Sandwich Island

By PT Cruiser

Published on Oct 9, 2006


This story is completely fictional. Any resemblance to real life situations is clearly coincidental.

I previously wrote a story for this web site and received great response. I decided to write a larger more substantial story. In doing so I came up with a book size story that I really liked, so I wanted to submit it by chapters and get people's feedback. I may work this story for a manuscript to send to publishers. So feel free to contact me.

Warning: I will be submitting in sections by chapters. Not all chapters will have graphic erotic content. This story does contain graphic language, sex and situations thought out.

Chapter 10

I looked at the outhouse again from a distance. It looked so brand new to me that I couldn't believe I did the work. "I can't wait until I show Dad and Uncle Jack this, they are going to flip," I thought to myself.

I ran down the newly cleared path that I had started yesterday in my fit, and on to the beach path. In no time I was at the back of the cabin. I listened intently to hear if Dad and Uncle Jack were still talking. I couldn't here a peep from inside. I thought at first they must have left, but then I heard a loud snore.

"Dad," I whispered to myself.

As quietly as I could, I came through the front door. It squeaked really loud. "Man we got to get this door fixed," I whispered. I heard Dad and Uncle Jack moving around in the bedroom.

"Hey guys, I got something to show you!" I shouted out into the cabin.

Dad came running out of the bedroom. He had no idea that he was wearing a few loads of dried up semen on his chest. I tried not to look at it but in no time I started laughing uncontrollably.

"Yours or Uncle Jack's?" I had to ask.

Dad looked down at what I was looking at. An expression of shock appeared on his face, and he ran back into the bedroom. Uncle Jack came out just as quickly as Dad left.

"It's his," Uncle Jack joked, "He can't seem to stop beating off!"

Dad yelled out from the bedroom, "I heard that Jack!"

"C'mon Dad. Clean up! I got something to show you!"

Soon Dad came out of the room, and as I looked at him and Uncle Jack, I saw a certain glow of peace in there faces that I never saw before.

"So Jett what have you been doing all this time?" Dad said still looking embarrassed and flush.

"Well you ran off on me, and Uncle Jack was sleeping, so I decided to tackle a little project. We have to hurry before it gets dark so you can see it!"

"So am I hearing you right, Jack is your uncle again?"

"We can talk about that later Dad. Umm...can you guys do me a favor, and put some shorts on. Looking at your wrinkly old things is getting a little old for me!"

Laughter broke out in the room! Dad and Uncle Jack threw on some shorts, and I took them down the trail towards the beach. When we got close to the trail I made for the outhouse, I made them close their eyes, and dragged them along the trail. I faced them towards the new trail and said, "Open your eyes now!"

"Wow Jett! What have you been up to here with our island?"

"Well I wanted to leave something here that reminded me of this week. I mean all that you two have been through, and my stuff, well let's go down the trail, and you will see."

I rushed the two older men down the trail, as we came to the opening Uncle Jack rang out, "Oh my God Jett! How did you do that?"

"What did he do Jack? I don't understand."

"Adam, that outhouse was a wreck! He has taken it, and built it like the original!"

Uncle Jack put his arm around me and said, "God Jett, we don't know how to thank you. We probably would have spent a lot of money for someone to do that for us!"

"You guys keep saying 'we' when you talk about the island! At first I thought you were just like an old married couple, then I found out you were an old married couple, but now I don't get it?"

"We both own the island son! I bought it with Jack, and well I guess I never really wanted anyone to know I had a part in it. Your mother never wanted anything to do with it, and Jack was supposed to buy me out of it, but after your mother died we wanted it to be our little reserve to keep."

"Wow! That is so cool! The surprises just keep coming!"

"I mean there was no reason to tell you until now I guess! We just always called it Uncle Jack's island."

"I think we should give it a good name, one that sums up this trip. That's if it is ok with you two!"

Dad gave me the serious eyebrow, and said, "I think we can leave that one up to you!"

We all left the new outhouse, and headed back to the cabin. Uncle Jack decided he would cook our lobster feast, and I was glad because there were still many things I wanted to discuss with Dad. Things I had to get out of me to really feel good inside again.

