Sandwich Island

By PT Cruiser

Published on Oct 20, 2006


I drove down Maple Street looking at the house numbers, trying to find the address Dad, and my other dad gave me. They had rented me a house close to campus so I could have a true place to call mine while I was at school. I objected, but they ignored me, and threw me the keys and address. I looked at the houses as I traveled along the road. They were all old Victorians from the middle 19th century. Finally I came up to the house that held the same address that I was holding in my hand.

"Oh brother," I thought to myself as I looked at the small mansion they had rented. Dad and Dad just didn't get the fact that I didn't need them to spend all their money making my life better. I was content living a normal college student life.

I found the keys they gave me, and made my way into the house's entryway. It was a grand house with high ceilings, and hard wood floors. It was completely furnished in craftsman type furniture. The living room had a high fireplace, and the furniture was lost in its massive size. I walked through the dining room, which had a built-in hutch, and an unbelievable chandelier. On the dining room table there was an envelope with my name on it. I opened the envelope, and in it was a note from Dad and Jack, it read:

We hope you like the house son. Now you have a nice place where you can entertain guests, if you get our drift. Just don't destroy the place. We will be around to visit soon. We already miss you! Love, Dad and Dad

A smile happened on my face, and I could only imagine them somewhere right now arguing about something that was really about nothing. They were perfect for each other, and they were perfect for me.

I picked out a bedroom out of the five available, and unpacked my bags. Even though I was exhausted from the drive, I had a few things to attend to on campus that day. One of those things required a phone call.

I found the phone, and began dialing the all too familiar phone number of my friend Coach Billings. The phone rang a couple times, and then his deep raspy voice answered.

"Coach!" I screamed into the phone

"Jett? Where are you at?"

"I am here at school. You know school starts next week!"

"Jett! You are famous dude! Things have just been going crazy here in the athletic department. The phones are still ringing off the hook. Everyone and their mother want a piece of you dude! Dude, do I get an autograph?"

I had to move the phone from my mouth and laugh. I put the phone back after I regained my composure.

"Jett are you still there, did I scare you away?"

"I'm still here."

"The rumor is you quit the team here! I just thought I would never hear from you again! So you are going to school here, but not doing gymnastics? I bet the gymnastics coach is pissed!"

"No he is cool with it all. I'm going to work out with his club team this semester, and then spend the rest of the year with my old club coach until the Olympic trials. Coach, I need to set up some weight training. When can we start?

"Well they have kind have changed things around here Jett! If you quit the team, I can't train you through the athletic department here."

My throat dropped deep into my stomach as I said, "Oh, I see."

"What I can do is train you at a private club I do some training at. They rent me a little private gym that is perfect for training. I would have to charge you something for that. Sorry dude, it costs me money to do that."

My heart started pounding through my chest.

"Well I have a pretty nice sponsorship package for training now, and if that runs out I have two guys who are willing to sponsor me no matter what it costs."

"Well I would be honored to train you! Jett you seem so different now. Like you have really matured over the summer!"

"Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?"

"I am saying good from my standpoint! You just seem so confident. I can handle confidence! So when do you want to start?"

"As soon as possible! I have a lot that I want to accomplish this year!"

"Well I am swamped with football season starting and all! How does 8 pm at night work for you? Is that too late for you?"

"No that is great! It works better with school, and my club workouts. When can we start?"

"Tonight if you want!"

"I am there, where is this place at?"

Coach Billings gave me directions to the gym, and we figured a schedule that would allow me four nights of weight training for a reasonable cost.

I needed to pay a visit to one more person on campus before I could really try to settle into this big house, and the upcoming semester.

I drove on to the campus, and found a parking place where my car was allowed. There was a lot of construction completed over the summer throughout the campus, and many parking areas were changed. I walked to the main building, which housed many of the professor's offices. I walked into the main floor, and looked at the directory to see if I could find the office for Doctor Bob. I scanned the alphabetically listed board, and found that Doctor Bob was housed in room 416 just like last year.

