleep while we waited in the airport, Dad walked up to me, and started rattling a plane ticket in my face. "Oh come on dad, I am trying to sleep," I whined.

I grabbed the ticket in front of me, and scoped it out through sleepy eyes. I noticed I was sitting in seat B. "Hey what seat are you in Dad?"

"I'm in 12C, your uncle is in 12A, and you are in 12B. Is there a problem with that? C'mon, they asked to board already."

As we walked to the gate, I continued to whine, "Dad if I am in the middle, you two big professional football players are going to sandwich me! I will be like a squished sardine by the time we land."

"What do you think Jack, is this a good way to get rid of him? I mean we just squish him to death while we are on the flight, and plead we new not what we were doing!"

"Sounds like a plan to me Adam!"

"You guys," I whined one more time as we entered the plane.

We took our seats, and it didn't take long before we were taxiing down the runway. Not being a morning person my eyelids were heavy, and before I knew it Dad was waking me up. We had already landed in Bangor, Maine.

"We're there already?" Crackled out of my sleepy voice.

"Well from here we have to drive to Bar Harbor, and then we take about an hour boat ride out to the island, but yeah we are pretty much here," Uncle Jack replied.

"Dudes, I can't believe I slept the whole way!"

"Dudes!" Dad and Uncle Jack rang out in unison.

"Yeah! Dudes! If we are going to rough nature together we might as well be..."

Before I could finish what I was saying it was our turn to exit the plane, and we quickly got up and left.

It took no time for us to get into one of Uncle Jack's vehicles at the airport, and to arrive at a marina dock just outside of Bar Harbor.

"One day we will come back to Bar Harbor, and spend a day here. It is quite a fun town Jett!" Uncle Jack exclaimed.

"I thought we were roughing it here!"

"I thought you said he was old enough for this?" Uncle Jack joked at Dad.

Before I could respond a man drove up in an SUV, and he, and another man lifted a huge cooler out of the trunk carrying it into the boat we were taking to the island.

"Everything in here but the lobster?" Uncle Jack asked the man.

"Everything but the lobster!"

Uncle Jack handed the man some money, and in no time they were back in their SUV driving out of the marina.

"Lobster? What is all this stuff?" I shouted out.

"I told you me and your uncle would take care of the provisions, these are our provisions. We want the lobster alive before we cook it, so one of us will take the boat into town, and get the lobster that day'"

I was already impressed by seeing the size of the cooler our provisions sat in, anxiety took over as I could only wonder what the rest of the trip was going to be like.

We hopped into the boat, and soon we were off on the ocean. We headed north, and in my vision there were many small islands ahead of us. "Which one of those islands are we going to?" I asked anxious to see where we were actually going.

"See the one way past those two over there?"

"You mean that big one way out there?"

"Yepper! That is the one we are headed for!"

"Dudes, I thought that was Greenland out there!"

"Dudes?" My dad and uncle repeated in stereo.

I watched intently from the bow of the boat, as we slowly got closer to the large island. I was so excited that I was going to spend the whole week with the closest people in my life, in a place where there were no interruptions, no stress from school, work, or competitions on any of us.

We finally docked after what seemed like a forever boat ride. I tied the bow side of the boat up, and the two nearly senior citizens grabbed the large cooler, and tossed it on to the dock.

"Wow! The old fart football players still have some muscle left in those 50 year old bodies!" I joked.

"We could still eat you for lunch on a bad day, sonny!" My dad cracked back.

"I think rookies carry the cooler to the cabin, right Adam!"

"Right Jack!"

The two men quickly walked off the dock leaving the cooler, the bags, and me behind.

"Wait guys, don't leave me here," I panicked. "Hey guys! I don't know where I am going, and I can't even lift this cooler!" I shouted in desperation.

The two men turned with smiles on their faces, and started returning back towards me.

"I think if the rookie can't carry the cooler, then the rookie gets dish duty for the week!" Uncle Jack shouted out.

"I thought you didn't have any running water?" I questioned.

"We don't. You do the dishes in the stream!"

"Awe c'mon guys I thought we were coming here for rest and relaxation, not more work."

We placed our bags on the cooler, lifted it, and walked into the woods facing the dock. We took a hard right along a path, and then a sharp left, and there standing in front of us was a rundown shack with a metal chimneystack sitting out of the roof. The front had a complete porch, and the cabin was made from wood logs that looked like they dated back to the 18th century. As much as it looked like a dump, it also looked like an antique. Something built way before any of us existed. Something made from a man's hands with little tools involved. I was more than impressed.

