Sandwich Island

By PT Cruiser

Published on Oct 13, 2006


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to real life situations is clearly coincidental.

Warning: I will be submitting in sections by chapters. Not all chapters will have graphic erotic content. This story does contain graphic language, sex and situations throughout.

Chapter 12

I settled my self in the back car on the train to Penn Station. I liked the back because less people would sit there, and I could relax, and hopefully sleep through the 2-hour trip.

I never went into the city alone before, either Dad or Uncle Jack had accompanied me. Dad protested about this trip, but after I convinced him that he and Uncle Jack needed to try a test weekend living in the house together, he agreed with me. It was most important for me because I needed to test the gay scene for myself.

I knew I had deep feelings for coach Billings, but I still had no idea what his sexuality was. Deep inside I wanted to see what the lifestyle was about. I wanted to see if people would accept me into it. Who was I fooling? I really wanted to have sex with another man.

Just before the train took off a man snuck into my compartment leaving just the two of us in the compartment. It seemed a little weird to me because usually the back compartment held more than two people.

He was an attractive older man who appeared a little older than Dad. His hair was thinning on top, but he kept it longer, and combed it back on the sides. His sides carried gray hair only, giving him a very distinguished look. I kept staring at his good looks as he wrestled off his suit coat, throwing it on the seat across from me, and then plopping himself down in that seat. I was immediately furious that out of all the seats in the compartment he had to grab one right on top of me. Then my eyes drifted towards his crotch, and I didn't mind anymore. He either was not wearing underwear, or he had on very lose boxers, because I could see the outline of his cock and balls resting on the side of his leg through his satin pants.

I immediately looked up seeing that he was looking back at me. I knew I was busted staring where I wasn't supposed to be staring. I turned red with embarrassment, but he just smiled, and folded his coat better as if nothing happened.

We sat silent for a while, and my eyes kept looking at his distinguished face, and then back at his crotch. I couldn't get enough of what I was seeing between those two solid legs. Then he moved around in his seat leaning back more giving me a better view of the package he had to offer. I could feel my own cock starting to stir in my pants. I had many girls call me a tease at school, but I never understood what they meant until now.

"So what's taking you to the city?" The man asked smiling.

His smile was dazzling, pulling me deeper into his soul. My mind imagined him on top of me swooping down to kiss me as we lay on the floor of the train.

"Um, sssorry," I stuttered.

"What's taking you into the city?"

I had to think of a lie quickly because the real reason was not something I wanted to share with any stranger. "I umÉI'm going to see something on Broadway."

"Oh really. What?"

I had no idea what was playing on Broadway. My palms became sweaty, as my mind raced for another lie to spit out to the stranger. "I'm not sure, my friend got tickets. It is supposed to be a surprise. What are you going there for?"

The man looked up at me with eyes that were in disbelief.

"I live there. I live in the Village. I was in the Hamptons for a meeting with a client."

"Oh really! What kind of client?"

"I am a publisher. My client is a writer."

"Really! I'm thinking of switching my major to English at school. I'm hoping of becoming a writer maybe someday. What kind of books do you publish?"

The man almost seemed bored with me as he stared back not amused.

"Not any books that Adam Wickler's son would read."

I felt like the train we were riding on just hit me at full speed.

"How do you know who I am?"

"Well I was at a benefit your dad threw. I remember you there with him. You're a gymnast aren't you?"

"Yeah, kind of. I mean I don't get into it that much anymore. I just do it more for fun now." I said trying to play down my involvement, not wanting the man to know my whole life.

"Must be weird for a professional football player to have a son that is a gymnast."

I was thrown back by the comment, and rage started filling up in me as I spat back, "My mom was gymnast, and to tell you the truth, my dad loves the sport!"

"Oh! I'm sorry." The man said backing down. "I didn't mean anything by it. I didn't know that about your late mother. I did know she was a great woman."

This man was raping me mentally. He knew more information about my loved ones than I felt any stranger should know.