I climbed the four flights of stairs, and found his office door. I opened the door, and entered a waiting room with a receptionist at a desk.

"Is Doctor Bob in?"

The receptionist looked at me with shallow eyes, and uncertainty. "Do you have an appointment?"

"No, do I need to make one?"

"Well you should. What is your name, and I will see if he has time right now to meet with you?"

I gave the receptionist my name, she made a call, and in what seemed like a microsecond Doctor Bob appeared at the door. A smile came across his face as he shouted out, "Jett!"

"Hi! Sorry to bother you, I could make an appointment if you want."

"No Jett, I have time now. It is a shock to see you here. I think the buzz going around campus is that you weren't coming back to school!

"God, you compete in a couple gymnastic meets, and everyone is trying to get rid of you," I joked.

Doctor Bob didn't respond to my humor. The receptionist whined out, "Oh! You're that Jett! My daughter, and her friends think you are the hottest thing. They already got your posters!"

"My posters?" I thought in my head, "What is Jack up to now?"

"Come back into my office Jett," Doctor Bob said saving me from the receptionist. "So what can I help you with?"

"Doctor Bob, I wanted to talk to you about a phone call you made to my father."

"Yeah that, I wanted to kick myself after that call. I hope I didn't cause any kind of problems for you at home."

"Oh, you can't even imagine!"

"Oh Jett, I am so sorry. I called to talk to your Dad about your writing skills, and I just got carried away. I really didn't mean to get involved, but I felt so attached to your future."

"No! No! Everything is cool with my dad! He is a very supportive person. I came here to thank you for taking the time to do that for me. I was very confused, and really wasn't handling my life to well because of it. Because of you, and a couple old farts with really inventive ways of talking to me, I have sorted everything out. It was so helpful in my summer competitions, and I owe it all to you."

Doctor Bob blushed.

"I wanted to let you know that you were right, I am gay. Wow! That is weird to say to someone who isn't in my family."

"That is great Jett! I am glad you are at peace with yourself now. You do know I am a gay male also?"

"Yeah I knew."

"I know what you are going through, Jett, and if you ever need to talk, or you want advice I am here for you. It is important for you to learn now that you can lead a successful life, and be gay at the same time. My partner is a respected lawyer, and I am a Department Head at a major university. That should say enough right there."

"Thanks Doctor Bob, I really appreciate it. I have also decided I want to try to be a writer. I have two years of school left, and I am not sure what I need to do to become one."

Doctor Bob's face lit up more than I could have imagined. He quickly grabbed some literature for me, and started mapping out a plan for me to get the right education and training at the same time. He asked if he could mentor me through the rest of my schooling. By the time we were done I felt I had made a new friend, and support system in Doctor Bob. Just before we started walking out of his office Doctor Bob handed me a brochure. I read the cover that was labeled, "Safer Sex".

"You are going to need that more than anything Jett." He said giving me a pat on my shoulder.

"Thanks, Doctor Bob."

I quickly hid the brochure inside the other materials he gave me. I wasn't quite ready for the whole world to know I was gay yet.

As we left his office, there stood three little girls by the receptionist with smiles across their face. They stood there staring at me in a frozen state, unable to speak.

I knew what the girls were all about, and I wasn't sure if I was ever going to get used to the attention. "Hi girls!" I said breaking the ice.

"Jett, this is my daughter, and her two friends, and they really wanted to meet you. So I had them come over. I hope you don't mind."

"No! Not at all."

"We are on the team at Extreme Gymnastics," the one girl said.

"Really! What time is your team practice?"

"They start at the 5 pm slot." The receptionist informed me.

"Well I guess we will be seeing a lot of each other then. I will be working out at the 5 pm slot also!"

"No way!" Screamed one of the girls.

"Oh my God! Jett Wickler at our gymnastics club!" Shouted another.

I talked with the girls about their gymnastics goals, and signed autographs for them. The whole picture was still all too surreal for me. Even Doctor Bob wanted one for his partner who is an avid gymnastics enthusiast. Jack was right; fame was not going to be easy. I knew it would all wear thin after a few years. But still there was always something controversial that could spark a newsworthy flurry at anytime in my life. It was something that I knew I had to live with.