"Wow Uncle Jack! I love this place! It is like a classic car sitting out here all alone!"

"We are afraid to touch any of this land. It is like history frozen in time, and I guess I just want to preserve it as best as I can."

I hopped on the porch while Dad and Uncle Jack placed the cooler and bags into an area under the porch. I wondered who Uncle Jack meant when he said "we," I thought he owned the island by himself.

"You dudes never said anything about electricity, do we have any here?" I asked thinking about some of the music I packed.

"We have a generator that we run for a couple hours in the night time. It will provide us with some lighting until we sleep at night. The big problem is there is only one light for the whole cabin."

"I can't believe this Uncle Jack, we are really in a way roughing it here."

Uncle Jack opened the door, and I rushed in to inspect the place. The floor was made out of 2 by 6 wood planks with a coat of paint over them. The walls were all wood paneling, or the inside of the logs that framed the outside of the house. There were no ceilings, and "A" frame wood planks held the shambled roof over our head. I was in heaven. There were no people, no traffic, and no noise. We were alone in a world that I no longer thought existed.

"Well I am going to go clean up before we start getting dinner ready, Adam do you want to go look for firewood?" Uncle Jack asked.

"I will look for firewood!" I offered.

"I will get the wood Jett," Dad responded. "We need to find the right wood if we want a good fire to cook dinner on."

"So we cook dinner on that little wood burner over there?"

"Oh excuse me Jett, I didn't give you a tour of the place," Uncle Jack chuckled out loud.

"Hmm... We have a smart ass!" I joked back. "I don't know how things work around here?"

"Well why don't you watch us for a couple days," Dad suggested. "I am sure you will have it figured out in no time."

"Ok so I am going to get cleaned up, and then get the food ready. Adam you get the wood, and Jett you are welcome to help your dad, or you can come clean up with me before dinner."

I wanted bad to go with Dad, but at the same time I was hoping I could see Uncle Jack naked. After last night's slips I wanted to see the large thing my hand was touching, live in the flesh.

"You go clean up with Uncle Jack Jett. That way we can get this dinner show on the road faster."

I breathed a sigh of relief, as Dad had saved me from making the decision.

"Where do we shower at?"

Uncle Jack turned with a smile, "The ocean."

"You mean there is no shower, we just go into the ocean and wash up!"

"Bright kid you got there Adam," Uncle Jack teased as he winked.

Uncle Jack went into the bedroom as I searched around for my bag so I could get my swimsuit. Just as I remembered that my bag was placed under the porch, Uncle Jack came walking out of the bedroom with just a small towel over his shoulder. My eyes immediately went to his crotch, and with out even thinking I blurted out, "Wow! That's what they mean by hung like a horse?"

Dad and Uncle Jack burst into laughter as my face filled with heat from embarrassment! I couldn't believe I just said that. What was wrong with me? Why was I always interested in everyone's cocks?

I tried to apologize but both the men just continued to laugh at me like I was the best comedian in all of Hollywood.

"How can I get my bag to get my suit?" I asked changing the subject.

"No need to get your suit son, we live here kind of like we live at home. As long as you are here feel free to walk around with or without clothes. We are all men here, and no one is going to be visiting us, so might as be one with nature."

"Ok Dad! I guess I can live with that. Where do I get a towel, and where do I put clothes I might wear?"

"Linens are in the small closet adjacent to the bedroom, and we keep the bags under the porch in case it rains. We have a leaky roof, and not a leaky porch, if you get my drift. Feel free to grab stuff out of your bag as you wish," Uncle Jack instructed.

"That's cool," I lied. The whole idea of running around naked was going to be difficult for me. I was a 20-year-old with hormones that could make me pop an erection at anytime. I was already feeling a stir there from examining Uncle Jack's muscular hairy body, and his horse-hung what ever that thing was. I realized that when I was groping him at the restaurant last night, that he wasn't that large because he was hard.

I rushed into the bedroom, and found a towel that was fairly large so it would cover up my genitals as it hung over my shoulder. I placed it so it would hang over over my slightly growing cock, and walked back out into the main room.

"There you go!" Dad shouted as I walked out of the room.

"Give the young guy a break Adam, can't you see he is a little modest, unlike his dad."

"He ain't modest at home Jack, maybe you are making him nervous!"

I couldn't believe how much Dad and Uncle Jack acted like an old married couple.

"So where do we go to clean up?" I shouted out to change the subject.

"Follow me Jett!"