"How do you now all this about my family?"

"Sorry again. I don't want to sound like some lunatic here. I'm just a big Jets fan. I was a big fan of your dad. I always thought he was a better running back than that stupid Johnson guy they started. Every time they put your dad in, the running game improved. Stupid coach had his head up his ass. I never could figure out why your dad quit? He was just getting better every game, and it was just a matter of time before he would have been the starting running back."

"Really? I don't know too much about my dad's football career. God, I'm not even sure why he quit? He doesn't talk too much about his football life."

The man resituated himself in his seat again. I had to look at his crotch to see how it displayed again. The more he moved the better the outline got. I looked back up, and knew I was busted again.

"So you're interested in becoming a writer, huh?"

"Well one of my profs thinks I am pretty good. I mean, I really like it so I want to give it a try. So what kind of books do you publish that Adam Wickler's son wouldn't read?"

The man looked at me with a very serious stare saying, "Gay books. Ever read any?"

I blushed, and tried to say some words, but stumbled nothing out until I finally said, "No."

"You're not really going to see anything on Broadway, are you?"

"No. Not really."

"You're going to the Village aren't you?"

"Well yeah, kind of, I think."

The man gave me his handsome smile and said. "That's ok, I won't tell anyone."

I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

"So are you, you know what?" I couldn't even say the word.

"Yes. Does your dad know what you are doing?"

"No." I lied with confidence.

"You're really nervous about this, aren't you?"

"Yeah. Does it show that bad?"

"Yes." He said giving me that infectious smile again.

Then he repositioned himself again. Again I looked at his crotch and again he caught me scoping him out. He leaned in closer to me saying, "Why don't I help you on this one. We can both go to my place. I can change. Then we can grab some dinner, and hit the gay nightlife together."

"Really. You would do that?"

"Sure! I am not a complete ogre. Besides, it would be fun hanging out with Adam Wickler's son for a night."

"My name isÉ"

"Ah, ah, ah!" He interrupted. "Rule number one. Never tell someone your name unless they give you theirs. Some people want their sex to be anonymous. You tell them your name, and it's history."

He opened up a newspaper, and I watched him as he read it. The more I looked at his attractive features the more he pulled me into his soul. I was mesmerized by his facial actions, and the animation that his body language let out. I knew already that if he was going to try and coax me into sex that night, that I would be a more-than-willing slave.

The train began to sow down waking me out of my sleep.

"C'mon son of Adam, we are at Penn station." The man called out to me. "You had a pretty good nap there. You should be more than ready for a fun night out."

I stretched every part of my body, and then like a zombie, I slowly got out of my seat following him out of the train.

In no time we were out on the street with all the hustle of New York. The city air and noise immediately awakened me. Cars were honking, and people of all race and caliber walked along the crowded streets. I followed my mystery man to the first light and asked, "Where are we going?"

"To 14th street. I like living right in the heart of it all. I worked hard for this life, and now with the time I have left I am going to enjoy it."

In no time we were in front of a six-story apartment building with a doorman situated in front.

"Hi Hank!" the man screeched out, and he threw the man some money.

As we walked into the entrance he turned to say, "If I throw him money, he knows not to mention my name. He is a good guy that Hank. He takes real good care of us."

We took the elevator up to the sixth floor. The man used a special key, and the elevator opened a back door. The door opened to what appeared to be the entrance of a warehouse.

"Welcome to my humble home," he said as we entered into his entryway. "It isn't the Hamptons, but it is damn nice for the city."

We past the entryway, and walked into an enormous living and dining area. On the other side of the living room was an open stairway that led to an open loft. The space was completely open inside with pillars situated for support throughout the apartment. The living, dining, kitchen and bar were all one room with high ceilings. The loft spit the back of the place in two, with the upper appearing to be a bed and bath setup, and the lower containing an office and home theater area.

"You made this out of a warehouse didn't you?"

"You are very good."

"I think it is awesome what you did with the place."

