Sandwich Island

By PT Cruiser

Published on Sep 21, 2006


Jack Spatt sat at the bar looking at his watch. He could only think that it was so common of his life long friend Adam Wickler to be fashionably late for their dinner meeting. He was anxious to see his adopted nephew Jett, and at the same time he was very nervous about their upcoming conversation with him. He had the whole trip arranged, and he had to do it before getting Jett's approval on the idea. If they were to leave tomorrow for their one-week get away he had to pull it all together this afternoon; and Jett wouldn't get the information until tonight.

I watched as Dad pulled up to the valet parking of my favorite steak house. "Are you and Uncle Jack going to try, and bribe me into something," I jested.

"No we just thought steak would be best food for your training," he replied back with a chuckle.

We got out of the car, and as we walked to the front door, I got the courage to let out what was haunting my mind, "Dad are you going to marry Anne?"

Dad just started laughing out loud leaving me blushing about asking such a stupid question.

"So is that what you think this is all about," he whispered to me as he put his arm around me. "No, me and Anne have a special situation, and we like it the way it is. Neither of us have any interest in ever getting married, or becoming any more romantic than what we are. The situation couldn't be any more perfect for the both of us."

I breathed a huge sigh of relief as we walked through the restaurant doors. "Sorry to ask such a stupid question, I am really happy for you two whatever you decide," I lied through my teeth.

"No such thing as a stupid question Jett!"

"Adam! Jett!" I heard ring across the restaurant.

I looked towards the bar, and saw Uncle Jack standing there a head taller than everyone else in the room. His 6'5" football body made everyone around him appear like midgets in the "Wizard Of Oz." Most people thought he looked like Rock Hudson, but I didn't see it. Maybe his eyes were similar to Rock's. He had those bedroom eyes that peered deep into your soul. As usual he was decked out in the finest clothes money could buy, and a martini lay in his hand. A smile came across my face as I saw my handsome uncle. We quickly moved toward him, and in one swoop he picked me up off the floor, and gave me a big hug and kiss right on the lips. He dropped me to the floor, and I immediately stood there beet red in the face with embarrassment.

It was one thing for Dad, or Uncle Jack to kiss me in the privacy of someone's home, but in a public restaurant and bar, it just seemed weird. Even so, I loved the affection from Uncle Jack the same way I did from Dad. Maybe even more, because I wasn't his blood relative, and he offered it anyways.

The hostess sat us in a back booth, which was in a fairly private area of the restaurant. I sat on the same side as Uncle Jack, and Dad sat by himself on the other side. The restaurant air was filled with sweet smells of garlic and marinades used in preparing the steaks they offered.

After the hostess handed us our menus, and the waitress took drink orders from Dad and Uncle Jack, I had to let out the suspense eating me inside. I couldn't hold on any longer, wanting badly to know what they were going to ask me.

"So you don't actually think you two are going to wait until the end of dinner when you are sipping brandies, and slurring your words from tonight's drinks to tell me why you brought me here. Do you?"

Uncle Jack smiled and put his arm around me.

"No Jett, we wouldn't want you to have a heart attack at your age, especially with the Olympics a little over a year away."

"Thanks Uncle Jack, because I have to admit, I am sweating it right now!"

"Should we tell him Adam?" Uncle Jack teased.

Dad pondered the thought for a few minutes letting the suspense grow in me, and finally let out, "Sure, let's let it out of the bag!"

"Do you want to tell him or should I?"

"Let me tell him. I'm his old man, and he if he isn't going to like it, well...he can yell at me."

As Dad looked at me with his serious eyebrow raised, my heart began pounding in my chest in anticipation.

"Tomorrow, me and your old Uncle Jack are leaving on one of our 'Live With Nature' trips and well..."

Before my dad could spill the rest out, I screamed out in anger like a spoiled brat kicking his legs in his first tantrum. "But I just got home, you can't leave somewhere! I was hoping to get to spend a lot of time with you before Nationals. I could have stayed with my college coach, and worked out at school if I would have known this!"