Uncle Jack took us out the front door, and back around the back of the cabin to another path made in the woods.

"If you follow this path it will take you to a cove in the island that we have made into a little paradise. We had sand brought in, and made the cove a complete beach. A lot of areas in Maine have rock bottoms, which are where the lobsters come from. It is great because no one can see you from the ocean, and it is just like any beach around the world."

I wasn't sure what to say to Uncle Jack. I felt weird walking around naked with him. As I walked behind him I was amazed at how his legs, butt, and back were still in prime shape, as if he never left football.

"How do you stay in such great shape?"

"Well like your dad, I work out on a daily basis. You can let yourself go to pot, but really if you just spend about an hour a day doing something, you stay in pretty good shape!"

Uncle Jack turned around and looked at me, "C'mon get up here boy!"

I rushed up to him, and he put his arm around me as we walked. He was very hairy, with hair covering his back, legs, shoulders, and chest like an ape. His pubic mound was especially filled with hair, and if his cock wasn't so long, you probably wouldn't see it. His cock wasn't as fat as Dad's or mine, but I was sure when it got hard it would be at least a foot long.

"You are quiet Jett," Uncle Jack said squeezing me tighter. "Is it a little odd to be walking around naked?"

"Yeah, I guess so, I mean it is one thing to walk around the one wing of the house naked every so often, and another to be walking outside."

"Well if you like you can wear clothes. We wear them when we are eating, or lounging and stuff. But at the cove or other times we just go naked. You do whatever feels comfortable."

"Thanks Uncle Jack."

We came upon an approaching light in the woods, and I could already see a small glimpse of a beach approaching. As we broke past the woods the scenery took my breath away. The beach wrapped completely around except for a small opening out to the ocean. There was about an acre of water mass that sat in the middle with the bluest water I had ever seen.

"Wow! Uncle Jack, this is incredible! Like the blue lagoon."

"Yep it is! It is our little hideaway from the rest of the world."

As we walked along the soft warm sand, I decided to put my arm around Uncle Jack also. He had no reaction to it right away, but then released quickly completely away from me.

"So how did you do in that wrestling class you took at school this year?"

Before I could answer, he lunged into a two-leg take down, tackling me to my back. I turned quickly on to my hands and knees.

"Uncle Jack is not going to pin me," I quickly thought.

My competitive edge took over as Uncle Jack kept trying to break me down to my stomach, I could feel his cock and balls kept slapping against my butt cheeks on every try. My mind started rattling off wresting moves I had learned from Coach Billings, and quickly I turned into a quick reverse. With this move my hand ended up on Uncle Jack's inner thigh with his cock and balls slammed against it. After I wedged his arm hard, he retreated, and allowed me to take the top position. Now I was slamming my semi-hard cock and balls into his ass cheeks as I tried to break him down to his stomach. He wouldn't budge, and in one quick swoop he pulled a wing and roll on me. The next thing I knew he had me in an arm and headlock, and I was on my back staring straight up into his face.

"Give up yet Jett?"

I struggled to break free but his weight and strength were too much for me. "I give up!" I screamed gasping for air.

He looked down at me with the strangest look, and as he stared into my eyes he said, "You know you are the spitting image of your dad when he was in college."

Before I could blink he lowered his face to mine, and gave me a long kiss on the lips. It wasn't one like he and Dad usually gave, but was seductive, and took my breath away. Again it seemed that Uncle Jack was coming on to me, and for some reason, I was liking it.

"Ok! That's enough wrestling for today. Bet you forgot I was a state-wrestling champ in high school.

Uncle Jack let me up. We were both covered in sand that attached to the sweat our bodies produced. He took a look at my growing cock, and no reaction came from him. I took a look at his, and realized it had grown also. I couldn't comprehend what was going on here. Were we playing, or were we attracted to each other. He quickly turned his back to me, and in play, I quickly smacked him on his left butt cheek as hard as I could, and shouted out, "Beat you in the water," as I sprinted towards the ocean.

After I plunged into the cool Maine waters I turned to see if Uncle Jack was following me. I found him on the beach grabbing the soap and towels we had brought to clean up with while rubbing his left cheek. As he walked to the edge of the water he screamed, "Boy! Someday you are going to pay for that," and he ran into the water with the soap chasing me.

"No!" I screamed as I ran away from him.

He chased me along the beach, and he finally gave up bending over gasping for air. I came back to where he gave up his chase, and he threw me a tube of shampoo.

"Here clean yourself with this!"