"Thanks! Do you want something to drink?"

I thought about my training. I knew it wouldn't hurt to have a couple drinks before next week.

"Well I am not quite 21 yet."

"I won't tell if you don't tell." He smiled back to me. I was starting to melt every time I saw his smile.

"Do you have any wine? I'm not a very good drinker."

"Chablis ok?"

"Sure, sounds great!"

He swiftly moved behind the bar area, and brought two chilled wine glasses out of a small cooler. He plopped them on the bar, and grabbed a bottle of wine out of a different cooler designed to house wine properly. In no time he had the bottle opened, and he was filling our glasses.

"Salut^Î son of Adam!" He shouted lifting his glass in the air.

I laughed, lifting my glass into the air to meet his. Our glasses clanged in harmony, and we brought the chilled wine to our lips in unison. He set the bottle down on the bar.

"Let me go shower, and then I will get dinner started, that's if you mind just eating here? I'm a pretty damn good chef."

"No, that would be great."

"Good! While I am showering, if you run out of wine in your glass, just help yourself. If the bottle runs out, there is more in the cooler."

"Thanks," I replied, and watched as he took a huge guzzle from his glass, and rushed up the stairs to his loft bedroom.

I had an open view of everything he was doing in his bedroom. I watched intently as he began stripping articles of clothing off his body one at a time. He finally was down to his pants, and in one swoop he pulled them down showing me his backside. He stumbled, and almost fell trying to get his legs out. As he stood there with his back to me, I traced his body down from his shoulders. He was a thin man compared to my dad or Uncle Jack, but his muscles were defined. His butt cheeks were solid, and his legs were muscular as if he was involved in some sport that used them. I wasn't sure if it was the wine getting to me, or if I was more relaxed around him, but I shouted out, "Nice ass!"

He laughed a bit, and walked into the shadows out of my site.

I filled my wine glass up again, walked around scanning the apartment. His taste was obviously very good. His furniture and accessories matched the style of the makeshift warehouse perfectly. I knew he had to be a bit wealthy, the rent on the apartment had to be phenomenal.

"Hey!" Rang throughout the apartment.

I looked up, and there he stood with a towel around his waist. I was immediately filled with disappointment, hoping he would be free enough to walk around naked, but at the same time I was not ready to show the man my birthday suit either.

He ran down the stairs, and towards the bar with the towel barely staying on him. He repositioned the towel on himself again, and then, refilled his glass and mine. Then he ripped the towel from his waste, and threw it up towards his head drying his hair. I instantly looked towards his genitals to get whatever peek I could. His balls were large and hung low. The foreskin on his cock was stretched completely out even though he was not hard. Trailing at the end was the fattest penis head I had ever seen. He appeared to have shaved both his cock and balls, but left his pubic hair long so it would lie over the top of his shaft.

"No fair peeking!" He said throwing the towel back over his waist.

I started laughing at his playful humor. It was so different than his serious manner on the train.

"So come to the kitchen, and help me pick out our dinner."


We both grabbed our glasses of wine, and headed towards the refrigerator. He opened the door, and peeked in slowly as if something could jump out, and attack him.

"Looks like salmon or chicken. Which do you want?"

I ignored his question as I stared at the beads of water that enveloped the little bit of hair on his back. Water ran down in streaks to where his towel began on his waist. In a bold move a grabbed the towel from his waist, and placed it on his back.

"You didn't dry your back very well." I seductively whispered. He stood up straight, and I started wiping his back. I started at his shoulders slowly moving to his lats, massaging as I moved the towel. I looked at his firm butt cheeks. They were filled with hair that appeared to roll into his butt crack and down his hairy legs. Finally I stopped the towel at his butt cheeks, and kept rubbing them.

"Were not going to eat dinner, or go out, are we?" He asked.

"I don't think so."