"Woo Jett, let your dad finish here, there is a lot more too this," Uncle Jack said pulling me in close to his side.

"Sorry Dad, I'm guess I am being a brat here, aren't I?" I relinquished totally embarrassed at the situation.

"That's ok Jett, I am not sure now whether I am more happy that you want so badly to spend time with me, or happy about what I am going to say to you."

I sat there patiently with a more mature attitude toward the whole process happening in front of me.

My dad finally took a deep breath in and continued. "Well you are turning the big 21 in a couple months, and we think it is time that we bring you along with us on one of our little party excursions."

My Uncle and Dad for years would spend about 4 one-week trips a year to a private island Uncle Jack owned off the Maine coast. It was my understanding that he had a two-room cabin on it, and that they lived off the land getting back in unison with nature. They never invited anyone to go with them in the past, and now they were asking to bring me in as part of their group. I couldn't help but feel anything but highly honored, but at the same time reality told me I had to train hard until Nationals, and a week off of training would be devastating to my results at the meet.

"0h my God! I am so honored!" I struggled saying, as my heart filled with emotion.

"So Jett, what is it?" Uncle Jack questioned.

"Well, what about my training for Nationals?"

Uncle Jack jumped right in saying, "We talked to both your gymnastics coaches and they think it's the best thing that could happen right now. They both agree that you are over training, and it is affecting your performance. They both feel a week off will do you good kid."

"Really," I replied in shock. I couldn't imagine that I was over training, at the same time, they were right; I was really tired of doing gymnastics day in and out. I really needed a break, especially one that involved being close to loved ones.

"Cool! I am totally game! What do you two do the whole time you are there?" I asked putting a huge smile on my face.

"It ain't going to be easy kid, there is no plumbing, no water, we have to hunt and fish for our food, and firewood is the only way we can cook or heat the cabin..."

"Lay off it Jack," Dad interrupted. "It is true that there is no plumbing, and we have to get firewood, but believe me your old man and Uncle Jack will be bringing plenty of supplies to eat and drink!"

"Trust us Jett, you will enjoy it!" Uncle Jack boasted as he put his hand on my leg lining it up right along side where my cock and balls were situated, and gave it a good long squeeze.

A quick stir immediately shot through my crotch. "Was my uncle coming on to me," I questioned in my mind. I repaid the gesture by placing my hand in the same area on his leg only to feel a large cock in my hand that seemed to be slightly hard. After a quick squeeze I quickly moved my hand away waiting for my uncle to give a response of shock, but he acted like nothing happened.

"So how is Amber doing?" Uncle Jack spat out changing the subject.

My dad quickly waved his hand across his throat to signal that Uncle Jack should cut the topic, and try something new.

"No! It's ok Dad," I laughed out. "We broke up, I guess I just didn't love her, you know how that stuff goes Uncle Jack!" I teased at my 50-year-old single uncle.

"Why you snot!" He shouted grabbing my head into a headlock while giving me a head rub. I quickly placed my hand on his leg and cock as to hold my balance, and this time I left it there until he released my head. Again there was no reaction from him, and I began wondering if he liked me groping his cock. What really was frightening was I was enjoying it.

That night I lay in bed with my mind racing. I would think about the trip, and then back to Uncle Jack's big cock in my hand. Then I would think about Dad and Anne's relationship, and then back to my dream, and Coach Billings cock. My own cock became hard as a rock, as my mind was always coming back to someone's cock.

Dad quickly peeked his head in the door, to say good night, and I am not sure if I was too tired, or if I just didn't care anymore if my dad saw me lying naked on my bed with a raging hard on, but I quickly shouted. "Dad! Can you come in here so I can talk to you a minute!"

Dad entered in the room buck-naked, as he was ready for bed. As he entered the room I took a good long look at his cock and balls. They looked just perfect dangling there in space. I noticed he took a long look at my pulsing hard-on, and then quickly snuck over to sit on the bed.

"What's up Jett?" he asked.