I grabbed the bottle, and squirted some soap into my hand. I started with my hair, and Uncle Jack started doing the same thing. We soaped up just like two guys in a locker room shower. I cleaned my now soft cock and balls, and I had to sneak a peek as Uncle Jack was doing his. He really manhandled his genitals as he scrubbed them with soap. I was getting excited again watching.

"Jett, can you get my back for me?"

"Sure Uncle Jack!"

I squirted a little soap into my hand, and started lathering the top of his shoulders and upper back. He had so much hair on his back that the soap was lathering into the hair pretty good. As I got to his lower back I started running my hand into his buttocks area. His butt felt so strong and firm, and with all his body hair I loved the feel of his cheeks as I rubbed them. His left cheek had a huge imprint of a hand where I had smacked him.

"Uncle Jack! I think you are going to have a huge welt that looks like a hand on your backside tomorrow."

He quickly looked, and started rubbing the area.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't know it was going to do that."

He just grunted, and said, "Oh well."

I kept lathering his back with my hand working his buttocks more than any other part. I couldn't stop my hands from going down there. His butt was hot, and it felt so good to rub.

"That's enough," Uncle Jack spat out. "You want me to get yours?"

"Sure," I replied and turned my backside to him.

He positioned me to bend over slightly, and I placed my hands on my knees to get comfortable. He started at the top of my shoulders, and as he began to wash my back I could feel his pubic hairs, and cock slightly brushing against my butt cheeks. My cock began to grow uncontrollably again, and the more he scrubbed the more I could feel his was growing on my backside. Then all of a sudden a razor sharp sting shot through my butt cheek as if one hundred needles were being pushed into it.


"Gotcha back!"

"Why you..." Before I could finish I lunged toward him to take him down in the water. We wrestled around naked in the water for about fifteen minutes, our naked flesh and genitals rubbing up against each other. I could feel his hairy body as it slid back and forth across mine. I thought I was going to have sex for the first time right there in the water. Finally my uncle tired out, and lay back in the water. His erect cock was sticking out larger than I could ever imagine. I kept mine below the surface to hide its immense stiffness. As we both breathed heavy in the water. I kept thinking to myself, "Are we having sex here?"

"C'mon kid! Let's get back before your dad wonders where we went off to."

Uncle Jack and I got out of the Ocean, and dried off. Both of us were sporting half hard cocks, yet neither of us seemed to care. This was more than freedom to me this was becoming a very confusing emotional roller coaster toward Uncle Jack.

We started walking down the path back to the cottage. Both of us seemed a little tired, and limp, compared to our walk to the beach. I was definitely ready for a nap.

"Have you ever had sex yet?"

I was startled by my uncle's question.

"A little too personal of a question to ask?"

"No Uncle Jack, I guess no one has asked me that before."

"Well you don't have to answer it."

"No that is cool. You want to know if I am still a virgin. Well, yes I am. I guess I want more than just sex, I want some love before I take that step."

"That is exactly the way your mom and dad raised you. You are one cool young man Jett. I have to admire that in you."

Uncle Jack put his arm around me again, and I reciprocated with mine.

"Now can I ask you a personal question?"

"Shoot Jett, you know I am always open with you."

"Are you gay?"

I couldn't believe I said it. Uncle Jack immediately turned red with embarrassment. Then after stuttering with some words he finally asked, "Why do you ask that?"

"Sorry! That is way too personal, it's just the way you looked at me, and the way you kissed me on the beach."

"Well I could ask you the same question. I have a handprint with your name on it sitting on my ass. Or even better the way you were scrubbing my ass when you were supposed to be scrubbing my back.

Now it was my turn to turn red with embarrassment.

"The point is Jett, that's our relationship. It's love with out all the hang-ups and stuff. I trust you, and you trust me, and we can be comfortable that way."

My uncle was right. We have always been relaxed with kissing, and rough play before, this time we were just a little more naked than usual. I decided to let the subject die, and not to bring it up again, but I knew it wasn't the topic my uncle was planning on talking to me about.

"Dad!" I shouted when I came into the cottage. He was huddled in the corner stacking wood to be used over the week.

"Jett! Did you like the beach?"

"It is awesome Dad! I can't believe what a little paradise it is."

"Yeah we both thought so to."

"You want me to help you with the wood?"

"No, I am about done, and ready to go clean myself up. Dinner will be in about 3 hours if you want to go check out the island."

"Actually I am tired. Where do I crash for a nap around here?"