He turned grabbing my head, and brought his lips down to mine. His lips felt good on mine. Strong like a man's lips should feel. I slipped my tongue between them, and entered it into his mouth. He followed my cue with his, and it tasted of cinnamon. I grabbed him around the waist pulling him close to my body. I could feel his dangling cock press against my lower abdomen, and it was growing as we embraced. We both released our grasp in desperation for air.

"Maybe we should take this up to the bedroom," he suggested.

I nodded, and followed him as he held me around my shoulders loosely. When we got to the top of the stairs he turned, and we kissed me again. He released, and whispered into my ear, "Has anyone ever told you that you look just like your father when he was young?"

I looked in his eyes mesmerized how they pierced my soul.

"Yes. The only other man to ever really kiss me."

"He was a smart man."

We finished our journey to the bed, and as we sat on it I realized I was lost in how to make love to a man. I started to take off my shirt, and he stopped me.

"Let me undress you. Just lay back, and I will do all the work."

I sat back in the bed, still breathing heavily from our last kiss. He unbuttoned the top button of my Levis, and slowly pulled the rest of my shirt from under my pants, and brought it up over my shoulders, and my head. He laid his hand flat on my chest, and slowly moved it down my stomach bringing it under my pants and boxers, stopping it right in my pubic bush. My cock was throbbing hard lying next to his hand.

"You have never done this before, have you?"

"No," I whispered out.

"Let me take your pants off, and we can start with me giving you a massage. It will help you relax more."

He unbuttoned my pants, and slid his thumbs over the waistband leaving the rest of his hands rubbing against my flesh. He slowly slid my pants down, and I arched my back letting him slide them farther to my thighs. My cock sprung out, and bobbed in the air free from the pressure it had endured.

"You have really muscular legs. Are you sure these pants will ever come off?" He asked as he struggled getting my pants down any further.

I laughed, and situated myself helping him strip my pants totally off.

"Lay on your stomach, and I will be right back."

I turned my body around, and situated my cock so it would feel comfortable being stiff.

"I am going to use some oil on you. It may feel cold at first, but it will warm up as I rub it onto your body."

He began his massage at my lower neck. His hands felt warm and sensitive, as they pushed and maneuvered into my muscles. The sliding sent shivers down my spine, and I could feel tingling goose bumps form all over my body.

He started ranting on. "I have to admit that I had the biggest crush on your dad. I was a sports reporter for the Times back when he played football, so I got to go to their practices and games. They used to whip off their jerseys and shoulder pads after practice, and I would see his upper body, and man, I would just melt in my seat. Everyone made a big deal about the Hollywood quarterback, but your dad out-looked him hands down with his manly features. I was really struggling with being gay back then. I just asked a girl to marry me actually. Anyway one game your dad blocked three punts, and ran the last one back for the winning touchdown. He was the star of the game, so I got to interview him one-on-one in the locker room. He still had his football pants on, but when I sat next to him with his shirtless sweaty body next to mine, I was starting to get hard right there in my pants. Then he put his arm around me when I was rattling off all my questions. I thought I was going to reach out, and kiss him on the spot. I had to cross my legs to hide the bulge in my pants! The funny thing about it was, he seemed to know exactly what he was doing to me, and enjoyed it. That was the day I decided I was gay. I knew from that point on that I could fall in love with a guy."

"So are we doing this with me because you are in love with my dad?"

"No, I fell out of lust over him years ago. I can't fall for anyone over 30, and once someone turns older, I lose all attraction for them. It is why I will never be in a relationship forever."

"Well, the first guy I played around with, really was playing with my dad. I guess I'm starting to get a complex here."

He slapped me on the butt, and told me to turn around.

I turned looking up to the ceiling as he knelt over me. He lowered his face close to my ear, and whispered, "Son of Adam, I am doing this because I like what I see in the son of Adam."

He brought his head down on my chest, and I could feel his tongue slash away at my flesh soaking the little bit of hair I had grown there. My body tingled more than during the massage, and my cock was aching for attention. I wanted to pound it dry, but I also wanted to feel all the sensations this experienced lover would give me.