"Do you have any idea why Uncle Jack never got married?"

I could see Dad immediately blush, and then he replied, "Why do you ask?"

"I felt bad about the comment I made tonight, I mean it was kind of rude of me to make fun of him. I mean it could be something that he is real sensitive about!"

"Don't worry about your Uncle Jack, he has taken a lot worse than that in his lifetime. Besides, he got a good head rub in on you for payback!"

"Dad, I have to be honest with you," I said, and Dad instantly became rigid and nervous sitting on the bed.

"You ok Dad?" I questioned.

"Yeah! Sure Jett!" he said. "Just not sure I want to hear all your honesty," he continued with a slight laugh.

I laughed back, "It ain't that bad! I overheard you talking to Uncle Jack on the phone this afternoon. Sorry I was listening. I mean I never do that stuff. I was just curious as to why you weren't there at the door when I got home. Anyway, about what you said about me being able to talk to Uncle Jack better than you. It's nothing against you Dad, but sometimes it is easier to say stuff to someone who isn't your father."

When I finally realized that what I said didn't really amount to anything, I blurted out, "Wow! I guess that came out wrong."

"I understand Jett, I think you forget that I used to be your age with a father also. Now let's get some sleep, we have a long traveling day tomorrow!"

"Ok Dad!"

He leaned over, and gave me a kiss on the lips and whispered, "Good night sonny, I love you."

"Love you too dad!"

Immediately as I heard him walking down the hall I grabbed my pulsating hard cock in my hand. I had to get relief, and get it fast. I started moving along the shaft slow and easy, and I could feel all my slippery pre-cum lubricating more and more on each slide along my cock. My mind couldn't stop thinking about cocks. I imagined what Uncle Jack's big cock would look like, then Coach Billings cock, and finally my own dad's cock. They kept repeating, and playing out in my head until in a couple jerks I couldn't stop myself from exploding my first shot of cum all over my chest. Spasms ran through my body so intensely that I could hear the back of my bed banging against the wall, every time I shot another load from my spitting cock. My balls hurt they were banging loads out so hard. I couldn't breath, and was dying for oxygen when the final spurt convulsed out of me, and I gasped trying to get some air in my euphoric body. When the feeling was gone an immense guilt ran through my body.

Adam Wickler quickly walked into his office before going to his bedroom, and grabbed the phone dialing up his best friend Jack. The phone rang four times, and he started praying for his friend Jack to pick up the phone. "Where could he be, we have to leave at 8 am," he shouted out into his office air. Adam was about to hang up the phone when he heard, "This better be good Adam cause I was already asleep!"

"Oh bite me Jack! This is about Jett, and next week!"

"What about it Adam?"

"I don't think we are doing the right thing! I think we should just talk to him about all this stuff!"

"Adam settle down! I know your son is bottling up homosexual feelings, and I know it is affecting his school and athletic performances. Our plan will work just fine. When we get done he will be spilling the beans to me, and believe me, when all is said and done, he is going to feel free!"

"No I agree with you on that! I just don't think our plan will work. Since he has been home he is so strange, and the way he stares at my cock! I was just in his room talking to him, and he just sat there talking to me with an erection, like he wanted to show it to me. I am afraid my son is hot for me Jack!"

"For you? I wasn't going to say anything yet, but your son groped me twice in the restaurant. I thought he was coming on to me Adam! And I must add it felt kind of good!"

"What are you saying Jack, you like my son groping you?"

"Settle down Adam! He is a young man, and it all seems weird to me right now, but yes it felt kind of good!"

"I can't believe you Jack, at a time like this you want to hit on my son!"

"Adam cool down! Your son is just venturing right now. I say lets go along as planned! Remember I am the expert on this stuff, trust me big friend!"

"Ok I will trust you Jack! It's just I love him so much I don't want things to backfire, and then he resents me for doing this."

"All will be fine Adam! Just trust me!"

"All right Jack, I am putting him in your hands with full trust."

Next: Chapter 3

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