My dad led me into the bedroom, and showed me a cot, and a sleeping bag I could use. He instructed me to set it up in the bedroom, and that the three of them could use the same room, because if it rained the other room leaked really badly.

As I set up my bedding to crash, my dad whipped off his clothes. A drive inside of me wanted to watch his naked body. Everything on him was perfect. He had the chisel of a man my age yet his body looked more manly and experienced. His muscle mass appeared to be natural, unlike the muscles of a steroid eating body builder. Uncle Frank was an attractive, in shape man, but Dad was just the perfect man. Any woman would be crazy not to want to jump his bones.

I snapped out of my thought, and realizing what I was thinking. "This is my dad," rang through my head. I remembered what Uncle Jack said about me being the spitting image of my dad when he was in college. I wanted so much to look like my dad when I was 50. I wanted so much to grow up to be a strong, and a successful man just like him.

My dad left the room and I followed looking for a pillow. We both got into the main room to see Uncle Jack puffing on a cigarette.

"Jack! Not the cigarettes again," my dad shouted out in disgust.

I could only laugh. Here was the "Jack Attack" sitting naked at a table puffing on a cigarette. If only the rest of the world could get a picture of this.

"What about a pillow?"

"Oh shit, we forgot about a pillow for Jett," Uncle Jack shouted. "Just borrow one from our bed Jett, and we will get you one for tonight," he finished.

There was that word "our" and "we," as if they were a married couple who owned everything on this island together. I thought to myself.

"Thanks Uncle Jack!"

I bopped back into the bedroom, and heard Dad ask Uncle Jack to come along with him. I heard the two men walk out the door, and behind the cabin, and then the sounds of their footsteps went out of existence.

I lay on the cot on top of the sleeping bag, because it was too hot to swelter inside it. I was high as a kite from all the play Uncle Jack and me had enjoyed. It was fun, and as Uncle Jack said, great that we could be free like that. At the same time my body was exhausted. All that play, and getting up early in the morning had taken a toll on me. Before I could have any more thoughts pound into my head I drifted into instant blackness.

Adam walked quickly through the wood's path as if he was late for an appointment. "So what happened with you two this afternoon Jack?"

Jack was having a hard time keeping up, and finally he yelled out, "Slow down Adam!"

Adam stopped in his tracks, and waited for Jack to catch up. "So?"

"Well he is definitely a confused gay man wanting to come out."

"Did he say that to you."

"Well no Adam, he didn't just blurt it out. He said he was a virgin, and well, the way we played around. I mean no straight guy would play around like that."

"What do you mean the way we played around?"

"Here look at my ass cheek!" Jack shouted turning around.

"Wow! That handprint is going to turn into bruise! Jett did this to you? Why?"

"Well we were wrestling around, and when I was turned he just smacked me real good, and ran to the water. I wanted to kill the guy, but I got him back."

"What else?"

"Well when I kissed him he didn't mind, and when he was washing my back, he kept rubbing my butt cheeks instead. Christ Adam we were rolling around in the water with complete hard-ons, and he didn't seem to mind. Actually he enjoyed it, and to be frank, I did to."

"You had sex with him!

"No we just rough housed, and it was a little sexual."

"Jack, are you trying to have sex with my son here?"

"No, I mean I don't know, it is so complicated. It's hard for me not to start feeling something for the kid."

"I can't believe you, you are just like every fag in New York! You wheel a confused kid in, and make the score. This is Jett Jack; this isn't just any lost kid. I thought we were here to work for Jett, not to satisfy your horny urges."

"Your jealous Adam! You're afraid someone else will love that boy of yours, and you will be all alone. Or worse he won't be around to give you the love you need to survive. You can't hold on to him forever, and pen him up like a prisoner. What do you know about love or horny urges anyway. You loved one person, and the rest are just someone that you use for your convenience. People you don't even know, you are hurting, just so your life can be easy. Sure you can keep hiding in your wife's death, and how much you loved her, but some day Adam you are going to have to get off your high horse, and commit to something more than a memory. She's gone Adam, I think it is high time you love someone else besides yourself, and your son."

Adam lifted his eyebrow in his serious manner, as he turned to face Jack. "I deserved that! It hurts, and I guess I need you to say stuff like that to me. I am just pleading with you Jack, not my son."

"Grab him Jack!" My dad screamed at me as I was running away from him.

Uncle Jack grabbed me from behind, and stopped me in my tracks pining me hard against his body. I could feel his pulsing cock pounding against my back, but as much I fought him, I was powerless to break free.