I sat on the bed in the cabin, and Dad joined me sitting next to me. I wasn't sure how to start, but I new what I wanted to know, and what I wanted to say.

"So Dad, what made you guys plan all this stuff? I mean it all just seems so weird to me."

"Well a professor of yours called me, a Doctor Bob."

"Doctor Bob called you about me? He's my English professor."

"Yeah, that guy. He first explained to me that he hoped that I would talk to you about a career in writing. He says you are an exceptional writer. Then he basically told me that he felt you were having issues about your sexuality, and that they were affecting you in class."

"What? Professor Bob is probably the gayest guy in the school. I mean I swear the guy is always hitting on me!"

"Now Jett, me and Uncle Jack may be fools here, but we aren't stupid. We called your coach, and some of your other teachers, and they all agreed with the fact that you were definitely showing signs of lost concentration, poor schoolwork, and social alienation. Uncle Jack is a psychiatrist by profession you know, and he thought for sure you were having sexual conflicts going on too. I agreed, because you weren't acting like my Jett anymore."

"What do you mean I wasn't acting like me?"

"I thought you were hot for me Jett! You kept looking at me like you wanted more than a father all of a sudden."

"Oh Dad! Oh man! I am so sorry. I thought I was hiding, and handling it so good. When I started college, I was meeting people who were openly gay, and they were normal. People like Doctor Bob. I knew I always liked to look at other guy's cocks, so I just kept rationalizing it in someway, and kept saying in my head that I was straight. It all got worse, and the next thing I knew I was noticing the way guys were treating me, or touching me. There were just some guys giving me the impression they wanted more than friendship. I started fantasizing about these guys, or other guys that I thought were, you know, kind of hot. I felt like someone would find out, and my whole life would come to an end. I thought you and Uncle Jack would hate me if you knew, so I kept it all in, and told no one. I just hated it, and I hated myself at the same time. Then the dreams started. I would dream of having a sexual encounter with a man, and couldn't help but feel that I must be attracted to that person. They were like nightmares to me. Dad I dreamt I had sex with you; even worse I have already beat off thinking about your cock! I thought I was crazy Dad, cause what kind of person in their right mind wants their dad's cock!"

I started weeping out loud. My dad pulled me into his chest, and held me.

"That's ok Jett. That's ok son. I am sure there are a lot of homosexual men who admired their dads. My dad never showed me any affection. I never saw him naked. I didn't know what a naked man looked like until High School, and then I was in awe by that picture. I wanted to be open with you. I wanted you to experience all of that as something normal. Now I keep thinking that I may have made you this way. "

"Don't blame yourself Dad. If there is anything I do know in this world, you are a great Dad!"

"You are the greatest son Jett."

"When I saw you two in the cove, I was so frustrated. I wanted Uncle Jack to be my first. I was sure he was gay, and he seemed so interested in me. Then there you two were making love. When I saw you with him, my perfect male role model vision of you was burst. I wanted to be so much like you, and I was still hanging on to your heterosexuality as a model to make myself straight. The ironic thing is, I think we are alike Dad!"

"I guess at 50 people still make big mistakes. We made this plan. We thought if you saw us together, you would think man-to-man sex was all right. Jack was supposed to be talking to you about sexuality, and instead he started coming on to you. He was falling for you Jett, because I was such a fool about how I felt for him! When I saw your face after you discovered us, I felt your pain so bad. I just wanted to run to you, and take it away from you."

"I wanted to hit you, I was so angry. I don't want to be gay Dad! I am scared to death right now. Then this morning when I couldn't get you to admit that you loved Uncle Jack, or that you were gay, I couldn't imagine what you thought of me."

"Jett whether you are gay or not makes no difference to me. I love you, and admire you because you are Jett. I have been stupid Jett. Admitting I was gay was like ruining a perfect picture. I learned a lot from you this morning son. I mean with the way I have had feelings towards Jack and even other men, I have to be gay. I love Uncle Jack, and I know I have loved him my whole life. I loved your mother very much too, but I never really stopped loving Jack. I mean he does so many stupid cute things all the time!"