When I got back to the house, I decided I had better call Dad and Dad before I headed to my workout. After about 3 rings my biological dad picked up the phone.


"I'm sorry, you must have the wrong phone number! I have disowned my family, and ran off with another man!"

"Dad! Stop it!"

"Is that you Jett? You sound so far away!"

"Maybe because I am! I just wanted to let you know that I got here, and the house is great. A little more than what I need, but really nice!

"Glad you like it! We know it is big, but now you can entertain friends there, and I have a cleaning lady coming in also!"

"Dad you don't really have to do all this!"

"Well I know that, hell, don't you think I get some pleasure out of it too! You're other Dad wants to talk to you!


"Hi Dad, what is going on with these posters? I just talked to a bunch of girls that have posters of me."

"Oh those! Those are cool kid. Every time someone buys a poster the proceeds go to USA Gymnastics. Ethan set the thing up on the web site he designed for your fans. Man! You have a lot of fans. Speaking of Ethan, he will be starting in next weekend's game. Your other dad went ballistic, and set up a whole event for us there, think you can join us there?"

"I am not sure. Can I get back to you on that one? I may have a little event of my own by then!"

"Let us know Jett! Here is the other Dad in your life again."

"Jett please try and go. You can bring anyone you want!"

"Dad, what are you scheming here? Remember, I know you better than anyone!"

"Wait... Jack can you go get me that schedule out of my office... Ok I am back! I am flying Ethan's mom out for the game, and no Jack doesn't know, so don't spoil it!"

"You are the devil himself! I will really try to make it. Dad, I got to go now I got a training I have to be at! I love you!"

"Love you too Jett!"

The dial tone rang in my ear for thirty seconds before I removed the phone from my ear. I was already home sick.

I walked out of the musty smelling locker room where I just changed into some work out clothes for my upcoming training with Coach Billings. The private gym was packed with late night work out enthusiasts. As I walked to where coach Billings was to train me, I heard some people making a commotion, and mentioning my name. It was obvious that I was a household name still.

I opened the door to the room, and walked into what appeared to be an old racquetball court. Coach sat there behind a little makeshift desk and office in the corner of the room. The place was small, but it seemed to carry all the equipment needed to work out and stretch all parts of the body.

"Jett! I can't believe it is you!"

Coach looked good. He had grown his dark wavy hair out since I had seen him. His goatee was starting to get a little premature gray in it. His body was solid, but not too big, and as always he had that magnetic smile that was infectious.

"It's me in the flesh!" I said smiling back.

"So what kind of training are you looking at?"

I was a little thrown back by his professional push right off the bat. I was hoping for a little friendly play like we used to share.

"Well my weakest events are pommel horse and rings. I need to strengthen my triceps and shoulders to really improve in these events."

"And how is the flexibility?"

"Good! Still pretty good!"

"I am going to suggest you take yoga classes along with our training. It has really been known to decrease injuries, and buddy there is a lot on the line for you this year. You can't afford an injury!"

"Man! Sometimes I feel like a piece of meat here."

"Well the stakes changed Jett! You are considered the gymnast in the world to watch this next year. Sometimes I think you would have been better just laying back some, and not doing as well as you did. But you didn't, and you threw some hard shit in that meet. You could come back next year, and throw the same stuff, and no one will be impressed. They will be expecting a lot more from you. Gymnasts who throw less than you may get better results."

I was silenced by Coach's attitude. I guess in a way I thought I could come back, we would get together, and maybe become partners. Now he was more serious about my training than I had ventured through my mind.

"I agree! So where do we start? We obviously have to up the stakes here from last year's training."

Coach started me with cardiovascular conditioning, and then we moved over to the bench press set up.

"Lets get you on chest today Jett, and then we will map out a workout schedule. The nice part of this private set up is that we can really get a better plan just for you."

I lay on the bench, and Coach took his usual spotting position over me.