Dad kept running full speed at us. About three feet before he got to us he leaped into the air, and tackled us at full speed, just like he would in a professional football game. The impact sent pain into my gut, and throughout my body. The three of us landed on the sand in a hard bang. Uncle Jack was under me, and Dad rested on top of me. Both their bodies pushed hard against mine as I felt their hard cocks on my stomach and back.

"Let's sandwich him," My dad screamed out, and the two men started thrusting their bodies back and forth driving their cocks deep into my flesh. I couldn't breath they were squeezing so tight.

"I am going to cum they both started screaming, and their screams began echoing down the beach louder each time they screamed it out.

I tried to move but the more I tried the tighter their grip became. Finally, with my last ounce of air, I screamed, "NO!"

I woke sitting up in bed, and sweat pouring into my eyes. Dad came running into the room first, and then Uncle Jack.

"Son are you ok?"

"I'm ok Dad! I am ok! Just a bad dream!"

I was shaking profusely in the bed. The two men just stood in the doorway not sure what to do. I got up, and grabbed my pair of shorts, quickly threw them on, and ran out of the room, and on to the porch. The dream kept playing in my head, and this time instead of any exhilarating feelings, I just felt like I was going to vomit. I was having sex with Dad, and Uncle Jack. I could only rationalize that I was going crazy.

I rushed back into the cabin, and shakily grabbed one of Uncle Jack's cigarettes and his lighter. I ran back to the porch and after four shaky tries I finally lit the thing inhaling the smoke hard into my lungs. My lungs tightened up immediately, and an immense tickling feeling took over. I coughed profusely almost finally vomiting. I quickly sat on the edge of the porch, and just held my head in my hand taking small drags off the cigarette as if I was a chain smoker having my last cigarette.

After I sat there about 10-minutes my dad finally came out the door, and sat next to me. He put his arm around me, and in a joking manner said, "You never told me you smoked."

I started laughing uncontrollably! "My first one! Man was it good! I am still buzzing!"

"Jett you would talk to me about something that was bothering you? This is your second bad dream in two days. It is eating me up inside wondering what you are going through right now. What was so bad about the dreams?"

"Not now dad. Maybe some day I will be able to. Hell we might even laugh about it, but right now I just need to sort some things out on my own first."

"Well your Uncle Jack is going to start cooking the steaks, and when they are done dinner will be ready."

Dad left it at that, and got up and went into the cabin. Shortly after Uncle Jack came out, and placed three large steaks on a makeshift grill with burning wood in it. I just sat, and pondered the dream. The whole thing grossed me out, and it was so real that I felt guilty even looking at Dad or Uncle Jack. I was to the point where I felt like I needed professional help. What I was dreaming was becoming worse and worse, and just plain sick if it were reality.

After dinner Dad and Uncle Jack asked me if I wanted to play cards until the generator turned off. I still had a hard time looking at them. The dream was so real, and besides my guilt, I felt as if the two closest people in my life raped me. I excused myself from the table, and in what seemed like a blink of an eye, I found myself sitting on the dock by Uncle Jacks boat. I just wanted to die.

"See Adam I told you he wasn't ready to talk! He is afraid of what we will think!" Jack spat at Adam from across the room.

"Shhh! He will hear us."

"Oh! He went way out by the dock. He is bottling this up so bad inside, he could explode." Jack said lowering his voice.

"I guess you're right. I always hoped he would be able to talk to me about anything. When he wouldn't talk to me about it on the porch, it really kind of hurt. I mean I am his Dad and it hurts so bad to know he is hurting like this. Should we go ahead as planned tomorrow?"

"Maybe! Let's tell him we are going fishing in the morning. If he says yes, we will go fishing. If he says no, we do as planned."

"I want you to know I am really nervous about this Jack."

"I know you are and I wish I could tell you everything is going to be just fine. I think we are doing the right thing."

"I trust you Jack, I know you love the boy as much as I do, and I am behind you on this!"

Suddenly the cabin went into total darkness.

About an hour after I saw the cabin light go off, I decided it was time for bed. I stumbled through the dark path, and slowly found my way to the cabin porch. I went up the stairs, and opened the door. It squeaked enough to wake the dead. I quietly tried to get into the bedroom without waking anyone, but right after I entered, Dad immediately said, "Your uncle, and I are going fishing in the morning. You are free to come with us."

"Next time Dad," I replied, and I quickly rolled up in the fetal position in the bed. In no time there was nothing but blackness.

Next: Chapter 4

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