We both laughed out loud.

"Well I kind of made a plan for you too Dad," I confessed. "When Uncle Jack came after me yesterday, we talked about so much. He made me understand all about you two. I knew you loved him, by just recalling all my memories of you two together. So I am not sure if I did this because I was so angry with you, or if I thought it might make a difference, but I devised a plan to make you jealous. I thought if you thought we were an item you would be afraid of losing him. Are you mad?"

"No Jett," Dad laughed. "I must say you two made me feel like I was going to lose him, but it was a combination of two things that woke me up. I told the man that I have loved my whole life that he was no more than a piece of meat to me, and I couldn't tell my only son, that I loved a man because I was afraid. When you say you are scared Jett, I know exactly what you are feeling."

"It's hard isn't it?"

Dad looked down at his crotch, looked at me with his serious eyebrow raised and said, "No it's soft, but if it ever gets hard again I will let you know!"

We both burst out laughing.

We all just finished Uncle Jack's lobster dinner. As we leaned back on our chairs, tired from the day, and the excess food that sat in our bloated stomachs, Uncle Jack let out the loudest burp into the kitchen air.

Dad turned up a sour face saying, "Jack that is so disgusting!"

"Is this what we are going to have to live with in our house from now on, Anne will toss him out on his ear! So what is the story with Anne, I never got it straight?"

"Adam do you want to tell him or should I?"

"I am afraid your version would be twisted!" My dad snapped. "Anne was severely beaten by her husband who is currently in jail. She came to me for a job, and I always enjoyed her company, so I talked to her one day about a proposition. She couldn't make ends meet, and I needed a housekeeper and companion. I thought I was treating her as a cheap hired companion at first, but then I realized she loved the situation. She loved you Jett, and because it kept working I started gaining her confidence. I told her about Jack and me. She told me about her husband. So you know how everyone has a person they can share all their personal things with, well mine is Anne."

"Mine is you Uncle Jack!"

"I think my closest one is you Adam. I never had anyone I could share with until you came along."

"Son, there is no special one at school that you can share with, or is there any guy who you are interested in dating?"

"I think I spent the first two years of college hiding my sexuality from everyone, and not meeting anyone. There is a guy though. He isn't a student, but he is close to Mom's description, because I really think of him a lot. I just don't know his sexuality!"

Dad gave us his serious eyebrow look and spat out, "The funniest thing that has happened on the trip so far was when you lit up that cigarette Jett. I thought I was going to roll on the floor dying when you were hacking outside."

"That was a good one Adam, but also when I came out of the room naked, and he started singing about hung horses!"

"Oh yeah! That was a good one Jack!"

"Wait why are the funniest things all about me? I think the funniest was when Dad came out of the bedroom with all of his cum still sitting on his chest!"

"That was funny Jett! Sorry Adam I am going to have to vote for that one!"

"That wasn't funny! That was just embarrassing!"

"Yeah but how many kids in this world can laugh at their fathers in a situation like that! You are a lucky kid Jett!"

"I know that now Uncle Jack!"

"Why did you change back to Uncle Jack son?"

"Oh! That! Can I save that for our next trip here!"

All of a sudden the cabin went dark.

"The generator!" We all screamed in unison.

Then I heard my dad's voice ring out in the darkness, "Good night Jack Paul!"

"Good night Adam Marcus!"

Silence filled the room.

"Hey no one said good night to me?" I shouted out.

They both shouted out, "Good night John Boy!"

"Hey! I am not John Boy here!"

We left that beautiful island a few days later just as it was when we arrived. Although we had all changed, the physical land we visited would remain the same. We would go back to our lives different when we returned. We might be more at peace maybe, or more uncertain. I would certainly go back into training with confidence, and pride. Dad and Uncle Jack would have to figure out how to make their life work, but I was sure they were more than competent in knowing how to keep a gay relationship safe from those who didn't need to know. But we would all be afraid still, because we all shared one thing, a life that wasn't most people's picture of a perfect life.

Next: Chapter 11

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