His tongue worked its way down to my pubic hair, and his face pushed my cock to the side as he lapped and lapped, soaking me. Then he placed his tongue on my shaft, and moved it slowly up and down to my swollen head. My cock couldn't take it any more as it bounced, throbbing in the air. Finally in one gulp he swallowed it hole, and I lunged upward forced by the feeling it sent through my body. I knew I wasn't going to be able to take much more of his attack on my cock with out shooting my load, so I begged out, "Oh please stop! I am going to come so fast if you keep teasing my body like that."

He pulled off my cock, and breathed heavy on its head.

"I want you to come. I want you to come a thousand times tonight if that is what your body will allow you. I want you to be in ecstasy for the few hours we spend together, for those few hours may be all we ever spend in a lifetime of time."

I just lay there breathing out of control, and thinking of how much poetry this man must have written in his lifetime. I loved it, and he could speak these words of wisdom to me all night, and I could never tire from hearing them.

He lunged his mouth on to my cock again, sucking on it, moving up and down on it, while rolling his tongue around its head. I couldn't take one more thrust from his mouth. Finally I screamed at the top of my lungs as my cock released juices into his mouth. He kept moving on it, as I jerked into convulsions thrusting my hips high into the air, and shoving my cock deep down his throat on every thrust. I could feel his tongue swirling around with more of my juices as I shot more and more into his mouth. Finally I collapsed grabbing for air. He continued swirling until most of my juice had been swallowed into his throat.

I lay there with sweat running down my flesh everywhere. He slid up my body, and put his lips on mine sticking his tongue in sharing the last bit of my juice with me. I swallowed it, and it tasted better than cinnamon.

I could feel his hard cock lying against mine, and he began to thrust back and forth, pushing his enlarged head hard into my flesh. My cock prayed for a break, but the more he pushed the more it ached for more relief.

He grabbed something from the pillow behind me, and he rose up on his knees straddling my legs. Swiftly he placed a condom on my cock head, and rolled it down my shaft. He squirted oil on it and rubbed up and down my shaft making my cock hard as a rock again. Then he moved forward, and in one quick move he threw my whole cock up into his bowels letting out a yelp.

He sat on my cock for what seemed like an eternity. I looked down my stomach at his beautiful hard cock swaying in the air. His low hanging balls sat high in their sack almost inside him, and the rest of the sack lay there like dead flesh on my stomach. I began moving my hand slowly up and down his shaft and head, as I massaged his hanging sack between the fingers of my other hand. He began to moan uncontrollably as he started thrusting his ass up and down on my cock. The more I manhandled his tool, the faster he rode up and down my cock. He started screaming and thrusting, making me pound my hand harder on his cock. Then his cock shot its first load all the way onto my face while his asshole squeezed hard on my cock. I opened my mouth, and the next load shot right into it, with his next squeeze taking me over the edge as my balls pushed a load of warmth into the condom. He wailed uncontrollably letting out one more all over my chest, as I dropped another load into the condom. Finally he collapsed on top of me as I continued to shoot more loads into the condom. I could feel the condom fill up, and my semen was oozing out the bottom on to my balls. I took a deep breath, and found his lips. He held me in a tight kiss, and then he released rolling over, and off my cock.

I coughed a couple times trying to gain my breath. I could feel his back against my body as he breathed heavy and out of control. Finally I rolled over in the opposite direction of him, and in no time darkness came over me.

I awoke looking at an unfamiliar wall straight in front of me. An arm lay across me holding me tight into a body of hair and muscle. I remembered our affair as if it were a dream that was only to happen once. I put my hand on his, as I listened to his light snoring. I loved our time together, but even though I felt feelings towards him, it wasn't love. It wasn't even possible love, but it was warmth and satisfaction.

I slipped out of his grip, and took a long look at his helpless body lying there. It was beautiful, and it was beautiful that he shared it with me, as I did with him.