"Ok wimp, let's see you warm up with this weight!"

I lifted the bar off the stand bringing the weight down to my chest hard, and just let it rest there pinning me against the bench.

"Press it up Jett! Coach yelled.

"I just can't do this today!"

"What? You are already giving up? Dude you have 9 months of this stuff ahead of you, now push the bar up!"

"It just ain't working for me today, my mind ain't into it."

"You pussy gymnasts are all a like. You're such a gay boy! What are you thinking about? Some guy you want right now!"

"Yeah, maybe I am. He is about 6'2", real muscular, dark wavy hair, and a goatee that is starting to get gray. I was kind of imagining what it would be like if he kissed me."

The room went silent, and I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. I couldn't believe I said that. It was like saying, "I want you Coach," and Coach was just looking down at me as if time had stopped, and we were frozen in it.

Coach finally put his hands, and weight on the bar. He slowly moved his face closer to mine, and then in one quick lunge his lips were on mine. He shoved his tongue in my mouth, and applied more weight to the bar pinning me helpless. Finally when I thought I was going to suffocate he released, and stood up, with both of us pushing the bar back up to the stand.

"You didn't resist?" Coach questioned.

I just shook my head no.

He quickly knelt down next to me, and our lips met again, this time with more force. Both of our tongues wrestled in each other's mouth, and finally he released.

"Jett, when you did so awesome at the World Championships, and the whole world saw it, I thought I would never see you again. Jett fever swarmed the nation, and anyone in their right mind would have left this crap, and cashed in. For sure I thought you had forgotten about little old me. I was going mad, because I blew it, and I would never have the chance again to show you what I was really feeling inside. Now that you are foolish enough to walk back into my life, I had to go for it. I couldn't chance that you would be gone again, and I never tried."

"Coach, I came back here just because of you! I think about you all the time, everyday! I was thinking of you when I was competing at Worlds. I can't believe you kissed me on a weight bench, and it is something I dreamt before!"

We both broke out laughing, and I sat up on the bench. We held each other tight in an embrace, and I asked, "So how do we do this?"

"I don't know Jett? I've never done it before."

"Well maybe we just need to take it one day at a time, and see how it unfolds?"

"I think that is a good plan. So do you want to move into my place, or should I move into yours?"

"Well my new house is a lot bigger than your apartment, and no offense to your apartment, but I think my new house is more of a home too!"

"What about when you leave at the end of the semester?"

"Then we have a huge mansion we can move into. Maybe my two dads will give us our own wing."

"Two dads? How do you have two dads?"

"I refused the paternity blood test, and they are both claiming me. Weird things happen when you become famous!"

"Oh by the way Jett, as long as I am not officially working with you through the University Athletic Department, you can call me Mike!"

"Cool Mike! Do I still have to work out tonight?"

"Don't push your luck! By the way, I have been thinking. If you don't do gymnastics this year for the university, that gives you two years of eligibility for football! You interested?"

"Sure! Does the football team allow fags to play?"

"They hired me, didn't they?"

We both sat on the bench laughing at our new situation. As I stared at Mike, the only thing that rang through my head was that one line from the song Lola:

That's the way I want it to stay, and I always want it to be that way.

I met my two dads at Notre Dame University, but Mike couldn't join us due to his football commitments here at school. They were both happy for my new relationship. Ethan had 9 receptions for 135 yards and 3 touchdowns. He had catapulted himself into his own fame on National television.

Daddy Jack got his own surprise when his sister showed up at breakfast before the game. The two got a chance to do quite a bit of talking, and they decided the family needed to get back together. Dad was forced to spill the beans on all his devilish acts.

Mike and me went back to the big mansion for Thanksgiving. We got to spend 4-days with my two dads, and they just fell in love with Mike. And as I stared at everyone sitting around the Thanksgiving table, I finally figured out the moral of this story:

Before you run out and stereotype gay men, remember, in keeping score with the gay men in my life: it is football players 3, gymnasts 1. Seems to me the football players are winning.

The End

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