I looked around the dark the room, and found a small desk looming in the shadows. I quietly moved towards it, and looked frantically for a pen and paper. I found what I was searching for, and thought hard and long, as I sat over the desk. Finally I scribbled this note to leave for the man whose name I would not know:

Upon an immense train journey, of aimless hope and despair. A beast arose out from the fog, in hand a lance he bear. In one strike he lashed out, slaying a serpent's hold, upon the son of Adam's life, of confusion as it was told. Grab my mare young hopeless one, our journey I shall preserve. A frightened boy, an assured man, as one they found the nerve. To embellish on journeys greater than any one train could ever unveil. So I leave you now as son of Adam, poised in life that is a tale.

I left the poem on his kitchen table, quietly cleaned up and dressed, and left out the elevator. As I rode the elevator down it was all too clear to me where my next journey was going to lead me. No matter how I did in my competitions this summer, I had to go back to school in the fall. I had to chase the man there that was in my dreams.

When I got off the train the next Monday afternoon, Dad was there to greet me with a big hug and kiss. He looked at me with a smile that told me all went well with him and Jack. He looked like heaven had grabbed him by the balls, and wouldn't let go. I was sure Jack did a few times also.

As we rode home I was silent to my experience. It was one of more awakening than I could have imagined. And although I never really found out anything about the gay lifestyle, I was tutored by the best about gay life.

"So what happened in the city? You're so quiet. I know, I'm your dad, and you don't want to discuss it with me."

"No Dad, it's ok. I found one of your biggest fans, he told me things I never knew about you, and then he taught me things I never knew."

Dad raised his serious eyebrow, and said "You know that is way too deep for me Jett!"

"Dad! I learned that no matter what happens this summer, I need to go back to school in the fall, and search for my dreams. That simple!"

We both sat silently in the car as I thought about the man in New York. I was curious as to why my dad decided to quit football. Also I wondered why he never talked about his football past. Finally my curiosity took over and I asked, "Can I ask you a question Dad?"

"What son?"

"You don't have to answer this, but why don't you ever talk about when you played football in college or the pros?"

"I don't know Jett, I guess it is just something I don't talk to much about. It is the past as far as I am concerned."

"So why did you quit football?"

"That is a tough one! How can I answer this so you don't get the wrong idea? I think in a way I was going through a lot of what you've gone through the past two years. I loved your mom, and wanted to have a family with her. At the same time, in football, I was surrounded by good-looking men. It was a distraction from what I really planned for myself in life. I set up a couple businesses, and they took off. So I decided to run away from the distraction, and to make a go of a great life with your mom. I think it all worked out for the best!"

"That's cool. Besides you ended up with the greatest thing in the world. Me!"

Dad laughed, and put his hand on mine saying, "That's right Jett." Then in a quick jerk Dad removed his hand shouting, "Oh! I almost forgot! This came overnight for you!"

Dad handed me a UPS envelope. I looked back at him confused as to what it could be.

"Well open it. I don't know what's inside of it?"

I ripped open the top of the envelope, and threw my hand inside grabbing for the contents. I pulled a single piece of paper out with handwriting on it. It said:

Jett, The poem was exceptional. It made me cry. I framed it, and put it in an appropriate place, so when you get famous, I can say I knew you. Believe me when I say you have a bright future as a writer. Thanks for a wonderful evening from an old man who enjoyed every part of you that you offered. You are a wonderful young man, and even though we will probably never meet again, I am sure our minds will keep that one time in an eternity when we did. Russell

"He knew my name and address all along." I whispered in the car.

"Who Jett? Who is that from?"

"Oh, just a good friend that I made recently."

As we drove through the streets of the Hamptons, I couldn't help but wonder if my dad didn't put his hand into my weekend affair. I turned, and stared at him with a big smile on my face.


"Nothing Dad. Just nothing."

He smiled back putting his hand on my leg. I knew then that his love for me was greater than what I deserved.

Next: Chapter 13

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